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Anyone here gaming for less than 5 hours a week?

For a while there I was probably sending more time on gaf than actually gaming... But I've put more than 5 hours a day on ffxv since I got it 3 weeks ago... So if say the gaming spirit is strong still, even if it's come at the cost of my sleep.
I go in phases. I switch my attention between audiobooks, TV, podcasts, and screwing around on the web like with NeoGaf or Reddit. Right now I'm in a gaming drought and haven't played in weeks. I expect to pick it back up soon and continue on with my Dying Light playthrough.
I play an hour or so every night during the week and never much on weekends. It's part of the reason I didn't beat a game all of 2016.


I chip away at my big games (Uncharted, Tomb Raider etc) but I do find that with such little time I tend to lose interest.

Other than that, Rocket League
Mostly hearthstone and street fighter. It sucks because I keep buying games like an idiot, knowing damn well I have barely any time to play them.
Ups takes up like 14 hours of my day
During the summer I'm lucky if I get to game for more than two hours a week. I work 60-100 hours a week (no joke. Off every other weekend). During this time of year I usually can get in ten or more hours a week.


If ya include the random couple matches of hearthstone a day I sneak in during bathroom breaks at work and during my commute, I probably just eclipse 5 hours.

Otherwise, I prob get 2-3 hours of week of console/pc gaming time.


Yep, < 5 hours of gaming time per week for the last 2 years or so. Nintendo Switch can't come soon enough!


Kudos to all you here who are still plugging away with reduced gaming hours!

I play probably about ~5 hours a week too.

How do you guys manage this when making your way through longer single player campaigns, e.g. RPGs? I can really struggle to stay dedicated because it seems like I'm barely making a dent in a large task when I do play one for only an hour at a time. Is it that you kinda just avoid those games and stick to shorter, more linear ones?
I'm vacationing right now so i'm playing five hours per day. It feels great.

Other post makes it sound like i'm always in vacation but it's not true!
I have been recently. I don't want to play any of the games. I'm waiting on a The Division update with no release date, ME3 to launch, or for FFXV to hit $40 on digital code. I'm watching tv and anime in that time instead.

These lulls are rare for me though. I usually play games about 7 hours a week during normal times and 15+ if I'm super into a game at the moment.
I play from about 9pm (after we put our daughter to bed ) until midnight almost every night. Mon and Thurs I watch some TV with the wife before I head into my gaming room.

I get 13-15 hours M-F. The weekend can go from 0 to 20 if I'm really in a game.
Being honest most my game time atm is spent on Panda pop and will.play my 3ds on my lunch break every now and then.

Hopefully the Switch will change all this again. Console seems to fit my needs perfectly


I just finished Zero Mission on Wii U VC (awesome game), and right now I'm trying to decide which old Lord of the Rings game I feel like playing (just watched all the movies again, reading the Silmarillion atm, jonesing for some LOTR gaming).

Also playing this REALLY shitty game called "the waiting game". It's about my life up until March 3rd when the Nintendo Switch launches with Breath of the Wild.

Live with S.O, full-time job (9-5 gig), have a 4-month old puppy, and also creative endeavors that I dedicate time to as well. I miss being a kid and having all the time in the world.


Single life here.
Plenty of free time.
Working in game dev industry.

5h is sometimes a day, not a week.

If game gets me for real, I am able to play 10h a day.

I did like 20 hours of FFXV in the first week, but only 15 hours total since then. Not because the game is bad, I'm loving it, just busy and when I'm not busy at work or having a life I sorta enjoy just laying down and relaxing.

Gonna finish it before Horizon and BotW come out though.


Considering gaming has become my second-tier hobby the last few years (writing being the first) it definitely happens. A side effect of this is that long games stress me out to no end. I recently started FFXV and with the 1-1,5 hours I get in most nights I'll play it for months before I finish everything. And my backlog/wishlist on steam is massive. I would actually prefer working part-time since I'd have no problem getting around financially and I would have more time for life and hobbies. Too bad there aren't that many jobs that offer that unless you have kids, and it is also very frowned upon by others for some reason.


Why are you in this thread then?

Good point.


Witcher 3 would destroy you guys.

Being a huge fan of the series, I crow barred time into every facet of every day to get that game and the expansions done to a degree I was happy with. The vast majority of the time played involved playing in the early hours of the morning and sacrificing sleep.


Some weeks I play more than others of course but I don't use to play more than 5 hours/week for at least a year.

Puzzle games and Nuclear Throne when I play alone or co-op games with my wife like Overcooked or Lovers in a dangerous SpaceTime are the majority (The Witness this year I played several weeks last year, as well as Picross, Lumines, Threes...).

And during holidays long games, last summer I only played Witcher 3 for example (I could end it in 3 months with 97 hours played, but counting the whole 3 months of summer).

Also, this weekend I hope to play 3 straight hours to a Rare game...


30 minutes to an hour a night if I'm lucky but then a few hours in the weekend. RPGs are pretty much out of the question unless it's portable and I can play at work. One reason I'm excited for the Switch is I can try to fit time in at work to play and the fact that it's the same game when I get home if I want to play it on my TV.

Unfortunately gaming as an adult with responsibilities ends up being play 1 chapter of a game, do 1 mission or some quest and quit for the night. My advice is do not become an adult.


Pillars of Eternity. Starting a new job in a couple weeks that pays more while having to work less. Right now I dont have the energy for gaming after work.


I can go a few weeks without touching a game, then get a long session in on a weekend. I doubt I get 10 hours in a month on average.
this is me as well. on a regular night gaming isn't part of my routine. on a weekend or day off when no one else is available...I'll dive into and rpg or campaign.


That's me. I have a kid who won't go to sleep early.
I've been playing FF15 for the last two months and i feel i'm still at the beginning.


It really varies for me. Some weeks during my limited down time, I feel like playing more, other weeks I may go with no playtime at all. Some weeks I just feel like vegging out and watching a favorite TV series to the end or reading. Kinda a mixed bag for me. Fortunately, I can sneak in some Vita or 3DS time at work at times.
Around 5 hours. I work until 6 but sometimes until 7 and try to exercise between 30 and 60 minutes after. By the time I've showered and eaten dinner it's usually quality time with the GF until she goes to bed, after which I'll get in an hour or so if gaming.

One of my days off is Monday and I used to game a lot then but lately I've been doing other errands.

I'll play Fire Emblem on my 3DS, Overwatch on PC, or Nioh on PS4.


Gold Member
I average around 6 hours a week I'd guess. Between work, my girlfriend, and my other hobbies (drawing, comics, books, movies, cycling), it's really hard to get some game time in. Though right now that average has jumped considerably with Nioh releasing. I'm probably 20 hours in.

I'm usually juggling an online shooter (Overwatch and Siege) and a 3rd person action RPG (Soulsborne, Monster Hunter etc) and a generous amount of indie titles sprinkled in there.


Witcher 3 would destroy you guys.

Not really. I have been playing Witcher 3 on and off since release. Usually for about an hour or so a day. Sometimes more. Beat Heart of Stone DLC and currently working my way through Blood and Wine. I beat BB playing an hour a day. Same with Dark Souls and Dark Souls 3. I will say that progress is hard to come by in Soulsborne games if you play for less than an hour per session.

EDIT: The last month or so I have been playing Overwatch a few days a week with friends.
Me, job, 2 kids.

I love gaming still, read news and everything related to the industry on a daily basis, have a switch pre-ordered, yet my backlog is huge and I am lucky if I get 5 hours of gaming per week.

I recently finished Zelda TTP, it took me several months but I did it and I am working my way trough Shovel Knight right now, almost done with that one.


If it was not for the weekend yes, usually I play 7h at weeks... some weeks I can go to 12h, some maybe less than 5h... it depends on different things...

When I was not married I played a lot more... at least 3h a day... XD
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