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Anyone here gaming for less than 5 hours a week?

I know a lot of devs and indie devs that quit playing games and just dev. I am a wannabe dev, but I find myself losing sight of the magic, and artistic direction if I'm just writing scripts and working on the nuts and bolts with all my free time. So I make sure to get in some game time. I get 5-10 hours a week (sometimes less than 5), all I had to sacrifice was enjoying the outdoors, having sex, and a social life! Woohoo!
worth it.

This also means no facebook, no reddit (gaf, release your grip on me pls), no tv, just shopping working, making, and gaming. At 29 and at this stage in my life, all I can say is 'fuck yeah'


I spend all my free time worrying about what I need to do and end up procrastinating on the internet...games you gotta sit down and commit more often than not, which is hard to do in good conscience. As such I've played like 4 hours each week for a while.


Between school and work, I'm floating around that point now. Currently working bit by bit through Digimon World, with some Overwatch matches here and there.
That commitment thing with games used to get me too. So I said fuck it, I'll just play games as long as I want, even if it's two minutes, and move to the next if I'm not enjoying myself. I sat down to play legend of grimrock last month and finally a game caught my attention enough to compell me to play to the end. Great games will always be there somewhere, and its kind of about what you're in the mood for. So just play what you feel like, when you have time. If you don't feel like committing, don't : ) that's my advice


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Wife, career, two year old and 4 month old boys. What do you think about my game time?

It can range from 3 to 10 hours. Mostly 5 h though.

I'm living with my girlfriend, so we do stuff together usually. Sometimes during the week I game for about 1 hour. It does make it difficult to play single player games. I need to commit at least 2 h in SP game, whereas in multiplayer I can play two, three matches and be done with it.

Sometimes we play together or share the controller (currently alternating between RE6, Mario 3D World, Alice Madness Returns). She enjoys watching me playing a few games, Remember Me and DmC were two of them.

Weekends, usually in the mornings I can play more.


I am usually somewhere between 5-8. With Nioh recently out my playtime has jumped higher though. I can only imagine when me and my wife have a kid that will go waaay down.
I'm at 5 -10 hours a week

I play one long game (currently yakuza 0) and one short game (currently abzu) and switch off depending on feeling.


Typical full time 40 hour work week, s.o., and no kid (yet though the missus is preggers :-D) and I typically get in about 5 hours.

The chunk of that comes on Tuesday nights when I play with the guys on Rocket League for about 2-3 hours.

The remaining hours is distributed across League of Legends playing ARAMS which amounts to about 20 mins/match and time on my 3DS. Right now that is Dragon Quest VII.


*Raises hand*

I made the genius decision to buy my first house 1.5 hours from the city where I work.

I also have a 2 year old.

Lately I've been playing through Diablo 3 and Resident Evil 7 in my spare time.

I'll be trying to finish Horizon: Zero Dawn and Mass Effect Andromeda before my second child arrives in June.

John Wick

I'm lucky if I get 5 hours a week. With a full time job, wife and kids leaves me with very little gaming time. My son is 10 years old and I watch him play through games more than actually playing myself. Luckily except for Rainbow Six Siege he doesn't really play FPS. Which leaves me to play them.


Neo Member
Have not touched my ps3 since I got my 2ds. Mainly play at night before bed. Smash or MHG. Iphone gaming Tap Titans 2. Other than that nothing much.
I often don't play anything for weeks. Or watch anime. Or read. I just watch youtube and browse forums all day. :< Trying to work on clearing backlogs (without stressing too much about doing everything and using every spare bit of time to the fullest). But if one doesn't count VNs as games, I still might fall short of 5 hours a week on some occasions.


I wish I got to game more often but as long as I get to browse forums, read news and watch Giant Bomb videos I'll stay sane.

I'm hoping the Switch will let me play more games since it'll be easy to quickly start up wherever I am.


3 to 10 hours a week here.
I buy more games than I can handle.
I discovered the joy of pick up and play games though. Best are/were Driveclub (done by now), NHL, Dirt Rally, indies.

I go through AAA games one after the other. TLG is done, just finished ROTTR (tedious) and now I'm going through the excellent Dishonored 2 (saves at any time, quicksaves available).


2 kids, job that takes more than 40hours a week usually. I'm lucky if I get 5 hours a week. At least I have convinced myself to not really buy more games so the backlog is slowly dwindling down and I can get new games cheap when it's time.

I do have a Switch pre-ordered though. Hoping I can put some game time in during lunch breaks on that here and there.

The passion is still there, just not the time. No complaints though.
I have the time, but I feel guilty as I get older. Its pretty sporadic. These days I'm more likely to play pick up and play multiplayer games.
Haven't really played anything new in a while now, I am usually too busy or too tired to play lately. Will have to change my schedule by the time Nier: Automata releases so I can enjoy my time with it.


About 10 hours a week. My commute involves a 40 minute train ride each way so I've been slowly going through my Steam back log currently (Witcher 2 is so good).

I play the PS4 maybe an hour every night which is fine for me since that's about how long my attention span runs anyhow.


2 kids, job that takes more than 40hours a week usually. I'm lucky if I get 5 hours a week. At least I have convinced myself to not really buy more games so the backlog is slowly dwindling down and I can get new games cheap when it's time.

I do have a Switch pre-ordered though. Hoping I can put some game time in during lunch breaks on that here and there.

The passion is still there, just not the time. No complaints though.

Similar situation here, although we have a 2 month old. My game time past 2 months has been dwindling to a point where I game maybe 1 hour a week if I am lucky. I do have a Switch pre-ordered as well, and I am not sure if that was a good decision. I do have a ton of backlog on the 3DS, PS4, and PC. I also pre-ordered Nioh, the new Mass Effect, Horizon, Zelda, and other Switch games pre-ordered thanks to the BB Visa offer. I am screwed.


Yeah that's about right for me atm. I mainly just play Overwatch and the occasional other game for an hour or so. It's just hard for me to build up the desire to play games every single day anymore like I used to be able to do.

My playtime spikes alot when some games come around though. Like I'm sure when Horizon is out I'll be putting quite a bit of time into that.


Been working longer hours in a new, more mentally taxing position on top of going to the gym and trying to have a social life. I've been lucky to get in 3 hours a week the last month or two.

Haven't even played Gravity Rush 2, RE7, or Nioh and Horizon, Nier, and Mass Effect are right around the friggin corner. Fuck responsibilities.


Yeah, definitely. Maybe ~3 days a week for an hour on average. Definitely talk and read about games more than I play them lol.

After 9-5 work I kind of want to do more passive things in front of a screen.


6 hours the last two weeks accoridng to Steam: Hitman mostly and some Adventure Capitalist (xD) and a bit of Dota. Hitman is nice as you can get 1-3 runs in an evening.
Since getting the PS4 during launch time, I play a game every 3-4 months if that. I don't think I've gone off games or anything like that, more that most games out there are total and utter shit. Finished Dishonoured 2 which took me two months but enjoyed it, really looking forward to Horizon as well so when the games do come, the PS4 does get used.


It's kind of odd because I probably game maybe 3-4 hours per week but it is 100% by choice. I have kids, a wife, a full time job, lots of friends (lately Star Wars: Destiny has been eating into my gaming time) but none of them are the reason I don't game a lot.

I've just found myself wanting to accomplish something big for the past couple years. I work on several business I'm either trying to get off the ground or just launched. I am also working on some graphic novels with a few people I know. I do a lot of the art for these business like concepts, logo's, etc. and I'm working with various people I know on them. To me, creating something awesome and making a lot of money on it (hopefully, obviously, haha) has become much more important to me then spending hundreds of hours gaming.

I still love games, the industry, etc. so I am constantly on GAF and watching all the latest trailers. And my game time comes and goes in waves, when the business stuff slows down I kick my gaming back up to 10-15 per week or more. Just depends.


Depends. I have a full time job, but it depends on my mood. Sometimes I'll play Left 4 Dead 2 with some friends. That will last a few hours, at least 4-5. Not as much as I used to though. Other than that, I've been playing a lot of Uncharted 4 multiplayer. I mainly play alone. None of my friends have it or play the multiplayer. If my team is decent and it's not a complete stomp, I'll play for a few hours but if I get a team that has no idea how to play (mainly I play Command) I'll shut it off and watch a movie or something.

I'd love to have more people to play the game with. Has to be better with a group.
There are some weeks I don't even hit 5 hours. However, there are others where I get more game time. Being married with children and a career will do that to you.

As far as what I've been playing. Just finished Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright. Most of the time was playing a map or two in bed before falling asleep. Started FF XV using mostly remote play as it allows me to put it down quickly and doesn't pull me away from everything else going on or I get a little time in before going to bed. The only other game I haven't played recently is Elite Dangerous. I'll be getting back into that game soon enough hopefully. When I'm sucked into ED, I don't really touch anything else though due to the time constraints.

I've committed to not buy a lot of games this year. So far only getting Mass Effect A (won't play for several months probably) and Persona 5 (which I will drop all other games for).

When I eventually pick up a Switch, I'm sure I'll pick up a few titles before the end of the year.
If so, what do you play?

Also, congrats on the job, s.o., or kid.

Yup. Maybe about 5 hours..mostly mobile games on the crapper etc. No more long 4-8 hour gaming marathons, The only times that rule has been broken is when a new game comes out. Kids are in school, wife goes to work. I take the day off.

Did that for GTA 5, Fallout 4 etc.


I mosty play Rocket League as i can easily dump and run when needed, if i know i've got a spare hour or so i'll load up watchdogs 2 or something that i can get into a bit.
Yeah that's me. Wife, kid, and other hobbies eat into the time available. Currently playing through Doom, it's only taken me 3+ weeks!


I'm studying for the GRE and taking two classes, so my time to game has dropped dramatically. Normally try to play for at least an hour a day, but now I have less time to write, so gaming is taking a backseat while I get ready for grad school applications.

I'll play a few matches of SF5 when I find 20 or 30 minutes to play.


31 y old, full time job, no wife or kids, but no gaming anymore at all. i am just reading video games forum, watching youtube gameplay or speedrun or fun gaming videos.
i played a lot during 15 years, so it is enough, i want to spend my time with other things. but i am still interested to see what is going on. will zelda switch be good ? etc.
usually me.
I usually play Madden because I can play 3 or 4 games a week, and they take about an hour start to finish, and I'll finish a season once every 3 weeks or so with friends.

Though, I hadn't picked up Madden in a couple weeks and I've played Dishonored 2. Really love that game and I love that I can play a level for about an hour and put it down. Great game too, probably one of my best from 2016.
A typical week would be less than two hours gaming in total which is mainly at the weekends. More and more games seem like a waste of time for me. By choice I'd rather be doing other things instead.

I still buy games but wait until they're heavily discounted because I never get to them quickly anyway and have a large backlog to work through. I'll usually play a single title until it's either complete or no longer fun. Time is too precious to waste on things you don't enjoy so I drop things quickly. Because the games are usually cheap it's no great loss if I only get a few hours out of something before I want to move on.


At the very least 3 hours a day. :p

About the same for me. A couple of hours per day from sunday to thursday, unless there's hangover. Fridays and saturdays I usually spend with my girlfriend.

It's all about what you're willing to let go to make time for something. In my case, I've lessened the time spent on watching TV/Netflix, and use it on playing games. It kinda amuses me, when I hear people I know say they don't have time to play a 15 hour game, but they have time for Netflix binges.
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