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Anyone here gaming for less than 5 hours a week?


Yea, Im about there, job, kids, stuff...

My typical night is finish up with the kids and take my shower by 9:30, go down to the basement and play a few games of Rocket League, and (right now) run some missions or trades in Rebel Galaxy, and maybe some trials fusion (just got back into it).

I was playing Let it Die exclusively for a couple months, but hit a wall in it. Sometimes I'll play Roblox with my kids, they are on a laptop, a tablet, and Im on my phone, trying to make all these obstacle course jumps and they mock me.


I do about that on a good week. My SO is just about ready to deliver our daughter. Exciting times. Right now I'm in the middle of the witcher 3, Dragon quest 7, and digimon cyber sleuth. My main objective is to finish the witcher, but dang it's the never ending story. Very good game, and engrossing.

Oh yeah I'm also getting my MBA. Definitely low on time but I've found a lot of joy in playing games again. There was a good long while where I would just browse GAF and live vicariously through all of you. I've loaded up on handheld games so I can play them on my lunch at work, and even got a vita 2000 with the hori l3 r3 to stream games at work too.


5-10 hours a week. My wife knows my gaming is important so she usually lets me have a good chunk of time of Saturday and Sunday. Its hard to stay focused on large games with this amount of time though... currently playing Watch Dogs 2 and Modern Warfare Remastered. Hopefully I will get a little more time with Horizon...
Mm, Last Guardian right now, but it isn't the most satisfying with so little time. finally borrowed Fire Emblem Awakening! Hopefully now that I remember the glory of handhelds, and with the incoming Switch, I can push that 5 hours to maybe 7ish.

Oh, and Tokyo Mirage / JRPGs work for short play sessions. Just want them in my hands since my gf won't want to watch a grind fest.


Pretty much. School, Baby, and other hobbies keep me from playing more. Even when I do have time, I'm too tired to do much other than zone out in front of youtube videos or podcasts about games I'm too tired to actually play.

I'm actually kind of hopeful for the Switch, though. I was holding my daughter the other night and realizing that having a joycon in each hand would work perfectly while rocking her to sleep.


I definitely don't get to play as much as I used to.

I'd say I get maybe an hour or two in every day during the week. And maybe like 3 or 4 hours a day on the weekend.

I'd say I play too much if I'm honest with myself...all that wasted time I could've spent doing something productive :/
I get about an hour of my own time that's not working or keeping up with a gym routine each day, and I try to split that among my interests, usually a TV show, a book, or a game.

The current game is Dragon Quest Builders, though, and I don't regret spending that hour on it when I do at least.
Too busy with school and hunting for a new job, so most nights I don't have the energy to even think about gaming. I try to hop on WoW a couple nights per week for my Emissary Caches.

If I'm feeling up to it, I'll try to put some time in on my PS4, where I recently started the Infinite Warfare campaign (it's fraking awesome), and am trying to get back into The Witcher 3. I had to abandon my 60-hour save from launch, because I have a hard time jumping back into story-driven games after such a long period.
Yea, I usually only play a couple hours a week. Between work, girlfriend, friends, fam, and gym I have pretty limited time during the work week especially when I also want to watch movies, TV shows, and read in my down time.
With Engineering School, yep. Most of my gaming right now is handled by my phone and will continue to be until the Semester ends and then I can play Zelda and tackle the rest of my games in my backlog


get some go again
i'm at 5 hours or less i would say. my work schedule doesn't allow me to play in the afternoon so i hardly get any playtime. the one game i do play is umvc3 which is perfect for me since i can log on and play some ranked matches and then log off after 10 matches or so. i usually get to play maybe 2 or 3 times a week.
Me... but it keeps me happy. I treasure the hour or so I sometimes get at the end of a 15 hour workday.

A big thing I noticed is that I appreciate my gaming time a lot more when it is a limited resource, something to look forward to. It is really impactful to me.

I can't play something like NIOH after a long workday, but Gravity Rush 2 is so good! Extremely relaxing and it just takes me away.

I get a lot of energy from 'looking forward' to games, but I rarely get the time to finish them.


yes - but it's totally dependent on if there's a Fallout/Elder Scrolls out. few extra hours a week for one of those babies.


Neo Member
Mobile has been my main gaming outlet aside from a few games of Destiny with the wifey. I mainly play Clash Royale, it's perfect for quick bursts during slow work times and between classes.

So I'd say it all totals far below five hours.
I get maybe 3-5 hours per week because wife, job, new baby but this is why I'm contemplating the Switch. It would be easier to play on the go and wherever I want then have to sit down at a TV when I get an hour or so.

why are people like that on neogaf

Why are people like you on Neogaf is the real question.
It's been a lot less as of late. I'm in my final year of University, between finals and applying for jobs/internships in the Games and Film industries I've found that it's been harder to get into games for more than small increments at a time.
Staying up to date is incredibly important as I need relevant information if I want to stand out in the workforce so it's a constant balancing act.


I've really not been in the mood for games for about the past 3 weeks. Mostly I've just dicked around on WWE 2K17, creating original wrestlers/titlebelts/arenas. Popped-in Rise Of Tomb Raider but only lasted about 45 minutes before turning it off (and I really like the game).

As a result I'm feeling somewhat isolated from my regular gaming group of people. Not that they're leaving me behind or anything, but I'm still not in the mood for gaming. I bought a PSVR and RE7 to try and kick-start my interest again. If not, I'll just return the PSVR to Amazon, I guess.


it's a discussion forum for video games enthusiasts , why are people here if they barely spend time playing video games?

I'm taking it that you know of the meta game of many of us on gaf. Who would rather be on here talking about games rather than actully playing them?

Tbh after long day at work playing games is the last thing on my mind.
Five hours is a lot of time to dedicate to any hobby per week for me. There are a strange amount of people on here that say that they don't game at all though. I'm not criticizing you guys or saying you shouldn't post here. I just find it odd. I can't imagine only reading and commenting on someone else's hobby. To each their own though!


Lately I have been hovering around the 5 hour mark. I started dating someone new so that's taking up a lot of my nights so I just squeeze some day time gaming on my days off and maybe a night or two for .5-1hr. Mostly just been playing 2K and RE7.


I'm not sure I measure how much time I spend playing games a week but I'd guess it's under 5 hours on average.

My day starts with waking up at 6AM and starting the drive to work around 6.30-7.00
I arrive at work around 8 and leave between 4-5. I usually go for a 5KM run around 2PM before I leave the office.
I'm home around 6.
I eat dinner with the family and spend some time with them before it's time to put both kids to bed.
Once they're in bed it's usually around 8PM.
There's usually a bit of tidying up or prep work for the next day to be done so I dont 'stop' until 8.30PM.

By that point I'm pretty whacked and the idea of playing a videogame that requires any sort of focus is pretty unappealing. So if I do play a game it's something fairly easy like FIFA or Forza.

Saying that, I did get a couple of hours of Yakuza 5 in on Tuesday so that was good.

it's a discussion forum for video games enthusiasts , why are people here if they barely spend time playing video games?

Hahaha. What a dumb thing to say.


well how are you an enthusiast if you spend so little time on it?

I'm in my mid 30's now with a family meaning i game when i get the oppertunity, doesn't mean that pre family i didnt put in insane amounts of hours a week gaming.

Do people lose the ability to be a gaming enthusiast because they can't log as many hours as they use to?
well how are you an enthusiast if you spend so little time on it?

This is weird. I'm in my thirties. I've been gaming for over 28 years. Life changes, I have much less time for gaming now, but I buy more games than ever and I'm still as passionate (if not more) than 20 some years ago.

Just because you don't get the opportunity to play doesn't mean you can't be passionate about it.
I'm in my mid 30's now with a family meaning i game when i get the oppertunity, doesn't mean that pre family i didnt put in insane amounts of hours a week gaming.

Do people lose the ability to be a gaming enthusiast because they can't log as many hours as they use to?

how about... you used to be an enthusiast, now you are a ... participant?


how about... you used to be an enthusiast, now you are a ... participant?

How about



Ya i wish can i spend more time playing but things are getting busier and busier for me for the past few years, now i would be lucky to finish 2 or 3 games every year outside holidays i would say i spend 2 to 4 hours gaming every week now.


how about... you used to be an enthusiast, now you are a ... participant?

An enthusiast wouldn't have a high end gaming PC that is kept close to the bleeding edge every couple of years alongside PS4 Pro, PSVR, WiiU, Vita, 3DS?

I love gaming, every sense of it, but time is my only enemy.


My fiancée and I got a puppy just before Christmas so I haven't done more than 5 hours of gaming a week since then. Never really had a backlog until now. I miss my downtime.


I play about three hours a week, probably. Not much time for games right now

That being said, once persona 5 drops, I'll be playing about 100 hours a week
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