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Anyone here gaming for less than 5 hours a week?


In a general week I probably only game 4-5 hours usually on a Saturday morning while my GF sleeps. Games are usually multiplayer in nature.

There are two exceptions to this:

I get a flex day off at my work every two or so weeks so I usually play most of that day off unless I have something that absolutely needs doing. This is when I try to finish story heavy games.

I have some friends who game and if we can get our shit together and actually get some time to play together that takes precedence over most other things. If we can get in the same room we play fighters and Rock Band if we are playing online its usually Zombies or GTA
how about... you used to be an enthusiast, now you are a ... participant?

Yeah, a participant with a gaming pc with 2099 games on Steam and 650 games on GOG, a Vive headset, a PS4 Pro, a Vita with 2 full 64GB cards, a 3DSXL, and in a few weeks a Switch.

But since I don't play 20hrs a week I'm a participant.

'Functioning Gamers' is a better label, if you must insist on labelling.
Ugh, that title hit me really deep. I've been thinking about it for a while now, I'm usually too tired to grab a controller after work...

Edit: Geralt & friends in Toussaint deserve my full attention, you know.


Gold Member
Generally yeah I don't play much, but lately I've been giving up sleep to play Yakuza 0. Wife's getting frustrated that I come to bed so late, but I finally beat it so Ill probably be back to playing a couple hours a week now.


OP nailed it. I have a 1 yo who does not let me do anything.
I get some gaming time when he goes to sleep. But then I am so tired I also go to bed along with him


A 3 months old baby has significantly taken my gaming time even much further away. I love her so very much.


Yes, unfortunately. Been that way since I started college, and medical school hasn't been any better in that regard over the last few years.
*raises hand*

Usually I just play one game at a time. Maybe a half hour every other day? It's Forza Horizon 3 now. Was Witcher 3 in 2016 which took me pretty much the whole year.
Kid, enjoy reading more than gaming, game about 5 hours per week by choice.

I mainly play for social reasons. So just Halo 5 multiplayer.


Neo Member
I get maybe 6 hours a week. Between my job, college, my wife and other obligations, there isn't much time to game. Lately, I've been slowly playing VA-11 HALL-A and FFXV.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Recently I have been gaming way way less than I used to. Probably an hour a week.
It varies week to week, month to month.

I tend to go in fits and bursts.

Sometimes I'll be all into catching up on DVR's tv shoes and skip gaming for months at a time, then a good game will come out and I'll pump in as many hours as I can per day/week.

With Halo Wars 2 and Mass Effect coming up.. I imagine I'll be playing a lot.
i haven't played any games this week, but i expect that to change soon when horizon comes out. This week I've actually been spending a lot of time trying to learn how to do some inverted hovering on my rc helicopter.

sometimes i will go for months without playing a game. I am not sure if it's because i am getting older, but I get bored of games more easily now. Most people really like doom, overwatch, and wolfenstein, but i got bored really fast when i played those. The last game that i spent a lot of time with was probably FF15.

It varies week to week, month to month.

I tend to go in fits and bursts.

Sometimes I'll be all into catching up on DVR's tv shoes and skip gaming for months at a time, then a good game will come out and I'll pump in as many hours as I can per day/week.

With Halo Wars 2 and Mass Effect coming up.. I imagine I'll be playing a lot.

same here.


Most days I game 0 hours a week. Makes me sad. I have loads of these new games on my shelf with no energy or will to play them. I never even finished The Last Guardian which is strange because I fucking loved it and I'm pretty sure I'm close to the end.
This is weird. I'm in my thirties. I've been gaming for over 28 years. Life changes, I have much less time for gaming now, but I buy more games than ever and I'm still as passionate (if not more) than 20 some years ago.

Just because you don't get the opportunity to play doesn't mean you can't be passionate about it.

I definitely more play way more than I should, but I can't fathom going down to 5 hours a week. What is the point of buying games at that pace?

Do people here have bigger hobbies, or do you literally have no time? I respect the life choices you guys made, and the following the typical balanced family life. It's not how I want to live, though!

Several of you apparently have some crazy disposable income to just throw it away on games you'll never even finish or boot up. Not knocking you for it, but that's just how it seems to me.
Probably a little more than 5. Around 7 tops and on the weekends only if I have time. Basically been just Bloodborne and killing at least one boss a week. Finished all the endings and going the DLC now.

Main reason isn't because of work. It's just after a long day of work, I don't feel like stressing myself more with Bloodborne. With Horizon coming soon, I'll likely be playing that every now and then after work if not on the weekend.

Best wishes.


Neo Member
I only get to play about 1 hour each day of handheld gaming during the weekdays and about 2 hours of console and PC gaming during the weekends. Balancing gaming while working and trying to get some rest is a big challenge for me at the moment.


I get home from work at 7:30pm, have a pregnant wife, gaming is a luxury lately. Friday nights and Saturday are my gaming days and typically I'll play something like an rpg for an hour or two then hop back on Overwatch for hours on end. I even jump between PS4 overwatch on PC. Typically I can squeeze out 10 hours or so in a 7 day week. I tried to use the final fantasy excuse to marathon FFXV, I got through it short of 1 trophy in a weekend but my wife would rather I not do it again......


I can go weeks without playing at all, then take a day or two where I play 6-12 hours. Then 2-4 weeks without playing again. Once in a while a really great game comes a long and then I find more time. But that happens like once a year.

I just completed Final Fantasy 15. Now I wont play until Mass Effect: A arrives.


whenever there's a new game i want to play, i finish it in a couple of days. that's when i play more than 5 hours a week.

Occasionaly/Rarely this day and age i replay old games but only on the weekends which isn't close to 5 hours since i'm busy with obbies etc.

Usually i come home Late from work (around 6-7 pm) do chores, dinner and just want to relax afterwards..a movie or a TV series do the job just fine
On a busy work week when I'm pushing 60+ hours in the office I probably get around 5 hours a week. Less than 1 hour a work day and then I'm probably out of the house with my girlfriend somewhere chilling.


I play like 2 or 3 hours a week due to school/work. I only play online multiplayer now, mainly Overwatch and Rocket League.


Same here... Busy job (fortunately gaming related), wife, DIY projects around the house...

3 hours a week if I'm lucky. And sometimes I just don't have the energy so Netflix it is...

I made myself a promise to occasionally take a whole day off for some me time (which includes gaming), but those days also just seem to pass without even touching a controller/keyboard.

When I do however find time to game it just annoys me how many updates I need to install on the consoles.
I'm in my early 30s and between having a busy job, girlfriend, commute (2 1/2 hours a day) and working out gaming time is very limited. I get mostly 3 hours per week, if that.

However, I do engage in a lot of gaming culture. I listen to primarily gaming podcasts during the commute and I read NeoGAF regularly. This feeds the hobby just as well as gaming itself, I find.

I recently built my first gaming PC. The sparse amount of gaming hours are spent playing Witcher 3 maxed out at 1440p, which is a magnificent experience, even in short bursts. It wil probably take me years to finish this game at this rate, but I savour every moment. It is not about how much time you spend gaming, it's about how you spend your time gaming.


I'm lucky if I get 5 hours in a month. By far most of my weeks pass without me ever touching a game. It's fine, life just gets busy, and the limited free time I get I'd rather spend doing something with the GF or friends, or if I want to spend some time alone I'll catch up on movies/tv or books. There are just too few hours in a day once you're out of college to give all your old hobbies the same level of attention. I stare at a screen all day for work anyway, I don't want to spend all my free time like that as well.

It's fine though. I used to play a lot of games back when I had oceans of free time. I think I've seen most of what they have to offer. When I play games now it's mostly smaller indie games that don't take up too much time. I'd love to try something like Witcher 3, but frankly the scope of that game is overwhelming to me. It'd take me years to finish (Edit: hah, just saw the post above mine saying the same thing about the same game. Wasn't intentional!).


It is not about how much time you spend gaming, it's about how you spend your time gaming.

I dunno about you guys but I always end up rushing my time when I get it just because its so precious now, like I recently played Far Cry Primal and when I'd get on, I'd just start hoovering up campfires/outposts one after the other. Kinda ruined a part of the game, but no matter what, I can't seem to stop to smell the roses.
I get to play maybe...3 hours a week? I have a baby and part time work, so actual free time is rare, indeed. When I do, I play Witcher 3 and my husband just got me Firewatch. Can't wait to start that one.

One the upside, my daughter now understands "pick a book," and last time I told her to, she went and got the Witcher 3 case. I told her aaaaall about Geralt's adventures with unicorns.
Too much work and crunch in my personal life to spend quality time with my wife and take care of various chores, exercise, and other life stuff.

I still have a passion for games, but I often feel a sense of ardour about starting up or getting into a session with narrative-based games. I guess I find it hard to sit down and and eschew reality and immerse myself in the world and story—which is sad. I also love to take games slowly and thoroughly explore, and I get anxious knowing I don't really have the time to play that way if I ever want to finish.

Another weird change as I've gotten older is that I don't want to play games when I'm tired. I prefer a more passive activity like reading or even just sprawling out like a lazy ass on the couch and doing nothing at all.

Instead I just end up playing a match or two in FIFA or Rocket League.
That's me (running a business and 4 year-old). I tackle one game at a time and make my way through it 1-2 hours at a time, like a book. I've pretty much stopped playing multiplayer games altogether, opting for single player experiences instead.

Last game was RE7 (loved it), next game will probably be Horizon.


On average, yup, about 5 hours. I sometimes get a lucky break and get a weekend day to myself and I can slam some game time back, but its been tough to find time to sit down and clear some of my backlog.

Moving in with my non-gamer SO has killed my game time unfortunately. It was already pretty bad when I lived on my own since I work full time M-F, but I'd usually find the time to consume about 15-20 hours of games a week. When we first moved in together my GF worked weekends, so I actually didn't have to change all that much as I'd basically have all of Saturday or Sunday to myself. Now, she's working the same schedule and is at home when I'm at home, and since she doesn't care for video games at all I basically feel guilty playing them instead of suggesting an activity we both can enjoy. When she's balls deep in scrolling through her social media feeds, I'll play 30 minutes of whatever I've got going on my PC or PS4, but otherwise I only really game on the 45-minute bus ride to and from work. As such, I hope the Switch takes off as its going to be my primary means of gaming for the next few years.

I suppose this is just a natural side-effect of getting more serious with a SO who isn't 100% like you in every way, but I can't pretend it isn't kind of a bummer that I can't do something I legitimately enjoy without feeling guilty about it.


Currently at 0.

Which really sucks but job wife 2 toddlers and we have our own business as well.

Which used to be doable but than I took up the gym.


I suppose this is just a natural side-effect of getting more serious with a SO who isn't 100% like you in every way, but I can't pretend it isn't kind of a bummer that I can't do something I legitimately enjoy without feeling guilty about it.

In a similar boat dude, SO doesn't like videogames at all, thinks they're damaging in many ways. Couldn't disagree with her more but there ya have it. She doesn't actively begrudge me playing or anything like that but it's even a bummer knowing she'd rather I was doing something else.


Can barely get together time to play 4 hours through the entire week.

Currently playing Nioh and Gravity Rush. Nioh for the thrill, Rush for the cozy and jolly. Both games are mission based and I love collecting items in each (XP and weapons in Nioh, gems in Rush) so it makes it easy to jump in and out.

I started RE7 but I want a solid 4-5 hours to spare to make a dent and get immersed.

I'm at this weird point where I will buy all the games I want but don't know when I'll get around to playing them. For example, I know for a fact Im getting Horizon, Prey, Mass Effect, Nier, and Ni No Kuni. When I can actually play them? No idea.
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