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Apex Legends hits 10 million players in 72 hours

Codes 208

According to the big man himself

Well deserved. I’m really enjoying this game.

Edit: immediately noticed the typo. Can a mod change the title’s game to Apex Legends?
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I have no idea why I was thinking of Anthem.

Got mechs on ya brain
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Haha, I don't know why that messed me up so bad, but I'm still chuckling about it.

Here I am, walking down the hall at work, scroll to this thread.

*record scratch*



If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
I almost feel bad for Bioware...almost. They must be pissed at the timing of this.


Neo Member
Technically and gameplaywise it is great.
Unfortunately I wanted Titanfall 3, not another Battle Royale game ...

At least it's free :p
So happy for Respawn, Titanfall 1 and 2 were amazing but just didn't sell well.. Think they really deserve this success. The game is really great to boot!


went back to Titanfall 2 MP and having a blast but it takes a few minutes to find a match. BR is just too slow. I will still play a few matches here and there.
Now we have to wait and see how many expensive skins they can manage to sell. Great job getting so many players in so quickly!
i dont know i dont trust these free battle royals. they never turn out good. last one everyone said was good was fortnite. played it and it was garbage but this is still free so i might try it out if im bored


Im very surprised, i dont like BR games in general, but this game changed my mind.

Really fun to play both in solo and with friends, the ping system is amazing to coordinate even without speaking


Proof you can shovel all SJW shit into a game you want as long as it's appropriate to the context and doesn't treat your audience like idiots.


I dont like BR games and still don't but the ping system and warning system is really good. Well respawn aka OG IW for me changed online gaming witg CoD4....so no surprise they nailed it in BR arena.

Codes 208

this was essentially an overnight hit. It was really smart of them to wait for announcing the game just as they released it, even the leaks were hardly a week away from launch. Giving the other BR titles virtually no room for preparation to counter this. It’s not just a f2p game, it’s a fun f2p game and plenty of people will certainly pay for cosmetics in the same vein as fortnite. And that in itself is a blessing in disguise these days. it’s a f2p game not a p2w shovelware.

While I don’t see this as a Fortnite Killer (it will take a damn chunk out of it though) it could certainly spell doom for the more outdated PUBG and unless activision seriously plans to continue supporting blackout past its usual cod window of marketing. Oh, and also BFV’s if that’s still a thing.
Someone needs to crack the BR formula for PSVR like Firewall did with tactical FPS.
Rec Room has a battle royale game in it. It won't light the world on fire or anything, but being in VR definitely makes the battle royale formula a lot more tense and exciting. I still pop in and play it every once in a while (between paintball matches). If someone made a serious effort at VRBR, I'd be all over it like stink on rice.


I almost feel bad for Bioware...almost. They must be pissed at the timing of this.

I honestly don't think they will be affected too much. Anthem is a co-op game while Apex is a Battle Royale game. This game isn't going to cause many of the people that were gonna buy Anthem to not buy it, in my opinion.


Developers paying off twitch/youtube streamers + the game is free?

Plus super smart marketing - the game suddenly came out of nowhere, so people need to try it first hand to see whether they like it or not, as oppose to all the other games where we get tons of gameplay trailers, walkthroughs, dev diaries etc. and can already judge the game months or even years before it is released. That being said, I wonder how many of those 10MLN or more will stay within the game after a month or two.
I almost feel bad for Bioware...almost. They must be pissed at the timing of this.

I have a feeling The Division 2, coupled with people being able to try Anthem first, mixed with this free game easily able to keep gamers busy until the better looter shooter experience is released...

Yeah, that's going to hurt sales. And "better" is subjective, but that beta didn't do the game any favors, IMO.

Aside from all that, I'm very happy for Respawn. No matter how popular this game becomes, they can always throw the word "Apex" into a Titanfall 3 subtitle and gain the recognition of both. Very good news for the future of the franchise.
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Well deserved. I just started playing yesterday, but I feel that it already makes Fortnite look like ass in comparison.


The tagging and respawn system have made every other BR game unplayable to me now. Odds on how quick everyone else adds in some sort of respawn system?


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
This game is already so much better than every BR already out, it's not even funny. PUBG, Fortnite and Blackout are gonna have to make a lot of changes fast before they start really losing players.


This game is already so much better than every BR already out, it's not even funny. PUBG, Fortnite and Blackout are gonna have to make a lot of changes fast before they start really losing players.

It's great and has elements over Blackout. But by the same token Blackout has it's advantages in parts e.g. Vehicles. And I'm not sure how many people have come off Blackout to this, but Blackout has arguably crisper gun-play - it's still king in that regard.

It's good that they are different. Can enjoy 2 great FPS BR experiences.
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