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Apparently "Mobile Strike" is an adulterous hook up site?

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This is quite truly the weirdest guerrilla marketing scheme I have ever seen. "MILFs in your area want to get down and dirty right now. Will you capture her silo? Play mobile strike! Once you've dumped $100 into the game, you have signaled to the ladies that you're a sick ass a Baller and e-panties will drop like crazy!"


I see that many of you wanted to know what happened with the Chihuahuas. Well I won't link directly to the story because it contains a lot of chihuahua rage and feces but I can tell you that the thread on that can be found by googling "4chan chihuahua problems". Trust me it's all real and it all happened.

This Valentine's Day it has occurred to me that there's one thing that the Chihuahua, Bon Jovi, and I all share: we all gave love a bad name.

Driving into work now but I can commit to tell everyone that tonight this ends. Tonight I will tell her that no longer will I be showering her with legendary resource hammers in mobile strike. No longer will I help boost her base resource production. No longer will our bases nuzzle against each other. Tonight I have no choice to tell her that from this day forward I will be denying her my essence. Wish me luck .

Assuming this isn't an elaborate troll:

You are aware that your 'relationship' with this woman is just a symptom of several larger problems you have, right?

If you actually want this to end tonight, then you'll have to not only dump her, But also delete the game and confront your gaming addiction, and recommit to your family.

I'd love to find out that you brought this saga to an end tonight, but be prepared for a recovery period.


I see that many of you wanted to know what happened with the Chihuahuas. Well I won't link directly to the story because it contains a lot of chihuahua rage and feces but I can tell you that the thread on that can be found by googling "4chan chihuahua problems". Trust me it's all real and it all happened.

This Valentine's Day it has occurred to me that there's one thing that the Chihuahua, Bon Jovi, and I all share: we all gave love a bad name.

Driving into work now but I can commit to tell everyone that tonight this ends. Tonight I will tell her that no longer will I be showering her with legendary resource hammers in mobile strike. No longer will I help boost her base resource production. No longer will our bases nuzzle against each other. Tonight I have no choice to tell her that from this day forward I will be denying her my essence. Wish me luck .

Holy shit.
The problem is really Line chat, the AmiiboGAF line group got out of control, don't even want to think about the "after dark" sub group.

I lost way more than $100, thankfully I got out. Delete your Line account right now OP. You can live without the stickers!
This is why I always steer clear of sub communities as in forums IRC chat, line chat etc. If its worth saying it is worth saying on the forum. I do however appreciate some people like to know their players on a more personal basis but that isn't my cup of tea.

Regarding the quoted post. The $100 was mobile strike and it might have been more since I thought Mobile strike was like spend $5 then a $20 pack is available (with <x4 what the $5 pack had) and so on until $100. Then again it's store might have a pack that is $100 off the bat.

"Horribly addicting"

I'd say "Horribly Boring" is a better description. I don't get it.

Also, just quit now. I'm guessing you have some things to work on if you get addicted one of these games and did not turn away from it the second you got one of those texts.

Get a grip.
These sorts of games are server and alliance dependent. Also money dependent to some extent in that early on timers for everything are really quite short but if you want to keep that level of progress up you're going to need to spend up (or otherwise accept Rome wasn't built in a day and if you look at say Game of war that has been going on for 4 years, this waiting aspect and having your entire army wiped off the map are usually points where players quit entirely).

But from looking at websites Machine Zone (look at who owns "Epic War") seems keen on insanely high timers* (1000+ days) but maybe that is me looking at endgame tech and buildings in ignorance then again considering the average spender is alleged to spend over $500 a year on Game of War there might be some reality. I'm also ignorant of how effective timer reductions are or how many speedups the game throws at you.

*-Edit: Augments research tree takes 162,000 years to complete.


Driving into work now but I can commit to tell everyone that tonight this ends. Tonight I will tell her that no longer will I be showering her with legendary resource hammers in mobile strike. No longer will I help boost her base resource production. No longer will our bases nuzzle against each other. Tonight I have no choice to tell her that from this day forward I will be denying her my essence. Wish me luck .

Come on man... just admit the troll. Either you are in no way 38 or this is just a troll attempt. If this is real.. I honestly think you need to spend some time away from the internet a while. If you wife is real.. she at this point could use some attention.






What the fuck. You're just cheating on your wife here.

Like, that's it? These are your "sexy texts"? Reallllly? Really really?

The shit my GF and I send each other, especially while she's at work, would melt your brain.

Thread still delivers, even if this is a hilarious troll job.


If its real, then it sounds like this "lady of the internet" is MobileStrikes version of a cam girl.

If tis a troll.... Bravo sir.

But the thing that gets me in this whole sordid tale is, as some others have stated. You spent money on MobileStrike? Good god man. Im appalled.


The "get help!" And "now you're cheating" responses are hilarious.

Some people are so gullible. This thread is delivers, though.

It's so blatantly obvious (especially by his last reply) this is troll. But it's hilarious so I hope it keeps up.
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