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April Wrasslin |OT| WrassleMania Sucked

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Mr. Sam said:
Here's a system I just pulled out of my arse to decide a winner for that contest. Whoever wins gets to name the next thread/go down in GAF history.

Miz vs Cena - 5 points
Edge vs Del Rio - 5 points
Undertaker vs HHH - 5 points
Cole vs Lawler - 4 points
CM Punk vs Orton - 4 points
Rhodes vs Mysterio - 4 points
Sheamus vs Bryan - 3 points
Snooki's team vs LayCool - 3 points
Babyfaces vs Nexus - 3 points

Tie-breaker - What match will go on last?

Second tie-breaker - How long will the final match last? (minutes:seconds)

How does that sound?
Ok brah, sounds good.
Really great OP.

Miz vs Cena
Edge vs Del Rio
Undertaker vs HHH
Cole vs Lawler
CM Punk vs Orton
Rhodes vs Mysterio
Sheamus vs Bryan
Snooki's team vs LayCool
Babyfaces vs Corre

Tie Breaker - Miz vs Cena

Tie Breaker 2 - 19 minutes 45 seconds.

Mr. Sam

Edited into the OP:

Mr. Sam said:

GAF WrestleMania Contest: May Wrasslin |OT| ???

The winner of this contest will get the rights to name the next GAF Wrasslin Thread and go down in history as a genius... when it comes to professional wrestling. The system is as follows:

Miz vs Cena - 5 points
Edge vs Del Rio - 5 points
Undertaker vs HHH - 5 points
Cole vs Lawler - 4 points
CM Punk vs Orton - 4 points
Rhodes vs Mysterio - 4 points
Sheamus vs Bryan - 3 points
Snooki's team vs LayCool - 3 points
Babyfaces vs Nexus - 3 points

Tie-breaker - What match will go on last?

Second tie-breaker - How long will the final match last? (minutes:seconds)

Someone remind me to go through the thread just before 'Mania starts to save all the predictions to Notepad or some such. No screwing around, WrassleGAF!


Bret Hart talks about HHH vs. Taker:

"As for the actual line-up, it's been a slow build for much of the card, but for the past few weeks the promos and backstage situations seemed to be rather plain and flat, totally predictable. The Undertaker and Triple H segment with Shawn Michaels played out exactly like I expected, the usual smoke blowing up the rectum stuff, more grunts and then a staring contest, thank God Shawn was there just to add something, anything to it. I suppose there isn't much else these two legends can do as far as buildup goes but it came across to me as having little imagination, the match itself should be one of the better match ups because Taker brings it all the way for Wrestlemania and Triple H can turn it up when he wants to. Triple H has had some hard fought battles over the years, but I don't know if he's ever had his chance to literally blow them away at Wrestlemania but this might be his best chance. Taker, in my opinion, is truly one of the all-time best and time and time again, he has delivered the best match on the show so I expect a good solid match, old school but intense. It could steal the show."

My Predictions:
Miz vs Cena
Edge vs Del Rio
Undertaker vs HHH (HBK will interfere costing HHH the match.)
Cole vs Lawler
CM Punk vs Orton
Rhodes vs Mysterio
Sheamus vs Bryan
Snooki's team vs LayCool
Babyfaces vs Corre

Tie-breaker - Miz vs. Cena.

Second tie-breaker - An hour including Rocky shenanigans.


Miz vs Cena
Edge vs Del Rio
Undertaker vs HHH
Cole vs Lawler
CM Punk vs Orton
Rhodes vs Misterio
Sheamus vs Bryan
Snooki's team vs LayCool
Babyfaces vs Nexus

Tie-breaker - What match will go on last? Miz vs Cena

Second tie-breaker - How long will the final match last? (17:48)

Are we just including match times or pre match promos, entrances and post match stuff?


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Miz vs Cena
Edge vs Del Rio
Undertaker vs HHH
Cole vs Lawler
CM Punk vs Orton
Rhodes vs Mysterio
Sheamus vs Bryan
Snooki's team vs LayCool
Babyfaces vs Corre

Tie-breaker - Undertaker vs HHH

Second tie-breaker - 23:44


NeoGAF's smiling token!
JdFoX187 said:
He won't once Superstars goes off the air. Should take bets on how many will be culled post-'Mania.
I expect the majority of the jobbers to be cut and some Divas possibly.

It'd be awesome if Del Rio came out to this instead of his theme(just the first 45 seconds): Gypsy Pistolaros - Switchblade Kiss Come Close

Anyway still calling it: Rey, Tron Outfit.


Miz vs Cena
Edge vs Del Rio
Undertaker vs HHH
Cole vs Lawler
CM Punk vs Orton
Rhodes vs Mysterio
Sheamus vs Bryan
Snooki's team vs LayCool
Babyfaces vs Nexus

Tiebreaker: Miz vs Cena will go last

2nd Tiebreaker: 24 minutes


Miz vs Cena
Edge vs Del Rio
Undertaker vs HHH
Cole vs Lawler
CM Punk vs Orton
Rhodes vs Mysterio
Sheamus vs Bryan
Snooki's team vs LayCool
Babyfaces vs Corre

What match will go on last? Miz vs Cena
How long will the final match last? (minutes:seconds) 20 minutes tops.


God, this really is our WrestleMania card.

At least it will be fun watching it with Wrestle-GAF.

I love you guys!
this is like the worst wrestlemania since wrestlemania 9

JdFoX187 said:
Never cared for the PS2 Smackdowns. Played No Mercy and a couple others through that generation until SvR '06 came out.

DOR 2 is like No Mercy, it really is.


Alright, let's see...

Miz vs Cena
Edge vs Del Rio
Undertaker vs HHH
Cole vs Lawler
CM Punk vs Orton
Rhodes vs Mysterio
Sheamus vs Bryan
Snooki's team vs LayCool
Babyfaces vs Corre

What match will go on last? Trips-Taker
How long will the final match last? 22:00
I really don't want Taker/Trips to end the show. It would be so anti climatic. O noes can Triple H really end the streak? No he can't because the streak is worth too much money. And then the process will start again next year with Taker vs Cena.
ZombieSupaStar said:
this is like the worst wrestlemania since wrestlemania 9

At least we'll be watching it together. It'll be hype lol.

Plywood said:
Anyway still calling it: Rey, Tron Outfit.

We should also do a vote on What Will Rey Wear This Year?

I predict a Green Lantern Rey...


I'd like to join in on this too.

Miz vs Cena
Edge vs Del Rio
Undertaker vs HHH ie DRAW
Cole vs Lawler
CM Punk vs Orton
Rhodes vs Mysterio
Sheamus vs Bryan
Snooki's team vs LayCool
Babyfaces vs Corre

What match will go on last? Cena-Miz
How long will the final match last? 27:00


Again copying my text and forgetting to either bold both 'Taker and Trips or delete the 'i.e draw' statement

Sheesh :(

Also Mr.Sam you should set a specific time on Sunday so you can set up the thread and post the cumlative stuff before WM


Second Observer of the week is up. The lead story is a history of WrestleMania that's too long for me to put in one post. If anyone's interested, let me know and I'll split it up and post it.

Dwayne Johnson interview with MTV News where he talked about getting involved physically at the show, saw him also make the cryptic remark that “Like with any show, like with any movie, you want to make sure the final 5, 10 minutes of the show are worth every penny.” That would seem to indicate either Cena vs. Miz goes on last, and the show ends with his angle, or the Cena vs. Rock angle will take place at the end of the show regardless of where Cena’s match is placed. Since Miz has been a part of the Cena/Rock angle, my feeling is Cena vs. Miz should go last even though as a match itself it is not thought of as the “main event match,” which would be Undertaker vs. HHH. But the main event on this show is not any match.

We’re told it was pressure from the Army National Guard, a major company corporate sponsor, that was upset about using the national anthem as a cheap heat getting vehicle which ended up costing agent Fit Finlay his job as noted in the last issue. There is the obvious speculation that this could be a “lay low” type of thing and he would end up being brought back, similar to what happened last year with Bryan Danielson. Time will tell and in the end, it’s probably up to the people applying the pressure and if they would feel double crossed or not care if he’s brought back in a few months. It’s a multi-million dollar sponsorship, and more than that, because of wrestling’s reputation, WWE is very skittish about any publicity regarding sponsors leaving because they have a harder time getting them than most entertainment entities of similar level popularity.

The Hall of Fame speeches are being scripted this year. Animal did an interview and mentioned the WWE writers were writing his speech and how there wer certain guidelines he was given about what can and can’t be said. Hopefully without having to end the show and have it edited in time for a USA Network show that night, the rigid time limits that marred the show the past two years won’t be in effect.

Calvin Coulthard, the 24-year-old son of Michael Cole, now works for the company in TV production and travels with his father.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Ooh, prediction time, huh?

Miz vs Cena
Edge vs Del Rio
Undertaker vs HHH
Cole vs Lawler
CM Punk vs Orton
Rhodes vs Mysterio
Sheamus vs Bryan
Snooki's team vs LayCool
Babyfaces vs Corre

Last match: Cena-Miz
Last match runtime: 18 minutes from bell to bell.


Miz vs Cena - 5 points
Edge vs Del Rio - 5 points
Undertaker vs HHH - 5 points
Cole vs Lawler - 4 points
CM Punk vs Orton - 4 points
Rhodes vs Mysterio - 4 points
Sheamus vs Bryan - 3 points
Snooki's team vs LayCool - 3 points
Babyfaces vs Nexus - 3 points

Last Match: Miz vs. Cena
Match time: 13:43


The Hall of Fame speeches are being scripted this year. Animal did an interview and mentioned the WWE writers were writing his speech and how there were certain guidelines he was given about what can and can’t be said.

Mr. Sam

ZeroRay said:
Are we just including match times or pre match promos, entrances and post match stuff?

From when the bell rings until it rings again. You guys can alter your times to take that into account, if you want.

Edit: And let's say you have until, um, 11.30PM GMT on Sunday. Any submissions after then will be ignored and any predictions edited after that will be disqualified.


Kind of sad that they're trying to push the HoF as something special and true, yet they go as far to script what the wrestlers can say. That's just sad. At least let them speak from their hearts up there.


I vow to watch some wrestling this month. TNA still come out on thursday?

Gonna set a reminder for monday night.
somedevil said:
Well the earl hebner confrontation made him come off like a unlikable dick heel.
that's his gimmick, he's an asshole and he has gone crazy trying to get his title shot, which Hogan and Bischoff won't give him


First tragedy, then farce.
I've kind of fallen off of wrasslin a bit.. why no MITB match?

Those have been killer for years.


ZeroRay said:
You guys really don't remember how bad 9 was do you? And WM2 was even worse lol.

Unfortunately, this is what I mostly remember about WM9, other than Hogan coming out at the end of it...



Dat bodysuit, never forget...

Anyway, since I was only about seven at that time, I remember it was outside and that was pretty cool, that's about it.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
JdFoX187 said:
Has been for about six to eight months now. He just sort of turned after he got into a fight with the anonymous GM.

Was that really 6-8 months ago? Feels MUCH more recent than that.
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