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Are you ashamed of being a gamer/nerd in public?


Nope, not at all. I'm 34, married and have 2 kids. As long as your being a responsible man doing what you have to do in your life.


I play my 3DS while traveling. It used to make me feel self conscious but now I really don't care. After I got married and we bought a house I have bigger things to worry about than what random jerks on an airplane will think of me.

Also have a few gaming shirts from meatbun but they're not obvious.

I think it's normal to become more secure in your identity as you get older.


I've seen a few posts mention cargo shorts in the last few months. As someone who wears them all the time in the summer (they are just practical when carrying my baby daughter's pile of stuff around!) I had no idea they are apparently a nerd uniform! I prefer trousers for work though, even though I could turn up in shorts if I wanted to. Had to look up Birkenstocks too- the idea of choosing sandals for a brand name is something new to me too...

In the winter we're more likely to need wellies than sandals around here :D

Yeah, cargo shorts are pretty terrible :/


Not at all. Few weeks ago I had a Destiny BBQ at my house and invited one of our non gaming friends to come as well. He had a great time hanging out with us and trying to understand what this Destiny thing was. Lots of laughs.


Yeah, for sure, I will downplay my less than socially acceptable interests in public. Video games, comic books, cartoons, and so on.

But I don't consider any of my hobbies to be part of my identity, so it's not a big deal. I'm not advertising that I like history or watch popular TV shows, either. Always the sort of thing that struck me as weird.


I've seen a few posts mention cargo shorts in the last few months. As someone who wears them all the time in the summer (they are just practical when carrying my baby daughter's pile of stuff around!) I had no idea they are apparently a nerd uniform! I prefer trousers for work though, even though I could turn up in shorts if I wanted to. Had to look up Birkenstocks too- the idea of choosing sandals for a brand name is something new to me too...

In the winter we're more likely to need wellies than sandals around here :D

Cargo shorts are fine, just not fashionable so people lump them in with mom jeans, sweatpants, etc.


I wear video game tahirts onstage most nights and stand in line for a midnight release once a year. Who gives a shit what other people think man, juat live your lofe and do what you want, including playing with fun stuff.
Ashamed? Nah, but I don't exactly advertise it either. The whole "gamer" stereotype isn't exactly the most positive and I don't want people getting the wrong impression.
Considering how insensitive and judgemental the average human is when they find out another person's likes/dislikes don't line up with their own? Absolutely. I barely say anything about my tastes, and if I do it'll usually be a lie. The fact is, it's more socially acceptable to be an alcoholic football hooligan with a criminal record than having any kind of deep interest in technology.
Not usually. I'll talk about games when someone else brings it up, but I don't like it when someone starts telling me all about their level 88 Paladin in WoW (just a made up example) around other people. Makes me pretty uncomfortable because 1) I have no idea what you're talking about or have any interest in that and 2) it probably makes other people think that I do.


I'm 37, married and i have a daughter. I got a great job that pays well.
I wear my Mass Effect hoodie at work. I have figures from Ninja Gaiden, Rumble Rose, Totoro, Mega man, Halo, Dead Rising and Star Wars on my desk in my office.

I ain't giving no shits!
Hm, sort of. Mid 30s here, married, kids. Most of our friends aren't really into gaming though, so unless someone else starts the conversation, I won't really talk much about it.


I couldn't really give two shits. I have a buddy that won't play his 3ds in public. Oddly, this is probably the one facet of my life that I don't care what people think (which obviously should be about everything but whatever).


I couldn't care less, and I feel sad that some people do feel ashamed. The world would be a lot nicer if we could all just be more honest with each other.

I'm a gamer. I played Super Mario Brothers before I knew how to walk. It's all I've known. I'd have to have some serious depression to be ashamed of that fact.
hell yeah

if i have a break in public i'm usually on the phone checkin twitter or instagram or some shit.

i need to be relaxed to play games, usually alone, lol


I'm certainly not ashamed of having gaming as my primary hobby, but at the same time I don't go out of my way to advertise it. I'm not uncomfortable waiting in a line at a game store in a mall, or buying games at Best Buy or WalMart.

But due to my age, I think a lot of people have the expectation that I should be over this hobby. Even my wife asked me what I was going to be doing when I'm 60, still playing games? (I'm 38 now) I was like, well, yeah hopefully.

I think playing video games is still that guilty pleasure for a lot of people. More people do it than will admit they do it, which is kinda sad, but it's still got a stigma after all these years. I think the generation after mine (currently say age 16 and younger) will never know what it's like to be judged for liking videogames because they are so commonplace now.


Not at all. Few weeks ago I had a Destiny BBQ at my house and invited one of our non gaming friends to come as well. He had a great time hanging out with us and trying to understand what this Destiny thing was. Lots of laughs.

What is a Destiny BBQ? Do you move TVs outside and play while you BBQ or is it a BBQ with a Destiny theme? I don't understand...


G***n S**n*bi
Nope. My phone case and key chain both have clearly visible references to pokemon. I also have an 8-bit Adventure time t-shirt I wear on occasion. I jump at pretty much any opportunity to talk video games.

No fucks given over here.

I really don't talk much about video games often though, I must admit. Most people I meet that play video games play madden, MW, battlefield, minecraft, or various phone games. None of which I am into... Sucks, but it is what it is.
Nope. Gaming is my life and hopefully my career soon. People wait in line for sneakers, what's the difference for waiting in line for a game or Amiibo? Be proud of what you are and don't pay any mind to people who think they're better than you for liking something else.
No. I play my 3DS/Vita in public all the time. Who am I trying to impress while I'm on the bus or waiting in the doctor's office? If asked what my hobbies are, I'll admit that I spend time reading/writing, drawing, and playing games. I don't care if someone thinks I'm a nerd for liking what I like.

OP, you say that people were giving you funny looks and you somehow "know" that they were thinking you're a nerd (and let's face it, getting your game regalia on and standing in lines in front of game stores while playing games in order to wait for the launch of a game-related product is pretty damn nerdy), but it's completely possible that it was just genuinely curious people wondering what the line was for. It's pretty human to assume that others are examining all our "flaws" at any given time, when in reality most people are too busy thinking of their own stuff. My philosophy is that people can look all they want and I won't think anything of it. It's only when they say something that we may have a problem. I guess this would be more useful for the guy in line who got visibly upset but I don't know how to reach him so... :p


So, you're admittedly a man-child standing outside the game store waiting for it to open on a weekend morning wearing a video game shirt while playing a handheld.

Dude, I'm a game developer and hardcore gamer and I would have given you a weird look. People who project their hobby that much are generally a little too obsessed with it.

To be fair, I'd give the same look to hipster chick with oversized glasses wearing an "I love my cat" shirt, knitting a cat-sweater while sitting in handmade rocking chair outside of a yet-to-open Hobby Lobby.

Sorry but, seeing what game devs wear, I can't believe this is something someone said.

Gaming and geek culture T Shirts are pretty damn common.

Having said that, I don't play my handheld game consoles in public mostly because I like to be attentive to my surroundings. I don't like to read in public either.
I did! I even tried to fight my tastes and all in order to be a "cooler" guy or some shit like that and done some regrettable shit, like selling most of my SNES collection (which I'm since trying to build back). Eventually, not sure if thanks to maturity or some sort of epiphany, I really stopped caring and embraced the stuff that I like as part of me and haven't looked back.
I like gaming. I don't like gaming culture. I rock a Ninja Turtles hat on occasion though I have no gaming shirts (saw a sick sonic hat but ended up passing on it). The whole social stigma around gaming makes me avoid it. Yes I like gaming, no I don't wanna discuss it for more than 5 minutes at a party. I also love basketball, I don't wanna drown people with hours of talk about that upon just meeting either. I just find a.lot of gamers as a whole have no filter for this stuff in social settings.

Doesn't mean you can't have a passion and share it. Me and my bud always posted dumb monater hunter jokes and pictures on each others facebook walls. I posted my excutement for the FF7 remake on social media. But if you don't hqve a filter and you don't know when enough is enough it gets annoying quick.


I wear it like a badge. Im not ashamed for people to know I game. One of the coolest interactions I have had was while on vaction. I walked out of the hotel wearing my 8bit mario shirt when a kid probably 5 to 6 years old said look mom he is wearing Mario. I smiled and asked do you like Mario? He gave an enthusiastic yes. I smiled at the parents and looked back at him and said that is awesome. We slapped five and I walked away knowing that kid knew what was up.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
31 and I wear star wars and marvel shirts in public. I could give two fucks what people think about me....as long as my wife is ok with it. lol.


That is not how I present myself to the public, but I would not be ashamed to do so.

That said, the GamerGate shit has made me a little reluctant...
Depends on context. I'll happily plug away at MH4U on public transport or in waiting rooms. I don't give a toss whether strangers sit in judgment or not. But when it comes to the workplace, I'm much more reluctant to discuss games, and when I do it's with no small amount of embarrassment. I think that says more about me, though, and the conditions under which I grew up.
It depends. I remember bringing my portable consoles at the Opera just to be a bit "punk" but feeling a bit unconfortable at times ;-)
Also I was a bit embarassed while playing Nintendogs during my metro ride and I had to call that stupid puppy by his name.
I remember being a bit embarassed when I went to some videogame shops with my older boyfriend...everybody was like 17, geeky and the smell of sweat was very strong.

But overall I am fine with it. Oh and I'm 38 btw.


Neo Member

I'm 33yo, married, one kid, got a decent and stable job.

I would say .... "it depends".
For my job we have a strict dress code, I dress like a "salaryman" to go to work.

Outside work I wear ripped jeans and other stuff I feel comfortable in.
However, I wear my nerdy t-shirts only when I'm with old friends. I prefer to be with people who understand, I din't like to explain much.

I love my one piece t-shirt:


... and honestly I don't really care what people think when they see me. What may annoy me is some "friends of friends" sometimes bring their judgmental opinion about who I am and and ask shitty questions.
It depends on my mood, I may be patient and educate them about my hobby or sometimes just skip the discussion and go somewhere else.

I love my Totoro t-shirt (my wife loves it too):


It renders me very huggable :D

Anyway, I'm not too vocal about my passion for video games or nerdy things. Not because I feel ashamed but simply because I prefer to avoid dealing with judgmental persons. I really don't have time to educate everybody.

Also, I can play comfortably with my 3DS and PSvita in public places. No problem at all.

Ah, and when I see somebody wearing a nice nerdy t-shirt I systematically compliment them. 100% of the time they're very happy about it.
When my phone isn't on vibrate (it's on vibrate 99% of the time), I use the MGS "!" sound and the codec call as my text notification and ringtone. They're fucking rad, man.

Outside of that, a random person wouldn't be able to tell that I enjoy gaming.
No I'm not. Then again, I don't dress like what the internet considers a neckbeard, basement dwelling nerd. However, I do talk about videogames with my co-workers, friends, and potential dates. Gaming has been a really important aspect of my life, and whoever doesn't approve of it can shove it up theirs.

Last week, a girl at work asked me if I played videogames every day. I took offense in the way she said it in that it implied that her opinion of me is that's all I do when I'm home. What I wish I could have told her is "if I do, why does that matter?"

I have an action figure in my desk from the movie prometheus, along a Half-Life coffee cup and desktop background of HL3. I organized people in my office to get some gaming systems in a conference room. I've wore gaming/nerd themed clothing in the past. Like I said, gaming is an important part of my life and I'm proud of gaming culture.

Lastly, I don't really talk about videogames with people I don't know, nor do I bring that as the first topic of conversation when I meet new people.


Not particularly, no. But I will only be 100% comfortable when I feel like I'm around people that share the same interests. I don't usually like wearing gaming t-shirts or other pieces of clothing unless they genuinely look good instead of just serving the purpose of displaying the game they're designed for.


Unfortunately, yes. It is a little embarrassing. I LOVE video games. More specifically - I love RPGs. They are one of my passions in life, and I don't really have anybody to share it with. I don't bring them up with anybody, and nobody that knows that I like them (or just games in general) mentions them to me at all. It's like they walk into my house and ignore all my gaming systems.

I feel like I am and will be judged for being so passionate about these games that the majority of people simply view as a child's pass-time. I wish I didn't feel this way. My wife tries to feign interest when I'm really excited about something, but that's pretty much it. Ultimately I know she's just humoring me. And that's the one thing I don't want. Which is why I keep to myself about my hobby to non-gamers. I want to have a conversation, not feel like i'm trying to sell them on something.

I wish I knew people in my everyday life who are as into games as I am, but I guess that's what the internet has afforded me in a way.Better than nothing i guess. At least I have GAF ;_;


I'm not ashamed but I don't particularly advertise it. If you didn't know me very well you'd have no idea how nerdy I am and I'm okay with that. I don't really every talk about videogames with anyone, that's what I have GAF for.

I do think "internet culture" is dumb as shit and embarrassing though and I choose to keep my distance from that. Unfortunately there tends to be a cross-section between this and videogames.
Nah, I'm 23, 6'5, weigh around 300lbs. Anyone that tries to start some shit knows they gettin tossed. I was like king of the nerds when I was in high school
I had this one job interview a few years ago, where that one guy asked me if I had heard about Battlefield 3. I answered that I had heard about it but didn't play it, because I had no interest in that particular game. He then proceeded to talk about the game for like 20 minutes straight... and I was just sitting there and listening to him... it was a bizarre expierence...

I was at the dentist getting a root canal and somehow the topic of gaming came up, and the dentist started ranting about Total War: Rome II getting good review scores when it was an awful game, all while poking my mouth with sharp metal bits.

Also a bizarre experience. Good distraction from the dentistry going on though.
Not at all. My son and I have matching Dark Souls t-shirts that we wear regularly, I play whatever portable system I care to bring on the train commute in to work. I listen to video game music. Gaming is my thing.

I used to get shit for it when I was a kid. Then I grew up and stopped caring, and I'm pretty sure the kids giving me shit stopped caring too.
I should add...

One of the more embarrassing conversations was when I was looking up games on my phone during a luncheon at work. Obviously being surrounded by white collar professionals, me I was just starting out at my desk job it's obvious none of them were into games, more sports, TV, and TMZ related current events, on top of the usual contest of their kid is better than yours.

So when they want to break the ice they see me looking up say, Xenoverse PQ stuff on my phone, they see that and go "Oh! Dragonball Z, My 13 year old loves that game" out loud and people (women) look at me with the usual smirk as in "OMG what a manchild" and I can't help but feel a bit insecure. So I downplayed it and said. "Yeah, that advertisement is all over the place."

I think since I'm not the married type, it's a bit embarrassing. If I were a family man, I could of easily said, "yeah my kid loves it too and I was curious to know more." but I don't have that to fall back on. Hell, even CoD is considered kiddy to them in some extent because parents have kids that play it all the time.

Chalk it up to living in the valley, people are shallow as hell.


Nope although I've never really liked wearing obvious gamer t shirts or the like (purely on personal taste - I tend to very minimalist looks and avoid film/music/game gear as it doesn't really deliver that look) but I'd never hide that I game.

I'm sure it can be an issue though particularly if you're easy to pin down by your appearance.

Lots of people have lots of wacky hobbies and I don't even consider gaming that wacky next to many I know colleagues enjoy so I figure the issue is with those doing the ridiculous judging.
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