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Armed group planning a "Draw Muhammad" contest outside Mosque

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Growing up in Kansas I have had more than enough experience with some certain notorious harassers. I also know what they are doing is not illegal an any way.


Can vs should and all that.

I just wonder how these folks would feel and react if Muslims came and protested "peacefully" in front of a church...with guns.

I'd be curious to see that as well, but I doubt you'd find many (if any) Muslims who'd mock Jesus like this.

He's considered a prophet in Islam, like Muhammad.

If Allah hits em with a bolt of lightning, i wouldn't be mad at all



A bunch of armed people surrounding a place of worship while desecrating a religious icon. Sure doesn't remind me of anything bad!


Persecution Complex


I'm all for mocking religion but at the same time I think this is way out of hand and a blatant attempt to instigate for the sake of instigating.

Make fun of Mormons, Catholics, Muslims etc. but doing right outside of there specific place of worship is crossing the line IMO.


Isn't this approaching cross burning as free speech? It's illegal in most cases if I recall

I think cross burning is illegal if it's not done on one's own property for obvious reasons like vandalism, trespassing, and breaking safety and fire code. I don't believe the act itself is illegal, it just happens to work out that trying to intimidate somebody that way violates tons of other laws.

This seems tasteless.

Yes. I'm convinced these are the kind of people who want to bring about WW3 so that Jesus can come down from heaven and rescue them from all the liburruuls and take them to the great big trailerpark in the sky.


I guess freedom of speech is a double edge sword. Seems to me the Draw Mohammed stuff mostly gets used as a way to openly hate on Islam without sounding racist.
Yeah, they're blatantly trying to start a violent conflict. Fuck these bikers.

True, but people should still never be targets for violence simply for drawing cartoons about a religious figure. These guys are complete dicks, and they're definitely attempting to instigate something with this. Of that there can be no doubt. However, without supporting any of the offensive discrimination they as a group stand for, a part of me really doesn't mind seeing them challenge or defy the kind of stupidity that would make people who choose to draw cartoons about their prophet targets.

I do wish a very different set of people would have gone about it in a better way, however.
True, but people should still never be targets for violence simply for drawing cartoons about a religious figure. These guys are complete dicks, and they're definitely attempting to instigate something with this. Of that there can be no doubt. However, without supporting any of the offensive discrimination they as a group stand for, a part of me really doesn't mind seeing them challenge or defy the kind of stupidity that would make people who choose to draw cartoons about their prophet targets.

I do wish a very different set of people would have gone about it in a better way, however.

There's a reason you only see certain types of people behaving this way.
So, the people from the mosque should sit outside of the Mosque and draw a bunch of shit about the bikers.

Draw some pictures of them with guns up their assholes? Exhaust pipes up their assholes? Maybe some doing a little fellatio on one another or better yet, to jesus?

That would be pretty great.

I would like to see how that would end.

I would assume some serious hypocrisy.
On one hand, it's an extremely disrespectful, shit-stirring move clearly being done out of spite.

On the other (and not that this is any justification) I'm not sure this'd be happening in the first place, if the shooters from the previous incident just respected freedom of speech and didn't turn this into such an easy, hot-button, target.

Maybe it's hard for me to sympathize cause I'm not a regular church-goer, but I imagine if I was, (outside of being disturbed by them being armed) I don't think I'd give two shits about them drawing their stupid doodles. The power and impact of these drawings is directly hinged on how offended and worked up the targeting party gets.


On the other (and not that this is any justification) I'm not sure this'd be happening in the first place, if the shooters from the previous incident just respected freedom of speech and didn't turn this into such an easy, hot-button, target.
Because they share the same religion though? This mosque, as far as we know had nothing to do with any of the previous shootings except that one of the shooters used to go there.


( ≖‿≖)
So, the people from the mosque should sit outside of the Mosque and draw a bunch of shit about the bikers.

Draw some pictures of them with guns up their assholes? Exhaust pipes up their assholes? Maybe some doing a little fellatio on one another or better yet, to jesus?

That would be pretty great.

I would like to see how that would end.

I would assume some serious hypocrisy.

Let us know when someone gets murdered for drawing a biker.


Is it harassment when Christians picket health clinics with blown up pictures of aborted babies?

These people are idiots and I won't be sad if any of the bikers do get injured, but protest is protest - it can't always be for a cause we support.


Is it harassment when Christians picket health clinics with blown up pictures of aborted babies?

These people are idiots and I won't be sad if any of the bikers do get injured, but protest is protest - it can't always be for a cause we support.

I don't know, do anti-abortion protesters normally bring guns with them under the expectation of there being a shootout?


Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. My sister lives in Tempe and her family goes to that mosque.

I swear to god I hope these people get no fucking mercy if even a single thing goes wrong.

"Bring guns". Fucking hell.

Edit - just texted her husband about this. I hope they don't go that day
Because they share the same religion though? This mosque, as far as we know had nothing to do with any of the previous shootings except that one of the shooters used to go there.

Yeah I don't think the organizers care enough to make that distinction here. They're trying to make a statement (as misguided and tasteless as it may be) towards an entire group of people. :/

"Bring guns". Fucking hell.

I know this would spiral into a completely different behemoth of a debate, but shit like this makes me wonder why more people don't support gun-control.


Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. My sister lives in Tempe and her family goes to that mosque.

I swear to god I hope these people get no fucking mercy if even a single thing goes wrong.

"Bring guns". Fucking hell.

Honestly, I'd tell her and her family to not show up to the Mosque that day.

It's way too dangerous with those armed goons outside.

In fact, it would be great if no one is at the mosque while this event is happening :/
I mean who expects the protests to work? Seriously? Who expects people to stop reacting while being insulted. Political cartoons and thought out critiques are one thing. Fuck even insults are ok within reason. Post the drawn shit online. Put it in your front lawn. Mural your fucking car with it. Don't be intentionally antagonistic just to be antagonistic. Going to their place of worship, armed and insulting them is the epitome of being antagonistic for no good reason. It delivers no message. If anything it detracts from their supposed one.
Let us know when someone gets murdered for drawing a biker.

Not really what I was getting at.

While these people putting on this "contest" are free to do so, I just want to know how they would react if the people they are antagonizing on purpose with this "contest" exercise the exact same right to have the same kind of "contest" to antagonize them in reverse.

I assume hypocrisy would ensue.


Honestly, I'd tell her and her family to not show up to the Mosque that day.

It's way too dangerous with those armed goons outside.

In fact, it would be great if no one is at the mosque while this event is happening :/

Yeah I texted them as soon as I hit post. I hope they don't. It isn't worth the risk.


I think he meant the other type of cross burning.
What type was meant?
Sorry not American or christain so took it literally.
Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. My sister lives in Tempe and her family goes to that mosque.

I swear to god I hope these people get no fucking mercy if even a single thing goes wrong.

"Bring guns". Fucking hell.

Edit - just texted her husband about this. I hope they don't go that day

Tell her to lay low for the moment. Lots of things go wrong when bullets start flying.
Hope it never comes to that.


Really wanna know what would happen if some people went infront of a church and burnt one down. Don't think anybody would sit around and do nothing.

Funny, it happens way more often than you think and most of the time nothing is indeed done



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