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Assasin's Creed Valhalla vs Origins (Opinions needed )

Which Assasin's creed was better ?

  • Origins

    Votes: 21 42.9%
  • Valhalla

    Votes: 20 40.8%
  • Non of them were good

    Votes: 8 16.3%

  • Total voters
So I have played Assasin's creed origins and the story dlcs and enjoyed at the time but felt burnt out after 70 hours or so of playing the game. It kinda felt like it was 3-4 mission types dragged into 70 hours. That's why I skipped oddessy.

So now valhalla is on sale and I see the review score for it is higher than origin.

Just wanted to see if anyone played both and can give me some insight .

Is valhalla worth it ?


Pretty much the same thing with Valhalla to be honest, it's a basic short story somehow dragged into 60+ hours with insanely repetitive quests and sub stories.

I would avoid at all costs if you're burnt out with Origins. I was at least able to complete that and Odyssey but half way through Valhalla I had enough and sold the game. Really don't understand all the praise the game gets.


It´s more of the same. If you`re not an absolute sucker for the Ubisoft-formula open world experience you will get bored very fast.
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I played all 3(well all AC games tbh) but did not finish Valhalla because I honestly did not like it. The plot is boring af and honestly theres no sense of exploring imo. The only thing I liked are the mysteries/quests you randomly find in the world as they can range from funny to ridiculous. Odyssey is still the best AC ever made, arguably even better than AC2. Origins was kidna boring as well but I did at least manage to finish it so take that as you will. Seems like the preference for AC games are random for most ppl.

I will ofc come back to it once it has all its dlc's and expansions and will try to finish it then but my interest/opinion for Valhalla is meh. Has a horrible start tbh. Maybe it gets better later in the game dunno.
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It´s more of the same. If you`re not an absolute sucker for the Ubisoft-formula open world experience you will get bored very fast.
Only game I have enjoyed from ubisoft in past few years is honestly immortals fenyx rising. For some reason ubisfot formula works for that game due to different puzzles and the world .

Iced Arcade

Playing Valhalla now (not too far in) so far it seems like the developer played read dead Redemption 2 a lot. Almost feels like the same story except Vikings instead of cowboys

point decay

Ive given up half way through ACV, the character and story are just so dull. I did enjoy Origins though, but that was before the open world fatigue set in.


Gold Member
Its interesting to see many think oddessy was the best out of the trilogy . Maybe I should have tried that instead

Odyssey is even more drawn out and padded than Origins, with a horrible level scaling and loot system.

These 3 games are the same, they're all bloated to shit with very similar mechanics. If you're bored of one you will get bored of all of them. Just try a different game man.


I would look at this in the terms as to what historical world you like better. If you are interested in Egyptian history get origins, a fun game. If you fancy Vikings and old English kings Arthurian legends then get Valhalla.


Origins is my favorite of the trilogy but all 3 of them are good. It's less bloated and more focused than valhalla or odyssey.

Stop Making Sense

Neo Member
I did love Origins. Did not hate Odyssey, but it was absolutely an other Game, so iḿ very interested in the Outcome of this Question.

I would have bought the Val.-GoldEd. long ago, if it werent for Odyssey..... Ubi told me to be suspicious about their next Installment^^
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K.S v2.0

I'll say the same thing I say to all the ppl I know IRL who ask me about these games: Wait a year until it's ALL out, then get it on sale.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Both are great in my book, but I enjoyed the setting and characters of Valhalla more.


Finished Origins, couldn't get very far into Odyssey before being fatigued/bored, but did go into it straight after Origins.
Picked up Valhalla cheap, 10 hours in and still enjoying it. Feels somewhere in between Origins and Odyssey combat wise. Like the story, some lovely graphical flourishes (playing on the X) and reasonably stable.
Live in the UK, so also has a curiosity element to it because of the "setting".
Might be worth a rent or weekend loan to dip your toe in?


Valhalla has the worst story/setting of all AC I’ve played, vikings sounded good on papper but in reality it just made you feel like an invading asshole and it completely mess up the stealth gameplay and turn most raids into boring mashfests even if you try using stealth. Haven’t finished it yet though so if things get better later on you can ignore my post, after about 40 hours it’s a 6/10

Origins has the best story of the three new games in my opinion, and Bayek is great, but for me it was too much sand in the end and it made exploration boring. Still a good game and better than Valhalla. 8/10

Odyssey is great. Storywise okay and the game world is among the prettiest ever, even under water, Kassandra is great and the gameplay is solid and rewarding. Haven’t finished all DLC but base game is a 9/10 for me.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
I’m enjoying Valhalla more, the better focus on the main story with the removal of random gear helps me focus on what I like do. No more picking up a side quest that leads you out of the zone you are trying to clear. The gear is set so u can still upgrade it how you want but not constantly getting random shit u gotta check stats of, I’m still using the 1st set of armor cause I love the way it looks when u upgrade it 70hrs in.

Still prefer the old style combat but dual wielding knives and slow time dodge makes me a killing machine too.

Vikings > everything too
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Origins open world setting is probably the best of this gen, maybe the best ever. Just jawdroppingly beautiful and accurate. I've discovered every corner of it, looked into every pyramid. The protagonist is great too, his motivation for revenge is justified and I liked his interactions with his wife. Outside of that the story gets a little messy, like in every AC and the whole thing is not perfect, but it's one of the best games of last generation.

Valhalla I haven't played yet, but barbershop genderless vikings are already a downer.
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I 100% all 3 of them, origin and odyssey twice. Also 100% fenix risen.

Odyssey main game is straight up meh the only thing that saved that is the architecture and combat which was probably the best of the 3 ( combat i mean only ), its more builded for a mmo player then a sony player for example as it has lots of repeatable shit that will grind your eye balls out. which will get teddious to the point u just want it ot be over with, i would never 100% it if you don't know what u are getting into.

The DLC atlantis is what makes odyssey good to even great in my opinion. I would straight up say skip the main game go straight into atlantis but u will miss some story lines at that point. If you however found origin a long process then yea skip the main game of odyssey for sure and Atlantis dlc will serve you well.

Origin theme and actors where good, gameplay was good. enviroment was godly and architecture was godly. The god worlds where also solid. It had a bit of everything. However 100% it can get tedius if you don't like a bit of a grind. First DLC was a snack second big dlc was absolutely fantastic but aged a bit specially after playing the newer AC's. So yea i can see where u are coming from.

Valhalla is more like origin with all dlc's and 40% more content on top of it in the base game. It has everything in it lots of content and lots more fine tunings to make the game a lot more servicable. The only real complain i have with the game is the combat and talent tree is kinda shitty. Its a downgrade from odyssey. There are some systems that simple are not working well such as raids or boats after u leave norway. But in general the game is riddled with content and good content at that. The gear system u etiher like it or hate it, i personally think its a step forwards but still not enough.

But with 3 worlds + 2 god worlds the game is simple great.

I would vote for Valhalla > origin > odyssey

Fenyx great game, puzzles are solid and the world is well done and combat is actually really fun. Main complain the game for me has, lacks heavy amounts of content for the price they are asking for it. Shrines gets old fast, and skills need to be more. Also a bit bigger world with more variety would be nice as there wasn't much on that front. still great game.

Combat wise the game dumpsters the other AC games, but because its so different from ac games and more botw type of game i can't really compare it with the other ones. As combat wise its by far better but then content wise it's probably half that of origin.
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Having played origins, odyssey and valhalla, I would say get odyssey instead of valhalla

It's really sad, the setting, world, characters, graphics of valhalla are great but the story is shit. It's basically do the same thing over and over again which is making alliances


Going to Say Origins of the three...

I kind of liked Black Flag the best though.

Edit: If it's a tough call go with Origins it's probably cheap right now.. Then if you like it get Valhalla later on sale (seems the logical thing to do)
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Golden Boy
I own both and really liked both in their own way.
Valhalla is definitely a fresher game, with a new world. The missions seem thought through so it doesnt feel repetitive.
I’d say go for it.


Valhalla has more small stories and unique situation than most open world
he's almost in bethesda league for number of them but behind for uniqueness.


always chasing the next thrill
never played valhalla so i voted origins.. that is my favorite ass ass game


I’m about 30 hours in and I prefer it to origins the open world is great and there are some fun side quests. The combat however, is still shitty and there seems to be less loot though.
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