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Assassin's Creed Revelations |OT| Requiescat in Pace (56k)


ChuckNoLuck said:
OP is a wasted effort as no one will read even close to one tenth of it. Image hosting for text is also a terrible idea.

I will pick this game up at under 30 bucks.

I read the entire post. Nice to remember stuff about the original Assassin's Creed in it.


Brilliant OT. Effort was not wasted as I read everything again (besides Brotherhood info). I'll get Revelations.. just as soon as I beat Brotherhood.
SamuraiX- said:

Seriously, GAF has to have the biggest collection of whiners
(even worse is lazy whiners)
on the intrawebz.

:lol, so you get on me for "not reading" when you didn't even read my response? :lol

I was looking for clearly-defined text links. Not links in the image that are not even indicated to be links. They're the same damn color and font as the rest of the text on the image, and it's formatted to look like it's part of the image above.

In closing, get over yourself.


Unconfirmed Member
Raelson said:
Does anyone actually read these OP's?
Just a few posts above yours dude. And throughout this thread.

Do people even read threads anymore before they post?


Raelson said:
Does anyone actually read these OP's?

did you seriously come here just to post that?

get over it.

anyways who's getting this on ps3? I'm gunna need some teammates on multiplayer
Fjordson said:
The piling on is getting a bit much at this point.

But who can discuss the game with that HUGE OP just sitting there looking at you...with its pictures...and information....*shivers*

I, for one, will never be able to play AssCreedRev without being haunted by this OT. I don't even think I want the game anymore.
It seems like a large portion of this thread is just discussing how good/bad the opening post is.

At what point can we expect people to actually talk about the game?


I'm wondering how substantial the Vlad the Impaler prison mission will be. I usually just rent my games, but I'm considering preordering just for the mission since I'm such a big fan of the AC series. Anyone have any idea if it'll be worth it?


GraveRobberX said:
Quick ?

Online Free, or Ubisoft Online pass ala Driver SF debacle?

iNvidious01 said:
"A one time internet connection is required on first launch"

whether it means every time you launch or just once, i dont know. probably the former


seat said:
I'm wondering how substantial the Vlad the Impaler prison mission will be. I usually just rent my games, but I'm considering preordering just for the mission since I'm such a big fan of the AC series. Anyone have any idea if it'll be worth it?

It'll probably be just like the Templar lairs in ACII and Romulus lairs in Brohood. About 6 minutes worth of gameplay.
PoorFate said:
It seems like a large portion of this thread is just discussing how good/bad the opening post is.

At what point can we expect people to actually talk about the game?
When the hub bub bub dies down. It'll likely be continually referenced later though, as an example of extremely big OPs.


PoorFate said:
It seems like a large portion of this thread is just discussing how good/bad the opening post is.

At what point can we expect people to actually talk about the game?

as soon as its released. what else is there to talk about apart from the thread, or how people are looking forward to it, or finding new bits of info, pics and videos. nobody has played it yet.

it happens with all threads, the hype train is rolling. once the game comes out it dies away and the focus shifts to the game and what people think about it, because they've actually played it


Hey, iNvidious, is the number of Apprentices you could summon at any given time the same as it was in Brotherhood? I hated that I had about 12 or so, yet could only summon half of them. Felt kinda pointless.


Irish said:
Hey, iNvidious, is the number of Apprentices you could summon at any given time the same as it was in Brotherhood? I hated that I had about 12 or so, yet could only summon half of them. Felt kinda pointless.

from that gamespot gameplay he said there are no more horses, because its almost all city and its really dense so i think the number will stay the same if everything is tighter.
iNvidious01 well done on the OT.
haters gunna hate

Ill be getting the animus edition on launch but sadly its going to get shifted to my backlog i plan to 100% (or as close to) AC1 - AC:B but my backlog is building. I havnt even touched AC:B yet


Thanks to this thread, I learned a fair bit more about the more obscure aspects of the universe that I wasn't aware of. So for that, this thread has a big purpose for fans of the franchise.

The complaining is fucking stupid though. There really is zero point coming in to this topic and bitching about its length and then pissing off after. Twitter is the online piss bucket. Use it.


iNvidious01 said:
from that gamespot gameplay he said there are no more horses, because its almost all city and its really dense so i think the number will stay the same if everything is tighter.

Yeah, I knew it was all city and remember reading that the horses are all gone. Still, when I can only use half of my recruits at any given time, it feels like the rest really shouldn't be there in the first place.

Have you heard anymore about the whole class system and whatnot for the Apprentices?


Irish said:
Yeah, I knew it was all city and remember reading that the horses are all gone. Still, when I can only use half of my recruits at any given time, it feels like the rest really shouldn't be there in the first place.

Have you heard anymore about the whole class system and whatnot for the Apprentices?

no, everything i knew went into the op.
if anything major crops up before release i'll post it

i wont be playing until december when pc version comes out
so i'll have to avoid this thread a bit lol.


Heh, I can't wait that long. I have the PS3 version coming and then the PC version on the 29th.

Yeah, I've been looking around myself, but I don't think Ubi has released that info yet.


I'm okay with not being able to summon all your assassin recruits at once. Seems like the game would be quite broken if you could, and I perfer to take a small, stealthy approach.

What did bother me was that you had to wait for your call signals to refill before summoning assassins 7-12. Would rather see each pair have their own signal.


Skilletor said:
I'm thinking of skipping Bloodlines and going straight to this one.

Hmmm...sigh. :(

I tried to play bloodlines a few weeks back, save yourself the money and frustration of playing that game with only one analog stick.


That was the main thing that bothered me. Having to wait a while when I still had a bunch of perfectly able recruits at the ready. Generally, while I'm going through the story and stuff, most of my recruits are out doing missions anyway to level up, so it's only afterwards that I call them out and it's mainly to just screw around.

LuchaShaq said:
I tried to play bloodlines a few weeks back, save yourself the money and frustration of playing that game with only one analog stick.

He probably meant Brohood.


Wow. Impressive OP, and everyone is entitled to their opinion(s).

Though, personally, I had to roll through it to avoid spoilers.

I'm currently playing AC:Brotherhood and Juno's in this one?!?! Aw, crap. Oh well.
iNvidious01 said:
no, everything i knew went into the op.
if anything major crops up before release i'll post it

i wont be playing until december when pc version comes out
so i'll have to avoid this thread a bit lol.

Make great OT, avoid like the Plauge for a month
Part of me is still a little worried this is going to be a bit of disappointment. Lack of focus, excess, running out of ideas, story got away from them, that kind of stuff. Really hope that is unfounded; in some ways I'm more excited about this than Skyrim.


Man, the AC concept art always amazes me. I mean, I'm usually just interested in character concept art, but there have been some amazing landscapes produced for this series.

Seriously, if you haven't downloaded the zip file in the OP and checked it all out now, you should really get on it.

I really like this Yusuf Tazim design:


Some other stuff.



These shots are too big, so I'll just link them.



Awesome OP.

But I still have some questions. Constantinople was a cosmopolite city back then. So assassins to be recruited are supposed to be Turkish or random nationality like Greek, Serbian, Jewish, Hungarian, Transylvanian (Vlad Tepes is in the game) or Armenian? It would be very nice to see some Greek assassins in the Creed... Hope pedesterians will speak Greek too.


Oh Gamestop, lol. Just called my local store to see about upgrading from the Signature to the Ultimate edition. Spacey kid on the phone responded - uhhh, can't think right now. Don't you know tonight is Modern Warfare? There are like a million people here. AC isn't out for a couple weeks. Call back later.

So I then asked to talk to a manager, but apparently she wasn't available because she was sitting outside on the sidewalk.


18-Volt said:
Awesome OP.

But I still have some questions. Constantinople was a cosmopolite city back then. So assassins to be recruited are supposed to be Turkish or random nationality like Greek, Serbian, Jewish, Hungarian, Transylvanian (Vlad Tepes is in the game) or Armenian? It would be very nice to see some Greek assassins in the Creed... Hope pedesterians will speak Greek too.

Seems like there will be a variety.


Oh, another question for any of you who would happen to know: Is there a costume reward for obtaining all of the keys to Altair's memories or is there another lair type that would be tied to that? The GameInformer article is somewhat confusing:

GameInformer said:
Ubisoft is also adding a new collection of platform-oriented side missions akin to the Lairds of Romulus or Assassin's Tombs, but these new missions are built around a famous and as-yet-undisclosed historical figure.

See, I thought the key locations were going to play like the Romulus lairs/Assassin tombs, but I can't seem to figure out if there are going to be additional sections outside of what seem to be the main story missions that are very platform-oriented.


Hey, does anyone know how the PC ports are for the earlier games? The entire collection was linked earlier for the PC for $20, and if the ports are anyway decent, I'll definitely bite.


Conciliator said:
Part of me is still a little worried this is going to be a bit of disappointment. Lack of focus, excess, running out of ideas, story got away from them, that kind of stuff. Really hope that is unfounded; in some ways I'm more excited about this than Skyrim.
Feeling the same way. Such a quick turnaround with these games.

That being said, I was similarly worried about Brotherhood and that turned out bloody awesome. Here's hoping they can deliver again.
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