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Assassin's Creed Unity - Review Thread

After reading a lot of the reviewes I dont regret buying it. Sounds like a technical mess but apparently the city and atmosphere are awesome. Nearly every review praises that.

That being said its gonna sit on the shelf while I work on some of my backlog and hopefully when I get to it there will have been patches to improve performance.
When outlets are giving 7/10 to janky games, no wonder it is considered an average score despite it being over two thirds up the scale. And no wonder people don't trust reviews when scores don't match reality.
I apologize to UbiSoft about my criticism over their their parity comments. I was not very kind to them. Apparently this really is the best they can do.


People continue to care way too much about review scores.

Sounds like an underwhelming game that you will either like for its depiction of revolutionary Paris, or hate for everything else. Everyone knows which side they're on, it's not worth the meltdown...

It's a reaction to the state of the industry, not Assassin's Creed. Developers pushing the wrong things and lying to consumers just to get sales. So naturally a lot of us want it to flop on it's face. Nobody was upset when Dragon Age: Inquisition reviewed well, we don't want EA to fail, but we collectively let out a sigh of relief that it wasn't a money grab and/or a hot mess.


Junior Member
I realize that pixel counting is serious fucking business, but tone the vitriol down just a bit, people.

I suggest waiting for the final product before crying deception, and then fighting over it.
The worst thing is, the screenshots and video people were fighting over were from the shipping Blu-ray game, not even a preview version.


Was just too much for them to handle. If they would have done female characters, this would have been at 15 FPS. Everyone should be grateful it gets to 20 FPS. The sacrifices made.

We could've had locked 30 FPS if it were all men!


AC is such a weird thing nowadays though. People looooove this series, they love the scenarios, they love to cosplay it, so many female gamers play these games and Ubisoft is super smart about those facts.
I've been enjoying thgNe but the technical issues are the real hindrance.

Watch Dogs may have been a downgrade but it wasn't this bug riddled mess.


I didn't review the game, but I played an early copy.

These are 8 concerning things I experienced in Assassin's Creed Unity's first 2-3 hours:


(Also this is probably the worst AC since 1).

Edit: I see GAF was faster than me on this one. So... there you go.

"When I paused the game, the second option in the pause menu is an eStore that lets you spend real money on time-saving boosts, bonus in-game currency, and so-on."

oh, fuck everything about this. Ubi should be ashamed.


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From the scale of issues being reported, another month wouldn't fix this. If they only needed a month, they probably would have taken it.

IMO the real shame is that people buy this crap sight unseen, and take Ubi's PR machine at its word. Games wouldn't be shoved out the door in this state so often if people weren't so eager to buy them.

I agree. A hyped game promising amazing graphics and gameplay. A true 'next gen' experience. In a way. It's hardly the consumers fault. It's the fault of the marketing teams spewing out these lies. Lies that they continually are allowed to get away with.



I want to give credit here and now to two companies though that have bucked the 2014 trend and deserve a lot of praise.


Microsoft's stable of games this holiday season - Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive and Master Chief Collection - are clearly designing within the limits of the technology provided for them on the platform and the result is a mostly completely solid 30fps experience (or in MCC case, 60fps). Yes, Sunset is 900p, but it understood what it had to pare back to get it to run acceptably technically and the result is everything else looks wonderful. It's one step back for a dozen step forwards.

Same for Nintendo. Bayonetta 2? Wonderful. Captain Toad? Wonderful. Mario Kart 8? Great. Smash Bros. Wii U? I haven't followed it but I'm sure it'll run great

THANK you companies who continue to ensure we aren't face stuffed with technical abominations.

MCC is a technical desaster that almost never hits even near 60fps.


PC Gamer also seem to have one of the few working versions, they claim to have seen

"minor texture pop-in on characters in rooms full of hundreds of people, but haven't hit any egregious bugs"

No review score though.



I am legitimately and untheatrically shocked, screw Ubi... Seriously. Feel like going on a huge rant about all the bullshit money-grabbing crap we gotta put up with these days, Not to mention the internet freedom of speech at risk due to Obama and his pet-Net-neutrality.

Those are some serious issues. Quite alot of games nowadays just seem to be about gold-digging and casual friendly, any idiot-can-play learning curves such as COD, Fifa etc. I share Justins concerns... I suspect at some point in the future AAA games will not be for 'gamers' with only refuge being in PC-Mods like Dayz etc.
I keep reading this paragraph over and over again and getting angrier each time.

And this is exactly why some people want a game like this to fail. Before I would have found this idea ridiculous, but Ubisoft is despicable in nearly every way. They have easily surpassed Activision and EA in their shittyness.


yikes. okay, any thought I entertained of buying this has vanished. I still haven't played black flag, maybe I'd sooner just do that instead if I wanted to get my climby murdery fix.
Another option would be to keep playing Shadow of Mordor instead.


Why is there freemium options in a $60 game? I'm talking about the ingame currency selling for real cash.

The estore tab is Helix Credits, Downloadable Content, Unlockable Content, Redeem Codes,and Timer Saver Packs.

For some reason can't connect to Ubisoft to see what the time saver packs are but the description says "Reveal the location of missions and collectibles using Helix Credits."
So, it doesn't seem like anything substantial to me. I'll likely never open this estore tab again.


Junior Member
Someone I know wont buy the Xbox one bundle with Unity right now, because of the reviews. Thank you game critics for that...
I'm starting to wonder if it's actually Jesper Kyd himself who left and went to work with Desilets on 1666.

Definitely possible, or maybe like Desilets he didn't like the yearly releases and didn't feel he wanted to continue working on the same thing year in and out.

Regardless, it's still sad that he's gone.

Too bad that game got scrapped though, those two together again would be amazing.


Sounds like ac3 except the press stopped giving a pass to mediocre aaa games.

Real shame to have another stinker so soon after ac3. Ac4 was a good one. Can't we at least get two good acs in a row now? AC2 had three.
That Eurogamer review reads alot worse than a 7 (i.e. "good game"), and it's not the only one. Poor form tbh.

It's been a while since I've read a Kotaku review. Will check them out more often.


Okay If a game by a BILLION Dollar Company with almost 1000 Devs releases a technical piece of crap without any new Game features than the "games journalism" has to punish it. But what do we see ? Metacritic over 7. Okay. Hope is Lost.
Few things I've noticed, on my digital XB1 copy I got with my system..

  • During the opening sequence I had a fight scene cut into the two templars talking during a cut scene and clip through them several times.
  • The controls still don't quite work, I've tried to get into a window and have jumped all around it but it would take forever to actually get through it
  • There are many ledges that it looks like you can grab but for whatever reason Arno will not move to them, I noticed this a lot in the first puzzle area in a church where you are going to meet the assassins for the first time, its very frustrating.
  • The stealth kinda sorta works but still kind of clunky but I'm not very far into it so ti might get better
  • The first menu option is an estore to spend real money to get upgrades and other times, microtransactions galore.
Glad I got this for free and didn't pay for it so far. I like Arno at the start but he feels like another Ezio but not as suave.
I am reading some posts here that discredit other people when they say that Ubisoft deserves the 6's and 7's this game gets.

First and foremost. It is not because people hate Ubisoft as a gaming company, but it is more of a way to fight against these kind of companies that feel they can get away with games that rehash the same gameplay every single year.

By reading the reviews there is absolutely nothing this game improves upon outside of the parkour elements.

You have an online Uplay mechanic that tends to glitch on the player so progression is sometimes hindered. There are portions of the game where you need the Companion app and it does not seem to work.

And then there are the technical problems. Problems that should never ever happen in this day and age of the current gen consoles. As a professional AAA company you are bound to create games that work and you also make compromises with said game if the graphical fidelity is not possible with the engine and console combined. You either lower the resolution and amount of NPC's even more but you never, ever release a game that touches on the framerate window of 10-20 FPS.

Ubisoft deserve the 'hate' they get from allot of people and I would not consider a signed petition strange against Ubisoft's Unity. There are some people who just have enough with them. Respect that.
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