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Atlus USA kills rumors | no PC & Switch versions of Persona 5 & Yakuza 0

I understand all this. Like I said it's not the first time he talked about it and last time we had the same kind of posts. That's why I don't understand why he wastes his time on something that surely won't solve anything. On the contrary, it just make the situation worse cause people just believe in what they want.

I mean maybe he probably doesn't know all Atlus plans, but he surely know more than us. He has the means to know what's going on right now, but it's like he's lying which is the situation I adressed as sarcastic and ill manered behaviour.

Pretty simple: Sony fucked up the labels in their last video, so it raised questions I guess :p
The toxicity in this thread over wanting more options to play this game is abhorrent. People name calling ("PC potato race" "big baby," etc.) should be ashamed of themselves for getting invested enough in the release status of a single video game in order to resort to personal attacks.

As far as the game is concerned, I've got it preordered on the PS3 and am glad that Atlus is bringing that version over.

People wanting to play Persona 5 on Steam, the Switch, and the Xbox One aren't wrong for desiring it, seeing as how Sony has no money in the game's development or marketing.

I think the point is that it's fine to desire games on other systems. But the port begging, "wait vindication" as some others have put it, and hubris of demanding the game come elsewhere is just not necessary. Like, I don't care if Y0 hits Steam or not. It's Sega's decision, and at the end of the day you just deal with it.

The topic before this about Yakuza 0 possibly coming over due to "console exclusive" was so full of people sure of it hitting and I just didn't get it. Like, why not wait until they confirm it?
Remember when some higher up at Capcom said something like he'd behead himself before RE4 ever made it to consoles other than Gamecube?

Yea, I plan on playing this on PS4, but unless a game is 1st party, I don't believe exclusivity claims anymore.


Given how long Persona 5 has been in development that doesn't surprise me at all that the Switch isn't getting it. If the Switch takes off, I'm sure Atlus will give it a version of P5 down the road.


Not true for Yakuza and not totally true on the marketing front for P5. At least in Japan, they did some noticeable ads tying the PS4 price drop with the release of P5. It'll be interesting to see if they made any deal to do some kind of NA marketing.
That's fair. All right, scratch that from my point. Sony has no money in Persona 5's development. And yes, I hope Sony does the same in North America and Europe. The game deserves as much exposure as possible.
This is a surprising opinion to hold. FFVII, VIII, and XIII sold ~2.5 million copies on PC despite being old and having some questionable porting in areas. The thirst is real.

Compare that to a completely dead portable, I don't see a comparison. Not to mention the margins PC sales are able to command due to the negligible physical presence.

I can see that. I don't agree with it given the Japanese market and the relative unknown of the actual demand (aka real sales) as opposed to fan demand on message boards but I can see that argument.

If you genuinely believe this then you might need help.

Yea, I dunno man. Selling 300k copies on Vita with Persona 4 Golden really sucked for Atlus (in Japan). That's just not a number they want. A known quantity with base that has proven to buy their games.



The toxicity in this thread over wanting more options to play this game is abhorrent. People name calling ("PC potato race" "big baby," etc.) should be ashamed of themselves for getting invested enough in the release status of a single video game in order to resort to personal attacks.

As far as the game is concerned, I've got it preordered on the PS3 and am glad that Atlus is bringing that version over.

People wanting to play Persona 5 on Steam, the Switch, and the Xbox One aren't wrong for desiring it, seeing as how Sony has no money in the game's development or marketing.

It's Atlus that hasn't got what it takes. Once they figure out how to get other Sega branches to help out with their games, we can start dreaming of PC ports of their games.
It sure took a while for Disgaea to appear on PC. The hope for more "niche" JRPGs on PC is not dead but unrealistic to happen with the way the company is right now.
Why do people keep assuming the PS4 is like a toaster or something that you just go pick up whenever?

It didn't exist lol.

I mean you can because it's sold in the same places you can buy a toaster and there's always online shopping..Its not like it's not constantly on sale :/....assuming that PC gamers have some sort of income if they can buy games or even beg for a game they want to actually buy with money right? Its not unreasonable to buy something you want. Im sure if there was a PC exclusive I wanted to play, I'm probably going to have to buy a PC wouldn't I?...and funnily enough...that's probably harder and more expensive to buy than a console..


I can see that. I don't agree with it given the Japanese market and the relative unknown of the actual demand (aka real sales) as opposed to fan demand on message boards but I can see that argument.

Yea, I dunno man. Selling 300k copies on Vita with Persona 4 Golden really sucked for Atlus (in Japan). That's just not a number they want. A known quantity with base that has proven to buy their games.


P4 Golden sold very well on Vita, but that was over 4 years ago. 4.5 in Japan. How did the follow-ups/sequels to big 2012/2013 Vita games make out?
And where's the game is sitting now in West ? Do you have numbers ? Say it was sitting at 120k in West on PS4, does a 90k difference make it dramatic ?

Of course, but you are consistently missing out one of the most important factors that PC sales do not cover but PS4 does: Asian sales.
Pretty simple: Sony fucked up the labels in their last video, so it raised questions I guess :p

They fucked up the labeling, but nothing was confirmed either way. People took that shit and ran with it, assuming a PC port was definitely coming for games like Nioh.

Which, again, it's better to assume there's a possibility if the publisher thinks it's appropriate, but better to err on the side of caution and wait for official confirmation.


And now youre insinuating a forum war.

So agree that every IP should be on PC? That's a fact or opinion?

If the licencing allows for it and the IP/developer would benefiting increased revenue and exposure, then yes.

The most important part of getting a game on PC is preservation. The game is forwards compatible with hardware and operating systems to support future resolutions and display standards.

Of course, but you are consistently missing out one of the most important factors that PC sales do not cover but PS4 does: Asian sales.

Steams fastest growing revenue source by far is Asian regions.


It's Atlus that hasn't got what it takes. Once they figure out how to get other Sega branches to help out with their games, we can start dreaming of PC ports of their games.
It sure took a while for Disgaea to appear on PC. The hope for more "niche" JRPGs on PC is not dead but unrealistic to happen with the way the company is right now.
I sincerely doubt that. Atlus as a developer dwarfs devs developers like Complie Heart and Nippon Ichi in terms of raw employee count, and yet we see their catalog coming to Steam. That doesn't mean it isn't a calculated decision to not release Persona 5 on other platforms, but I can't believe for a second that it wouldn't be feasible for them to bring it to other platforms if they decide to move forward with a decision like that.
It would be a first for Atlus, don't treat them like they're Ubisoft. Come on man is it really that hard to see why? If they really are then I guess all of those Nintendo exclusives are coming to Vita sometime soon? They are the same company that release P4 2 years after the PS3 on an old system everyone moved on from. We're damn lucky to even get a PS4 version.

This. They don't need it and it probably saved them development cost by focusing on PS3/4 where the game could achieve what they wanted and still hit most of their fans in Japan, Asia, and the west, and as such it's already their best selling one. Plus the game has been in development for ages.

Plus Japanese devs are starting to make the jump to PS4 considering even Falcom is now making the shift with the next Trails so despite the PS4 not lighting up Japan for consoles it seems like it's finally reached a level they are comfortable with. Atlus doesn't expect or need FF sales numbers from P5.

Buggy Loop

Atlus does not want money it seems


Just a release of SMT 3 Nocturne on PC would generate more cash than their entire year of effort.
Has a company ever confirmed a port of a game that wasn't coming day-and-date (or at least within a month or so) of the initial version(s)' before the initial launch? It makes zero business sense to make that sort of announcement until after the game's initial release window. You're basically just asking people to hold off on buying your game until a better version comes out later on.

Not saying I think they *are* releasing Switch/PC versions of those games, mind you. But if either one of those are in the cards there's no fucking way we'll hear about them until May/June at the earliest.
Of course, but you are consistently missing out one of the most important factors that PC sales do not cover but PS4 does: Asian sales.

Steam is mainly a Western market though, as of right now. Hence the comparison. You're also missing out some important stuff: PC sales only need to cover its own port. Which it more than likely did by a wide margin. Also the sorry release state of that release.

Are you seriously arguing PS4 is bigger than PC in Asia?

He isn't. He's talking about DQH sales.


If there's a lesson to be learned from all this, it's that Sony REALLY needs to sort out their labeling issues.

This, along with the recent video outlining upcoming 2017 games, clearly illustrate how much confusion these erroneous labels are causing.

Perhaps Sony is using the "Console Exclusive" label as a precaution, in case a dev decides to port their game(s) to PC/mobile at a later date.
I don't understand port-begging myself. Sure there's been times stuff comes out for devices I don't own, so then I just wait for a bunch of exclusives that I want before I buy that device. I have no problem with exclusivity.


FACT: every game that isn't an IP of a first party console manufacturer should be on PC.

disgusting move from Atlus/SEGA
I'm sure you're willing to pay the companies upfront for any risks or costs preventing them from releasing their product on your platform of choice.


maybe if...you...bought games... for it... to play??

Thank you for this, it made my day.

Also were people really expecting switch ports? I guess we don't really have any idea how third party support will shake out, but if we go by current trends, then it was even unlikely before atlus said anything.
Are you seriously arguing PS4 is bigger than PC in Asia?

Asia is a huge market for Japanese games. PC is a big market too (in general) but it's on the lower end of things when you look at total cumulative sales.

Series like Yakuza for example are never gonna do big in the West, multiple platforms or not.


No comment is usually seen as "we haven't announced anything yet".

Silence is usually seen as "we can't talk about yet".

Just no, is usually seen as "of course they are going to deny it".

No matter what is said or not, some will take it as confirmation anyway.

It doesn't help when situations like the new Marvel vs Capcom, were its existence was denied... until it was officially announced.

In the end, if anything that just means "for now". And things like this can change, so who knows. I mean, after all outside Persona Q, no Persona games has been on Nintendo platforms so I don't know why it suddently is expected on Switch.

Heck, the 3DS could have received P3 and P4 and it didn't. Wii U got Yakuza and not many even know of it.


I figured the Switch wouldnt get Persona 5. A Fes/Golden port later? maybe it depends. Tho I expected Atlus to just go the way they have been woith Persona mostly being Sony favored and SMT being Nintendo favored even tho people insist SMT will be multiplatform for reasons.
No comment is usually seen as "we haven't announced anything yet".

Silence is usually seen as "we can't talk about yet".

Just no, is usually seen as "of course they are going to deny it".

No matter what is said or not, some will take it as confirmation anyway.

It doesn't help when situations like the new Marvel vs Capcom, were its existence was denied... until it was officially announced.

In the end, if anything that just means "for now". And things like this can change, so who knows. I mean, after all outside Persona Q, no Persona games has been on Nintendo platforms so I don't know why it suddently is expected on Switch. Heck, the 3DS could have received P3 and Pr and it didn't.

No, what it means is "it's not coming". Could that change in the future? Possibly! But posts like these give too much leeway and eventually degrade into "it's definitely coming in the future".
This thread is awesome but this post? ...

That is some choice nonsense right there. I'm talking Yogi Berra levels.

His argument was that there are more digital Steam sales than PSN sales.Which is another explanation why there aren't so many PC ports of such games.
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