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Autumn Anime 2015 |OT2| It'll at least last longer than Steve.

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Windy Tales (Fuujin Monogatari) is a beautiful and sweet slice of life series, one that has effortlessly swept me away and captivated me with its one-two combo of its mystifying visuals and its relaxing soundtrack and even though the series is over a decade old it still feels like a breath of fresh air today among many other series of a similar nature. The premise is simple, a couple of 8th graders are a part of a digital camera club and spend their days taking photographs of things that they encounter on a day to day basis however in one way or another each seems to revolve around the wind. It’s hard to fully grasp the nature of wind in this series but it does seem as if some mysticism exists around this element.

The art style for this series is a stand out for sure and although I say this a lot and by doing so the weight of this statement may seem lessened, this is without a doubt one of the best looking series that I've ever laid my eyes upon and I don't say that lightly. Everything is painterly and sketchy without looking harsh and fantastic compositions are utilized in order to frame each and every scene in a way the balances out all of the elements. Fisheye lenses are used as well as sweeping panoramas in order to show off the environment while visible lines in the sky are used in order to visually show the wind blowing. Every frame is just attractive to look at from an art style and cinematography standpoint. Lots of 3D elements and CG are utilized however yet again it’s all balanced and used tastefully. A lot of the way in which the foreground and backgrounds move independently reminds me of a parallax effect in a sidescroller of sorts which does wonders in giving each scene a sense of depth. It’s a show that looks great in stills but looks even better in motion as everything from the characters hair to the trees and foliage blow gracefully in the breeze.
It’s hard to explain but although the show is funny and charming, underneath the initial layer is a deeper series with complex and interesting characters. I doubt that this is the type of series to delve in too deep and conclude everything by the end, but that makes it all the better. It’s a series that delves into the fondness of the heart and the inevitability of getting older but of course to cling onto the past is to open up old wounds. Let the complex things stay as they are.
The character designs are attractive and pretty and what could be described as deformed and not lifelike, but funnily enough this breathes more life to them and makes them feel more realistic and individual. The smiles are infectious and the pale skin with the large dark eyes is a lovely juxtaposition.
The music is composed by Kenji Kawai and he does a terrific job here. The soundtrack stood out instantly. The best way to describe it is dreamlike, not unlike the visuals you feel a sense of weightlessness while listening to it. It’s happy and cheerful and yet enigmatic which goes well with this show and its dreamlike nature. The music sweeps you away like the wind but a weight emanates from it.
Windy Tales so far is a show that makes me feel nostalgic and with that comes a bittersweet happiness. I feel happy and sad at the same time, and although not much is happening plot wise I feel an air of melancholy surrounding me. The sounds of cicadas as the sun’s rays stretch across the horizon reminds me of days gone by, days where I would take pleasure in such sensations. Like they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Not much really happens in Wind Tales, but that’s fine. I wonder where the wind will take me.


Joker Game PV 2

I'm not entirely sold on the character designs, but otherwise it looks good.

Looks interesting enough to warrant a try at least.

20708 Owarimonogatari
12672 Love Live Movie
10469 Gochusa season 2
9401 Strike the Blood
8707 OverLord vol 4
8398 Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans
8200 Symphogear vol 4
7563 Kuroko
7558 Idolmaster Cinderella Girls vol 7
6059 One Punch Man
5891 Fafner vol 7
4372 GATE vol 4
4320 Star-Myu
4041 To Love ru Darkness vol 5
4024 HDD5
4009 DanMachi vol 7
3941 Non Non Biyori vol 4

8133 Kuroko vol 9
3887 Star-Myu vol 1
2828 One Punch Man
2710 Owarimonogatari
2318 Strike the Blood
2041 Gochusa season 2
1325 OverLord vol 4
1116 HDD5
1043 Seraph of the End vol 1
941 Yona 8
937 Dance with Devils vol 1
933 Kagewani
932 To Love Ru:Darkness  vol 5
880 GATE4
856 Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans

Gundam is back bitches. Nagai and Mari Okada saved Gundam.

This constant downward trend of Gataris is interesting. By the time the last part rolls in it will be seliing <10000. ;p


Found the Kizumonogatari novel. People at the shop had a really hard time pronouncing it. I heard it as Kitsumonogatari, Kizugatari, Kizomonogatari among others.


Sound! Euphonium - 09

Previous Eupho Reviews:
Episode 01
Episode 02
Episode 03
Episode 04
Episode 05
Episode 06
Episode 07
Episode 08


- In case you're wondering about Taki-sensei's opening dialog, yes, conductors do talk like that. When he says to do an accent at the top of C, he's speaking about the rehearsal marking on the part the performer is playing (not the note C, tambourines are not pitched like wind instruments). And for those of you that don't know, a conductor always will read from a full or condensed score, so they can keep track of what all the players are doing at all times.

- That being said, Taki-sensei seems pretty serious about his job, even requesting that they come see him individually after rehearsal for going over section parts, leaving rehearsal time for the whole group.

- Seeing everyone this motivated is really cool though. They've come a long way since the first few episodes.

- I like that each of the section leaders are playing with their sections though, instead of only leading them. I don't know if that's just how this ensemble does it, but seeing them all like this before even auditions is pretty nice. I also just like that everyone gets to participate in ensemble before the final seatings and chair positions are made. Keeps the motivation up and weeds out the slackers.


- Asuka is a pretty observant person though. And then the band relationships get exposed. Seeing Natsuki jump to the conclusion that it was a band member is to be expected in a setting like a high-school band. You spend so much time together as is that it's hard to imagine it'd be anyone from the outside. Midori's guilt is sad though ;_;

- Asuka is pretty cold here though... Like, why would she ask about it then leave saying she doesn't have the time for it? She could just lead and say "Hey, drop the shit and stop being depressed while you're here, do it after." Or something like that. I guess this episode will probably drive home the fact that she's obsessively focused on making/practicing music. If a minor inconvenience like that would cause her to walk out, she's got a some self-indulgence going on for sure. Kinda reveals her to be less of a team player than I thought, and shows that even she can display some immaturity. Though she's not a leader, Reina seems a lot more mature with regards to this stuff.

- This scene also totally shows me why she didn't become president.

- Haha, George-kun~

- Either way, it's nice to see Hazuki grow from the experience and not be too down about it. I was expecting things for her to really go south, but she totally took it in stride. Really nice. The conversation between the two of them on the train home was nice. Her seeing right through Kumiko was funny too. But then that avoidance when she sees him getting on the train and she goes out the other way... Man. All it took was that one little gesture to show that she's not totally back yet. Those three seconds capping off this part of the episode tells the whole story, how part of her still hurts, and the stuff she didn't say even to Kumiko. Really nicely done. I also like how she seems to put her friends first (despite going after Shuichi thinking she'd beat Kumiko to the punch, lol).


- And then Kumiko reflects on her feelings in the only way she really knows how; isolated from everyone else and in private. Then her awesome sister shows up and tells us that Taki-sensei is actually the shit (something we already know obviously, cause he is the shit). We haven't heard much about his reputation, but if someone like even her sister knows about him, and in the context she found out about him, yeah, it's a big deal. Especially if like she says, he's someone who will attract talent just by being somewhere. Suddenly Reina's motivations make a lot more sense to me. Though the school system is different in Japan, I know that I had similar experiences in college when choosing who to study with for both my degrees.

- Sapphire really is a considerate friend. During the phone conversation with her, Kumiko lays down that Hazuki really isn't back yet. The strategy they both chose should work fine though.


- It's nice that Reina's maturity rubbed off on Kumiko. I wonder if she'll end up telling Shuichi to BTFO, or if she'll assert herself more in practice and the auditions.

- Kaori's inspiration is nice though. It's good to see her try hard. Though she knows Reina is a threat.


- All of a sudden Natsuki is going all in. Kumiko coming to that realization that shit is getting real is great. You can tell that seeing the reality of the auditions is getting to her. While I was never too worried about most of my auditions, just seeing that the reality and gravity of the situation finally hit her felt really good. Hopefully she rises to the occasion! A lot of people tend to lose their shit around audition time, and it's when everyone is most on edge.

- And the waiting for to audition together, that one girl who said she's nervous when everyone else was quiet, all of it really takes me back.

- And yes, that does happen to bass players, though not blood shooting everywhere usually, haha. She's being overdramatic for comedic effect but the other two are totally buying it.


- Just seeing them sit on those chairs outside the room while the other person they're competing with is inside the room is enough to make even me feel sick. Everything about the framing of the shot, the body language of the two girls sitting there waiting... it all feels so real and is actually making even me feel uneasy and nervous for both of them. Like that anxiety is eating me up now! With the sound design though, you can hear the difference in ability from each of their auditions though. Like you can hear the nervousness in that last long note Natsuki plays at the end of the first phrase, just a little shake that is barely audible but paints a very clear picture about her emotional state in the audition. But then you hear her struggle more, lose tempo and syncopation, sound muddies a little... she just musically collapses. It's all told through just that short audio clip.

- I just really like how easy it is to get so engrossed in this part of the episode. It's so well-done that I can tell exactly how they feel to the point that even i'm starting to feel anxiety and the butterflies in my stomach just from watching this. It's not too easy to tell if you haven't been in the situation before, but auditions can end up being some of the most stressful times of your life, depending on your ability or situation. I really love that the anime is doing a great job of showing how well everyone tries to hide those feelings too. Even the friendships and pleasantries are temporarily halted because that person you're friends with is now your competitor. And all of their body language, lack of conversation, and demeanor tell the whole story very well! They show both the internal and external intricacies of how these situations go, and in an incredibly realistic and compelling manner.


- And then what happens next is probably Kumiko's worst fear for these auditions; Taki-sensei is aware of her history with music. Meaning now she's probably scared of not living up to his expectations for someone with as much experience as she has. Oh god, I can feel the dread increase exponentially.

- Also for this episode, it's interesting to see that they do face-to-face auditions. Most of the schools i've been to and auditioned at have all been blind auditions (judges sit behind a partition, auditioners are given a number at random, are only heard by judges so the evaluations are only based on musical ability performed during the audition, keeps biases out, etc.). Usually having them blind helps ease the players a lot more. Part of me wonders if Taki-sensei is doing this to see if they could overcome their fear, if he can address and assess each player's abilities in a direct manner. Or maybe it's a Japanese thing, I don't really know here. Either way, in my experience blind auditions have been the way i've done things almost 80% of the time.

- But then he asks her if she's okay facing them for the audition. I guess giving them the option may help some of the players if they find they lack the will to face this scary situation head-on. It doesn't seem like he'd judge them negatively or positively depending on which way they face since it seems like he's giving them the option. Super cool.

- Also interesting here is that while chair placement auditions for most ensembles take place at the start of a semester, these band members are auditioning to take place in a specifically constructed ensemble for a specific contest. So while normal chair placement auditions would use things like etudes, scales, and orchestral excerpts (this last one depends on your instrument of choice), they're all auditioning on the specific parts of the music that they will be performing if chosen. What's really cool about this situation for Taki-sensei is that not only does he get to choose the best performers for each part, but everyone busts their asses preparing the very things they will be fervorously working on in the days leading up to the competition. As an added bonus, the people who don't make it can remain on as backups, since they should be familiar with the music having practiced it enough to audition on it.

- So far so good though. She wasn't asked to repeat the section. I started getting nervous when he tapped his fingers though, as if to indicate whether or not Kumiko was maintaining tempo properly during the syncopated parts. You could still hear that while she did better than Natsuki for that excerpt, there was still a sense of roughness, especially on the 16-th note ascending scale line. You could hear the roughness of the tonguing, with her tongue struggling to keep up with the tempo on such a short and fast part of the passage, something Taki-sensei notices, but decides not to dwell on. It's a good passage for an audition that will help weed out people quicker due to how technical it is (syncopation, covers a decent middle register of the instrument, quick tonguing passages), especially since it's not slurred which would be 1000000x more easy.

- Awwwwwww shit. Here it is. The one thing she probably prayed he wouldn't ask about, he does. Everyone does this. I can literally feel her dread now, as the tension of the situation is even getting to me, holy crap. And you can see she's losing it a little. Oh god this is unbearable.


- The stuff she mentions after is so true. You never know how much time passes when you're in there, because while it happens you feel like it lasts an eternity, measuring every tick of the clock as if each second were an hour long. But when you finish and they tell you that you can go, usually with a straight face or a smile as to not give anything away, it feels like the ten years you thought you were in there for only lasted ten seconds. It's really cool how the situation makes her feel alive.

- I think I would die if I had to wait a few days for audition results. Usually it's like 8 hours at most!

- And Kumiko is right. That atmosphere is super tense. Even just watching this I can feel all the feeling I had during these things. How thick the air becomes, how how the room becomes, how you feel that weight go down on your chest, how the butterflies get even more crazy the closer you are to knowing the moment of truth... Woah, this show is totally nailing it.

- Aw shit, Natsuki. She started practicing and everything. And Kumiko's face tells the whole story. And even the other band member's reactions are just so well done. I'm still happy that Kumiko made it!


- Moment of truth: Trumpet stuff. This is where the drama will begin since we heard about the solo stuff a few episodes back. That Reina's name was last would scare me if I was in her shoes. Suddenly...


- Ribbon is going to be so pissed, while it looks like Kaori knows what happened. And while Kaori looks sad, she looks almost relived in a way, despite probably being really disappointed.


Oh god oh god oh god next episode has the potential to be amazing (and of course it will be!) and showcase just how dysfunctional a band can get at moments when people are in direct competition with each other.

Also, have this bonus image of Kumiko.



Subete no aware
Found the Kizumonogatari novel. People at the shop had a really hard time pronouncing it. I heard it as Kitsumonogatari, Kizugatari, Kizomonogatari among others.
Would buy an ebook version. But a paper book? Come on guys...


Fuck yes. lol
I mean that's probably literally every fan in Japan (and some from outside of Japan) buying a copy of the box set, but I'm glad it's high up there.


Nah, just needs the right conditions. Unicorn did like 200k per volume.

What would those conditions be though? Unicorn wasn't exactly a normal series and to me it looks like the genre has fallen out of favor.

For all I know the next Code Geass level hit could be announced to tomorrow and I wouldn't mind being wrong for that lol.


Nah, just needs the right conditions. Unicorn did like 200k per volume.

Oricon ranking data as of 17/10/2015
Sales - Title - Release date
118,997 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 1 - (3/12/2010)
117,616 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 2 - (11/12/2010)
118,997 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 3 - (4/7/2011)
120,571 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 4 - (12/2/2011)
122,138 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 5 - (6/8/2012)
31,365 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 6 - (3/22/2013)
29,591 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 7 - (6/6/2014)

94,938 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 6 Limited Edition - (3/22/2013)
118,997 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 7 Limited Edition- (6/6/2014)

9,326 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 1 (Gundam 35th Anniversary Encore Edition) - (6/6/2014)
5,033 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 2 (Gundam 35th Anniversary Encore Edition) - (6/6/2014)
4,334 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 3 (Gundam 35th Anniversary Encore Edition) - (6/6/2014)
3,908 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 4 (Gundam 35th Anniversary Encore Edition) - (6/6/2014)
3,875 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 5 (Gundam 35th Anniversary Encore Edition) - (6/6/2014)
3,169 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 6 (Gundam 35th Anniversary Encore Edition) - (6/6/2014)
Sales - Title - Release date
70,369 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 1 - (3/12/2010)
67,247 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 2 - (11/12/2010)
63,109 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 3 - (4/7/2011)
65,518 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 4 - (12/2/2011)
65,721 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 5 - (6/8/2012)
62,330 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 6 - (3/22/2013)
60,286 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol 7 - (6/6/2014)


Is the Order a Rabbit?? Season 2 1-12 (END)

I feel like this show actually kinda found itself this season. The first season felt way too much like KinMoza in a different setting and just as aimless, but this season felt better to me.

If there's one thing this show got right, its atmosphere. The colours, music, backgrounds all invoke this feeling of calm feeling while watching. Kinda similar to if you sit in a cafe and just take in the atmosphere (which was probably the point).

At least, I felt that way in the beginning, and that feeling petered off a little to the end. Everything was still there, but it didn't feel like an experience (ie: like non non byori managed to do over 2 cours) but rather as a basic usage of time. Not a bad use of time, but... idk how to explain it fully.

I guess what i'm trying to say is that this show shouldn't be binged.
It should be experienced in chunks or week by week with a nice cup of coffee.

This made me want more Non Non Byori, but i doubt that will happen :'(


It's a nice reminder that big mainstream sales still rely on dvd! That's actually where Gundam TV shows are lacking now. Look at Tekketsu dvd sales and Kuroko or even OPM. If Tekketsu sold more on dvd it would have broken 10k.

It makes sense that Kuroko moves a ton of dvds given the audience lol. I don't know how that particular audience feels about the new Gundam series though.


It's a nice reminder that big mainstream sales still rely on dvd! That's actually where Gundam TV shows are lacking now. Look at Tekketsu dvd sales and Kuroko or even OPM. If Tekketsu sold more on dvd it would have broken 10k.

Yeah I won't deny that I forget from time to time the importance of DVD sales not just in Japan but in general when it comes to home media. Just looking at the sales of the Ghibli films in Japan for example is enough to prove such because where the BD's are in the tens of thousands at most and dropping all the way to four digits the DVD's go into the millions.

BD Top 3: (74,445 - The Wind Rises - (6/18/2014) / 56,542 - Arrietty - (6/17/2011) / 44,398 - Castle in the Sky - (12/22/2010))
DVD Top 3: (2,401,992 - Spirited Away -(7/19/2002) / 1,250,737 - My Neighbor Totoro - (9/28/2001) / 1,223,370 - Howl's Moving Castle - (11/16/2005)).

The format's longevity and high install base helps it a lot and it's foolish of me to discredit it so haphazardly. Laser Disc's in japan were supported up until 2001!


Oh yea, seeing those Hibike images reminds me.

Highly recommend watching Hibike Euphonium OVA Kakedasu Monaka, it's so good. Katou Hazuki is such a strong girl. Possibly one my favorite OVAs for a show. They did a fantastic job in giving her perspective of things.

I really felt like I didn't give the show enough credit after watching that OVA. Now I'm really looking forward to season 2 of Hibike.


What do you guys think of WIXOSS series? I watched half of the first season already, good god it seems like everyone is freaking annoying in this.
But I do enjoy the card game itself and the mystery surrounding it.


As compared to AGE? or Builders? I didn't count in Unicorn when I said that because I knew it does gangbusters lol

You have to compare with 00 and Geass, not AGE and BF. Shows targeting kids exclusively and being released in box sets or dvd rentals first mean they have a different business plan. Right now G-Tekketsu is selling on par with Aldnoah Zero Vol1. Remember when everyone laughed at Aniplex making a "Gundam killer"? Turns out Gundam killed itself instead. :p


What do you guys think of WIXOSS series? I watched half of the first season already, good god it seems like everyone is freaking annoying in this.
But I do enjoy the card game itself and the mystery surrounding it.

Was an interesting, if horribly derivative, idea marred by very bad writing, forced drama, and supernatural elements that are just.... well... piss. Also, despite it being about the card game and used as what basically amounts to a commercial for it, we know fuck all about the game by the end. Seriously, not a damn thing. Makes the actually fights and interaction in the card games feel less tactile and just plain poor.

I also hate how it used foreshadowing. In the beginning you think that this could be an interesting story of a character who loses control to the whims of loving battle and the game, but nope. The story is extremely straight forward, with any twists and turns being either ass pulls or far too obvious. Boring, I guess.

I wouldn't say it was the worst way I've used my time, but if someone asked me if they should watch it, I'd say no.

That said, it didn't piss me off as much as Yuki Yuna, but that was for other unrelated reasons... but still.

Edit: there were a few scenes I DID like though, but those were quickly marred by later scenes which lessened the impact of the former.
I still don't know why we don't have a minimum number of votes in the AOTY. If you didn't even watch 3 shows then you shouldn't be able to influence the outcome on which was the best in the year imo.


It's an online forum vote, trying to make it some restrictive process would be stupid. Let people vote for their mainstream shows.
I see basically no one is bothering to vote for non-TV anime. Too bad; the split tries to get them more exposure, but still no one cares about Animator Expo et al. Also I can clearly see that this'll be the first year where my list differs dramatically from the collected results. I hardly feel like even bothering with a vote.

Is there a list of the Animator Expo shorts? I need to remember the titles.
I still don't know why we don't have a minimum number of votes in the AOTY. If you didn't even watch 3 shows then you shouldn't be able to influence the outcome on which was the best in the year imo.

If you didn't watch Shounen Hollywood you shouldn't be able to influence the outcome on which was the best in the year!

It's an online forum vote, trying to make it some restrictive process would be stupid. Let people vote for their mainstream shows.

Yeah, it's not like this is some critically well-respected award which needs to be protected.

Is there a list of the Animator Expo shorts? I need to remember the titles.

You can use Wikipedia.
I'll probably go through the Expo entries again some time so they're fresh on my mind. At least the ones I liked somewhat.

As far as movies are concerned...not even sure what really released this year and if I watched any of it. Digimon Tri doesn't count, right? It's a bog standard series getting theatrical release disguised as movies :/ Not that I'd recommend that turd anyways.


As far as movies are concerned...not even sure what really released this year and if I watched any of it. Digimon Tri doesn't count, right? It's a bog standard series getting theatrical release disguised as movies :/ Not that I'd recommend that turd anyways.

Typically it was a film. I'd put it in OVAs/films but it's more or less a series, yeah.
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