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Ayo, Gaf, am I an asshole for this?

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A. You sound like a dick completely ignoring the dude to return to your conversation with your friends. Can you not spare 2 seconds to talk to this dude to figure out what he wants first and give him at least the time of day? Maybe he liked you back at school/thought you were cool/looked up to you and was approaching you. You could have just talked to him, and been polite and said "I'm with some friends right now man if you wanna chat with me later here's my email, hit me up etc etc etc", instead you brushed him off.

B. Man up as in not be intimidated by someone you even assume is creepy. You were with a big group of male friends and ONE dude walks up and you're all weirded out? What are you all teenagers? If he's legit creepy then confront him. If he's just trying to initiate conversation be a man and either tell him to go away or do something about it instead of running away because he talked slowly.

Are you a male character in a CW show?

Haha holy shit.

No Love

lol, dude. You might just have some prejudice towards people who talk a certain way. Chill. I'm not here to catch hate or anything.

ayo my cat sandwich, I think you be right. I be prejudiced against shallow tryhards who be thinkin they the business

and you're not here to catch hate but you're here to preach it against that guy in your OP, am I right? you gonna check him and get illishly violent? Maybe kick him on the ground with your bros while you all AYOOOOOOOOOOO at the moon?

did someone take your lunch money today

Naw because I packed my lunch at home with the dust bunnies ayo


Uhh.. well from your descriptions I want to ask, was he mentally disabled or something?

Otherwise, you reacted pretty rationally, even beyond what I would have done, giving him your email. Don't understand the posts calling you a jerk. You weren't mean or rude to the guy at all.

I honestly don't know his mental history. We literally had one class together and never spoke. I don't get why I am catching so much hate either.


Unconfirmed Member



He sounds creepy.

Would've given him a fake email if it were me

I'd leave going to that place for a couple of days until he goes away
I honestly don't know his mental history. We literally had one class together and never spoke. I don't get why I am catching so much hate either.
Yeah, but I meant from the way he spoke. you describe it as rea…llll..yyyyyyy sloop..www… llyyyyyyyy… which in my head might clue me in to a speech/impediment or mental disability.
If you don't want to hang out with the guy you don't have to give anyone a reason. He instigated but you fucked up by giving him fake information so now he thinks you actually do want to hang out, obviously you were just trying to be nice by not saying "I don't feel like talking to you", but frankly you can just ignore him if he tries to contact you via phone, and if you see him (and you don't have the heart to tell him how you actually feel), avoid eye contact, if he tries to talk to you just focus on what you need to focus on and give him disinterested grunts.

But honestly the manly thing to do would be to tell him you don't want to talk to him. If he makes a scene so what, you know in your heart that you don't owe him anything, move on with your life.

You've just made things worse by pretending to be interested.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
ayo my cat sandwich, I think you be right. I be prejudiced against shallow tryhards who be thinkin they the business

and you're not here to catch hate but you're here to preach it against that guy in your OP, am I right? you gonna check him and get illishly violent? Maybe kick him on the ground with your bros while you all AYOOOOOOOOOOO at the moon?

I'm so glad I dropped in on this thread.


Yeah, but I meant from the way he spoke. you describe it as rea…llll..yyyyyyy sloop..www… llyyyyyyyy… which in my head might clue me in to a speech/impediment or mental disability.

Oh, nah. I know what that would sound like. It's like he is really just dragging out the words. I texted my boy about this, and he was wondering if he might have been a veteran suffering from some kind of war stress. I don't know the dude's life and the way he comes off is creepy, regardless if the speech, so I really just want to avoid him.
Confront him about what? That I think he is awkward and creepy? Not trying to hurt anyone's feelings here. Might be better to just avoid.

haha you could do that. Or you know, you could just see what he wants. If if wants to hang out, tell him politely no. Like others have said you don't owe him anything, and if you don't confront him and end it, there will always be that opening/awkwardness. Who knows, he could end up being a decent dude.


botty sweetie i think you should keep your overzealous straight-acting to Kingdom Hearts threads from now on

i love you but this is not a good look
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