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Battlefield 3 360 Dev Screens/Videos Leak, Including New Jet Level [DICE Responds]


amdnv said:
Are people seriously arguing that a 64 player Battlefield does not play differently? And that KB/M does not change my gameplay? Wow. I have no words.

A 64 player match just means there are more people waiting to kill anyone who tries to take the Jet before them.


This thread started stupid and took a major turn to Tardsville.

Wish that footage hadn't leaked. Bad for DICE, good for trolls and idiots.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Sn4ke_911 said:
The fuck?
You just got Chinned.

I wonder if EA knows who the leaker is... third party QA maybe? (I think they do all the QA in house though)
Ysiadmihi said:
No, but it enables you to do more with the game, which changes the gameplay. There is much less leniency in combat in PC BC2 and it's much harder to brute force your way through objectives, for example.

You're right, sometimes I'm playing Rush on 360 and me and my buddy are just like "man let's use our twaddlesticks to brute force this crate".


Genesis Knight said:
You're right, sometimes I'm playing Rush on 360 and me and my buddy are just like "man let's use our twaddlesticks to brute force this crate".

How would you compare your experience on 360 to PC?


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.


damn trolls :/


Ysiadmihi said:
How would you compare your experience on 360 to PC?
People can't shoot as good because they don't have the benefit of noobified point-and-click that is superior to the controller. Seriously, I can click so fast and so precisely on the links at neoGAF with my mouse... mmm like headshots.


evil solrac v3.0 said:
try harder.

Well, he is right though, those cases are really bad taste. If you need to have a tower in the living room, better go with something like the Fractal Design R3.


bj00rn_ said:
Well, he is right though, those cases are really bad taste. If you need to have a tower in the living room, better go with something like the Fractal Design R3.
i have this case and it is sexy and sophisticated.


Ysiadmihi said:
I'm seeing many more console gamers getting all defensive about the "master race" than agreeing that new hardware is needed in this thread.

For me its nothing to do with PC or consoles. I just don't see needing new consoles at this point. I would agree that a new Xbox is more needed, but I am pretty happy how PS3 games are still going. I just don't see a rush in needing new hardware (consoles) at this point.

duckroll said:
Single player Battlefield. Lolololol. Lulz.

Would you laugh when I tell u I never played Battlefield Bad Company online at all and bought it new? I also bough Bad Company 2 and played single player more than twice before I ever went online with it.

I plan to buy Battlefield 3 on console and I don't have any plans to play it online. So some do buy it for SP only.
I think people need to define what they refer to as "gameplay". I think some people are referring to the actual game content (the way the weapons behave, the missions/objectives, what you can/can't do in-game, etc.) and others are speaking literally about how the game plays (which of course is influenced by kb/m vs controller, etc.)
It's honestly baffling how people don't consider more players, a better framerate, better resolution, mouse and keyboard etc etc fundamental elements that change the way a game plays.

If you don't care about those things then that's fine, you can play a game how you want, but to cover your ears and go "la la la it's not different" is downright ignorant/stupid.


Mr. Snrub said:
I think people need to define what they refer to as "gameplay". I think some people are referring to the actual game content (the way the weapons behave, the missions/objectives, what you can/can't do in-game, etc.) and others are speaking literally about how the game plays (which of course is influenced by kb/m vs controller, etc.)

You know, this just reminded me of something about BC2. When it launched, the grenade launcher was way too powerful on PC thanks to the mouse but it seemed fine on console because it wasn't as easy to aim or switch weapons. So no matter which side of the fence you're on, it's pretty much assured that some element in the game will change the "core" gameplay simply because of control differences.

Well anyway, it's about time to bail out of this thread. When people are claiming that a mouse or framerate of all things have no effect on gameplay, I'm just too baffled to read anymore.


Foliorum Viridum said:
It's honestly baffling how people don't consider more players, a better framerate, better resolution, mouse and keyboard etc etc fundamental elements that change the way a game plays.

If you don't care about those things then that's fine, you can play a game how you want, but to cover your ears and go "la la la it's not different" is downright ignorant/stupid.
kb/m and resolution are meaningless to me, I rather play on console because I just lay down in front of my TV and get it going. I'm still PC player, but I don't enjoy it as I used to. Frame rate does actually change the way game is played, but I got to say it surely didn't matter to PC gamers when Crysis 1 was released. "Yes its 20fps, but this Godlike motion blur actually takes care of that". Pff...yea right!
DarkChild said:
kb/m and resolution are meaningless to me, I rather play on console because I just lay down in front of my TV and get it going. I'm still PC player, but I don't enjoy it as I used to. Frame rate does actually change the way game is played, but I got to say it surely didn't matter to PC gamers when Crysis 1 was released. "Yes its 20fps, but this Godlike motion blur actually takes care of that". Pff...yea right!
Nail on head. To you.

It still changes the game, there's no denying that. Some people can play games with 10fps and are fine with it, doesn't mean the game isn't different at 60. For me, KB/M and resolution are huge factors that change the game.


Foliorum Viridum said:
Nail on head. To you.

It still changes the game, there's no denying that. Some people can play games with 10fps and are fine with it, doesn't mean the game isn't different at 60. For me, KB/M and resolution are huge factors that change the game.
Its changes the game, FOR YOU.How exactly does 1080p change the game in comparison with 720p?It doesn't change game at all. Hell!I played CS 1.6 at 1024x768 no AA and never have I enjoyed MP game like that even if it looked like crap. Now how exactly are buildings without touch of aliasing going to change the game for people I honestly dunno...

*of to play Counter Strike Source


Worships the porcelain goddess
ii Stryker said:
resolution, frame rate, map size, player count, and KB/M are not gameplay

gameplay is still the same. Its still players shooting other players.

What? Is this real life? Frame rate doesn't affect gameplay? Tell Call of Duty players that. Map size and player count don't affect the fundamental way the game play?

I'm drowning in Troll Soup aren't it? I fell into the trap didn't I?
Ysiadmihi said:
No, but it enables you to do more with the game, which changes the gameplay. There is much less leniency in combat in PC BC2 and it's much harder to brute force your way through objectives, for example.

Umm, so what more can you do with BF3 gameplay on PC.

PC gamers can shoot more dudes faster at a higher resolution?!? That's your reasoning for PC has better gameplay?!? *facepalm*


Came in to this thread excited to see Xbox 360 footage, and surprise surprise. Thread is a turd due to trolling by both sides.

Regardless, can't wait for this to come out. Thankfully I have Gears 3 to keep me busy. :) Also, fuck you beta if you come out at the same week as Gears 3!


Those people that "don't care" about KB/M or resolutions or jaggies or more players are clearly jealous of the master race.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Foliorum Viridum said:
It's honestly baffling how people don't consider more players, a better framerate, better resolution, mouse and keyboard etc etc fundamental elements that change the way a game plays.

If you don't care about those things then that's fine, you can play a game how you want, but to cover your ears and go "la la la it's not different" is downright ignorant/stupid.
I have a great gaming pc and a ps3. I honestly have as much fun playing on console as I do on pc. With all the upgrades my pc version has over ps3, I still do the same things on both.


ii Stryker said:
Umm, so what more can you do with BF3 gameplay on PC.

PC gamers can shoot more dudes faster at a higher resolution?!? That's your reasoning for PC has better gameplay?!? *facepalm*

Actually higher resolutions increase the amount of time it takes to aim precisely, also that and the amount of frames you'll get.

Just ask any pro player what resolution they play at, i'm pretty sure they say in the region of 800x600 (for Counter Strike anyway.)


Omg this thread...
I left for a few pages and come back to ppl saying map size/player count/framerate/etc dont change gameplay? WHAT?

Just take a look at CSS...the game plays COMPLETELY different in a 5v5 scrim than when you're in a 16v16 pub match. Everything changes. The way you approach situations, the flow of the match, strategies, the way you interact with teammates and enemies, hell even aiming changes. Aiming changes in the sense that it becomes way more important to try to get that HS on your opponent because actual skill matters a lot more when you're in a 5v5 scrim. I could go on and on and into a lot more detail but there's no point because apparently shooting is just shooting....no matter what. lol

Come on guys...stop rolling us.
DenogginizerOS said:
I have a great gaming pc and a ps3. I honestly have as much fun playing on console as I do on pc. With all the upgrades my pc version has over ps3, I still do the same things on both.
That's absolutely fine. I play MW2 and will play MW3 on consoles and I love it.

BUT, I don't deny that on the PC the game will be changed dramatically. The same is true for BF3. Just because certain people don't change their play styles or recognise the differences doesn't mean they aren't there.

And that's my final post on this because it's honestly not even up for debate in my eyes. It's a fact people can accept or just come up with retarded reasons to try and deny.


Looks awesome, that jet gameplay was SEXY.

Wasn't really sure whether to get the PC or 360 version but now I'm leaning towards 360 for sure.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I know the console versions are going to look less pretty than the PC version and I am fine with that. I play on console because of friends, a controller, and a couch.


CitizenCope said:
See I don't agree with this. I thought it didn't look good at all as a console only gamer.
I agree with you. I felt like BC2 held its own on xbox until I played it on PC. By comparison, it's a trainwreck on consoles.


Stoffinator said:
I'm happy with this gen so far and certainly do not want new $400+ consoles at this point and sure many others in the world do not as well.

So dont fucking buy them then. They're coming by the end of 2012-2013 whether you have the desire for them or not.
Deadly Cyclone said:
I know the console versions are going to look less pretty than the PC version and I am fine with that. I play on console because of friends, a controller, and a couch.
Ding ding ding.

We finally got there.

Jesus christ.

Edit: Well, friends is a subjective thing since not many of my friends are PC gamers either, but the controller and couch argument? Really?


Ysiadmihi said:
No. The point of that comment was that while people who don't play PC games like to tell PC gamers how little graphics matter, they are constantly arguing over miniscule differences between console versions of games. It's especially awesome when it comes from people who don't own both consoles and shouldn't be taking any interest in the differences.

Ok in this respect I see what you meant and agree. I have nothing against comparing versions and discussing the different approach the developers took on each platform, but to outright troll a console is childish and unnecessary and I'll echo the same opinion to the trolls in the ps3 vs 360 BF3 thread.

Doesn't change the fact that you're trolling yourself, which makes you no better than them.

Ysiadmihi said:
No, but it enables you to do more with the game, which changes the gameplay. There is much less leniency in combat in PC BC2 and it's much harder to brute force your way through objectives, for example.

The thing here is both you and Stryker are talking about "gameplay" on different levels and to a point, both of you are right. You're talking about the fine-grained gameplay where Stryker is talking about the overall gameplay. Neither is wrong really with their respective opinion.

Hate to take sides here, but I think he makes a stronger point though. True, the experience will be a bit scaled down and less fluent on the console, but we're still shooting the enemy, we're still blowing up buildings, setting charges on com-stations, coordinating with teammates. Most important, we're all excited about the next BF game, so I don't understand why we all just can't get along =p.

Majanew said:
People can't shoot as good because they don't have the benefit of noobified point-and-click that is superior to the controller. Seriously, I can click so fast and so precisely on the links at neoGAF with my mouse... mmm like headshots.

There's nothing noobified about mouse controls, it really does offer better fidelity and there shouldn't be any denying that.

Stooping down to the level of the PC trolls won't do anything for your argument here.

Stoffinator said:
For me its nothing to do with PC or consoles. I just don't see needing new consoles at this point. I would agree that a new Xbox is more needed, but I am pretty happy how PS3 games are still going. I just don't see a rush in needing new hardware (consoles) at this point.

This makes absolutely no sense. Both consoles are so similar in features that you're only fooling yourself with this type of mentality. If BF3 turns out the same on both consoles, how does that indicate we need the successor to one more than the other?

Mr. Snrub said:
I think people need to define what they refer to as "gameplay". I think some people are referring to the actual game content (the way the weapons behave, the missions/objectives, what you can/can't do in-game, etc.) and others are speaking literally about how the game plays (which of course is influenced by kb/m vs controller, etc.)

Mr. Snrubs is spot on with this point.


That's what sometimes makes me want to throw out my top-end gaming machine that provides me with superior IQ and a brilliant playing experience, that couch. I really want to sit on couch, sick of sitting on this mandatory 2x4 with a few nails through it, really makes my ass sore :(


Just kind of skipped through the thread... but I recall that first PS3 footage looking absolutely great. What actually happened here?
Sethos said:
That's what sometimes makes me want to throw out my top-end gaming machine that provides me with superior IQ and a brilliant playing experience, that couch. I really want to sit on couch, sick of sitting on this mandatory 2x4 with a few nails through it, really makes my ass sore :(
I honestly think I'm a genius because I've figured out - no seriously, get this - that if I put a HDMI cable from my PC into the TV and plug in a 360 controller I can - WAIT FOR IT - play PC games with all of the benefits on my Comfy Couch™.

I don't know how I ever figured it out.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
CozMick said:
Actually higher resolutions increase the amount of time it takes to aim precisely, also that and the amount of frames you'll get.

Just ask any pro player what resolution they play at, i'm pretty sure they say in the region of 800x600 (for Counter Strike anyway.)

I totally agree with this but most here aren't pro gamers.

If I were paid to play games professionally framerate, input method, and resolution would only matter if i were to play on my 360 against PC players. I would assume pro players are bound to whatever the tourney rules are. To my knowledge most MLG tournaments have a mix of games and the rule sets are bound to what ever platform is hosting that particular tourney. In pro gaming everyone is on an even playing field.

My whole thing is, whatever the preferred platform you want to play on is whats going to be awesome. Its all relative.

Admittedly, I don't know what its like to play a BF game with 64 players, 60fps, and get paid for every in game kill and objective capped and never will. Instead of building a gaming rig I'd rather spend the money on more games and have fun.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Foliorum Viridum said:
I honestly think I'm a genius because I've figured out - no seriously, get this - that if I put a HDMI cable from my PC into the TV and plug in a 360 controller I can - WAIT FOR IT - play PC games with all of the benefits on my Comfy Couch™.

I don't know how I ever figured it out.

Truly, you are a genius sir. Such an idea is incomprehensible.
Wow what a tool, derp hay guiz I just wanted to say that there is bf3 footage of sexbox tree city on youtube.. kthxbai.

I mean really, give me a fucking break. Why would you even tweet that shit.
ChiefKief said:
Those people that "don't care" about KB/M or resolutions or jaggies or more players are clearly jealous of the master race.
Oh, I care about resolution, jaggies, more players, but not KB/M. Gimme my controller any day of the week. Really glad DICE is supporting gamepads in BF3. Also can't wait to get my hands on the 360 beta.

I have a PC that is fully capable of playing BF3, but will be getting it on 360 because that is where my friends are at. Friends > everything else.

That singleplayer jet gameplay, looked terrible btw. Where the fuck is your AWACS to spot your targets for you? Fucking planes coming out of nowhere and getting into gunfights. Jesus Christ.


Holy shit the jet combat sequence looks amazing. And the chatter is awesome. I love the bass of those impacts. Cant wait to just fly around.

Also some of you are over blowing the visuals on this game. It does not look bad at all in contrast to other games and moreover the resolution of the capture seems off.

And I thought NeoGaf was mostly console centric forum with some in recent years gravitating to the PC or gamed on both? There should be a little common sense and knowledge when it comes to contrasting PC vs console games.
Stoffinator said:
I would agree that a new Xbox is more needed, but I am pretty happy how PS3 games are still going. I just don't see a rush in needing new hardware (consoles) at this point.

If the PS3 had a gig of unified ram, maybe I could understand that argument.
Sn4ke_911 said:
I'm mostly a PC gamer but what's so bad about the 360 version?

DigitalFoundry- Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Xbox 360 vs. PC Face-Off
And as I've said I'm a console gamer. I fell for all the BC2 videos pre-release looking like absolute nuts on the 360. My own fault. Get the game and the first thing I think is wtf is this. The shadows, the animations ugh! No not a horrible looking game but I'm ready for next gen. Sorry some of you, PC gaming isn't for everybody. I'll take the ease of a console with lesser graphics for now. If next Gen doesn't start until 2015 then yeah maybe I'll make a move.


ii Stryker said:
My whole thing is, whatever the preferred platform you want to play on is whats going to be awesome. Its all relative.

Admittedly, I don't know what its like to play a BF game with 64 players, 60fps, and get paid for every in game kill and objective capped and never will. Instead of building a gaming rig I'd rather spend the money on more games and have fun.

I agree totally, I'm also guessing that 95% of gamers are in the same boat.

Not many gamers want to sit and watch there framerate in the top left corner of the screen for 60% of there game time and worry about if there setup is sufficient enough.:p
It has already been talked about in the thread, but the main reason people should want new consoles is that the console versions of BF3 only support 24 players. That's the area where the game is gimped as hell. The graphics in general will be fine, imo, but only 24 players is bad.
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