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Battlefield 3 360 Dev Screens/Videos Leak, Including New Jet Level [DICE Responds]

Izayoi said:
I'm not. I'm more willing to bet we'll see Bad Company 3 in the launch window.
and hopefully it answers what happened in between BC1 and BC2!

Meisadragon said:
You can easily connect your PC to TV and use a controller. So I don't know why anyone would say that.
well, because the other people wouldn't be using a controller...
StuBurns said:
Well I imagine between the two console versions, they'll outsell the PC one, and more of the marketing budget will be targeted at those player bases, but from a technical stand point it does appear to have lead on PC, which I believe they've commented on publicly. There are marketing reasons they'd lie, i.e. console gamers probably don't care, PC gamers might get behind a game leading on PC more easily etc, but the PC version doesn't look like it's a console port at all, to me at least.
The console versions are definitely the ports this time around, it's been developed for DX11 from the ground up and ported back to the consoles.

They've said this from the beginning.


The Faceless Master said:
well, because the other people wouldn't be using a controller...

People who use the comfy couch argument are the same who use the "Battlefield isn't about killing" or "I go on Quake Live and go 100/2 K/D with my 360 pad" arguments. Thankfully none of them have shown up yet.


Neo Member
Why do PC gamers want new consoles that are beasts that can produce games with graphics and performance on par with PCs that can be played without a mouse while sitting on a comfy couch? ;)

New consoles = final nail in the coffin of PC gaming?
Ysiadmihi said:
People who use the comfy couch argument are the same who use the "Battlefield isn't about killing" or "I go on Quake Live and go 100/2 K/D with my 360 pad" arguments. Thankfully none of them have shown up yet.
i would love to see some links of people who said something even remotely close to that!

that's just crazy talk!


Doomskull said:
Why do PC gamers want new consoles that are beasts that can produce games with graphics and performance on par with PCs that can be played without a mouse while sitting on a comfy couch? ;)

New consoles = final nail in the coffin of PC gaming?

Not a nail as such but PC gaming will slow down again, until they have another sufficient gap on consoles.
Doomskull said:
Why do PC gamers want new consoles that are beasts that can produce games with graphics and performance on par with PCs that can be played without a mouse while sitting on a comfy couch? ;)

New consoles = final nail in the coffin of PC gaming?

RTS a d RPG will always feel more adapted to pc either way. I enjoy the games like GTA, Uncharted and other games in this range while on my sofa, for the rest, I'll stick with my pc even if its outdated.


Raide said:
Not a nail as such but PC gaming will slow down again, until they have another sufficient gap on consoles.
I think its pretty much a rule that PC gaming gets better graphics after 2 or so years after next gen consoles have been out.


Doomskull said:
Why do PC gamers want new consoles that are beasts that can produce games with graphics and performance on par with PCs that can be played without a mouse while sitting on a comfy couch? ;)

New consoles = final nail in the coffin of PC gaming?

Consoles with more power = even better PC games that can still outclass the console versions :)


wwm0nkey said:
I think its pretty much a rule that PC gaming gets better graphics after 2 or so years after next gen consoles have been out.

Yup, so unless they make a console upgradable (cannot see that happening) PC power will progressively get better and better. This is not to say the actual games will get better and better but if MS/Sony actually push the specs, then the PC graphics will have to take a massive leap for anyone to bat an eyelid, especially the average gamer.





You know, I'm much more worried about PS3 Skyrim than 360 BF3...lol...

I bet BF3 for the 360 is going to end fine...


Good lord, BF3 360 gameplay surfaces, and the tard can't even give it a 720p YouTube video. Yay, heavily compressed 360p footage so it looks shittier.


Don't know what the outrage is about, looks like BF3 as we've seen it, but with a lower resolution and lesser frame rate. Was anybody not expecting this? Has this video genuinely surprised anyone?

If anything I think it looks good, not the opposite.
Arnie said:
Don't know what the outrage is about, looks like BF3 as we've seen it, but with a lower resolution and lesser frame rate. Was anybody not expecting this? Has this video genuinely surprised anyone?

If anything I think it looks good, not the opposite.
the only surprise is the footage leaking. the reactions were expected.
Majanew said:
Good lord, BF3 360 gameplay surfaces, and the tard can't even give it a 720p YouTube video. Yay, heavily compressed 360p footage so it looks shittier.

leak on reddit said:
[–]Felony -2 points 7 hours ago
You really need to learn how to do some decent video encoding. The quality is like real player from 10 years ago.

[–]dglazkov 8 points 7 hours ago
this was recorded off of a test kit. the program used to record isn't all about quality, only showing bugs to the developers to get the point across. the videos are 1:1 off the recorder.

[–]mmoser 3 points 6 hours ago
/assumes you're a tester/
So when you find a bug, you submit videos of this quality?
Surely they have a better method in place.

[–]dglazkov 4 points 6 hours ago
no, if its a gameplay bug a video is submitted. if it's graphical, a screenshot is submitted. this saves on bandwidth internally to get reports done faster

[–]nmezib 1 point 2 hours ago
high quality videos take a lot of bandwidth, and they're not going to upload a bunch of videos containing bugged out gameplay to youtube, they're more than likely passed around internally.

leaker said:
edit2:: there seems to be a lot of criticism on the graphics (must be jealous mw3 fans qq). a lot of you don't seem to realize.. the game is NOT finished. there is no internal HD footage. the videos provided are 1:1 from the devices used (ctrl+f -> "record" to find out more). some people asked if i knew anything about the PS3. last i heard there were stabilty issues. those of you complaining and dying for the beta, believe me - it is worth the wait. a lot of bugs were just found and are being fixed atm and are trying to be included before the beta. if you bought on origin you get it early anyway. i don't have map lists either, sorry. щ(゚Д゚щ)

Raide said:
Not really true CTF, more like Territories. I would love to see a True Infantry only CTF game. Though it could be a bit hectic. :D
true, Conquest is more like Team KotH than Team CTF. Infantry only? that's no fun! have vehicles, but the flag has to be carried on foot! Flag Carrier Vehicle Surfing Hijinks!


Raide said:
Not a nail as such but PC gaming will slow down again, until they have another sufficient gap on consoles.
I agree, this is how the cycle goes every generation and always will.
Without PC's how will console gamers know what to compare the next generation of consoles to. Without PC's a simple resolution upgrade would be enough but with PC's the console gamers have a decent benchmark to expect from the next generation.
Trust me, console gamers need to thank and embrace the PC as a gaming platform for their own gains.


The Faceless Master said:
true, Conquest is more like Team KotH than Team CTF. Infantry only? that's no fun! have vehicles, but the flag has to be carried on foot! Flag Carrier Vehicle Surfing Hijinks!

I would give it 10 seconds before someone surfs the flag on a chopper. :D


Ysiadmihi said:
Because 99% of PC gamers also play on consoles (not sure why this is forgotten)
Really? Do you have a stat on that? It feels strange for me to be part of an exclusive 1% club.
SmokyDave said:
Call it 'The VIP Lounge'.

Yes. With a name like that, their natural superiority complex will compel them to post there exclusively. The Gaming section will be rid of threads like these and the master race won't be as bitter without having to scroll past all the OT's of games that aren't coming to their platform.

Everybody wins!


Raide said:
Not a nail as such but PC gaming will slow down again, until they have another sufficient gap on consoles.
Why? The next generation of consoles will start out with a user base of 0.


MrCookiepants said:
Yes. With a name like that, their natural superiority complex will compel them to post there exclusively. The Gaming section will be rid of threads like these and the master race won't be as bitter without having to scroll past all the OT's of games that aren't coming to their platform.

Everybody wins!

Harsh man


amdnv said:
Why? The next generation of consoles will start out with a user base of 0.

Games sell consoles, not fancy graphical hardware. Throw a new Halo/Uncharted/Gears etc onto a new console, fans will buy it and drool at the graphics later.


amdnv said:
Really? Do you have a stat on that? It feels strange for me to be part of an exclusive 1% club.

Sticking with only PC is just as bad as someone who sticks with only one console.

Well, maybe not as bad given the benefits of the platform, but you're still limiting yourself too much.


Ysiadmihi said:
Sticking with only PC is just as bad as someone who sticks with only one console.

Well, maybe not as bad given the benefits of the platform, but you're still limiting yourself too much.
I'm limiting myself? Can you explain this? My current backlog could keep me busy for a year. So what's wrong with this, and why is it "bad"?

What I really, really, really dislike about the idea of owning a console is lack of future proofing. When new systems are released (presumably without any backwards compatibility), the old stuff becomes obsolete. Want to play those awesome PS3 games in 2018? Well, you better still have a working PS3 somewhere. Now THAT's what I call "limiting".

Please note that I spend a lot of time with older games. Backwards compatibility is the single most important feature of my gaming platform.
I remember when people were extremely impressed that id and Valve had got Doom 3 and Half Life 2 running at all, at 480i/p, on the 4 year old Xbox. Now, a 6 year old console is running BF3, a technological marvel with a fancy new engine, at nearly 720p and all it receives is criticism. At the very least, give credit to DICE where it is due.


amdnv said:
I'm limiting myself? Can you explain this? My current backlog could keep me busy for a year. So what's wrong with this, and why is it "bad"?

No matter how big your backlog is, there are exclusive games you won't have access to that you otherwise might play.
Ysiadmihi said:
The 360 and PS3 are well past their prime. Given what the PC version looks like, and given that normally new consoles would be releasing this year and could look just as good, I don't see what's wrong with shitting on these consoles unless you start attacking people personally.

Again, it was acceptable to trash the Wii's graphics 5 years ago, but now the 360/PS3 are forbidden? Come on people.

I have a kickass Pc that I played fallout new Vegas on (with running speed mod) too. And also crysis 2. But you don't read me going "ha consoles Lulz". Pointing something that's bloody obvious out does not add to any sort of discussion.

You can say ps3/x360 is long in the tooth and that's also not untrue. But until, sony/ms releases their next console, that's the best hd console gaming will get. If anything deserves mockery, it's wii u coming this late with the specs that it will have. Talk about lttp.

Btw the true trump card of Pc, beyondc components?

Steam. And dirt cheap gaming

I'll enjoy next gen gaming on Pc/x720/ps4 thank you very much


Cheesecakebobby said:
I remember when people were extremely impressed that id and Valve had got Doom 3 and Half Life 2 running at all, at 480i/p, on the 4 year old Xbox. Now, a 6 year old console is running BF3, a technological marvel with a fancy new engine, at nearly 720p and all it receives is criticism. At the very least, give credit to DICE where it is due.
I don't think a single person is this thread is criticising DICE for what they've achieved on the consoles.
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