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Battlefield 3 360 Dev Screens/Videos Leak, Including New Jet Level [DICE Responds]

Wow. I thought Neogaf was better than this - and we have mods in this thread supporting it? Perhaps I should cease on my efforts to move out of junior status. It hardly seems worth it.


PC gamers should be happy that the peasant console gamers are the ones that have been driving developers to make games. If is was not for consoles, PC users would still be drooling over Minesweeper and Solitaire. Yes the 360 and PS3 are getting a little old now, plus more and more games are coming to consoles and PC. Next gen will be very interesting when the gap closes and developers have more console power to play with.

PC will always lead the way in new technology, since they are always churning something new and better every few months. Such is the price of being a PC gamer.


raphier said:
I dont think its ported. They can claim that, but console can still be their main sku all they want. I mean sure the PC version looks hawt, because the engine was kind of made for that, tested on it. But if its anything like DXHR, the console was their main thing :p yet PC still looked good.
Well I imagine between the two console versions, they'll outsell the PC one, and more of the marketing budget will be targeted at those player bases, but from a technical stand point it does appear to have lead on PC, which I believe they've commented on publicly. There are marketing reasons they'd lie, i.e. console gamers probably don't care, PC gamers might get behind a game leading on PC more easily etc, but the PC version doesn't look like it's a console port at all, to me at least.


Ysiadmihi said:
The 360 and PS3 are well past their prime. Given what the PC version looks like, and given that normally new consoles would be releasing this year and could look just as good, I don't see what's wrong with shitting on these consoles unless you start attacking people personally.

Again, it was acceptable to trash the Wii's graphics 5 years ago, but now the 360/PS3 are forbidden? Come on people.

Wii was released alongside the PS3 and one year after the 360, so yeah I think trashing Wii's graphics was perfectly understandable.

But now we're comparing 2005 consoles to 2011 PC's, it's completely different. Of course PC are superior now.


Nirolak said:
I'll be honest. I don't see the issue.

Happens when people who dont play on consoles comment. or go by the screens posted in the first page.

PC Versions looks great and much better then console but the console version looks good imo in the videos and those screenshots hardly i feel represent howw the game will look.

Edit - Basically everyone are commenting on the screenshots posted in the first page and not on the videos


Nirolak said:
I'll be honest. I don't see the issue.

Is this especially sub par for consoles?

It seems to me that most people missed these videos and are judging everything by the screenshots (which, to put those into context, were captured using tools meant to identify graphical bugs. They're not very high quality shots.)
mxgt said:
That's mainly PC trolling the PC :(


Anyway, I've pretty much allready decided to wait buying this game until I either get enough money to build a new PC or it comes to WiiU with 64 player support. Don't care about graphics, but 64 vs 24 players is a deal breaker to me.


Corleth the Fey said:
Wow. I thought Neogaf was better than this - and we have mods in this thread supporting it? Perhaps I should cease on my efforts to move out of junior status. It hardly seems worth it.
Your wobbly bottom lip is almost palpable.
Nirolak said:
I'll be honest. I don't see the issue.

Is this especially sub par for consoles?

Not only that but the fact that the videos were ripped at a scarcely low resolution of 256x144 and 384x216, there is no way anyone can judge the final product seeing these.

Corleth the Fey said:
Wow. I thought Neogaf was better than this - and we have mods in this thread supporting it? Perhaps I should cease on my efforts to move out of junior status. It hardly seems worth it.

LOL! You've been here for 3 years with 180 posts and you cease your efforts now? Great...
Nice title change, but OP is still off a bit. Needs a link to the source on reddit.

And the fact that these shots/videos aren't all from the latest build - some are and some are from the pre-alpha build.

[–]mmoser 6 points 5 hours ago
The disc says pre-alpha ... are you sure this is the latest build?
Not that I think it would affect the graphics, but, well, would that affect the graphics?

[–]dglazkov 5 points 5 hours ago
yes, i'm sure :p not all the content is from THAT disc, just some. and a lot of people need to realize it's not 100% finished! release date is october 25th, it's only sept 12th!

This would be a good addition as well:


duckroll said:
Single player Battlefield. Lolololol. Lulz.
Phonomezer said:
Pretty much, SP is NOT the reason why one plays Battlefield.

The game was not even on my radar until they showed off co-op mode. I don't do MP (aka capture the flag, deathmatches etc etc), singleplayer all the way.


Ha ha, that looks terrible.

Glad that I have a good PC ( even if I don't plan buying BF 3 for now ). PC + PS3 is all you need.
Corleth the Fey said:
Wow. I thought Neogaf was better than this - and we have mods in this thread supporting it? Perhaps I should cease on my efforts to move out of junior status. It hardly seems worth it.

That's quite the high horse you're riding.


Corleth the Fey said:
Wow. I thought Neogaf was better than this - and we have mods in this thread supporting it? Perhaps I should cease on my efforts to move out of junior status. It hardly seems worth it.



Crysis on 360 looks good. This looks like shit.

(hopefully these shots are not representative of what we can expect from the console versions)


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Corleth the Fey said:
Perhaps I should cease on my efforts to move out of junior status. .

3 years 190 posts of this caliber? Your efforts aren't all that I'd say :(


starok said:
Wii was released alongside the PS3 and one year after the 360, so yeah I think trashing Wii's graphics was perfectly understandable.

But now we're comparing 2005 consoles to 2011 PC's, it's completely different. Of course PC are superior now.

I don't see it as being different at all. Regardless of when it was released, comparing the HD twins to Wii is a gap of 5 years of hardware. One side looked better and one side looked much, much worse. Now that the 360/PS3 are in the Wii's position, trolling isn't so funny anymore.

Everyone on GAF loves comparing graphics. That is, until there is a clear winner and that clear winner is not your platform of choice or something you own. The double standard is really bothersome.


Mithos said:
The game was not even on my radar until they showed off co-op mode. I don't do MP (aka capture the flag, deathmatches etc etc), singleplayer all the way.

Wow that shows your ignorance.Battlefield multiplayer is much different than that.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
I don't understand the intent of this thread. From what I can gather, Battlefield 3 will challenge even the most powerful kinds of hardware, therefore the fact that consoles are underpowered doesn't affect the PC version of the game at all. If this is the case, why does it matter to a player who will play the PC version of BF3 if consoles are weak or not?
Valve and Blizzard, will develop targetting the most common hardware around (GeForce 9800). Crytek already proved their claims that the changes from Crysis 1 to Crysis 2 were strictly design decisions. Games like The Witcher 2 exist as they are and an eventual console port (360) doesn't affect the quality of the PC version. With all of these examples, why would a PC gamer care if consoles are weak? I don't see consoles really holding back PC gaming, and if they are, BF3 is clearly not an example of it.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
shagg_187 said:
In his defense, these modes are/will-be back in BF3.

Yeah but saying BF is about capture the flag and deathmatch, then that's like saying Street Fighter is about reducing your opponents health.


shagg_187 said:
Drathmatch is available at Launch.

CTF is hinted to be added via future patch.

Cool. I always wanted to try out CTF in a BF game. I remember suggesting it in an old BF thread and got beat up by BF fans saying it was not BF enough. :D


godhandiscen said:
With all of these examples, why would a PC gamer care if consoles are weak?

Because 99% of PC gamers also play on consoles (not sure why this is forgotten) and an unfortunate side effect of that is being reminded of how much better console games could look with newer hardware. I can see why someone who only experiences what consoles give them might not care, but I want all of my games to look good, not just my PC games.


Corleth the Fey said:
Wow. I thought Neogaf was better than this - and we have mods in this thread supporting it? Perhaps I should cease on my efforts to move out of junior status. It hardly seems worth it.
Stick with it Corleth, you're a nice bloke.


Everybody here owns a PC.

I guarandamntee it.

I do but I don't have a graphics card that will do it justice. Plus most of my friends play on 360, so thats the version I will get.


Everybody here owns a PC.

I guarandamntee it.
That's not what I meant. I for one thought about getting this for the PS3 because I enjoy consoles more but no, that'd just be dumb because I own a gaming pc.

To have all the eyegasms from the new engine you need a PC, that's it.


i dont want to ruin the pc party in here, but i find the footage looks absolutely stunning when you think about the limitations of the console hardware.

i myself would have never expected it to be that good looking. especially the paris destruction demo video was awesome i think. Let alone the lighting, it looks 1000 times better than the one found BFBC2 if you ask me.


obviously it doesn't stand up to the pc version, but i find it pretty respectable considering the hardware its running on.


Honestly the destruction and jet video looked just fine.

Also who here is expecting "Battlefield 3: Complete Edition" for the next gen systems?
I don't see any issues with this footage, the game is of course going to be superior looking & performing on a decent gaming PC, but it's still going to look and most importantly play awesomely on the consoles.

I'm personally buying the PC and the PS3 versions. PC for the single player and the bigger online battles, and PS3 to play with my mates - which I'm sure I'll enjoy more regardless of the graphical downgrades.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Amazed no one brought out the comfy couch rebuttal

Good Job guys we're learning, both sides


French said:
Ha ha, that looks terrible.

Glad that I have a good PC ( even if I don't plan buying BF 3 for now ). PC + PS3 is all you need.
Good to see you started trolling other things besides Nintendo.


Izayoi said:
I'm not. I'm more willing to bet we'll see Bad Company 3 in the launch window.
Maybe but they did mention the DLC with be pretty beefy with BF3 and I can see them going on DLC for 2 or so years and then launching a Complete Edition for next gen systems with all the DLC.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Other than the crappy self shadowing on the jet next to yours, videos look pretty good honestly. No motion blur, but good framerate too. Looks like X360 version won't be a trainwreck some people were expecting it to be. We've already seen the more comprehensive footage of the PS3 version, and that looked very good too.

Everybody here owns a PC.

I guarandamntee it.
I do, and it outperforms consoles, but for the reasons of home layout and convenience, I hardly ever use it for gaming. I just can't be arsed, I guess.
KageMaru said:
I say only an idiot would compare a $800-$1000 PC to a $200 console. It shouldn't matter how it looks compared to the PC version, it should only be judged against other console games.

In that respect, I'm sure BF3 will be one of the best looking console games out on either system (not basing opinion on pics, waiting to see final game).
That's not the case if the context in which you are comparing them is "Are we ready for the next generation of consoles yet?" PC games always look better than console games - even the day new consoles are released (and usually when comparing the best looking game from the END of a console's life vs the best looking PC game at the start of that same console's life, on a PC typical for that era). But this gap gets gradually bigger and bigger over the course of a consoles life cycle, and - again, in the context of asking whether or not it's time for a new generation of consoles - if all you compare console games to is other console games, you'll never get to the answer of "yes, it is time." The PC is the benchmark - that doesn't mean you need to match it when releasing a new console, but it's the bell-weather of the future expectations of graphics.
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