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Bayonetta 2 - WiiU (Director: Yusuke Hashimoto, Pub: Nintendo, Supervision:Kamiya)

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So I'm looking on the webs, and all I see is nothing but bitching. Bitching about this game being exsclusive. You know what I love the most though? People going "Well I'll just wait until it gets ported". Oh man, the looks on their faces if it doesn't. It's like the people who waited on Mass Effect 1 to be ported to PS3, it was published by MS, so it didn't get ported, same goes for Bayonetta 2.
So, has the twitter spamming started up on Kamiya yet? I get the feeling that he's going to really hate the next year or so given how annoyed he's been with all the DMC tweets. This is going to be much worse.


Sure. Just as it's easy to see why people are pissed off here.

I still giggled.

They really have no reason to get upset though, those same fanboys would be jizzing their pants if Bayonetta 2 was announced for the successor to their favorite console.

It just blows my mind that people seriously believe that Bayonetta 2 will be the only thing that will EVER appeal to them on WiiU over the course of the next 5-6 years. Makes no sense whatsoever!


Now, if I happened to support the first game in PS360 and now I have to get a new system I might or might not be interested in to play the sequel it's not going to sit well, no matter what.

You do know that you're going to start seeing more franchises continue on the next platforms in the coming months, right?

Why are people saying this is a megaton, I understand this game has a good following but didn't it sell poorly in the US?

Because people thought Bayo 2 was dead.



I was getting a Wii U regardless of this news and I thought Bayonetta 2 was dead and buried forever (or at least for some long period of time), so this is really great to hear. :)


You put MGS at borderline earlier right? So what, four million is B-tier in this debate?

No, I did not. If there was confusion, I apologize; I simply used it as a hypothetical example in a discussion about continued rising costs. I said that a gradually increasing number of games are falling off the "AAA" tier list; I'm not quite sure where the bar is at now, but MGS is not there yet.

By contrast, Bayonetta is definitely already at that point. From my broad, general understanding, the current "bar" is at about 1.5-2 Million units sold for break even on a "AAA" title, but I'm sure that varies by franchise.


Yeah, you just have to keep in mind that there are actual people with actual sources on GAF. We have journalists, game developers, etc. posting here too.

Don't fly too close to the sun or you'll get burned.

Opiate I just want to clear up any confusion with my post and say that I was joking as well.


Why are people saying this is a megaton, I understand this game has a good following but didn't it sell poorly in the US?
It's less about sales (it sold pretty well, BTW) and more about this being a top-tier action game among genre fans. It's a NeoGAF darling, too, as is Platinum in general. The chances of a sequel were slim, and Nintendo seems to have heard that and are answering. One of the biggest criticisms against them is the lack of games like this. Now they're delivering, and people are pissed. LOL

I'm pretty excited, not because it's Bayonetta (I have yet to finish my 360 copy), but because of what this could mean for future exclusives of games considered genre leaders that may not have had those CoD-like sales. That's a Nintendo future I could certainly support.


The game was confirmed to be cancelled, and people obviously expected Nintendo to save it and then, also publish it for PS3/Vita/360/PC, that's quite reasonable to me, quite a shitty/greedy move by Nintendo right there.

WTF people, WTF, they save a sequel to a very loved game, and you're mad because it will be on a Nintendo platform which you won't buy because you've seen the future and it will not have any more games?

It makes me wonder, what would happen if world went crazy and Nintendo published the game for 360/PS3? People would complain about the game not being free I guess, because it's undercore to complain about Nintendo, I guess.
Bloody hell.

You aren't even glass half full, it's completely empty.

If that's your way of asking if I have any faith in Nintendo at all? Yeah your right. I don't.

However, I'm totally open to be proven wrong,
I was also sure that the Vita was going to be the Handheld king so my prediction skills need work
which is why I'm going to support a IP I love on a system that I'm totally dubious about.

maybe I can be converted.


Gold Member
We've already done this loop before, but I'll lead you down the path one more time: you say some people do not "plan on buying" the Wii U. What is this objector's reason for not buying the system? Presumably because it does not have games they want, yes?

I don't think it's necessarily just about the games. I plan on getting a Wii U, but because of that investment and the investments I've made in the Vita, 3DS and future PS360 software I doubt I'll be willing to support PS4/Xbox 720 at all if and when they come out. Not just because of financial constrains but time management. So when you look at the investment/benefit ratio, it's not exactly that worthwhile for someone in my circumstance. So I absolutely understand the disappointment some fans are going through, and while the manner in which they're whining isn't any help, I don't think we should really be that surprised at the disappointment. That's my two cents on the topics.


Look I'm not saying I'm not happy, the fact that the game in getting done is great news, thank you Nintendo.

Now, if I happened to support the first game in PS360 and now I have to get a new system I might or might not be interested in to play the sequel it's not going to sit well, no matter what.

You don't have to get squat in that case. Just pretend the game still don't exist. Their loss.


Posted already?


Oh wow, death threats.

This is escalating quickly. Gotta say it kinda feels good after all those people were bitching around Nintendo during the whole Wii's lifespan. Karma can be a bitch.


When I see this, I think those people don't even deserve another game by Kamiya. I mean what the fuck is wrong with them? It's not like Kamiya "owes" these people any games.

I need to save this pic for the next time Kamiya wonders why so many idiots tweet to him in English, and several new idiots start calling him racist.


The Amiga Brotherhood
It's less about sales (it sold pretty well, BTW) and more about this being a top-tier action game among genre fans. It's a NeoGAF darling, too, as is Platinum in general. The chances of a sequel were slim, and Nintendo seems to have heard that and are answering. One of the biggest criticisms against them is the lack of games like this. Now they're delivering, and people are pissed. LOL

I'm pretty excited, not because it's Bayonetta (I have yet to finish my 360 copy), but because of what this could mean for future exclusives of games considered genre leaders that may not have had those CoD-like sales. That's a Nintendo future I could certainly support.

The best thing about this and The Wonderful 101, apart from the games themselves and Bayonetta 2 even coming out, is it gives the Wii U a mission statement that has been missing and a bit confused from Nintendo themselves.

It's a statement of intent similar to what we got with the Capcom Five before politics undid it all. And if that is what we can look for from Wii U, and obviously Platinum, that is great for the industry.

This is a horse that needed backing and Nintendo have come good.


The best part about this for me is that this announcement made me start replaying Bayonetta again. I should feel ashamed for not doing this earlier, I barely got ANY of the extras x_x. Oh well, at least now I won't feel the lingering disappointment about Bayonetta 2 getting canceled, so now I'm not having a bittersweet experience!


o_O @_@ O_o
THIS is what's important. Nintendo just took Bayonetta by the hand from her grave and pulled her up for another round. Damn the fact that it's not on PS360, it's HAPPENING, period.

I just realized that Nintendo is basically Rodin.


Nintendo/Rodin pulled Bayonetta back from the brink to kick ass again.


I know Bayonetta is huge on GAF and that it did well critically, but is it a franchise that matters commercially? I was always under the impression that it undersold and just found a niche market.
Those same fanboys would be jizzing their pants if Bayonetta 2 was announced for the successor to their favorite console.

As someone said they'll just make.believe™ a "Sigma" port will happen. . . having thought about it I don't think one will though. It would validate the "not buying" crowd.


I haven't seen anyone asking for it to be ported to PS4/720 (I might've missed those posts though, so I'm not saying there's absolutely no posts like that ITT). What I've seen though is people being disappointed it's not a multiplat WiiU/PS360 release, since the original was a PS360 game.
That wasn't my point. My point was, these people aren't interested in Wii U because they think these consoles that haven't even been announced yet will have better offerings, even though... you know, they aren't even close to launching while Wii U is WITH a game (or even two) they should be very interested in as fans of Platinum's games

Also, I added a bit:

I mean, really, at this point Wii U seems to be offering highly promising:

-2d platformers (Rayman Legends & Mario)
-horror (Zombie U)
-action/adventure (Bayonetta 2)
-JRPG (Xenoblade director & team's next project)
-party games
-actiony strategy games (Pikmin 3 & The Wonderful 101, okay, so I don't know what genre these two belong to)
-monster hunting (Monster Hunter 3G Ultimate or whatever)
+ (definitive? console-wise) ports from games like Darksiders 2, Assassin's Creed III, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 etc.

I mean, how limited does your taste in games have to be not to have interest in any of these games? How much better can PS4 & Xbox 720 offerings be or is it just the millionth Halo or Call of Duty that interests these people instead of new, exciting or at least not as tired franchises?


Man, I thought this announcement would get a universal positive reaction. I can't believe there's still console war bs and death threats in 2012. I thought I left all of that back in middle school.
I know Bayonetta is huge on GAF and that it did well critically, but is it a franchise that matters commercially? I was always under the impression that it undersold and just found a niche market.

It's a game that appeals to "core" gamers, that's all that matters. It shouldn't matter to Nintendo if the game will be a blockbuster or not, they should just be concentrating on acquiring titles that lure in that audience. Bayonatta 2 is just a start, hopefully.


Of all the third party franchises they could have chosen for an exclusive, they picked this one?

Was the first game even popular? I never played it or followed its success.

No it wasn't a big success, just decent. Nintendo backing this must mean the game fits their style more than anything else.


That wasn't my point.

Also, I added a bit:

I mean, really, at this point Wii U seems to be offering highly promising:

-2d platformers (Rayman Legends & Mario)
-horror (Zombie U)
-action/adventure (Bayonetta 2)
-JRPG (Xenoblade director & team's next project)
-party games
-actiony strategy games (Pikmin 3 & The Wonderful 101, okay, so I don't know what genre these two belong to)
-monster hunting (Monster Hunter 3G Ultimate or whatever)
+ (definitive? console-wise) ports from games like Darksiders 2, Assassin's Creed III, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 etc.

I mean, how limited does your taste in games have to be not to have interest in any of these games? How much better can PS4 & Xbox 720 offerings be or is it just the millionth Halo or Call of Duty that interests these people instead of new, exciting or at least not as tired franchises?

AND Black Ops 2 for the brodudeskis out there, which mean that if you don't like anything they have at launch, wtf. :p


They really have no reason to get upset though, those same fanboys would be jizzing their pants if Bayonetta 2 was announced for the successor to their favorite console.
Because that successor is likely to be significantly more powerful than this platform and may feature a stable of exclusives they're already acquainted with. In addition, they may wish to carry over their friends lists and achievements / trophies. I don't find it difficult to empathise with those people.

It just blows my mind that people seriously believe that Bayonetta 2 will be the only thing that will EVER appeal to them on WiiU over the course of the next 5-6 years. Makes no sense whatsoever!
Some buy consoles on promise, some buy consoles on what is available now. I'm not going to tell either group how to spend their money.


You guys are so tsun tsun.

"I'm not buying a console when it has zero games I'm interested in."

*later on*

"W-w-well, I'm not buying a console for just one game."

*later on*

""W-w-well, I'm not buying a console for just two games."

Of all the third party franchises they could have chosen for an exclusive, they picked this one?

Was the first game even popular? I never played it or followed its success.

It was probably going cheap because it undersold with no other buyer and it's a good game. Win/win.
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