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BBC - Console Wars. Which is best?


Each case is made by an editor of a platform specific magazine. Hence the incredible positivity of all three.

BBC said:
By Steve Brown, editor, Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine

Xbox 360 is the first console to take advantage of the new high definition standard. All games made for the console will run in this new widescreen graphical format which, if you have the correct screen, is the biggest leap forward for games graphics since the first home 3D games in 1995.

Even those without a high def screen will notice a considerable step up in graphical prowess for the games they play on Xbox 360.

This is most notably in the tiny details that helps make games seem real - spectators faces in the crowds of sports games, for instance, or the stitching on the leather upholstery of one of the supercars in Project Gotham Racing.

However, graphics are only one of the areas of gaming that the extra power of Xbox 360 will revolutionise.

The main difference between Xbox 360 and other next generation consoles is the fact that it is designed to be a completely connected experience; from simple things like wireless controllers and wireless internet connectivity, to the killer feature of the Xbox 360 world, Xbox Live.

Net community

While Live existed on original Xbox as an online gaming network, Xbox Live on the 360 improves that experience with enhanced, more reliable matchmaking and then adds more besides.

The system's Marketplace feature will allow connected gamers to download new game content for free, as well as share custom content they have created with friends.

Subscribers to the service will be able to talk to their friends whenever the console is turned on and in the future will also be able to video chat using the system's bespoke video cam.

The inclusion of a hard drive, pioneered in the original Xbox, offers owners of the Xbox 360 further benefits.

The console is designed to connect seamlessly with all MP3 players, video cameras and other media devices.

Music can be ripped to the system's hard drive and played as a custom soundtrack for games or the console can simply be used as an 'amplifier' for any media users want to plug into it

Using the optional wireless receiver, the Xbox 360 will even link to home networks and communicate directly with home PCs.

However, even with high definition and unrivalled connectivity, it is still the games that matter most in the Xbox 360 world.

The games available in the first three months of the Xbox 360's life are some of the best ever created and of a standard some consoles have had to wait their entire lifespan to amass.

Project Gotham Racing 3, Perfect Dark Zero, Gears of War and Kameo are only some of the highlights. The rest of 2006 will provide plenty more.

BBC said:
By Tim Clark, associate editor, Official PlayStation 2 Magazine UK

Six months ago I snuck into work just before midnight to meet several like-minded colleagues. The reason we were there was to watch PlayStation 3 being unveiled live on the net.

Those of us huddled excitedly around the screen were ready to see, and more importantly, play something new. The display of raw power that followed was little short of astonishing.

Here, finally, was a games machine capable of pumping out the kind of eye-watering visuals you would normally associate with high-end special effects used in movies.

To get a real idea of just how powerful the PlayStation 3 is you need to speak to a developer working on the system.

Chris Keegan is technical director at Climax. He says that if the PS3 existed in 1998, it would have been the most powerful super-computer in the world.

He reckons the PS3 is roughly 250 times more powerful in raw processing terms than PS2.

But computing power counts for nothing without the support of software publishers.

Game highlights

Today, every major third-party publisher is onboard and there are more than 150 titles in development. Highlights include Resident Evil 5, the next Grand Theft Auto and Vision Gran Turismo.

But pick of the bunch so far has to be Metal Gear Solid 4. The latest instalment in the series, which has long been synonymous with Sony hardware, looks incredible.

To really get the most out of the PS3, you are going to need to get involved with high definition TV. The console is equipped with two HDMI outputs which, when hooked up to a compatible Plasma or LCD display, will result in images of unparalleled clarity and detail.

Further future-proofing comes from the Blu-Ray disc format which the PS3 uses. Blu-Ray discs can hold up to 25 gigabytes of data, as opposed to 4.7GB on a standard DVD which are used on the Xbox 360. Layered discs versions with even more capacity are possible.

Sony's trump card is it's recently released handheld, the PSP. Further down the line, the suggestion is that you will be able to use the PSP's network browsing functionality to log onto your PS3 remotely, managing content such as music and movies, while on the move.

During the current generation, Microsoft dominated online console gaming with Xbox Live. I would expect to see Sony offering a fully integrated network service to support PS3 this time around.

Now the waiting game starts. There is no word on price, and the current estimate is that PS3 will launch in Japan next spring, with the US and Europe due to follow before the end of the year.

If the PS3 rollout is structured along similar lines to the PS2 one, it could be next October before UK gamers get their hands on it, giving the Xbox 360 almost a year's head start.

But Sony is used to managing consumer expectations and playing the wait and see card. After all, going first brings its own set of problems. Just ask Sega.

BBC said:
By Tom East, editor, NGC magazine

Nintendo's Revolution is undoubtedly the most exciting console of the three next generation machines.

While the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360 can offer improved graphics and sound, Nintendo, with their amazing new controller, are promising to change the way you actually play games forever.

The Revolution controller may look like a TV remote but, with its built-in motion-sensor, it is perhaps the most radical innovation in console history.

Players will hold the new freehand unit in one hand and control the action onscreen by pointing it at their television and waving it around.

So, instead of pressing the A button to, say, kill an enemy with a sword, you can make slashing movements with the controller and your actions will be replicated on the screen.

This can only improve your playing experience, offering levels of interactivity that have so far only been realised through basic PlayStation 2 EyeToy games and Nintendo's own wonderful handheld, the DS.

New experiences

With other consoles, you will be playing better looking versions of the games you have already got.

Sure, the games will be smoother, prettier and offer levels of realism that have yet to be seen in video games.

But when you are paying more than £200 for some new hardware you should expect a great deal more than shinier cars and realistic grass that moves in the wind.

Revolution's technology should, like the other consoles, be cutting edge, but it is the only console that will actually offer you new experiences.

While we have yet to see any actual games running on Revolution, Nintendo have produced a video that hints at the many ways the controller can be used.

We have seen a man using it as a light-gun in a first-person shooter game, a child using it as a fishing rod even old people conducting an orchestra.

And that is just the new games, you will also be able to download classic Nintendo games online to play on Revolution.

With Revolution, Nintendo have been keen to emphasise that their new controller will be so easy to use that it will not only appeal to their hardcore fans, but also people who have never played on a games console before.

The message is, similar to DS, it does not matter if you are young or old, male or female, you will have fun playing games on Revolution.

Thought it was interesting and even handed coverage.



"Chris Keegan is technical director at Climax. He says that if the PS3 existed in 1998, it would have been the most powerful super-computer in the world. " <----------total fucking bullshit. there were some super-computers that could push several TFLOPs and many that could push in the high hundreds of GFLOPs. all of these were significantly to vastly more powerful than PS3.

"He reckons the PS3 is roughly 250 times more powerful in raw processing terms than PS2" <--------------- yet more bullshit. PS3 is a few dozen times more powerful than PS2, not hundreds of times more powerful.

"During the current generation, Microsoft dominated online console gaming with Xbox Live. I would expect to see Sony offering a fully integrated network service to support PS3 this time around" <--------- all I can say is....yeah just like they did with PS2. nuff said :lol


there is joy in sucking dick
xexex said:
He reckons the PS3 is roughly 250 times more powerful in raw processing terms than PS2" <--------------- yet more bullshit. PS3 is a few dozen times more powerful than PS2, not hundreds of times more powerful.

The term "Power" is usually used with the "Flops" system of measuring (not that its the right way, its just the current trend of measuring CPU power compared to the predecessors) and if thats the measurment that hes using than the PS3 does have the potential to be 250 time more powerful than the PS2. Although these articles are made up of fixating facts in a better light (for their own systems).

xexex said:
all I can say is....yeah just like they did with PS2. nuff said :lol

Wow, you were doing well when you didn't add this to your post...now what you stated above completley discredited your whole post. Great job!


PS2 CPU: 6.2 GFLOPs max theoretical peak

PS3 CPU: 218 GFLOPs max theroetical peak

~35x increase in CPU performance

PS2 graphics chip: 1200 Mpixels/sec with 1 texture - 20-25 M polygons/sec with some effects

PS3 graphics chip 8800 Mpixels/sec with multi-texture, pixel shading. 500~700M polygons/sec with some effects.

Nvidia says PS3 graphics chip is 50x more powerful than PS2's GS. maybe in pixel shading. raw performance is less of an increase. but even Nvidia doesnt claim 250x.

PS2 40 MB
PS3 512 MB


there is joy in sucking dick
xexex said:
PS2 CPU: 6.2 GFLOPs max theoretical peak

PS3 CPU: 218 GFLOPs max theroetical peak

~35x increase in CPU performance

PS2 graphics chip: 1200 Mpixels/sec with 1 texture - 20-25 M polygons/sec with some effects

PS3 graphics chip 8800 Mpixels/sec with multi-texture, pixel shading. 500~700M polygons/sec with some effects.

Nvidia says PS3 graphics chip is 50x more powerful than PS2's GS. maybe in pixel shading. raw performance is less of an increase. but even Nvidia doesnt claim 250x.

PS2 40 MB
PS3 512 MB

The article is also very vague on what the hell does raw processing means. It can be flip turned and looked at in many different ways. Point is, this isn't a technical article. I wouldn't look to actual figures on console power compared to anything else. Its just PR speak.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Exactly, "power" is a nice nebulous term to hide behind. And to quote the oft used example, is it possible PS3 may run a piece of code, for example, 250x faster than PS2 did? Who knows?


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
BlueTsunami said:
Wow, you were doing well when you didn't add this to your post...now what you stated above completley discredited your whole post. Great job!

Well, it's kinda true though, not saying that PS3 won't have a decent network, but the actual connectivity of the PS2 is a far cry from what was originally promised.


gofreak said:
Exactly, "power" is a nice nebulous term to hide behind. And to quote the oft used example, is it possible PS3 may run a piece of code, for example, 250x faster than PS2 did? Who knows?

ok, I agree with this. the article wasnt technical either.


there is joy in sucking dick
capslock said:
Well, it's kinda true though, not saying that PS3 won't have a decent network, but the actual connectivity of the PS2 is a far cry from what was originally promised.

Yes, I agree but I personally believe that the Online implimentation of the PS3 WILL be more robust. I mean, it has to be a step up from the PS2. Also, with the PSP and basic Online multiplaying and browser functionality. It just bodes will for what the PS3 should offer. With that said, neither me or xexex have any idea on what Sony will actually do with their Online infrastructure.
gofreak said:
Exactly, "power" is a nice nebulous term to hide behind. And to quote the oft used example, is it possible PS3 may run a piece of code, for example, 250x faster than PS2 did? Who knows?

They could just try pixel shading effects code and the PS2 would slow to a crawl, we went from no native pixel shading to Shader 3.0 support. They might derive massive number difference easily from that alone.


there is joy in sucking dick
Tony HoTT said:
Well what console would you suggest is the most exciting? I can certainly see why they state that.

I can also see why. Its the only console thats doing radical with its control scheme. Theres also nothing definitive (hardware wise) as to what the Revolution is. So its one of the most secretive consoles.


They say its [Rev] the most exciting because its doing new and unorthodox. Instead of bumping up graphical power of a console thats happened every other gen, Nintendo are offering a completly new experience.


Today, every major third-party publisher is onboard and there are more than 150 titles in development. Highlights include Resident Evil 5, The next Grand Theft Auto and Vision Gran Turismo.

God-damn it, can anyone in the universe confirm where this is ACTUALLY going, whether it'll be multiplatform, timed exclusive, real exclusive, what century it'll come out in... because where is anyone getting this info


What's so exciting about it?

I find a simple five minute online match of any FPS game (or what not) exciting. The prospect of playing games in a new way doesn’t excite me because there is no use for it. So… No, playing with a remote controller while moving my arm around doesn't do anything for me in the same way beating kongas, drawing shit with a stylus, or hopping around in front of a (Eyetoy) camera doesn't excite me.

Here’s the formula for excitement:

Great Gameplay (usually killing and blowing stuff up) + Nice Graphics + Online

It’s simple. There's no need for pens and remotes. All people want to do is kill each other (online) so they should just focus on that. Do people really want to fish, cook, and conduct orchestras? Ummm no... I don't think so.


Kuroyume said:
What's so exciting about it?

I find a simple five minute online match of any FPS game (or what not) exciting. The prospect of playing games in a new way doesn’t excite me because there is no use for it. So… No, playing with a remote controller while moving my arm around doesn't do anything for me in the same way beating kongas, drawing shit with a stylus, or hopping around in front of a (Eyetoy) camera doesn't excite me.

Here’s the formula for excitement:

Great Gameplay (usually killing and blowing stuff up) + Nice Graphics + Online

It’s simple. There's no need for pens and remotes. All people want to do is kill each other (online) so they should just focus on that. Do people really want to fish, cook, and conduct orchestras? Ummm no... I don't think so.

Well, that may be your taste. I wouldn't laugh the statement about it being the most exciting console away. Let's take your little formula for excitement here.

Great Gameplay (usually killing and blowing stuff up) - I take it you like FPS? Maybe you missed the part where Nintendo showed you the Revolution will be perfect for FPS. ASIDE from fishing, cooking and orchestra conduction games.

Nice Graphics - Have you seen a Revolution game yet?

Online - It will be.

I'm not telling you to buy a Revolution or to get excited for it. I'm just telling you it's kinda dumb to ignore other ppl's opinions and diss something if you've only seen half of what it has to offer.

PS: At this moment I think Revolution will be shit also.


Kuroyume said:
What's so exciting about it?

I find a simple five minute online match of any FPS game (or what not) exciting. The prospect of playing games in a new way doesn’t excite me because there is no use for it. So… No, playing with a remote controller while moving my arm around doesn't do anything for me in the same way beating kongas, drawing shit with a stylus, or hopping around in front of a (Eyetoy) camera doesn't excite me.

Here’s the formula for excitement:

Great Gameplay (usually killing and blowing stuff up) + Nice Graphics + Online

It’s simple. There's no need for pens and remotes. All people want to do is kill each other (online) so they should just focus on that. Do people really want to fish, cook, and conduct orchestras? Ummm no... I don't think so.

LOL at you.


radioheadrule83 said:
By Tom East, editor, NGC magazine

The Revolution controller may look like a TV remote but, with its built-in motion-sensor, it is perhaps the most radical innovation in console history.

Players will hold the new freehand unit in one hand and control the action onscreen by pointing it at their television and waving it around.
Now you're playing with power, super power!!



Wow, comparing the Rev Controller to the Power Glove! Hahah!

I can't believe no one has made that connection/joke before you....

Oh wait.... about 1500 people already have.


Screenboy said:

Its gamers like you that are making the industry shit.

Yeah? I grew up in the 80s with Rambo, Robocop, Delta Force and other action movies. It's just something that I like. There's no need to be an immature idiot and attack me because of what I enjoy. It's gamers like you that are making the industry shit.


Kuroyume said:
What's so exciting about it?

I find a simple five minute online match of any FPS game (or what not) exciting. The prospect of playing games in a new way doesn’t excite me because there is no use for it. So… No, playing with a remote controller while moving my arm around doesn't do anything for me in the same way beating kongas, drawing shit with a stylus, or hopping around in front of a (Eyetoy) camera doesn't excite me.

Here’s the formula for excitement:

Great Gameplay (usually killing and blowing stuff up) + Nice Graphics + Online

It’s simple. There's no need for pens and remotes. All people want to do is kill each other (online) so they should just focus on that. Do people really want to fish, cook, and conduct orchestras? Ummm no... I don't think so.

... Yeah. I don't think I like you.

Can't stand when people make the argument that they like games now so "playing games in a new way" has no use. That's fucking ridiculous.


Kuroyume said:
Yeah? I grew up in the 80s with Rambo, Robocop, Delta Force and other action movies. It's just something that I like. There's no need to be an immature idiot and attack me because of what I enjoy. It's gamers like you that are making the industry shit.

Its not the fact that you like them, its the fact that you think this is all there is to gaming. I hate you.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Kuroyume said:
It’s simple. There's no need for pens and remotes. All people want to do is kill each other (online) so they should just focus on that. Do people really want to fish, cook, and conduct orchestras? Ummm no... I don't think so.
Narrow minded people FTL.


Kuroyume said:
Yeah? I grew up in the 80s with Rambo, Robocop, Delta Force and other action movies. It's just something that I like. There's no need to be an immature idiot and attack me because of what I enjoy. It's gamers like you that are making the industry shit.

I dont mean to be offensive its just your saying the Revolution is not exciting because it doesn't follow your strategy of excitement?

Broaden your horizons mate.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Kuroyume said:
Great Gameplay (usually killing and blowing stuff up)

Kuroyume said:
Yeah? I grew up in the 80s with Rambo, Robocop, Delta Force and other action movies. It's just something that I like. There's no need to be an immature idiot and attack me because of what I enjoy. It's gamers like you that are making the industry shit.
I grew up in the 80's and loved those action movies too. But i don't equate "killing and blowing stuff up" as great gameplay by default. it's an odd statement.


Scrow said:

I grew up in the 80's and loved those action movies too. But i don't equate "killing and blowing stuff up" as great gameplay by default. it's an odd statement.


So where does the great gameplay in games like Halo, GTA, CONTRA, Quake and so on come from?

Let's get real here and not sugarcoat anything. People want (and enjoy) destructive entertainment. Most people didn't love the Matrix films because of the philosophy behind it. People wanted to see bullets flying and the characters kicking ass... The same goes for Halo and these other games.

I think some of you are equating my comments with games like TRUE CRIME and that that 50 cent game. I like tasteful games too. I'm also entertained when taking down a Colossus in SOTC just as the rest of you.

I just don't like gimmick games.


Kuroyume said:
I just don't like gimmick games.

I guess you hated the Analog Stick when it came out eh??
You probably hated Shoulder Buttons too.
Oh, and the Digital Pad.
Maybe even Rumble.
Kuroyume said:

So where does the great gameplay in games like Halo, GTA, CONTRA, Quake and so on come from?

Let's get real here and not sugarcoat anything. People want (and enjoy) destructive entertainment. Most people didn't love the Matrix films because of the philosophy behind it. People wanted to see bullets flying and the characters kicking ass... The same goes for Halo and these other games.

I think some of you are equating my comments with games like TRUE CRIME and that that 50 cent game. I like tasteful games too. I'm also entertained when taking down a Colossus in SOTC just as the rest of you.

I just don't like gimmick games.

It's called a preference. What games you find appealing are not the same ones for everyone. People are not clones of you. Luckily it seems.


being watched
I'd have more faith in Revolution if they'd actually included a power glove as the controller. Not some funky TV remote.


MutFox said:
I guess you hated the Analog Stick when it came out eh??
You proably hated Shoulder Buttons too.
Oh, and the Digital Pad.
Maybe Rumble too.

Ummm no... Have people really designed games around the rumble feature or the shoulder buttons? I mean... the main freaking selling point of the Revolution is the freaking controller! What other time in history was the controller the main selling point of a console?

Well I've had enough arguing for now. I just wanted to add my two cents in. I didn't expect to get roasted like this. :lol

I'm the cancer of gaming. :lol


Still Tagged Accordingly
Kuroyume said:

So where does the great gameplay in games like Halo, GTA, CONTRA, Quake and so on come from?

Let's get real here and not sugarcoat anything. People want (and enjoy) destructive entertainment. Most people didn't love the Matrix films because of the philosophy behind it. People wanted to see bullets flying and the characters kicking ass... The same goes for Halo and these other games.

I think some of you are equating my comments with games like TRUE CRIME and that that 50 cent game. I like tasteful games too. I'm also entertained when taking down a Colossus in SOTC just as the rest of you.

I just don't like gimmick games.
you can have non-gimmick games with great gameplay and no violence you know?

why am i even bothering...


I think Revolution will be at its best when using a Nunchuck attachment (i.e. The Analog Stick).

I think the classic shell is kind of pointless when they can use a WaveBird on the console, unless the game involved some tilting elements.

I think the Wand on its own will make for some great experiences such as The Toy Plane game, Pilotwings, Nintendogs 2, Wario Ware Freestyle and the new Kite Flying Simulator. Even the cooking simulator will be good fun. Pennant Chase and Roll-a-Rama may well resurface as great games using the one hand controller.

But I believe the true quality in titles will come with the analog attachment. Playing Winning Eleven, move you player with the Analog, point and click passing with the wand. Put spin on a free kick by tilting the wand. Throw a pass in Madden with the wand (just keep a grip on it!).

Move around as normal in Zelda but when you come to an enemy you can slash them down in real time. Ride the horse with the Analog and wave your sword in the other. Pull back on the controller and press a button to fire an arrow. Reach out and grab a door and turn the controller to open it. Examine objects in real time 3D...

The metroid map is a great example. Ever get confused examining an object or a map in a game witht he analog stick? Now you have that object in your hand. If you spin the controller around in real life, the object does the same on the screen.

Also I believe that normally crappy concepts for games could suddently be good on this format. A squash game would work a treat. 2 of you in your lounge. Move the player around with the Analog, hit the ball back with power and spin all being controller at the flick of your wrist.

I think it is great that we have some variety this time around anyway. At least it isn't a case of 3 identikit consoles, each with their own exclusives and all of them just traditional.


Sunski said:
I think the classic shell is kind of pointless when they can use a WaveBird on the console, unless the game involved some tilting elements.

Well it depends on what the classic shell is, it may well be an upgrade to the current wavebird layout with 2 analog sticks and an extra z button :p

Oh I think the tilting elements were confirmed to be there.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Sunski said:
I think Revolution will be at its best when using a Nunchuck attachment (i.e. The Analog Stick).
i'm actually more interested in using two remote controllers at the same time. dual wielding ^_-

but ya, the nunchuck setup will almost certainly become the standard form of control for the majority of Rev games.
xexex said:
"During the current generation, Microsoft dominated online console gaming with Xbox Live. I would expect to see Sony offering a fully integrated network service to support PS3 this time around" <--------- all I can say is....yeah just like they did with PS2. nuff said :lol

So you just expect Sony to sit back and not do anything to improve their online play? They aren't saying it'll be better than Live they're saying it'll be much better than their current one. It's not something so hard to believe. Hell Nintendo didn't even have an online plan for this gen and they have one for next gen.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Sunski said:
I think the Wand on its own will make for some great experiences such as The Toy Plane game, Pilotwings, Nintendogs 2, Wario Ware Freestyle and the new Kite Flying Simulator. Even the cooking simulator will be good fun. Pennant Chase and Roll-a-Rama may well resurface as great games using the one hand controller.

Don't forget Monkey Ball Revolution ... :D

MMMmmm ... monkeys.
SolidSnakex said:
So you just expect Sony to sit back and not do anything to improve their online play? They aren't saying it'll be better than Live they're saying it'll be much better than their current one. It's not something so hard to believe. Hell Nintendo didn't even have an online plan for this gen and they have one for next gen.


he won't be laughing when sony reveals its plans, and that goes to all the people who think sony will have the same online structure as ps2.


I think a major purpose for the "classic shell" will be playing SNES and N64 games. If it has more buttons than a Wavebird (which I feel will not be useable on the Revolution, just on the GameCube side), I'd be (pleasantly) surprised. However, the Z1 and Z2 buttons on the nunchuck attachment may be indicative of more buttons on the classic shell, so who knows? :)


donny2112 said:
I think a major purpose for the "classic shell" will be playing SNES and N64 games.

Could be... but I read in an interview with Miyamoto that the "classic shell" is there as a .. well, as a backup strategy (my interpretation) for those devs. who cannot make use of the revmote.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
The shell/revmote set up could be great in a game like Winning Eleven. Controlling the player with the ball (with the usual dpad/analog pad), you could meanwhile move the controller to make the free player move accordingly, for extra accurate passing. That's only an example. Every game could benefit from the revmote, even the most classic/beloved franchises.


They could do a "behind the character" 3D Fighter with the classic shell where you play the game as normal but you can dodge in any direction by tilting the pad. I.e. Matrix style backwards dodge for a punch/fireball attack, Duck down if you tilt forward, side left and right to avoid high kicks and punches...


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
This is another interesting article that validates Nintendo's vision:
Analyst says sequels turning off customers.
Sequels with prettier graphics won't keep players playing eternally. Nintendo knows it better than anyone, they are in this industry for more than 20 years, and the GC so so performance was their wake up call. Revolution is a bliss, we may all have one in 2 years from now if it delivers on its phenomenal promises.
marc^o^ said:
Sequels with prettier graphics won't keep players playing eternally. Nintendo knows it better than anyone, they are in this industry for more than 20 years, and the GC so so performance was their wake up call.

That just means that consumers didn't want what Nintendo had to offer with the GC.
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