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Because Canada: Justin Trudeau kayaks over to a family to discuss climate change

He seems very worried about climate changed, or at least he is making sure that he looks worried in front of everybody but or natural resources and forests are still getting fucked up really bad with no actions in sight.


Man I hate sounding like an apologist but these pictures are extremely misleading. Anyone who knows anything about environmental assessments and compliance knows all that land will be remediated. Large scale projects have a massive impacts assessment process. They simply do not get approved nowadays if they are not sustainable.

Yes, let's double down on a dying industry.

Why does Trump get shit for "coal jobs" when Trudeau gets lavished for "oil jobs"?

Oil is not a dying industry...where do people get these ideas from?

Demand is projected to grow until the 2030s to 2040s.




What we can do is reduce emissions by using new emissions reduction tech and taper off the resource. Yes oil demand will peak one day, the writing is on the wall...but it's still quite a ways away.


He's certainly been great for Canada's standing within the global community.

But yeah, I can see why some of my fellow Canadians would be less enamored. Him abandoning the reform thing outright was a suckerpunch to a lot of people and his justification was weak. On the other hand, I do agree that you can't just "unplug" oil from the economy and jump straight to wind/solar/geothermal. It's going to be a generational thing as Canada and other countries like China wean themselves off fossil fuels and move on to more sustainable forms of fuel/energy creation.


What's Obama doing? I need to know what my mans is doing right now. Where is my mans?!

I need to make sense of all of this!!!


Subete no aware
Because at the moment, too much dependency on oil has been setup by the Fed Conservatives for over a decade, even longer provincial in some provinces.

You can't just pull the plug out right, but you can transition the economy to other forms of energy, while bringing down consumption and usage of oil and putting more emphasis on R&D that reduces emissions even more.

I wish we could just go 100% clean tomorrow, but we can't and we won't. The goal is to work on it now though.
Look, we should help Alberta. Just like we helped the Maritime provinces after they destroyed their fisheries. That's fine. But I'm glad BC is going to stand up to Alberta and Trudeau and do their best to try to shut down the pipeline.

Manufacturing is a dying industry, that doesn't mean manufacturing jobs aren't important for the economy.

As to your second part, oil production is a much, much bigger industry than coal, even just considering all of the processing that gets done to oil after the fact.
I think the fact that it's tar sands oil makes it even worse than just normal drilling. We're shitting on the environment in order to sell stuff that will shit on the environment even more.

What the hell is going on here? Looks like a nuke went off
That's how they get oil in Alberta. It's not a pretty little oil well that you see in places like Texas.


He's expanding oil production.

Can you give me some news articles to review on that? I haven't really read or heard much as of late. The Guardian article is wishy washy, as it just points to the same pipelines that were already an issue for the last half decade.

*EDIT: just so you know, I've lived here in Alberta my whole life, I hate the oil industry, I hate people that have ruined a city like Edmonton with their f'n big trucks and suburban sprawl and their crummy attitudes. I hate that housing is stupid expensive for shit. I hate the attitudes of people defending it tooth and nail. But even I can understand you can't hard stop. I wish we could have environmental governance that matters up north, but again, thanks Conservatives for that.

We have to diversify now. And that ain't cheap or easy. And yes, even the people I ain't too fond of we can't rip the rug underneath them so they fall on their faces without anything to latch onto for a new stable job. But it is up to our governments now to start getting that done.


While I don't necessarily disagree that Trudeau can be a lot of talk without the action to really back it up, I'm not sure what people hope for him to do about the oil industry in Canada.

I hope he makes sure it uses strict regulations and environmental standards, but it's not something that can be shut down overnight.

That article seems to have an anger fueling it.


Because at the moment, too much dependency on oil has been setup by the Fed Conservatives for over a decade, even longer provincial in some provinces.

You can't just pull the plug out right, but you can transition the economy to other forms of energy, while bringing down consumption and usage of oil and putting more emphasis on R&D that reduces emissions even more.

I wish we could just go 100% clean tomorrow, but we can't and we won't. The goal is to work on it now though.

Exactly. Harper put a great deal of our eggs in a single basket. We've gotta transition away from an oil-based economy, but that's not something you can accomplish in the short term.

Also, I remember reading that the new pipeline is not as big of a deal as it's made out to be, because they were just going to ship it by rail otherwise regardless. Trains use fossil fuel to move, and have a bad habit of derailing.


Yes, let's double down on a dying industry.

Why does Trump get shit for "coal jobs" when Trudeau gets lavished for "oil jobs"?

Oil is a dying industry? Since when?! A large part of our country's economy depends on it.

lmao all these people who were hoping for Trudeau to completely shut down our entire oil industry are fucking delusional. There's a point where being too idealistic get's kinda ridiculous. And I wouldn't be surprised if these are probably the same people who complain about our dollar being in the dumps.
Exactly. Harper put a great deal of our eggs in a single basket. We've gotta transition away from an oil-based economy, but that's not something you can accomplish in the short term.

Also, I remember reading that the new pipeline is not as big of a deal as it's made out to be, because they were just going to ship it by rail otherwise regardless. Trains use fossil fuel to move, and have a bad habit of derailing.

Or exploding :(


Subete no aware
Oil is a dying industry? Since when?!

lmao all these people who were hoping for Trudeau to completely shut down our entire oil industry are fucking delusional. And these are probably the same people who complain about our dollar being in the dumps.
Our dollar is in the dumps because we forgot that the Middle East has lots of oil and when they flooded the market with cheap oil, it killed the Albertan industry because tar sands oil is much more expensive to process and refine than traditional oil. So yes, this particular form of oil is a dying industry.
Wow Trudeau hate club out in force.

He's been great except for election reform. He's getting my vote again, ain't voting CPC.


Considering how much of a fucking disaster Trump has been, lets not.

Why does it have to be just Trump?

We have other independents like Sanders to draw inspiration from. As long as they don't mess with human rights, I'll welcome an outsider over a hypocrite politician any day.
Makes me sick thinking of the amount of greenhouse emissions to manufacture that kayak when this pussy could've just swam instead. Shameful.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
The irony of this "oil PM" image dredged up by the Guardian is that he's pretty unpopular in Alberta (liberals always are).

He's not continuing oil extraction to appeal to a working class base, like in the Trump dynamic. He's presiding over the status quo because it's literally Canada's economy and we're sunk without it.
Our dollar is in the dumps because we forgot that the Middle East has lots of oil and when they flooded the market with cheap oil, it killed the Albertan industry because tar sands oil is much more expensive to process and refine than traditional oil. So yes, this particular form of oil is a dying industry.

Making the obviously rock hard assumption that the Middle East can continue to do this indefinitely, sure. No problem with that reasoning at all.
Yes, let's double down on a dying industry.

Why does Trump get shit for "coal jobs" when Trudeau gets lavished for "oil jobs"?

I'm not sure where all of this is coming from. What did people realistically expect Trudeau to do here? Stop selling oil? Tank the economy? Stop using cars? Seems like a false comparison given that there is no good reason to continue to burn coal but oil is still needed as we try to transition to EVs over the next 50 years.
Why does it have to be just Trump?

We have other independents like Sanders to draw inspiration from. As long as they don't mess with human rights, I'll welcome an outsider over a hypocrite politician any day.

What does any of that have to do with Canadian politics?

Kevin O'Leary tried and got smacked the fuck down, Canadians don't want that crap.
Why does it have to be just Trump?

We have other independents like Sanders to draw inspiration from. As long as they don't mess with human rights, I'll welcome an outsider over a hypocrite politician any day.

Hate to burst your bubble but you missed the Gravy Train by a few years.


Subete no aware
Making the obviously rock hard assumption that the Middle East can continue to do this indefinitely, sure. No problem with that reasoning at all.
So what? We prop up Alberta for the next 20-50 years and wait for the Middle East to run out?
Or maybe by the time that happens, we'll have moved on to clean energy. At least, I hope for the sake of the next generation that's the case, because scientists have said we're already fucked.


Wow Trudeau hate club out in force.

He's been great except for election reform. He's getting my vote again, ain't voting CPC.

Election reform's going to be back on the table closer to the end of the current term. How they proceed with it will reflect how they're doing in the polls.
Hey Canada? We should trade leaders, just for a day. You know, just to try it out.

*Secretly prepares permanent impenetrable border wall force field*
Why does it have to be just Trump?

We have other independents like Sanders to draw inspiration from. As long as they don't mess with human rights, I'll welcome an outsider over a hypocrite politician any day.


Sanders has had no other real job except being a politician.

He's literally a career politician


Why does it have to be just Trump?

We have other independents like Sanders to draw inspiration from. As long as they don't mess with human rights, I'll welcome an outsider over a hypocrite politician any day.
Lmao Bernie the career politician sure is an outsider, smh


I feel like Justin is to America what Obama was to Canada, in a lot of ways.

In a better world, they would have both been starting out their terms as the respective leaders of their countries, instead of one coming in as another is exiting.


I very much doubt that unless the NDP warms up to ranked ballots or STV

Here's the thing. They know that election reform was one of their big campaign promises, and if they neglect it it will be a big issue in the next election. It's a sore spot for many people, especially the youth. All of my daughter's friends are super bitter about it.

It all revolves around the Liberals having a chance at winning another majority in the next election. Election reform will greatly reduce the possibility of any party winning a majority ever again, under normal circumstances. Depending on the polls, they're going to have to think long and hard about torpedoing another possible mandate like that.


I very much doubt that unless the NDP warms up to ranked ballots or STV

Don't they have a supermajority in parliament to just ram it through, regardless of what the other parties think?

Election reform's going to be back on the table closer to the end of the current term. How they proceed with it will reflect how they're doing in the polls.

I'd hope so. Did they mention this anywhere?


Subete no aware
Nothing yet, but it's an issue that's not going to go away. It's only going to get louder.
It might become a thing if BC NDP-Greens hold government long enough to both hold a referendum and have it pass. I can see the Liberals counting on the short memory of Canadians to just let the issue die, otherwise.
Here's the thing. They know that election reform was one of their big campaign promises, and if they neglect it it will be a big issue in the next election. It's a sore spot for many people, especially the youth.

It all revolves around the Liberals having a chance at winning another majority in the next election. Election reform will greatly reduce the possibility of any party winning a majority ever again, under normal circumstances. Depending on the polls, they're going to have to think long and hard about torpedoing another possible mandate like that.

The Liberals will never push for PR, and neither will the Cons. Trudeau said he'd do something about FPTP and the NDP said don't bother unless it's PR. The Libs have already taken the hit and they're still in majority territory so I very much doubt they'll stick their noses in that business again.
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