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Best Multiplayer game of this Generation?


Demon's/Dark Souls, Gears 1/3, Halo 3/ODST, SF4 & CoD4 are the best IMO.

Spent a lot of hours on the mp portions of all the above games (co-op and competitive) and had a blast.


could never
My favorites... in no particular order:

Uncharted 2.
Mass Effect 3.
Killzone 2.
Dark Souls.
Gears 2 and 3.
Operation Raccoon City
(yes come at me)
Vegas 2.
Burnout Takedown.


Most played: Left 4 Dead 2

favorites Mario Kart Wii and Super Smash Bros Brawl. prefer local couch mp way more then online.
Left 4 Dead 2 - Hardcore Hard mode with friends is so tense and fun

Magicka - Organised chaos at its finest

DotA2 - I am just hooked right now. So much depth. 800 Hours in and I am still learning things virtually every match. (Although mostly Russian swear words at the minute)


TF2 - Stole me away from CS, feels tactical but fun and love being able to change classes based on the situation I'm in.

BFBC2/ BF3 - Can't decide which one's best. Before BC2 I truly hated console FPS's; the controls in comparison to Keyboard/ Mouse were inferior. But my ex got my PC so I took a risk on a bored weekend and BC2 was amazing, Shooting helicopters with a tracer dart and then shooting them down felt awesome. Then BF3 came out, didn't feel as fun but did feel bigger and the maps more varied. Now I don't think I can go back. Bought BF3 when got my gaming PC too and sometimes I like to play with a pad; it feels dirty but so much more fun.


Uncharted 2 pre-1.05 patch was the best third person shooter multiplayer in any console ever.

Shame they destroyed it to follow the CoD bullshit.

Warhawk was funnier than Battlefield 3 too. Shame they followed with the extremely inferior Starhawk and destroyed any chance of Warhawk 2.


Judging by the hours I've spend playing them online I'd say LittleBigPlanet and Warhawk (before the new vehicles and maps).
Uncharted 2 was also quite awesome, especially the MP coop levels were brilliant. I really hope mp coop is going to play a bigger part in the next Uncharted.


For me, that lofty title is shared with 3 games, all on the 360:

Battlefield Bad Company 2 (this ultimately being my favourite)
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
Halo 3
Metal Gear Online was my favourite this gen. The community on the eu server was filled to the brim with cheaters and assholes, but when I first started in mid 2010 the community, especially the legit high levels in combat training were fun to train with. It sadly went to crap in 2011 though sadly.
Most of the maps were fun, I think a real time light system with moving shadows would have been amazing for some modes.
Customisation for characters was really in depth, and you had a variety of skills you could use, and level up further by using them.
The game modes were all fun for the most part, and some would only work on MGO. However most people insisted on playing everything as TDM, and would either group team kill or group kick you, even if you were the host, if they disagreed with your rules, instead of leaving themselves, before more often than not closing the match straight after.


Wii Sports as it's the only videogame my Nan has been able to play, it also makes Christmas family gatherings more enjoyable.

I grew up playing NES games with my brother, co-op on Double Dragon 2, what passed for multi-player in SMB3 etc. Therefore SSBB, NSMBWii and Double Dragon Neon were the holy trifecta of nostalgia.
NSMBW really shines when you have two good players, it can go from slapstick comedy to serious business in a matter of seconds (and without a more causal player spending most of their time in their bubble or three/four players crowding the level).

Honourable mention to the end of Journey.



GOAT. Incredible experience.
Yeah, far and away the most fun, and effectively ruined me for other competitive fps this generation.


Warhawk was real fun and it showed console developers that dedicated servers is the proper way, (they are still open today)

But my choice is Uncharted 2 pre retarded patch


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Dota 2 and Halo 3. Nothing else has really captured me to stay up until stupid o'clock on a work night like those two.

Delicious. Endlessly entertaining.
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