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Best Time Travel Movie?


There's a Japanese movie called Summer Time Machine Blues y'all should check out. It does time travel really well and it's hilarious.


Predestination is my favorite use of time travel, but I can't think of any bad movie with time travel.

FAQ about Time travel
Lake House
Time Traveler's Wife
About Time
Bill & Ted
O homem do futuro
A Máquina
Star Trek 4
Meet the Robinsons

They are all awesome
theres no real time travelling per se but Frequency is a nice little thriller drama

I'd say Frequency absolutely counts here. What a great movie. When I was building my digital movie library, this was one of the first one's I bought. 360 movies into my library, my primary motivation is "Movies I can't wait to show my 2 year old". Lots of horror in here, so I have to wait at least 5 years to show him a lot of it!


Galaxy Quest

But seriously,


I also think the TV show is better and the best Time Travel story in tv/film.

The TV show needs more love. I was mad at the first season for being so unfaithful to the movie, but it really turned into something great. Unfortunately nobody's watching cause...

Interstellar had "real" time travel as we understand it now. 3 hours on a planet near a black hole = 21 years of "our time" has passed.

I mean... I guess? I still really wouldn't qualify time dilation as time travel per se, even if it is the real world version of accelerated forward time travel. Maybe I'm being unnecessarily picky though. :p


Action: Edge of Tomorrow, Looper, Time Cop, T2
Comedy: Groundhog day, BTTF Trilogy
Serious: Primer
Anime: Steins Gate, Your Name, Erased, Re:Zero
TV Shows: Sarah Conner Chronicles, 12 Monkeys, Continuum, Travelers, Frequency

Not sure if it counts but Nicholas Cage had an ok movie called Next. He could see into the future and acted accordingly in the present.
Also enjoyed memento but again not technically time travel.

edit- Yeah if you need your time travel fix, listen to anyone who mentions 12 monkeys(the show).


Primer was a 10 page short story stretched over an excruciating two hours with the most basic production possible. Yeah, what was accomplished on a shoe-string budget is impressive and it internally complex/consistent compared to most blockbusters, but that doesn't make it worth watching.

Can I count Run Lola Run? Otherwise my favorites would have to be dumb stuff like BttF and T2.


I'd say Frequency absolutely counts here. What a great movie. When I was building my digital movie library, this was one of the first one's I bought. 360 movies into my library, my primary motivation is "Movies I can't wait to show my 2 year old". Lots of horror in here, so I have to wait at least 5 years to show him a lot of it!

Frequency needs more love i think. great performances all around.
"The Return" with Jennifer Lawrence is an amazing movie that defied the critics and really explored all the issues we face with travelling through time. I think it is due to open in cinemas in mid 2021, highly recommended.
Timecrimes is great

Primer is so bad you need to look at a flowchart to understand what the fuck you just watched. Pretentious garbage.


How do you spoiler tag the name of the movie?

You tag it and mention that it's a very new release and that people then can decide on their own if they want to chance it. Pretty rude to give away something like that for a movie which hasn't hit Blu-ray and is still airing in theaters.
If it counts
is certainly up there imo, but its kind of a different take. Its more about being outside of time / moving beyond it then direct time travel. But it was a beautiful film and I loved the execution of it.

Some other notables are of course Back to the Future, Looper, Donnie Darko, Edge of Tomorrow and imo Prisoner of Azkaban

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I was going to say, just about anything but Primer. That thing should have really been released as a flowchart, there was no need for that story to ever be filmed into a movie :\

My pick would be 12 monkeys. T1 and T2 close second picks.


12 Monkeys is probably one of the best that uses the concept in a serious manner. Still haven't seen the show, but I've heard it's very good.

Don't really get Primer tbh, it was obtuse for the sake of being obtuse imo.


Predestination is my favorite use of time travel, but I can't think of any bad movie with time travel.

FAQ about Time travel

this one!
I was trying to remember the name
Roy from IT crowd is in it

I remember its fantastic but almost nothing else


Was getting caught part of your plan?
lol people have been way too eager to mention those two films from last year even though that's supposed to be a hidden aspect of their plots.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Not technically a movie but I'll go with Stein's Gate, even for non anime fans.


Not a movie, but an episode of Fringe:

"White Tulip"

Fucking amazing time travel story.

If we're limiting just to films, Back to the Future takes it.
Glad someone mentioned About Time. Really good movie.

Groundhog Day and Live Die Repeat are pretty much the best time loop movies.

And Predestination is kind of fucked up. But in a good way.

Does Pleasantville count?
I would say no. They travel to a fictional 1950s show, not the 1950s. More of a alternate reality.
I mean... I guess? I still really wouldn't qualify time dilation as time travel per se, even if it is the real world version of accelerated forward time travel. Maybe I'm being unnecessarily picky though. :p

Yeah, time dilation isn't time travel. In fact people on the space station experience it to a tiny degree, yet we don't call them time travelers. Time travel involves unnaturally traversing though time
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