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Beyond: Two Souls AKA the return of Geist


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?



Wow, I haven't been impressed by console graphics for the past 2/3 years, but that gif looks amazing. I suppose it looks better than it'd look in full screen since you can't really tell how detailed the textures are on a picture that small but the animation, the hair and the eyes look really, really good.

Despite the vastly inferior level of technical polish, Deadly Premonition has done more in favor of feeling, adult themes and testing the players' minds than David Cage has this generation - and it doesn't even take itself seriously.
Graphics in this game are really insane; how is it even possible given the hardware?
The graphics in this game are really interesting. It even looks better then TLOU in places.

Before people are screaming about interactivity, we haven't seen much AI in the TLOU either. ND are claiming the AI is very smart, but we have to wait for the full game to verify this.
Furthermore the combat took place in rather small areas. In the big areas really nothing was going on. Again, this could be different in the main game.

For now, the available gameplay parts of both games are pretty equal in terms of requirements. Beyond only has very limited AI, but features a dynamic physic system to balance it out.

In any way, both companies did a sterling job with their engines. I heard the R&D departments are even working together to some extent, which probably helps a lot.

Can't wait for next gen lol

I hope that's a PS4 game. I love sci-fi way more than the super natural stuff shown in Beyond.
Could be possible. It's pretty likely that QD returns to Open World at some point. But to render a full sci-fi city with QD's usual graphical fidelity, the PS4 is definitely needed.

Computer said:
Deadly Premonition has done more in favor of feeling
I disagree. However, the other two points have some truth.


The graphics in this game are really interesting. It even looks better then TLOU in places.

Before people are screaming about interactivity, we haven't seen much AI in the TLOU either. ND are claiming the AI is very smart, but we have to wait for the full game to verify this.
Furthermore the combat took place in rather small areas. In the big areas really nothing was going on. Again, this could be different in the main game.

For now, the available gameplay parts of both games are pretty equal in terms of requirements. Beyond only has very limited AI, but features a dynamic physic system to balance it out.

In any way, both companies did a sterling job with their engines. I heard the R&D departments are even working together to some extent, which probably helps a lot.

Can't wait for next gen lol

we been though this so many times already.

The AI in The last of Us is the real deal,yeah both devs are doing some special stuff.


Neo Member
As a heavy rain and Indigo Prophecy fan (!!) I am super excited, the gameplay looks more involved than both of those so thats a plus! And the visuals, holy shit.
For David Cage discussions, we have a separate topic already:


Have fun.

we been though this so many times already.

The AI in The last of Us is the real deal,yeah both devs are doing some special stuff.
I don't question this. I was more referring to some claims ND made regarding the AI's team behavior and "search for the player" tactics, which we haven't really seen yet.

However, ND is trustworthy, so I expect something good of course.


I think this looks incredible! I think there is a place for very cinematic, light gameplay themed adventure games like this and Heavy Rain. It looks like they are trying to integrate a bit more gameplay into this so thats good. In the end though i think it will still feel very qte like Rain. I really enjoyed Heavy Rain and so did a lot of other people. This looks even better! And them securing the likeness of an actress for a new original character will be interesting to see if it helps push sales. You have things like Vin Diesel and Riddick but that is based on an exiting movie franchise, and not something original like this.
"It's just one version of a scene," responds Cage, when pressed. "Depending [on] how you play, you will see many different things. You can get arrested in this scene, for example, and unlock an entirely new part of the scene that you've not seen before. And this is true of each scene. Each scene can be played in different ways and you can see different things."

The use of on-screen button prompts throughout the demo immediately recalls Heavy Rain and its insanely elaborate QTEs. Since that game sold over two million copies, you might imagine this is a good thing, but it's actually at odds with the message for Beyond so far - Cage has suggested the new game will be more freeform and interactive. How so isn't initially clear, but having watched Jodie in a fight sequence on top of a moving train, and being pursued through woodland, Cage explains that the player has complete freedom of movement throughout, despite the typically cinematic camerawork.

Until we get hold of the pad for ourselves, how that freedom actually translates into gameplay is anyone's guess. The key question is whether being able to move around a bit within a box really offers much more choice than being locked on rails. To use a specific example: when Jodie is being chased along a train carriage, does it make much difference being able to nudge her left and right? Pushed on this, Cage insists that there will be large areas for exploration. "You are almost free to go wherever you want all the time," he says. (It's possible that the word "almost" is doing quite a lot of work in that sentence, though.) "This is something I can spend two hours explaining," says Cage. "You won't get it until you've played it, actually. But the big difference [from] Heavy Rain is we have much more exploration. Heavy Rain was mainly set in small environments or in small houses."

David Cage interview: interaction lost in a cinematic age

We were really fortunate to release Heavy Rain, then have so many people talk about it and how they thought it was inspiring, including game creators and gamers.

With Beyond, we feel we have some pressure because the aim with Heavy Rain was to show that it was not just a coincidence, and that it could appeal to gamers who enjoy a variety of experiences. We hope to show that those people are still there.

With Beyond we are going to change many things. You have direct control over Aiden, and this entity is something that will sound familiar to more people, and will attract them to the game and make them realise it’s not Dragon’s Lair-esque in any way.

It’s just about interacting in a different way. It’s a different experience and I hope that people will be open-minded and open to trying something different.

It’s very strange what’s happening right now, because I think games have been inspired by movies for a very long time. Now we start to see films that seem to be inspired by games too, and I think that’s a very natural thing.

Because if you take photography for example, they didn’t start from scratch. They were inspired by paintings first. When you think of cinema, they were inspired by photography and painting.

Regarding the future of the medium, what is interesting to see is how it becomes a polarised industry. On the one hand you have very ultra-casual games like Angry Birds – which is totally great, I love it, but they are extremely causal.

On the other end of the spectrum you see ultra hardcore games where you play FPS games online against other people, you compete and kill each other.

All of this is great, it’s fine with me, but I’m looking for something in-between
that would have mainstream appeal that anyone could play and enjoy, but at the same time would have the sophistication of films and the technology of hardcore games.

You are going to see games like Call of Duty having a similar or higher quality to this in a few years, no doubt. But at the end of the day, it’s still the same game. It’s you having a gun shooting guys, and the more you shoot, the more they come.

I would be interested to see more games approaching war like Platoon or Apocalypse Now, and then it would be very interesting


Im hyped.
I really enjoyed Heavy Rain QTE's and all.
Sure it was basically a movie I controlled, but to me that was part of the charm of it.
rockman zx said:
Some people will be happy that he is going to let other people on the studio to help him with the writing.
Great find! Here is the full statement:

DC: But there are games like... Walking Dead was a very interesting example, I thought, of people trying something different of interactive narrative. They do it in their way, with their own solution, and that's fine. I'm not expecting people to copy-cat what we're doing. Every studio has some vision of this, and it's great to see other people trying.

Q: Are you a fan of Walking Dead? I'm really enjoying the Telltale's work, so far.

DC: I'm a big fan of Walking Dead in general. I really love the comics, I love the TV series. I found it very original and interesting. I'm not a big fan of zombies in general, but I thought that was an interesting take.

DC: I mean, what if I'm totally wrong with Beyond and no-one likes it, the story's crap and its wrongly directed and I've done everything wrong? It's something terrible for the studio. My studio has been there for 15 years, and I've bet everything, again, on the fact that Beyond is going to work in my favour this time.

[...]The evolution of the format, the evolution of the studio, requires that more people become capable of writing this kind of stuff. I'm very interested in what's going on with TV series, where's the showrunner and a team of writers, writing in the same direction. And this is actually what I'm building at our studio right now.

Q: You're moving towards a TV-like setup?

DC: Yeah, where I could continue to have the vision and the ideas - I have ideas for the next four or five games. This is what I love and I really enjoy but at the same time, instead of me spending a year away from the studio writing the damn thing, I could work for the team - people who could be more talented than I am, and bring in new ideas that I've not thought of - and work together in creating this thing. So, we're starting on this right now.

Majukun said:
are people hyped about THAT?Looks kinda boring
Look at Telltale's The Walking Dead for example. Many people are enjoying interactive narrative type of games, where your choices influence the story, because this adds a lot of tension. You have to live with the consequences, which makes everything more interesting. It's not made for hardcore gamers, but for everybody. It's also the type of game that will bring your wife/girlfriend/friends to join you, because it's much more interesting to watch then let's say Call of Duty.


I hope it's like Ghost Trick, but with a realistic setting. Looks very interesting. In Ghost Trick you can only possess objects, not people.

I wonder if you can get through the game without killing anyone, that would be cool.


Umm yeah?

People enjoy different types of games.

it's not boring because it's different

it's boring because the gameplay in it looks boring...travel in a invulnerable body ,chocking people who have no way to oppose to you to death or possessing them to get to a quick time event (was really that difficult to let us control said person?decide what to do with them instead of playing a cutscene?),rinse and repeat...i'm all for a narrative type of game,but there's no reason why a videogame can have a strong narrative,but not a strong gameplay
Majukun said:
it's boring because the gameplay in it looks boring...travel in a invulnerable body ,chocking people who have no way to oppose to you to death or possessing them to get to a quick time event (was really that difficult to let us control said person?decide what to do with them instead of playing a cutscene?),rinse and repeat...i'm all for a narrative type of game
1. There is only one scene like this in the entire game

2. It can play out differently depending what you do. It's not like you are unstoppable. You can "loose"

3. Since it's probably the only scene with you controlling soldiers, it wouldn't make sense to introduce a random first/third person shooter mechanic for just one scene. Some people wouldn't get it. There is such a diversity of things you do in this game, the only way that makes sense in my opinion is the contextual approach. Otherwise you constantly need to introduce and shift new gameplay mechanics. As a result the game becomes convoluted and is not accessible anymore.

Majukun said:
but there's no reason why a videogame can have a strong narrative,but not a strong gameplay
Yes, videogames can have both. This game decides on purpose not to and this is fine with me too. I don't see the problem really. Some people like it this way, some don't.
That's why a diversity of games is so cool. People who don't like challenging gameplay and never play videogames as a result of it, suddenly can enjoy this medium too.

People who like challenging and strong gameplay have their games too. There is something for everybody and this should be respected and awarded. As long as it not becomes one over another, I don't see the problem.

I don't have to buy everything and I don't have to enjoy everything and I don't even have to understand everything, but when only one guy who never played videogames before gets into gaming because of a game like this, I'm very happy for him.
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