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Big Trouble in Little China is Amazing!

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Watching the Blu-ray again yesterday and I just wanted to yep, it's one of the best movies ever made. Great balancing act of action, comedy, and fantasy. It's also immensely quotable (seriously what's the longest that goes by when some great line isn't said) and has a great soundtrack. It also has great actors like Kurt Russell, James Hong, Dennis Dun, Carter Wong, and you have John Carpenter behind the camera!

I picked up the LE expanded release of the soundtrack. It was 30 bucks, but it pretty much has every piece of music from the movie. I've been also told that only about 250 copies are left unsold.


I've determined that I want "Here Comes The Storms" as my intro music if I ever get an excuse for intro music.

I just wanted to start a thread where we can all talk about how amazing Big Trouble in Little China is!





Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
Porkchop Express bitches!!

I make sure to watch this movie at least once a year. Also... Kim Cattrall was never hot.
Jack Burton said:
When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yessir, the check is in the mail."



I actually got to see it in the theatres when I was 12. Instantly quotable movie and an amazing mix of comedy/action/special effects. I love John Carpenter movies, they all have a similar feel to them.


Just remember what old Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, the poison arrows fall from the sky and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big old storm right in the eye and says "Give me your best shot. I can take it.


Running off of Custom Firmware
One of the greatest movies ever, and a perfect example of the kinds of movies that just don't get made anymore. Great trolling of the audience, too. Soooooo many people thought that Kurt Russell was playing the main hero in the movie.

Shit, I think KR thought he was playing the main hero role.


AbortedWalrusFetus said:

:lol :lol

Okay. You people sit tight, hold the fort and keep the home fires burning. And if we're not back by dawn... call the president.

Amazing film! Watched it recently also, not sure why, but I alway seem to fall back onto this film when I'm bored and looking for something to watch. I always seem to forget about it inbetween watches though, unlike BTTF/indiana jones/goonies etc.
Is this gonna get ugly, now? Huh? I hope not. Because I thought what we were here, racial differences notwithstanding, was just a couple of old friends. You know, just both of us Californians.
Schwowsers said:
One of my favorite movies. It amazes me that it was apparently a bomb when it was released.
They had no clue how to market it, check out any of the theatrical trailers on the web. The Execs didn't get the film. A friend who was at an industry screening back in the recalled loving it, but at the suits there had no clue what the movie was about and were aggravated. He knew he saw one of the best movies then, but it was also going to bomb.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
ahhh good childhood memories. It's been at least 14 years since I've seen this, I should re watch it.


Saw it in the theater when it came out (I was 16), and I've now owned four different copies of it. I also dressed up as Egg Shen for Halloween one year, replete with Six Demon Bag and flash paper.

One of the coolest movies ever made.
Whoompthereitis said:
I need to see this again. I swear, I haven't seen it in like 10 years.

Get the Blu-ray. The colors and level of detail are amazing, while not removing any of the grain. It's great seeing old school optical effects before everything was done CGI. It's such a lost art and looks great to see in HD.

Solstice said:
I think this man has everyone beat:


Technically it can be said he has a Kim Catrell tattoo. :lol


I've got a very positive attitude about this thread!

I love this movie more than humanly possible. I could watch it forever.
My favorite movie of all time. I would assume it is in the Blu Ray version, but in the commentary track during the movie in the DVD version is also awesome. It's just Kurt Russell and John Carpenter drunk off their asses laughing the whole damn time.
Shamrock7r said:
My favorite movie of all time. I would assume it is in the Blu Ray version, but in the commentary track during the movie in the DVD version is also awesome. It's just Kurt Russell and John Carpenter drunk off their asses laughing the whole damn time.

This has just made me order the Bluray just so I can hear this...


A: This movie is one of the most brilliant pieces of cinema. Ever. Make sure to catch the deleted scenes. Makes me wish they kept the ongoing joke of powdered deer horn in the movie.

"What's that say?"
"[Speaks Chinese]. Hell of the boiling oil."
"You're kidding?"
"Yeah I am, it says 'Keep Out'."

swoon said:
it's pretty awesome.

if you live in North Carolina come up to the triangle this weekend to see it on film!


along with:

raiders of the lost ark
escape from new york
legend of billie jean
the muppet movie
secret of nimh
star wars II
enemy mine
last starfighter
buck rogers

best weekend ever.

This is simply incredible.
Solstice said:
This has just made me order the Bluray just so I can hear this...
The one for The Thing is great when they mention how at first Keith David was afraid everyone might be racists and he was like one of two black guys in the movie, and I think not that many in the crew (not from any sinister reasons).

The ultimate drunk commentary I'm told is Arnold and John Milinus on Conan.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
The one for The Thing is great when they mention how at first Keith David was afraid everyone might be racists and he was like one of two black guys in the movie, and I think not that many in the crew (not from any sinister reasons).

The ultimate drunk commentary I'm told is Arnold and John Milinus on Conan.

Kinda ironic also since
Keith makes it to the end (maybe? :D )
. But yeah, another Carpenter movie that is a must buy. Leaps and bounds better quality over the DVD.


swoon said:
it's pretty awesome.

if you live in North Carolina come up to the triangle this weekend to see it on film!


along with:

raiders of the lost ark
escape from new york
legend of billie jean
the muppet movie
secret of nimh
star wars II
enemy mine
last starfighter
buck rogers

best weekend ever.

Fucking hell what a lineup.

Also BTILC is just fantastic the perfect example of a timeless movie

Chinese girls do not come with green eyes

Always cracks me up. :lol
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