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BioShock demo impressions SPOILERS (also Bioshock leaked at Toys R Us)

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Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Holy fucking shit, this is going to be a long two weeks. I know it sounds cliche but this game is art. Irrational has really succeeded in creating a truly realized world where I care about the circumstances and the story contained within. As good as the gameplay is, this is the first time in a FPS where I want to continue just to explore and learn more about the world I'm occupying. What an epic achievement this game truly is. I can't wait to get the full experience.

And, god bless the 360 (and the PC for that matter) for giving developers the ability to truly express their vision. This game (or fuck, demo) makes me truly excited to see where games of this gen go.


It's funny how some of you are acting like this was totally unexpected. I've been sold since the first pictures of the NAZI (oh no spoilers) laboratory were shown in 2004. or more accurately when the words "Irrational Games" and "spiritual successor to System Shock 2" were uttered. Yes that makes me a better person than you.
Alright now that I am apart of this thread let me just say...

1) I am sorry
Holy shit leaving the submarine thing I almost pissed my pants.
Karma Kramer said:
Alright now that I am apart of this thread let me just say...

1) I am sorry
Holy shit leaving the submarine thing I almost pissed my pants.
This game is going to leave me weeping in a corner out of fright.

It will be awesome.
wonderkins said:
This game is going to leave me weeping in a corner out of fright.

It will be awesome.


I loved the part where the guy was banging on the door and then you kill him and the lady comes out... so awesome


If you didn't know about it before, this might put some of the game into context:

Basically, Rapture was created so that people could live out the Objectivist philosophy without interference from government or religion (which is part of the philosophy). The core is the concept of self-interest over collectivism.

The name "Andrew Ryan" is a not-so-subtle play on "Ayn Rand" who developed the philosphy. Objectivism has been a major influence on the modern conservative movement, particularly in the US.


Didn't expect a demo and when I woke up this morning there it was.
It's amazing. It pulls you right into it, from the start of the menu screen with the cool piano select sounds. Great graphics, love the art and setting...so atmospheric. I'm a sucker for this kind of rich detail into a world and story.

Usually I don't like dark corridors, but these are so beautiful and rich, so unusual from whats out there that it doesn't bother me at all.

My first (and only, cause I'm convinced) run through the demo was about an hour and fifteen minutes. How much content is in the demo?

When the demo ends I you felt like you had this great intense experience and then they show you the amazing video of whats to come.
Launch day buy. Not going to pre-order this via the web anymore to save some money cause I don't really want to wait a couple of days.

5.1. ftw!
syllogism said:
It's funny how some of you are acting like this was totally unexpected. I've been sold since the first pictures of the NAZI (oh no spoilers) laboratory were shown in 2004. or more accurately when the words "Irrational Games" and "spiritual successor to System Shock 2" were uttered. Yes that makes me a better person than you.
Hey me too. :D I'm not even playing demo. I haven't played SS2. But throughout positive previews plus gameplay details and story convinced me that Bioshock will be awesome.
Someone make Ebert watch this thing being played! Holy crap I was drowning (sorry) in ambiance and atmosphere... WowowowowowowWOW!


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
theBishop said:
If you didn't know about it before, this might put some of the game into context:

Basically, Rapture was created so that people could live out the Objectivist philosophy without interference from government or religion (which is part of the philosophy). The core is the concept of self-interest over collectivism.

The name "Andrew Ryan" is a not-so-subtle play on "Ayn Rand" who developed the philosphy. Objectivism has been a major influence on the modern conservative movement, particularly in the US.

This feels a bit too much like book learning and not game playing!

It IS System Shock2!
The models are very Timesplitters!
Its set in the Rockefeller Plaza!

Its amazing.

And I dont mind the awful Orish accent either.

Combat is fun, fighting against a few splicers, lots of smoke and fire and 3 drones with me and no real slowdown.

the whale and Squid on the Rapture beauty pass where CRUDDY.

9 days! cant wait!
Karma Kramer said:

I loved the part where the guy was banging on the door and then you kill him and the lady comes out... so awesome
It's the voices that are gonna make me piss myself. Oh god
that lady scared the crap out of me! My wife came downstairs and laughed until she looked at the game and made a beeline out. She can't handle teh horra!!!!

B-Rad Lascelle said:
Let's all read Atlas Shrugged until the game comes out!
It was bad enough reading the Fountainhead. So loooonnnnnggggg.

Thanks for the link theBishop. I've forgotten most anything to do with objectivism.


For people complaining about the lack of interactivity with the water - I can understand it I suppose, but water physics are apparently very complex, so I doubt they'd have been able to implement it having the game looking/running anything like it does now. Maybe next gen. ;)

Though I love the way the water breaks in, spreads out and extinguishes the fire in the elevator section if you wait long enough down there. It may not be physics based, but they seem to be doing as much as they can with the power they've got.


I didn't have the faith in the game until the demo, I mean I was highly interested, and it looked really good but a new Shock game is a really big pair of shoes to fill. I was a massive fan of SS2, that game was an absolute classic.

Also, I don't have a decent PC anymore. I use my busted down jalopy of a rig for some WoW and internet purposes. With a game like Bioshock there was a fair bit wrong that could've occured when pushing a console so hard. It's amazing that the best looking game there is at the moment runs like butter on a console. Things really have changed.

But yeah, all that needs to be said, in a total hurricane of hyperbole was that demo was the most engaging single player experience I've had in a long time. Shock is back, and I'm going to pre-order the CE tomorrow.
Shogmaster said:
Someone make Ebert watch this thing being played! Holy crap I was drowning (sorry) in ambiance and atmosphere... WowowowowowowWOW!
Exactly! This is why N'gai must give this a feature in Newsweek. This is art. Beyond even the premise of videogames.

This demo has that spark of life.

N'gai, dear god, don't make me crusade, I will


Norml said:
Not impressed by the graphics and the video stuff takes you out of the game because its not really video.
How can you not be impressed?
Did you play the game on a black and white sdtv or something?
I am impressed. I am impressed by everything. The graphics, the writing, the atmosphere, the gameplay.

...but I can't buy this game. I was too much of a pussy to finish the demo. Don't get me wrong, I want it eventually. But I don't think I can lay $60 down on something I am relatively sure I will have to turn off occasionally to breathe in to a paper bag.

Incredibly well made, but not entirely for me.


Didn´t have time to download the demo yet - but from your reactions here, I went and pre-ordered... damn you guys, wallet am cry! :lol
This one's been a long time coming and I'm proud to say that it delivers on all fronts. This is going to be one of the greatest games released this year...no...this DECADE...okay, FOREVER, and it's to rock so hard and be so awesome.

Today is a good day to be a gamer.


So I just finished and there are a number of adjectives that come to mind, all of them positive. Perhaps the most important one is that its compelling. This is a game that will help gaming, period. The experience is incredible. I've never been more immersed and frightened, and it was a fucking demo.

This is where the medium needs to go.



Fork 'em, Sparky!
They just got my 60 dollars. I think the clincher, more than anything (and I am a total nutjob for saying it) but the New Years party room with "If I Didn't Care" by the Ink Spots. Great atmosphere. Game was really drawing me in. I didn't look away from the TV for one second of that half hour or however long I was playing it!!

Possible GOTY, certainly DemoOTY!


Even the most seasoned gamers aren't used to something is fully-realized. I am fucking floored.

Thank God I open tomorrow, because the longer I don't have this pre-ordered, the more it hurts.


Leonsito said:
I'm gonna be playing this game till Fallout 3 arrives.

Funny that you mention that, because one of the first things I thought as I started playing the demo was how similar the architecture and environmental aesthetics were to the Fallout 3 demo at E3.
ShockingAlberto said:
I am impressed. I am impressed by everything. The graphics, the writing, the atmosphere, the gameplay.

...but I can't buy this game. I was too much of a pussy to finish the demo. Don't get me wrong, I want it eventually. But I don't think I can lay $60 down on something I am relatively sure I will have to turn off occasionally to breathe in to a paper bag.

Incredibly well made, but not entirely for me.
I'm there with you, but I just have to play this.

I'm not one for The Scaries, and I know this game will have me jumping for the remote (smashing the power button), but I have to...

I shouldn't say, but I've still never made it even a quarter of the way through any of the Silent Hills. The rational side of the mind is overwhelmed by the frightened emotional side.


My one complaint is with the character art. The art direction is great in and of itself, but the stylized/cartoony look hurts the immersion factor in a game like this.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
I've now played through the demo twice...with entirely different experiences each time. This, is what gaming can be, gentlemen. All the credit in the world to the folks at Irrational Games. I'd buy it twice if I were gainfully employed.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
OMFG... I was going to buy this day one.. already had it pre-order from my import spot here.. but now hawt damn I can't wait..

graphics are off the wall, and the story... the damn story stucks you in like nothing else this gen so far. And of course the way the game plays, there are so many ways to accomplish your goals and you will be able to custom make your character.. this is going to be the one.. It was on my radar but my blind hype for mass effect kind of buried it.. but now, this goes right to the top of games I HAVE to play...

one last thing, the presentation as a whole is a thing of beauty!


I'm going over my demo play experience in my head and these cool details stood out to me.
-Anyone else found the dead cat?
-The diary of the
sad woman
and then with
new year
going off in the background, very cool!
-The splicer with the
baby carriage
...snuck up on her and found out I could pickpocket her, so I stole her gun...she turned around immediately and I shot her.

Really like scavenging the environment and the dead bodies.

Hacking is cool too, did it on the camera and it automatically detected enemies and sent out security bots.

Again: the graphics + the art = amazing!

The only one minor thing so far is that the subtitles weren't synced properly so I had to turn them off.

I'm probably going to buy the LE, the big daddy statue is cool and I keep thinking about the game.


Phaethon0017 said:
There is a segment where you come upon a grieving mother, and you know she's there to kill you, but she isn't attacking. And you really feel emotionally responsible for your actions. There's a twist to this encounter. I hope you're surprised!

I almost jumped when I saw the "baby" she was nursing. It was shocking to me on a different level just because of the way she was talking to it. The dialog is BEYOND amazing. I knew I had to kill her because she would go nuts if she saw me, but it made me think I didnt want to when I saw her affection for her baby... wow... BIOSHOCK!

Well, I'll drink a little Merlot for the kitty and
Diane McClintock

But I'll need the Vodka or Whiskey to make it through the whole game without frazzled nerves. I just kept boozing it up, EVE be damned :)

Thanks for the fun guys!

Fake Edit: Tieno, with all the little details... Reward the developers, and yourself, by getting the LE.
Anyone else slightly disappointed that you don't cast a shadow at all? It was slightly irritating to see what looked like great lighting, especially the part with the woman and the baby cart with the shadows casted on the wall, but then when I walked up to it, I didn't see myself casted. Then there was the part where it showed the little girl stabbing that guy and then the whole sequence. Again, you walk in the light and you see nothing casted on the wall.

Don't get me wrong cuz everything else looked so good, but I think it's the fact that everything looked so good, that this stood out to be something that should have been there.


Tieno said:
-The diary of the
sad woman
and then with
new year
going off in the background, very cool!

This was probably the moment when I was sucked in. I was standing there, pistol drawn, looking out of the window through the ocean and listening to the diary. Truly awesome.

The voice work is amazing in this game.
Marty Chinn said:
Anyone else slightly disappointed that you don't cast a shadow at all? It was slightly irritating to see what looked like great lighting, especially the part with the woman and the baby cart with the shadows casted on the wall, but then when I walked up to it, I didn't see myself casted. Then there was the part where it showed the little girl stabbing that guy and then the whole sequence. Again, you walk in the light and you see nothing casted on the wall.

Don't get me wrong cuz everything else looked so good, but I think it's the fact that everything looked so good, that this stood out to be something that should have been there.

Yeah, I noticed that the second I walked into the light house thinger - the giant door with light shining in, and yet I cast no shadow.

I mean, for God's sake, even Saint's Row did that :lol
Played the demo and WOW, Bioshock is the definition of AWESOME!

BUT what I found weird was a small situation at the beginning where water came down from the ceiling and I thought "Hells YEAH, let's check out the water effects." I stood under this water and nothing happened, looked up, no drops of water on the screen. So I continued to play and came to another place where water came down the ceiling, I had to walk through there and BANG, awesome water effects and drops of water on the screen. :O


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
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