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BioWare to announce how they're going to address ME: Andromeda on April 4th

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Haha I liked those too. And I'm about to finish the last mission in MEA and it wasn't a totally terrible experience. The bugs were rough to push through, but the game itself made me about as interested as ME1 did.

Cool characters, great setup, solid lore, but a sequel will be able to come out guns blazing.

I'm still near the beginning of Andromeda but I'm enjoying it so far! I'll keep playing through it and hope for the best with the patches.

Might not touch multiplayer though.
FFXV was in gaf's top 10 games of 2016.
Lots of people weren't happy. Still aren't since anytime anything FFXV related comes up some members ask why they're even bothering with the game and other stuff.

But this isn't the topic for that! All that I can hope for now is that at least some of the bigger bugs get fixed.


Can't wait to see what fixes are coming. Game is great so far but could definitely use some polish. I just finished the game the other night and I can't wait to start NG+ once I get my new graphics card and hopefully some patches roll out to tighten up the game.
I don't know a lot about a lot, but I really don't think you can just "fix" the animations without a lot of work that I just don't think they're going to be able to justify and I think people are going to be really disappointed.

I really hope I'm wrong.


April 4 announcement speculation.

Please buy our official Bug Fix season pass for $60 which includes everything we should have put in the game as well as a new bug enemy type who are invading andromeda
We Power Rangers Lost Galaxy now.

Unfortunately we wont be fixing the fact that our leads are our character artists incompetant efforts to turn scanned models into Emelia Clarke (Sarah Ryder) Jennifer Lawrence (Cora) Donald Glover (Liam) and Nathan Drake (Scott Ryder) after they said no.



I'm still near the beginning of Andromeda but I'm enjoying it so far! I'll keep playing through it and hope for the best with the patches.

Might not touch multiplayer though.

I haven't touched it yet. I played a bit of ME3's and wasn't really into it. Then again, I'm not into much multiplayer anymore except for occasional games of Overwatch or Rocket League.
Seriously, I highly doubt the animation will be fixed. it's way too much work and it'll mean reopening the pipeline to fix everything. The quality of the animation in its current state should not have been approved in the first place.

I think they'll just acknowledge the glitches, promise to fix them, and give away some cosmetic freebies.
I don't know a lot about a lot, but I really don't think you can just "fix" the animations without a lot of work that I just don't think they're going to be able to justify and I think people are going to be really disappointed.

I really hope I'm wrong.

I think they would have to rerig the whole thing...

Reworking the animation system and or key-framing main dialogue would be a large undertaking.


Finished the game and got to 99% completion. During my entire PS4 campaign I jumped off of eos into Prodomos with my nomad and crashed so hard it took me into the main menu multiple times, Game hiccups on almost every world, teleporting to random places when I charge, a dialogue that I couldn't react to at the final mission, glitched quests that I can't complete and other stuff.

Enjoyed the hell out of the game regardless and looking forward to the 4th.


Price drop and ambassador plan!

Seriously though its just gonna be "we have patches coming in the future"... "we're listening to feedback."


Wonder if they'll do like SE with FFXV. Not sure that has paid off much.

They can only hope. The FFXV updates and the DLC have been steps in the right direction in actually expanding the world from its initial bareness. Of course, FFXV is a gigantic game to begin with so...
I'm enjoying the game when I don't think of it as a Bioware game or compare it to past ME games, it reminds me of janky b-tier games of yesteryear. None of this is good mind you, for EA or Bioware.

I also got it through Ganefly and could see my enjoyment being significantly less had I dropped $60 on it. I just don't know what they can really patch...an animations renderer? Nope. Redone VO? Doubtful. Outside of bug fixes, this thing is what it is I'm afraid.


>announcing the announcement of a patch



Gold Member
You and I would get along. I recently finally finished Inquisition after owning it for two years (including the Trespasser epilogue) and still loved it.

whatever you think of inquisition (& i, personally, liked it), it didn't have anything approaching the number of technical problems andromeda has...


Thread. This is a shame so companies actually release incomplete rushed games for profit. Knowing we have Internet to later release patches. So that means they contemplated this and released it anyway...

I don't know if that's always the case. It seems directors have visions for their titles that have been clearly frowned upon by their user base. Their parent companies see the negative criticism after release and force the directors to make changes to appease fans (and increase profit). The way DLC works now allows these changes to happen when before once a game was set, that was it.


Is an animation patch really possible tho?

Lots of people weren't happy. Still aren't since anytime anything FFXV related comes up some members ask why they're even bothering with the game and other stuff.

But this isn't the topic for that! All that I can hope for now is that at least some of the bigger bugs get fixed.

Oh, I know. And yet they'll still take the time to pop into the thread to drop a snide remark. :p I just wanted to point out that FFXV is honestly pretty well-liked. The game was featured in multiple GOTY lists last year.


Is it that bad? I've been wanting to play it but have too much on my plate right now to dive in.

It is a solid 7/10 game. An okay storyline with definitely shitty writing at parts. Thr biggest issues are technical and graphical jank, poor assets, glitches and bugs, and poorly thought out UI and loading animations. It isn't AAA Game of the year, but also isn't unplayable junk like others make it to be. A decent game that could have been more.


I don't think they'd be announcing an announcement if it was just bug fixes.

When you have a boat load of bugs they might.

I have been playing and everytime I get into a few hrs new bugs appear and they are wide ranging. Many completely break immersion.

Over 30hrs in and almost everyday something new appears and makes things frustrating. One day it was just npc shifting up and down while in conversation.next stuck on load screens on every recent save I try and load. Today I got inviSible npc I needed to speak to for a quest and invisible chosen. I was fighting health bars for 2 hrs


this really is laughable. that statement is so cookie-cutter and dry, and the fact that they feel obligated to put it out there and tell us that theyre thinking about what to do is amazing to me. in an ideal world, this is the sort of thing a dev would be forced to come out with if this were some experimental early access game and they messed things up with a horrible patch, but this is mass effect were talking about. i dont even like ME all that much but this situation intrigues me

as much as i get some morbid enjoyment from a messy dev getting trashed over the bizarrely awful state of their product, though, it pains me that things are like this and this is the norm

but it stuns me more how much they messed up with such a staggeringly huge budget, i hope whoever is responsible for getting the game pushed out in this state is ashamed


Reminds of the ME3 ending disaster.
Yeap. This is all hands on deck for them. Probably scrambling to announce some features that don't even fix what made the game broken in the first place.

It must suck having to spend so much time apologising for a game you made.


People called Romanes they go the house?
>announcing the announcement of a patch

It's actually the announcement of an announcement for a 'timeline' for a patch/patches., which is even more oddball/hilarious.

Edit: Though on some level, it is good to get acknowledgement out there, though it feels at least somewhat similar to the ME3 'controversy' non-response.


I'm not sure I get how a developer communicating with its players that it is acknowledging and working on a games problems is something to criticize. But i'm sure you were the same posters criticizing Hello games' silence on their games problems, because hey, you gotta shit on something right?

Yeah it's really fucking dumb and childish, really bothered by it in this thread.


I'm a huge fan of mass effect but I won't be buying this until atleast half the BS is fixed. By that time I fully expect to pay half price or less. Why release a broken product? I was fully ready to pay $60 for this game launch week.


Yeah it's really fucking dumb and childish, really bothered by it in this thread.

I feel like this is par entitlement with Bioware games, especially.

Mostly because people are so quick to write off something that hundreds of people spent years of their lives on. Criticism is one thing, but complaining without knowing what's going on is another.


Gold Member
Its good they're supporting the game and taking into account player feedback. I mean, I bought the game and found it loads of fun. But man there are issues for sure. If they can make the framerate more stable, that would be super.

Why make an announcement for an announcement? I think pushing out an update on the 4th of April is a much stronger message to the player base rather than saying "hey, we're going to fix things, but you have to wait to know what we plan to do"...seems kinda silly to me.


Gold Member
Thread. This is a shame so companies actually release incomplete rushed games for profit. Knowing we have Internet to later release patches. So that means they contemplated this and released it anyway...
Yeah this is the shit part. Devs were most likely under the pump and EA all like "we want MORE money and we want it NOW so hurry the fuck up"


All I know is that they better not even fucking mention DLC. The game has far too many issues and any staff on DLC should be put onto patches.

I finished the game and enjoyed it, but really had to rough it out through some parts. I know a good portion of animations and likely all writing can't be fixed, but some of the bullshit in that game was amateur. All the Asari having the same face model? The ridiculous textures on NPCs? That FUCKING Character Creator?

They need to start in on some No Man's Sky level patches. Pump a couple of those out, and THEN we can talk about DLC.

BLAUcopter said:
Yeah this is the shit part. Devs were most likely under the pump and EA all like "we want MORE money and we want it NOW so hurry the fuck up"

Is that the same EA that gave them 5! years to complete this? Hurried? After 5 years?

EA is a shit of a company, but this one is on Bioware, period. We can't act like EA should have kept funding this and keeping it on their books indefinitely.


Good fucking grief. Considering the whole No Man's Sky radio silence debacle, God forbid BioWare takes feedback into account and actually corresponds with the Mass Effect community to address some of the game's issues.

I don't think Andromeda is perfect either, but the pile-on is getting ridiculous.
I'm not sure I get how a developer communicating with its players that it is acknowledging and working on a games problems is something to criticize. But i'm sure you were the same posters criticizing Hello games' silence on their games problems, because hey, you gotta shit on something right?
Absolutely spot on - the same people will then be entering a thread complaining about radio silence from bioware and would be critical of them not ackowledging whether they would fix it or not.

This is not an announcement to generate hype or to tease something coming out - it is to acknowledge that they are working towards fixing it and will discuss in detail what it is next week.


I feel like this is par entitlement with Bioware games, especially.

Mostly because people are so quick to write off something that hundreds of people spent years of their lives on. Criticism is one thing, but complaining without knowing what's going on is another.

i dont know if its so much "lol look at what they said" as much as its about them having to make this statement in the first place, and what they could possibly be planning to do to fix this mess


Mass Effect Andromeda...Enhanced Edition?

CD projeckt did it for the first Witcher. They re-recoreded tons of voice acting and fixed a lot of the general animation jank.

Not sure how feasible such an undertaking would be for a much bigger project like Mass Effect.

Should be free then. well was the enhanced edition free sorry for asking?


The real news is that they apparently worked hard to create this. They just have been busting their balls for their previous games


This is just a sad situation all around. I am a huge Mass Effect fan. Adored the first 3.

Such a shame this one turned out the way it did.


While I did post a shitty fly-by post earlier, I will actually acknowledge that this is certainly better than nothing. I understand them being at the point where they aren't ready to release full patch notes, but also don't want to be silent, so while "announcing" a patch sounds ridiculous, it's really not.

Still, I mean this is not taking into consideration that they could have and should have delayed the game entirely, but we're past that point now so whatever.


I've personally had a smooth experience so far save the janky animations, but considering what I've heard from other people playing the game I hope they have a good plan for fixing those bugs and improving things where they can. I've been having a blast for the 20 hours or so I've played so I hope it works out.

Good on them for acknowledging it either way. They could be handling this way worse, although I suppose we don't actually know what the announcement is yet.
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