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Bjork talks about her experience with Lars Von Trier.


Will start substantiating his hate
Lars von Trier has been very open about his deviant behaviour. Somehow, being seen as an "auteur" has given him a pass all these years. His boss of many years, Peter Aalbæk Jensen, is also a proud creep.


When a guy writes a bad character on a piece of paper he's the real villain but an abusive director is just "injecting realism" huh

Again, Kubrick was all round sbusive to actors.

Nothing suggests he was sexist towards Shelly Duvall. Cruel, yes. But he was also cruel to Scatman Cruthers and Jack Nicholson. So until actual stories come out about him, can we stop acting like he's anything to do with these recent scandals?
Again, Kubrick was all round sbusive to actors.

Nothing suggests he was sexist towards Shelly Duvall. Cruel, yes. But he was also cruel to Scatman Cruthers and Jack Nicholson. So until actual stories come out about him, can we stop acting like he's anything to do with these recent scandals?

Which doesn't really change the fundamental stupidity of shifting the blame to King and his fictional characters here when there's like...real people here? It doesn't matter if Kubrick was equal opportunity abusive or not. The point is that these are people and those are things on a piece of paper.


I don't think it's fair to frame Kubrick as abusive. He was definitely a very tough director to work but I don't think there is any stories of him abusing or harassing for the sake of things. I think there is difference between directors who are perfectionist like Kubrick, Fincher, and Haneke and those who are abusive on set like Von Trier or David O Russel.


He did abuse the actress in the shining mentally to get a certain performance out of her.
Kubrick pushed all his actors to the limit be they male, female, white, coloured or whatever (apart from kids, everything I've rea notes he was very protective of children). Being demanding and strivin for perfection isn't remotely abuse in the sense Bjorn is talking about and it's pretty dangerous to veer into this territory with no evidence.

Most performers sang his praises despite the tough environment and many felt rejected because (a few exceptions aside) he rarely re-used the same actors.

And to be blunt King is straight up wrong. He half assed his characters in The Shining and shied away from painting his leads in a bad light particularly Jack Torrance. Kubrick never pulled punches really and merely showed true mysoginy in the characters an their actions. Accurately portraying real mysoginy isn't being mysoginistic yourself.

There's never been any accusation of note Kubrick was in any way sexist or racist nor any hint in his work. If anything he shows his disdain for humanity's failings by shoving our face in clear examples of how racist or mysoginistic or cruel or evil we can be to express his contempt for such base behaviour.

Mind you he did damn near blind poor Malcom Macdowell in that chair with his eyes propped open so there's no doubt he'd push everyone really far to try and create the perfect image and film.


Honestly, my main takeaway from this story is that Bjork continues to be a great example of how to be a good person while also being famous.
As long as she keeps the n-word out of her mouth she's cool with me.

Lars Von Trier should stop making movies. There are so many stories of him abusing his actresses, if he needs to be a vile human just to get a certain performance for his Art™ he shouldn't be allowed to make it.


Kubrick was definitely abusive to the point of being irresponsible. People can dress it up all they want as being a single-minded perfectionist but that led to him being emotionally abusive of Duvall.

He wasn't alone. Numerous directors from that era pushed all kinds of boundaries.


Kubrick was definitely abusive to the point of being irresponsible. People can dress it up all they want as being a single-minded perfectionist but that led to him being emotionally abusive of Duvall.

He wasn't alone. Numerous directors from that era pushed all kinds of boundaries.
Yah but what's more irresponsible is opaquing the real sexual abuse of Weinstein or Bjorn's points about Lars VonTrier with another topic that has nothing to do with it. Whether Kubrick pushed actors too far is an interesting conversation but it has no place in a topic about sexual abuse and runs the risk of having people starting to propagate the idea he was some kind of sexual abuser.

The guy aimed for perfection and any actor working with him knew it particularly from his early films onward. It was tough for some actors for sure but hardly predatory abuse happening in secret thar left real long term scars. Nicholson noted his first thought when Kubrick died was you bastard now we can't make another film together.

There's a thread that would be interesting on this but it's off topic for this conversation. And as I'm guilty of being diverted by it I'll stop now too.
Lars von Trier has been very open about his deviant behaviour. Somehow, being seen as an "auteur" has given him a pass all these years. His boss of many years, Peter Aalbæk Jensen, is also a proud creep.

Yeah there are plenty of characters like this in the arts who are celebrated as creeps. Wonder if Terry Richardson is going to finally get some flak too.


I'm pretty sure Kirsten Dunst said in an interview he ran around with his pants down around set during Melancholia...so yeah he is a known weirdo. I've known for years that Bjork hated filming Dancer in the Dark but the statement makes it sound like he would touch people without consent... Puts me in a bind because it is one of my favourite films and I love the performance and soundtrack by Bjork.
I honestly don't see any sort of dilemma as you can both acknowledge the art and the scumbag as separate entities


I'm pretty sure Kirsten Dunst said in an interview he ran around with his pants down around set during Melancholia...so yeah he is a known weirdo. I've known for years that Bjork hated filming Dancer in the Dark but the statement makes it sound like he would touch people without consent... Puts me in a bind because it is one of my favourite films and I love the performance and soundtrack by Bjork.
You have to separate the art from the artist. Roman Polanski directed some of my favorite movies but he's a vile piece of shit.
Kubrick was definitely abusive to the point of being irresponsible. People can dress it up all they want as being a single-minded perfectionist but that led to him being emotionally abusive of Duvall.

He wasn't alone. Numerous directors from that era pushed all kinds of boundaries.

Hitchcock immediately comes to mind


I honestly don't see any sort of dilemma as you can both acknowledge the art and the scumbag as separate entities

You have to separate the art from the artist. Roman Polanski directed some of my favorite movies but he's a vile piece of shit.

Yep, that's what I do anyway. Fassbinder is a great director but he was a notoriously cruel to those around him.

It's just not nice to think about the torment people had to face in order to make the film.


In case you forgot how to read, she was touched and harassed by Lars, and the crew was ok about it. Lars even made up stories about how Bjork was being a diva..

User you were responding to didn't forget to read, unless you mean reading between lines.
There is no direct statement that says that in OP.

He also fondled his 7 year old adoptive daughter, but since no one believes the victim, it's just Woody being Woody.

Allegedly. Circumstances (revenge, a panel of psychologists, appointed by US prosecutors and the police, concluding that Dylan had not been molested) are far too unclear to make your statement so categorically.


I've never seen one of his films but...I mean, was I the only person that was thinking this was in him when we first heard about his film Nymphomaniac?

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
He also fondled his 7 year old adoptive daughter, but since no one believes the victim, it's just Woody being Woody.
Right, I brought that up before too.

Fuck Woody Allen.

Allegedly. Circumstances (revenge, a panel of psychologists, appointed by US prosecutors and the police, concluding that Dylan had not been molested) are far too unclear to make your statement so categorically.
Not quite

In his final decision, in June 1993, Justice Wilk stated that he found “no credible evidence to support Mr. Allen’s contention that Ms. Farrow coached Dylan or that Ms. Farrow acted upon a desire for revenge against him for seducing Soon-Yi. Mr. Allen’s resort to the stereotypical ‘woman scorned’ defense is an injudicious attempt to divert attention from his failure to act as a responsible parent and adult.”[171][168] He rejected Allen's bid for full custody and denied him visitation rights with Dylan, stating that even though the full truth of the allegations may never be known, "the credible testimony of Ms. Farrow, Dr. Coates, Dr. Leventhal and Mr. Allen does, however, prove that Mr. Allen's behavior toward Dylan was grossly inappropriate and that measures must be taken to protect her".[171][164]

In September 1993, the state's attorney, Frank Maco, announced he wouldn't be pursuing Allen in court for the molestation allegations, despite having "probable cause", citing his and Farrow's desire not to traumatise Dylan further.[174]

Moreover, 20 years later Dylan still maintains her story. Woody Allen denies it and there has never been concrete legal proof, so believe whoever you like, but considering everything else we know about Woody Allen, I believe Dylan.
He also fondled his 7 year old adoptive daughter, but since no one believes the victim, it's just Woody being Woody.

Yes, it's not as if there's a shit-ton of countervailing evidence and contradictory testimonies that suggest that, at the very least, there is a reasonable doubt as to his guilt, if not put the weight of things on the side of his innocence.

Edit: Moreover, your reading of Manhattan is fucking grossly wrong (his character is not supposed to be a good person, even if he is likable), but that's neither here nor there.


Milkshake duck has transcended its origins. It's a useful term for the celebrity whose fall arises from exposure due to fame. That's subtly different from the original meaning, but nobody cares.
It's some posters' way of trying to make fetch happen. I.E. a dumbass meme that doesn't deserve to catch on because it sounds lame.
Bjork elaborates:
in the spirit of #metoo i would like to lend women around the world a hand with a more detailed description of my experience with a danish director . it feels extremely difficult to come out with something of this nature into the public , especially when immediately ridiculed by offenders . i fully sympathise with everyone who hesitates , even for years . but i feel it is the right time especially now when it could make a change . here comes a list of the encounters that i think count as sexual harassment :

1 after each take the director ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me for a long time in front of all crew or alone and stroked me sometimes for minutes against my wishes

2 when after 2 months of this i said he had to stop the touching , he exploded and broke a chair in front of everyone on set . like someone who has always been allowed to fondle his actresses . then we all got sent home .

3 during the whole filming process there were constant awkward paralysing unwanted whispered sexual offers from him with graphic descriptions , sometimes with his wife standing next to us .

4 while filming in sweden , he threatened to climb from his room´s balcony over to mine in the middle of the night with a clear sexual intention , while his wife was in the room next door . i escaped to my friends room . this was what finally woke me up to the severity of all this and made me stand my ground

5 fabricated stories in the press about me being difficult by his producer . this matches beautifully the weinstein methods and bullying . i have never eaten a shirt . not sure that is even possible .

6 i didnt comply or agree on being sexually harassed . that was then portrayed as me being difficult . if being difficult is standing up to being treated like that , i´ll own it .

let´s break this curse




Björk is really great.

Fuck every man who treats people this way and fuck those who enable it and/or silently allow it to happen.


Yes, it's not as if there's a shit-ton of countervailing evidence and contradictory testimonies that suggest that, at the very least, there is a reasonable doubt as to his guilt, if not put the weight of things on the side of his innocence.

Edit: Moreover, your reading of Manhattan is fucking grossly wrong (his character is not supposed to be a good person, even if he is likable), but that's neither here nor there.
Dr. Coates, Dr. Leventhal and Mr. Allen does, however, prove that Mr. Allen's behavior toward Dylan was grossly inappropriate and that measures must be taken to protect her".
At best bad enough for his daughter to warrant protection from him, at worst a molester. Great.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
Damnit, welcome to the milkshake duck army, Lars. You disgusting piece of shit.

Milkshake duck is itself a milkshake duck now. Am I milkshake ducking it right?

Can we PLEASE remove this fucking bullshit from the discussion of serious issues?

It's not funny.

You're not clever.

And it's stupidity shows extremely poor taste in most topics it's brought up.


This guy is a fucking weirdo. That much was evident from his films, but that shouldn't mean he'd be an abusive sexual predator by default. But, hey...

I really hope no more renowned weirdos turn out like this.

It would cast another negative shade over the already stigmatized oddball/creative/loner stereotype. (Thinking of Refn, specifically lol)
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