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BlazBlue IV: Central Fiction |OT| Be Ready For The Phantoms


Not going to settle. There are enough good fighting games out or coming out. I already youtube'd the important bits of the story so not exactly jonesing for it.I'll get it for $20 on a PSN sale in a year assuming nothing changes

Same here, I still haven't bought it either. I gave up on the petition, but not on my boycott.

Well, not youtubing. I still don't know what happens in the story.


The lack of a dub still hurts, especially while playing CPEX just now. It was simply so well done. I think I've made my peace with it though. There's just no way it's gonna happen, which sucks because I hate a lot of the Japanese voices. Is there gonna be any additional support for this game though? Like a free balance patch like with CS? I just still can't help but suspect some kind of Extend version.


It's sad to see this thread so dead. What are the thoughts on CF? I wanna get into BB again and redownloaded CPEX just to mess around with it a bit after so long. The limited edition is on sale for $53 on Amazon which isn't bad considering it's cheaper than the regular edition right now. The thing is, I'm reluctant to buy it now for fear of an Extend version and the fact that Es was only free for a limited time so that leaves me down one character, two if you wanna count Mai. I'm itching for BB though.

I think it is a really great Fighting game. Lots of interesting characters, lots of options for both SP and MP and the online works well enough. I still play it regularly.
As for Extend or not, since GG Xrd Rev 2 is a thing now and is a dlc update instead of a rerelease I can see them doing the same thing with BB. They still gotta give us Jubei after all lol


So uh, I finally managed to get a copy of the PS3 version. The EU one, but hey. I should be fine as long as I make an EU account for when Jubei comes out, right? :p

Will it work globally?

The US PS3 version is down to $30 new if you can find it. The EU one is $15 on Amazon(not many left).


In case you all weren't aware...




Hey guys,

I decided I finally want to try to learn how to play Blazblue, after being put off by how complicated Calamity Trigger seemed when I bought it back in the day. The most recent one I have access to right now is Continumm Shift (which was a PS Plus game at some point), and I wanted to know if anyone could recommend a character to start with, because at first glance it seems really intimidating.

I'm very much a casual player of fighting games, but here are the characters I play in other games

SF5: Cammy
SF4: Cammy, Boxer, Chun
Persona: Kanji
Guilty Gear (the most recent one I really played was X2 on PS2): Chipp, Ky
Tekken: Nina, Lars



Ragna Jin and Noel are straightforward, i think. They're pretty decent about staying in the opponent's face which seems like your style if im guessing by your character picks. You could add me on PSN, if you want to try getting used to basics vs a human


Hey guys,

I decided I finally want to try to learn how to play Blazblue, after being put off by how complicated Calamity Trigger seemed when I bought it back in the day. The most recent one I have access to right now is Continumm Shift (which was a PS Plus game at some point), and I wanted to know if anyone could recommend a character to start with, because at first glance it seems really intimidating.

I'm very much a casual player of fighting games, but here are the characters I play in other games

SF5: Cammy
SF4: Cammy, Boxer, Chun
Persona: Kanji
Guilty Gear (the most recent one I really played was X2 on PS2): Chipp, Ky
Tekken: Nina, Lars


Trying to derive a specific playstyle out of your list is a bit tough because your tastes are so varied. You seem to enjoy quick characters based on your enjoyment of Nina, Chipp and Cammy, but then Boxer and Kanji show a preference for heavier and more patient characters and Lars and Chun show preference for more balanced characters. If there's one thing that I can see, it's that you're not particularly a fan of zoning.

Only having access to Continuum Shift obviously limits you a bit, but there's still plenty of good characters in there. There's also some systems that were introduced in later entries like the Overdrive and Exceed Accel systems that were introduced in Chrono Phantasma onwards which you'll not get knowledge of. I'm not entirely sure if it's the original Continuum Shift or Continuum Shift Extend so I'll have to be a bit conditional in my recommendations.

To start with, if you like Ky in Guilty Gear I'd advise starting with a character like Jin. Since Blazblue's made by the same developers and was partially created because SEGA held the Guilty Gear rights for a while, a lot of the characters in this series take heavy inspiration from Guilty Gear characters with Jin being the Ky-analogue shoto-clone.

Noel may also be a good character as she's like this series' Cammy/Chun-li. A bit more difficult to play than your average main characters and a bit weaker but with more speed.

Outside of the purposely-simplistic main characters, there are characters like Tsubaki who is also relatively quick and possesses a very shoto-style moveset, but with the added complication that she has to charge a meter in order to use more powerful versions of her special attacks. She's pretty weak in the earlier entries but gets a lot of more fun and agile as the series progresses.

Finally, if it is Continuum Shift Extend which was free then you should try Makoto based on your love of boxer. She's pretty quick and is built around a very aggressive, close-range playstyle. Honestly she's closer to Dudley than Boxer but she's got that same satisfying punch and explosive damage potential.


Hey guys,

I decided I finally want to try to learn how to play Blazblue, after being put off by how complicated Calamity Trigger seemed when I bought it back in the day. The most recent one I have access to right now is Continumm Shift (which was a PS Plus game at some point), and I wanted to know if anyone could recommend a character to start with, because at first glance it seems really intimidating.

I'm very much a casual player of fighting games, but here are the characters I play in other games

SF5: Cammy
SF4: Cammy, Boxer, Chun
Persona: Kanji
Guilty Gear (the most recent one I really played was X2 on PS2): Chipp, Ky
Tekken: Nina, Lars


I would recommend picking up the last game whenever it's on a sale because the characters and systems changed a lot from their earlier versions.

The roster is very unique to the point it's better for you to actually try everyone and see who sticks. I play many fighting games too, but BB is the only one I main a stance based fighter (Litchi) which I would usually ignore or hate.


Looks like some UI elements in the Jubei trailer are different, so, yeah, a revision seems to be in place.

Buff Susan, Noel and Bullet kthx.


Finally, if it is Continuum Shift Extend which was free then you should try Makoto based on your love of boxer. She's pretty quick and is built around a very aggressive, close-range playstyle. Honestly she's closer to Dudley than Boxer but she's got that same satisfying punch and explosive damage potential.

Thank you for this post. Yeah, i'd say my preferences are all over the place- the best conenctor I have is that I really don't like playing Fireball characters!

Dudley was my Third Strike character, so I'm going to try Makoto out.
Hey guys,

I decided I finally want to try to learn how to play Blazblue, after being put off by how complicated Calamity Trigger seemed when I bought it back in the day. The most recent one I have access to right now is Continumm Shift (which was a PS Plus game at some point), and I wanted to know if anyone could recommend a character to start with, because at first glance it seems really intimidating.

I'm very much a casual player of fighting games, but here are the characters I play in other games

SF5: Cammy
SF4: Cammy, Boxer, Chun
Persona: Kanji
Guilty Gear (the most recent one I really played was X2 on PS2): Chipp, Ky
Tekken: Nina, Lars

Watch a lot of high level play and see who intrigues you. Don't experiment with the character first. You won't catch how the characters work without enough time that you'll exhaust yourself trying them all.


This game deserves more hype and praise. So much to do and very fun. The lack of dub really hurts it. I wonder if that can get patched in, at least for battle.


That's a huge patch, jeez. New gatlings for Bullet and Naoto please my scrub ass.

More recovery for Nine's normals :D
Looks like Noel still sucks D:


Time for me to start playing again. Granted I'm not very good, but it's been too long. Hopefully Console users will get Jubei soon.


Those sweet sweet Arakune and Carl nerfs are music to my ears. Very good, very good indeed. Nine nerfs sadden me a little because she is a very fun character to play but it was expected. If that's what it takes to take Arakune and Carl down with her I'll take it.

Lol out of all the moves to buff for Relius they chose 6B? The best buff there would be to delete that move outright. Always frustrating trying to do dash -> 5B only to get that garbage instead.
Susanoo buffs sound a little underwhelming on paper but maybe they work out better in practice.

With this patch and Jubei coming these are exciting times for BBCF.


Well, caved in on the PC version

Quite hyped to get back back into this series, last BB i played was vanilla CP back when I was still participating in tournaments...so many damn new characters to try lol


I don't think I've ever stepped in here,
but I just wanted to rave about how hype the BB finals at evo were. At the same time, it highlighted some problems with the game that I hope the balance patch addresses.

IMO one big reason why the finals were so good was because it had a very clear good guy/bad guy sort of match up between the characters used in the finals. There are a few clear top tier characters that just don't look fun to play against at all, like Carl, Nine, and Izanami. Once those characters get a knockdown on you, you are like 99% fucked for the match because of how strong their corner pressure and setups are once they can set them up. Carl's blockstrings in particular are super brutal to deal with and might as well be unblockable to most normal people. And of course, Carl has an actual unblockable setup on top of that.

The Jin player in the finals was super entertaining because while his character is strong, he didn't have those same bullshit setups that the other top tier characters have. His play felt more honest,and the player was absolutely godlike in skill. So you had a match of the little guy trying to find ways to topple a titan. It was super intense to watch that guy get beaten to an inch of his life over and over again, then block mixup after mixup that no one should be able to block, then pull some crazy shit to win rounds over an extremely skilled player playing what was an obviously bullshit character. This happened over and over and was such a joy to watch.

But at the same time, it just highlights how I REALLY wouldn't want to play against a good Carl myself, because fuck dealing with that bullshit.
This about sums up how I felt about BBCF top 8 as well. And a friend of mine had the audacity to root for Carl since he hated Jin that much.

Honorable mention to Dora's hilarious Mu-12 laser zoning vs Arakune. The most gdlk blocking vs curse I'd ever seen. Was a heartbreaking end.


Found this amusing, from an interview with Mori:

Woocash: Is there somebody from the cast, or from the story that you also wanted to make a playable character but didn’t get a chance to?

Mori: Personally, to be honest, I did want to make Trinity playable. She has a good design.

Woocash: What would her powers be? Drive? Fighting style?

Mori: She would be a more honest material summoner than Platinum is. I’m not sure that I can talk about this, but the easiest way to describe it probably is Iceman from X-Men: Children of the Atom, he’s my favorite. I always wanted to make a character like that.
i still can't over how stupid putting IV in the ot title is

i'm also surprised trinity seems to be off the table, i guess jubei is really it?
It's the fourth game in the series... not rocket science.

The trailer even says 'Act IV'.

you're literally the only person that calls it blazblue IV

Producer states in that interview that if they do a new BB game, it'll be a complete sequel.

yea, but they're likely done with the current sprites

a complete sequel likely means updating the graphics

i expect the roster to start from square one again
I haven't played since Continuum Shift, but Evo did get me hype. I want to use Nine.

What is the cheapest avenue to buy this? Is the PC community much smaller than the PS4/3 one?


Pretty much abandoned the game because my main, Bullet is mostly ignored. Hopefully the update will bring me back. Meanwhile will stick with GGX.
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