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Bulletstorm didn't make money.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Frankfurt said:
Imagine a Street Fighter game where all that matters are combos. No footsies, no turtling, no pokes. Just combos and nothing else. Nobody would EVER defend such a game.

But in Bulletstorm, people actually try to defend it.

Imagine a shooter where you pull LT to automain onto an enemy, then pull RT to kill them. Rinse and repeat for 4 hours. This is 90% of shooters today.

What in the hell is your point? Bulletstorm is a shooter that requires thinking about how to dispatch your enemies, instead of plainly gunning them down. You're comparing a competently different genre in the most non sensible way possible. It was a fresh take on an increasingly stale genre.


Unconfirmed Member
This was a wonderful game. The mechanics and the tone were great. It looked really bro-tastic, but I laughed out loud dozens of times when I was playing through the game. I really hope there's a sequel.


i pretty much ignored the scoring system (not a fan really) and played it as a unique fps that happened to be hilarious with awesome set pieces. and somehow i still ended up pulling off some crazy scores just from playing naturally and agressively. it was quite fun.
Frankfurt said:
Imagine a Street Fighter game where all that matters are combos. No footsies, no turtling, no pokes. Just combos and nothing else. Nobody would EVER defend such a game.

But in Bulletstorm, people actually try to defend it.

Lots of people love Killer Instinct.
DryvBy2 said:
I blame that demo. I wanted it either way, but every one of my friends didn't get it due to the demo.

the demo was indeed really bad. i tried it and thought it was without hyperbole one of the worst games i've played this gen, reminded me of Fracture. just completely uninteresting and trite. also the humor was embarrassing.


Strap on your hooker ...
Ugh at all this "the demo was terrible" talk. The Echoes were the best part, just like the Time Trials were the best part of Mirror's Edge. On top of which, Bulletstorm's campaign was also tons of fun, unlike Mirror's Edge.

It makes me so very sad how little respect people have for the idea of playing a game for score anymore.
It's clear that Bulletstorm did make money, just not as much as the developers would have hoped for.

Shig said:
Ugh at all this "the demo was terrible" talk. The Echoes were the best part, just like the Time Trials were the best part of Mirror's Edge. On top of which, Bulletstorm's campaign was also tons of fun, unlike Mirror's Edge.

It makes me so very sad how little respect people have for the idea of playing a game for score anymore.

Get with the times, Grampa. Playing for scores wasn't fun when I was doing it in an arcade at the age of 13, it isn't now either. If the Echoes were the best part, then I would have to "echo" the statement that the demo was terrible. I came in hoping to be surprised, and all I got was another shoorter


MMaRsu said:
Shame on all of you who didnt buy it

I'm part of the problem, I bought killzone 3 on the same day instead of this. What a huge fucking mistake that was :(

But still, it should have been on sale during the summer sale but because of EA's stubborness it wasn't.


It's a pity. For a modern FPS game I liked it. If you're going to make scripted corridor shooters at least make it over the top wacky like Bulletstorm.
So, what could be the cause of this, absence of multyplayer peraphs?

Hope not, but Sniper Ghost Warrior managed to sell 1 million copies and if I recall correctly even Assassin Creed Brotherhood did the same.

Still haven't played any of them though :\


Cow Mengde said:
Wow... so this is what GAF sees as innovation, huh?
if it's a dudebro shooter that bombas, GAF loves it.
if it's a dudebro shooter that sells good, GAF hates it.

Learn the rules bro.
GOTY candidate and typical that nobody plays it.

corkscrewblow said:
if it's a dudebro shooter that bombas, GAF loves it.
if it's a dudebro shooter that sells good, GAF hates it.

Learn the rules bro.

maybe you should play it before you make stupid generalizations like that. It's a parody of dudebros (and surprisingly still has a more enjoyable story than whatever Resistance or Killzone those companies fart out). And the gameplay was wildly refreshing for a shooter.


I did buy the game but I wasn't quite fond of it. It certainly deserved to do more than 300k, though, those are extremely poor sales.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Cow Mengde said:
Wow... so this is what GAF sees as innovation, huh?

Innovation?, it's just banter, at least it's not taking itself seriously

It's over the top zaniness, I mean, when I can cornhole hole an enemy with a drill, then said drill takes him to the ground, and starts spinning him and it gives me 250 points with word "Breakdance" flashing, it is not trying to be serious or innovative, it's trying to be a game that gives the gamer a sense of fun


Serves them right for setting out to make an over-the-top, fast-paced arcade shooter with a scoring system... And then making you aim down the fucking sights if you wanted your guns to actually shoot in the direction you aim.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Cow Mengde said:
Wow... so this is what GAF sees as innovation, huh?

In my time here I'm starting to learn that GAF hates and loves everything at the same time.


Dosent' suprise me, Clearly to me Cliffy miss judged the target audience. I did not buy it did not play it wanted nothing to do with so much swearing which I even saw with its advertising

I am sick of the voice actor as well as great as he was 10 years ago now I never want to hear him again.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
People Can Fly


If you played that, and enjoyed that, that is what BulletStorm is bred from
(I <3 PK)

Angry Fork

There was nothing that set it apart from other FPS to me except some pretty colors and comical gore type actions which I don't care about. I'm tired of shooting shit without reward in the form of compelling narrative or creative atmosphere.


Jew Gamer
RockmanWhore said:
There's really something wrong in this indistry if a game selling 300 000 with a licenced engine can't turn profit.

Can't be stated enough, this industry needs to be sulf-sustaining. They should budget for 100K to be a success instead of constantly going bankrupt trying to be the next 5-10 million Call of Duty clone.

This industry is so focused on "Sales targets" instead of "budget". The entire entertainment industry is getting like that (200M to make movies? WTF? Budget people!)


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
JoeTheBlow said:
If they'd mentioned there was a full, story-based singleplayer game i'd have been interested.
But all the previews, including the demo, made out like it was a score-based arcade thing, with the usual multiplayer that would be deserted within a month.

Another PR failure.
edit: no multiplayer?!? Are you KIDDING ME?!?

I like how you say the typical multi that would be deserted in a month, then feign outrage at there not being one.

Angry Fork said:
There was nothing that set it apart from other FPS to me except some pretty colors and comical gore type actions which I don't care about. I'm tired of shooting shit without reward in the form of compelling narrative or creative atmosphere.

Nothing to set it apart? I think I killed maybe 4 people in the entire game by gunning them down. The rest got kicked into a cactus, crushed by an elevator, their head removed by a drill, kicked into a man eating plant, set into the sky by a flare to explode...I could go on, but I'd be here all day.


Karkador said:
If game platforms are around for 5-10 years, why is it so critical for games to succeed in their first month?

Because such games are front-loaded in sales and don't have long legs.
Karkador said:
If game platforms are around for 5-10 years, why is it so critical for games to succeed in their first month?
A game can only sell if it has shelf presence. Plenty of games come out each week.


Strap on your hooker ...
Onion_Relish said:
Get with the times, Grampa. Playing for scores wasn't fun when I was doing it in an arcade at the age of 13, it isn't now either. If the Echoes were the best part, then I would have to "echo" the statement that the demo was terrible. I came in hoping to be surprised, and all I got was another shoorter
Man. Crazy talk.

You got any people on your friends list that you, you know, talk to? Being able to beat their scores and rub their faces in it makes high score games better than ever. Yet no appreciation! Damn kids.


I didn't feel the campaign to Bulletstorm was that great, but the echoes and amazing skillshot system made up for it.

Onion_Relish said:
Get with the times, Grampa. Playing for scores wasn't fun when I was doing it in an arcade at the age of 13, it isn't now either. If the Echoes were the best part, then I would have to "echo" the statement that the demo was terrible. I came in hoping to be surprised, and all I got was another shoorter

The Echoes were by far the best part of the game. The campaign was a clusterfuck. It opens with a goddamn minigame, for crying out loud...


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Angry Fork said:
There was nothing that set it apart from other FPS to me except some pretty colors and comical gore type actions which I don't care about. I'm tired of shooting shit without reward in the form of compelling narrative or creative atmosphere.
It had both compelling narrative and atmosphere. Actually the best narrative in shooter genre this year.
Juancho9 said:
I thought the game LOOKED like some terrible brofest arcade shooter, I might try it if people actually think its worth something.

It is. People seem to like it because it makes fun of itself for being really fucking stupid.

I beat the game in two days and found it to have few redeeming values. Some pretty, colorful environments, and it is pretty mindless since it requires little to no skill (everything auto targets like when you kick things and they magically get sucked to the intended targets).

If you don't find it funny for people to yell things like "I'm going to kill your dick" then you will hate it. I don't think there is a game I completed this gen that I disliked more. It is utterly stupid and unredeeming.


Single player only FPS's just dont sell. Has there been one in the latter 2/3rds of this generation that has??? I wonder how long the developement cycle on this game was.


The demo was fun but it's just not my type of game. I see the appeal and feel it was well realized for what they were going for so I hate to see sales weren't good though.


chriskun said:
Single player only FPS's just dont sell. Has there been one in the latter 2/3rds of this generation that has??? I wonder how long the developement cycle on this game was.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Karkador said:
If game platforms are around for 5-10 years, why is it so critical for games to succeed in their first month?

Dog Eat Dog world

Once you release your title, you have like a 2 month window to grab as much as you can (hell sometimes less)

Look @ Releasemageddon from starting of September till end of November, tell me what game will survive and still be on the shelves 5 years from this year in a BestBuy or Walmart
(Maybe COD, I mean fucking COD4 is still $49.99...Fucking amazing)
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