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Bungie Devs - 'It's TOO Hot. I cant work!'


Hot In Herre Nelly GIF



Yeah clearly Human impact, "unprecedented" decade. Go grind your imaginary axe, don't reply me anymore.
Those are just estimations and as another user had already pointed out, humans didn't exist millions of years ago.
OMG what a flawless argument. Human didn't develop means to record temperatures till 19 century so I'm just gonna deny all temperature change before that. Flawless sentiment, same logic I have to deny there was not electricity on the earth at all before there are power plants.
All it tells is that human is not the only cause of climate change.
Climate change does happen naturally, however, increased human activity on the planet has contributed to the ongoing acceleration of climate change. And it's unusual for rare weather-related events to occur more frequently. Due to the warming of the Arctic and the resulting decrease in contrast in temperatures between the cold pole and warm subtropics, the curving jet stream that traverses across the Northern Hemisphere slows down and creates a heat dome with a very deep high-pressure center that lingers over a particular region it hits. The Pacific Northwest broke a record-high temperature the other day because of this phenomenon. So why is the Arctic considerably warmer now than previously?

If anyone is wondering why no one in the Pacific NW has thought of installing a window fan or a window AC unit, the problem is that a lot of complexes won't allow tenants to install them due to insurance liabilities. And a lot of other residents live in older homes that weren't designed and built with central air conditioning in mind since the Pacific NW generally does not get hot enough to justify the cost of air conditioning.
climate change is real and anyone who denies it is an idiot. You think coronavirus is bad? That’s nothing but a warm up for climate change. think how people have dealt with COVID but imagine it being 1000 times worse. this is just the start. the heat waves are gonna more intense and frequent.
speaking of COVID, we just witnessed an entire global science/medical establishment lie and cover up many aspects of the disease for financial and political gain.

surely this is the first and only time thats ever happened…..btw climate change is a trillion dollar a year business and lines the pockets of politicians and scientists all over the world.

you cant call people idiots while being this incredibly naive. Scientists are humans and humans are easily manipulated by money.

you would think them pulling this trick since the 60’s would have alerted you to something being fishy but i guess some people are helplessly dependent on what their government and institutions tell them


I forgot. We in the civilized worlds' we have an invention called the A/C. Did my shit overheat when Las Vegas hit 116? Did I get to go home for the day when Las Vegas hit 116?

They're acting like babies because, 'Its too hot." Grow up. Shutting down a business tells me they are running their offices on the cheap, cutting corners, that they cannot keep their shit running. If a few remote employee's computers overheating cause them to shutter their doors for a day... Jesus H Christ.
This is as stupid as telling Texans that they should’ve just been prepared for the freezing winter storm and they were just being pussies.

Cities here in the northwest have never needed AC, because it never gets that warm. Homes and buildings are designed to contain heat. The humidex of 49C from a couple days ago was unprecedented and absolutely insufferable conditions. How about you grow up instead of projecting your ignorance on the internet
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OMG what a flawless argument. Human didn't develop means to record temperatures till 19 century so I'm just gonna deny all temperature change before that. Flawless sentiment, same logic I have to deny there was not electricity on the earth at all before there are power plants.
Brother, you can't have something on record unless it's actually... y'know, recorded? We can make informed estimations as to what the temperatures on Earth millions of years ago were, but we don't have them on record. The records simply don't exist.


But keep your head in the sand bro.


Gold Member
Those are just estimations and as another user had already pointed out, humans didn't exist millions of years ago.

Climate change does happen naturally, however, increased human activity on the planet has contributed to the ongoing acceleration of climate change. And it's unusual for rare weather-related events to occur more frequently. Due to the warming of the Arctic and the resulting decrease in contrast in temperatures between the cold pole and warm subtropics, the curving jet stream that traverses across the Northern Hemisphere slows down and creates a heat dome with a very deep high-pressure center that lingers over a particular region it hits. The Pacific Northwest broke a record-high temperature the other day because of this phenomenon. So why is the Arctic considerably warmer now than previously?

If anyone is wondering why no one in the Pacific NW has thought of installing a window fan or a window AC unit, the problem is that a lot of complexes won't allow tenants to install them due to insurance liabilities. And a lot of other residents live in older homes that weren't designed and built with central air conditioning in mind since the Pacific NW generally does not get hot enough to justify the cost of air conditioning.
Humans not able to recording the temperature millions doesn't mean the change was not there. Those are published paper, the estimation at least have credibility.

I am in agreement with you that the climate is changing now, but from where to where? There was not ice in the poles before, would we reach that point? Need more data. That's a long term monitoring, as shown in the graph. I believe we need to make effort I have said in previous post.

Most homes not needing AC in Seattle not because complex regulation or cost, simply it won't be used as much. In my post I showed the next 15 days in seattle is around 80 F high. It's normal for Puget Sound. It's just the weather, we just had major storms last two winters which was rare too, do I need to claim they were due to climate declining?


source: bungie Poor guys. I wouldn't call my standard untenable as I don't think any person on the planet would consider these working conditions harsh.
Yep. Imagine all these sweaty people jostling around amok and all these workstations running hot, coupled with the unprecedented temperatures. I can totally see why the conditions were unbearable.


Whatever they lose in sales/productiion they'll just hit their players with it in some way via silver or some other cuntish business model


Gold Member
Brother, you can't have something on record unless it's actually... y'know, recorded? We can make informed estimations as to what the temperatures on Earth millions of years ago were, but we don't have them on record. The records simply don't exist.


But keep your head in the sand bro.
Did I say a single word saying those estimations are records? I said you can't deny climate change simply because there was no records. Those estimation are published paper, they have some credibility, okay? Don't use that strawman bro.


Gold Member
Those are just estimations and as another user had already pointed out, humans didn't exist millions of years ago.

Why dismiss scientifically backed evidence/research?

Ah yes, that's right. Dismiss all the evidence that doesn't support your bias in favour of the evidence that does.


When I was in Death Valley in the Bad Water Basin, it was also around 46-48°C. So I can well imagine that you can't really work there. The camera on my smartphone didn't work at those temperatures either.

Climate change is real, but the whole thing has nothing to do with it, but with physics and and some "bad luck". Just google it.


AC is rare in people's homes, but most offices have it. Sounds like everyone just works in crappy buildings.

I actually don't buy those excuses. There are many easy solutions even if you live in a barn. Here are some portable solutions:



And you can use larger ones that just recycle the inner air:



Split units might not be good for cardboard homes though, so these are some of the better solutions.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Really. Using this as an avenue to post anti science bullshit and then to cast blame on individuals? The heatwave which is absolutely caused by climate change is causing so much energy demand that the grid up there cannot handle it because it was not built for this outlier situation. People have to use less which means less AC. Yes offices will be better, but they are asked to reduce energy consumption too. Even in hot ass MD my AC gets reduced on 90 degree days to conserve power. This was not expected and it is also expected to end soon. You expect these people to mobilize by themselves and go back to an office that might not have even been cleaned or currently air conditioned because their laptops overheated during a few days of record temps? And you also expect people with half a clue to accept that places with climates that regularly exceed 100F and have grids capable of delivering power to all the ACs needed to make that climate livable prove that it is each of these person's fault? OK. Of course a handful of tweets should lead to ridiculous generalizations based more on hate than facts.

The PNW has temps much much higher than usual and more people at home using electricity than usual. There is no reason to expect a grid to be designed for usage many 10s of percentage points outside of the worst case scenario they considered when building it. This is similar to the hospitalization issue. There is no reason for a hospital system to be built to handle 1000s of people sick with a pandemic virus when 99.9% of the time they only need a fraction of that capacity. Even the laptops in question here show that they weren't built to run well in an environment that is hotter than a normal office because they aren't run like that in 99.9% of the cases. I bet it was only a few people who had the problem and that they either had marginal/older laptops or have dustier work locations than the rest who
Show me where I said or even implied that Climate Change isnt real? I knew I shouldve posted the disclaimer that I believe in Climate Change in OP because of posts like this. I chose not to because this thread isnt about climate change and I dont like to give away my political leanings. it's about why devs feel compelled to go to a journalist about working in high heat. It's about why Bungie felt compelled to call it a day even though everyone seems to be working from home anyway. It's about Jason making this about climate change when it's really just about Bungie devs telling on their company for god knows what reason. As if Bungie is the reason why the PNW is facing this heat wave.

You are too hot? Take a PTO. Why you need to talk to a journo about this is beyond me.
Explain rather than being a shit
I think you're on a hiding to nothing with a few of these posters. Utterly clueless.
No idea what this means. Please explain
I actually don't buy those excuses. There are many easy solutions even if you live in a barn. Here are some portable solutions:



And you can use larger ones that just recycle the inner air:



Split units might not be good for cardboard homes though, so these are some of the better solutions.
Bo none of those would work in a barn especially with 40c+


Why dismiss scientifically backed evidence/research?

Ah yes, that's right. Dismiss all the evidence that doesn't support your bias in favour of the evidence that does.
Same thing they’re doing, pulling out that graph to try and pretend like it’s evidence of their poorly researched argument. Like there isn’t overwhelming scientific evidence in favor of man-made climate change. Pretending like it’s even debatable despite a nigh unanimous scientific consensus


Gold Member
this is a nightmare. No desk walls ?! I hate open offices

Honestly open plan offices are a hotbed of unproductivity.

The idea is that it prevents people from "hiding" and getting away with doing non work activities in the privacy of their own office but the reality is that there are distractions as far as the eye can see and instead people collectively procrastinate.


Honestly open plan offices are a hotbed of unproductivity.

The idea is that it prevents people from "hiding" and getting away with doing non work activities in the privacy of their own office but the reality is that there are distractions as far as the eye can see and instead people collectively procrastinate.
exactly. We scream at each other through out the whole room and hopefully interrupt everyone on the way.
And when i don't feel like doing much work there are plenty of places to rest other than my fucking desk. Open office can work if there are this high fabric walls. These give a bit of privacy and dampen noise


Bo none of those would work in a barn especially with 40c+

Wish you a better summer then. It's usually never gets beyond 33-35C max with like once every 6-13 years happens to see 2-3 days hitting 45C. It happened in 2016 and before that in around 2001 or so. When it happened last time I didn't even knew it was that hot outside and my AC was set at 25C because 21C makes you freeze. But Gree AC's are pretty OP and affordable. It's a 2 ton AC though.

But that large tower AC is extremely cold, it can be very effective and highly recommend them as you can shove them aside as well or choose something that fits your decoration.


Gold Member
Same thing they’re doing, pulling out that graph to try and pretend like it’s evidence of their poorly researched argument. Like there isn’t overwhelming scientific evidence in favor of man-made climate change. Pretending like it’s even debatable despite a nigh unanimous scientific consensus

I didn't see anyone doing that, but that was the assumption made in the replies that dismissed it.

There's as much value in historical research as there is in research done to support future projections.

You can't say on one had that past data isn't relevant because it's based on "estimations" when the whole principle of "global warming" is based around estimations for the future of the planet.
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"good times create weak men, and weak men create hard time"

I recommend sweating to cool off and wiping it on their laptops. Then fix destiny 2 pvp.
Lol what is this ww2 shit?
"Laziness is a way to progress as you seek automation" - said me


I didn't see anyone doing that, but that was the assumption made in the replies that dismissed it.

There's as much value in historical research as there is in research done to support future projections.

You can't say on one had that past data isn't relevant because it's based on "estimations" when the whole principle of "global warming" is based around estimations for the future of the planet.
The graph was brought up by someone trying to deny that climate change is man made

In reality, his own source (the Smithsonian Institution) fully backs the consensus that it IS man made, and has loads of publicly available evidence to educate people on it.

It’s a classic case of “some dude picking and choosing only the stuff they want to agree with”


Humans not able to recording the temperature millions doesn't mean the change was not there. Those are published paper, the estimation at least have credibility.

I am in agreement with you that the climate is changing now, but from where to where? There was not ice in the poles before, would we reach that point? Need more data. That's a long term monitoring, as shown in the graph. I believe we need to make effort I have said in previous post.

Most homes not needing AC in Seattle not because complex regulation or cost, simply it won't be used as much. In my post I showed the next 15 days in seattle is around 80 F high. It's normal for Puget Sound. It's just the weather, we just had major storms last two winters which was rare too, do I need to claim they were due to climate declining?
As aforementioned, I do believe climate change does naturally occur and with the estimations and data provided by various scientists, we know that the planet wouldn't have developed as it did without the optimal atmospheric conditions. The data we do have access to currently can at least allow us to draw appropriate inferences relative to the highly probable correlation between increased human activities and accelerated climate change using the patterns of association that can be observed.



The increase in global atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and other greenhouse gases will lead to a further increase in climate change or global warming, which will have a multitude of consequences on our environment and also our health. Smog will appear more often throughout densely populated areas or regions of the world and the pollutants of the smog will be trapped under sinking hot air (Especially in places like LA due to the cooler surface-level air, so the pollutants will not disperse into the higher levels of the atmosphere. Think of it as a sort of temperature inversion caused by an anticyclone. A case like this did appear in London in 1952). Due to the decrease in air quality, pulmonary-related diseases or disorders will become more common, headaches and migraines will become more frequent, and we will probably see a large increase in cases of conditions similar to cerebrovascular ischemia. Air pollution may also lead to the increase in cases of systemic inflammation, neuroinflammation, and oxidative stress. Another important consequence to consider is agricultural detriments. Increased greenhouse gas emissions will lead to more frequent acidic rain resulting from increased levels of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide.

It should be obvious that climate change and its catalysts will have a cascading effect on other environmental and health factors, but another issue I think is quite important and definitely worth contemplating (Especially after having worked alongside The Water Project, which is a non-profit organization that helps provide access to clean water across various sub-Saharan communities in Africa) is water scarcity. Most of the water in the world (97%) is salt water and can only be consumed if desalinated, except current methods of desalination are not cost-effective considering how the process of desalination requires diesel and diesel requires water to manufacture. Two percent of the water on Earth is trapped in ice and therefore humans rely on 1% of the world's fresh water supply, although most of that limited water supply is used by agriculture and industry. With a hotter climate, the world will continue to suffer long droughts and water scarcity will become an even bigger problem in the years to come (Look at the shrinkage of the water supplies in the Hoover Dam and Colorado River).
Why dismiss scientifically backed evidence/research?

Ah yes, that's right. Dismiss all the evidence that doesn't support your bias in favour of the evidence that does.
I wasn't dismissing the data provided by the user I quoted, I was simply stating that the recorded climate shifts are estimations and because humans didn't exist millions of years ago, we didn't have the capacity to record climate trends over the specific periods of time when humans were nonexistent. We can record climate trends now and have been observing them.
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Where are they acting like babies? Again, literally all that was said was "Our office closed early because of the heat" and "My laptop overheated because of the heat". How are either of those statements "Acting like babies"?
3 tries. Three responses with nothing but questions. Prodding for reactions. Okay I get it. Troll alert.


This is as stupid as telling Texans that they should’ve just been prepared for the freezing winter storm and they were just being pussies.

Cities here in the northwest have never needed AC, because it never gets that warm. Homes and buildings are designed to contain heat. The humidex of 49C from a couple days ago was unprecedented and absolutely insufferable conditions. How about you grow up instead of projecting your ignorance on the internet
What is stupid is drawing a correlation between an infrastructure failure and an office closing because it is too hot for their AC to keep up


Honestly? Can't blame them. As someone from Portland where it was about 110-115 degrees this week (the temperature has gotten better in the last couple days though), it's been crazy hot here and I can sympathize. Literally felt like your skin was going to catch fire the moment you stepped outside haha

G Boaty

3 tries. Three responses with nothing but questions. Prodding for reactions. Okay I get it. Troll alert.

You didn't try anything. You said they were bitching and acting like babies. I asked where, because it certainly isn't in the tweets in the OP.
Wish you a better summer then. It's usually never gets beyond 33-35C max with like once every 6-13 years happens to see 2-3 days hitting 45C. It happened in 2016 and before that in around 2001 or so. When it happened last time I didn't even knew it was that hot outside and my AC was set at 25C because 21C makes you freeze. But Gree AC's are pretty OP and affordable. It's a 2 ton AC though.

But that large tower AC is extremely cold, it can be very effective and highly recommend them as you can shove them aside as well or choose something that fits your decoration.
I have heat pump downstairs and window AC upstairs because I hate the heat. 15c shorts,t shirt and flip flops is my kind of day.
"You're on a hiding to nothing" - it's pointless trying to engage with these people.

Sorry, colloquialism.

Thanks for explaining. Learned something new.


You didn't try anything. You said they were bitching and acting like babies. I asked where, because it certainly isn't in the tweets in the OP.
He’s just a manchild trying to act like big tough guy that could totally work in the scorching heat with no problems


What time is it?
I actually don't buy those excuses. There are many easy solutions even if you live in a barn. Here are some portable solutions:



And you can use larger ones that just recycle the inner air:



Split units might not be good for cardboard homes though, so these are some of the better solutions.

AC Units are expensive to purchase and expensive when your electric bill comes around. If you live in a climate that aren't used to heat waves, there are much more cost efficient solutions especially if they are needed sparingly.

This will keep an upstairs room (office or bedroom) comfortable with the only downside being that it is fairly noisy.
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