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Bungie Devs - 'It's TOO Hot. I cant work!'

Price? you can buy a portable AC for 300 dollars. Bungie developers can't afford that
Do you not buy a first aid kit even though it's unlikely you will need it? Do you not put a spare tire in your trunk even though 99% of times you drive you don't get a flat tire?
I use a first aid kit at least once a week. Got a flat tire just a few days ago. Cars actually come with spares and an area specifically designed to fit a spare tire. I can assure you by the time people actually wanted an AC there was not any around to buy. Also those portable ACs won't cool for shit because again the temps are way above what their insulation is rated for. It won't keep that heat out. Only recently has building code for insulation gone above what is required for the location.

G Boaty

lol ok thats a start

but thats only 4. there are hundreds of posts itt. so what you are doing here is taking the words of a few and projecting them onto the many... or, ya know, stereo typing or being prejudice

ill wait for you to post more. you say "NeoGAF posters" as if its the majority of us saying these things, and you also say it as if youre not one of us

What are you even talking about at this stage? I said "NeoGaf posters said these things", you said "Nuh-uh" so I posted receipts. I didn't say "literally every Gaf poster".

Kev Kev

What are you even talking about at this stage? I said "NeoGaf posters said these things", you said "Nuh-uh" so I posted receipts. I didn't say "literally every Gaf poster".
you projected 4 posts onto the entirety of neogaf

yeah, im done with you


I use a first aid kit at least once a week. Got a flat tire just a few days ago. Cars actually come with spares and an area specifically designed to fit a spare tire. I can assure you by the time people actually wanted an AC there was not any around to buy. Also those portable ACs won't cool for shit because again the temps are way above what their insulation is rated for. It won't keep that heat out. Only recently has building code for insulation gone above what is required for the location.

I think you guys mostly buy winter tires for all-year-round usage, right? So how do they keep up with the heat?


Estimations regarding the past are no less scientifically sound than estimations regarding the future.
I did not dismiss the estimations provided earlier nor am I dismissing them now. I am not refuting the notion of naturally occurring climate change. What's unusual and unprecedented is that various weather-related phenomena have been occurring more frequently. And the point you can't seem to wrap your head around is how we can currently and have been able to record climate trends, therefore we are able to draw appropriate inferences relative to the highly probable correlation(s) between human activities and accelerated climate change.
Yeah, there is really nothing I have against on your reference. The graph I referred earlier was to prove last decade was not "unprecedented" and a long term monitoring is needed. So is CO2 level. I am in support of robust actions on mitigate the current situation too. I just don't agree with panicking without properly interpreting the data.
I think particular weather-related events are considered to be unprecedented because some rare events have been occurring more frequently and there's a high likelihood that human activities have contributed to their occurrences. In regards to the current CO2 levels, it's abundantly clear that activities such as the burning and usage of fossil fuels and other activities that contribute to the increased levels of greenhouse gas emissions are creating an upwards climb in the levels of CO2 in the world's atmosphere. With the current data we have now, I think they are sufficient enough in helping convince the world that we need to move away from the usage of fossil fuels in favor of using nuclear, solar, and/or wind energy. I personally agree that the ongoing climate change isn't an imminent threat to us and everyone else currently living, however, it definitely poses a problem for future generations to come. I think the major problem with some climate change advocates is that they seem to be more focused on pointing fingers and antagonizing everyone else (Educating and promoting awareness is fine but standing up on a pedestal and screaming, "Shame on you!", is counterproductive and asinine). It should be clear to anyone with any sort of background in public health sciences as to why accelerated climate change is happening, hence some of the best courses of action would be having more funding dumped into alternative energy research and reinforcing a carbon tax.
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im just going to ignore the weird covid paranoia stuff. we have a vaccine. its over. just stop.

but the second part is kind of what im asking about. do they not have a buildig or place of work they can go to? why dont they just open up to anyone who can prove they are vaxxed like every other company on the face of the earth?
Personally, I wouldn't necessarily consider people exercising caution as "weird covid paranoia", that's a bit harsh. There IS a vaccine, yes, but unfortunately it's not.... really over. Though shit, I want it to be, lmao.

Without getting into it too deep, the whole "work place proving you're vaccinated" can be incredibly dicey. So much so that I think a lot of companies don't even want to touch it with a 16ft pole. So, they exercise the option of "those that wanna come in, can come on. Those that wanna stay home, can stay home." I know quite a few friends and acquaintances that are still working from home. Because in some instances its easier for them, y'know? But it's an option.

I just think it's safer for some businesses to take the middle road.


Gold Member
work harder pigs :pie_roffles:
rihanna piglet GIF


youre not making sense

botoom line: the vaccine is effective and if everyone is vaxxed they should be allowed to come back. there is no arguing with that. the pandemic is over, stop with this toxic paranoia.
No, you aren’t. You were talking about daily deaths in the country but as soon as I call bullshit it’s suddenly “only about bungie”

Cool thing about your genius “get back to work” plan though is that it’s absolutely irrelevant and no one needs to listen to it
I think you guys mostly buy winter tires for all-year-round usage, right? So how do they keep up with the heat?
Haha no winter tires season is November to April where I live. Canada is huge though and way up north they probably don't switch ever. Last place I lived in Canada winter tires were on from early October till mid May.
In Nova Scotia here we have all seasons in a week sometimes. Earlier this year we had -17 one day and +22 the next. We have a saying here. If you don't like the weather, wait an hour.


« generous god »
The temperature in the UK literally has never reached 40°C, but sure, okay dude.

Yeah, because you’re used to that temperature and climate? These people are in the middle of a heatwave in a climate that pretty much never has temperatures this high (meaning AC in houses is rare), to the point where people are literally dying - I think they have reason to complain about not being able to work.
I’m from Canada and I was deployed there. No excuses.
Re-reading some of the posts in here, it's such a strange thread.

Bungie: Our employees were really hot and some of their equipment was failing so we let them finish up early for the day
NeoGAF posters: Stop bitching about the heat you pussies, come down to where I live and feel REAL heat. Be grateful you don't work in a coal mine you pussies

Just such bizarre reactions.
Relax, your response is the shocking one as everyone else was poking fun, you are in fact soooooooooo blown away at all the joking here. It is soooooooo bizzzzarrre???!! Right??? if you're equipment is failing and you have to shut down business at 100 degrees, then yes, you deserve a bit of hazing.

Kev Kev

So, they exercise the option of "those that wanna come in, can come on. Those that wanna stay home, can stay home."
yeah, this makes the most sense to me.

again, my original question was do they have a building opened so these people can come in? so far i havent been able to gather an answer. it seems like a no? but im not sure. but if that is the case, and if you have vaccinated people, and you are not allowing them to come work in an air conditioned building, and you have an unprecedented heatwave so they cant work from home, then they are kind of doing this to themselves.

i think the solution is for them to open the studio up for vaccinated people

one poster said even bungies building cant handle this heatwave, but has yet to provide proof. which makes me wonder: are all of the buildings in the whole north west region of the US, every house, business, restaraunt, establishemnt, etc, every single one of them are too hot and cant be cooled? how is anyone open? why arent we having mass rolling deaths by the hundreds of thousands due to these heatwaves bc no standing structure can handle it? how are all of their electronics not being fried as well? why is the headlie not "every laptop, computer and server in the US northwest or blowing up due to being overheated"? the statement doesnt add up

deaths are down to negligible numbers bc of the vaccine. its time for bungie to open their doors back up to vaxxed people, and then this story becomes a non issue.

G Boaty

Relax, your response is the shocking one as everyone else was poking fun, you are in fact soooooooooo blown away at all the joking here. It is soooooooo bizzzzarrre???!! Right??? if you're equipment is failing and you have to shut down business at 100 degrees, then yes, you deserve a bit of hazing.

Calling someone a "pussy" and telling them to "stop bitching" because their employer let them finish up early one day is a joke? What's the punchline?
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yeah, this makes the most sense to me.

again, my original question was do they have a building opened so these people can come in? so far i havent been able to gather an answer. it seems like a no? but im not sure. but if that is the case, and if you have vaccinated people, and you are not allowing them to come work in an air conditioned building, and you have an unprecedented heatwave so they cant work from home, then they are kind of doing this to themselves.

i think the solution is for them to open the studio up for vaccinated people

one poster said even bungies building cant handle this heatwave, but has yet to provide proof. which makes me wonder: are all of the buildings in the whole north west region of the US, every house, business, restaraunt, establishemnt, etc, every single one of them are too hot and cant be cooled? how is anyone open? why arent we having mass rolling deaths by the hundreds of thousands due to these heatwaves bc no standing structure can handle it? how are all of their electronics not being fried as well? why is the headlie not "every laptop, computer and server in the US northwest or blowing up due to being overheated"? the statement doesnt add up

deaths are down to negligible numbers bc of the vaccine. its time for bungie to open their doors back up to vaxxed people, and then this story becomes a non issue.
Well, I kind of addressed that. It's really up to the employer, but the whole "proving someone is vaccinated" thing is dicey. So it could create a bunch of issues. Which is probably why they all aren't there in the first place.

I'm not sure what states allow it or not, but there are a number that claim it is illegal to be asked to prove if you're vaccinated or not. Be it at the workplace, an event, etc.

One of my initial posts in this thread revolved around how if they didn't have proper working conditions at home, why not let them in the office assuming its better there? I mean, that seems much more humane. But I guess no one really knows why, lol. But I guess everything is fine now?

In the end, Jason Schrier, hell, and the OP, kind of blew this all out of proportion. It sounds like just a few Bungie employees made posts about shit sucking, and it just got a ton of attention. Honestly, I'm shocked this thread went as far as it did and went all over the place, lmao.
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yeah, this makes the most sense to me.

again, my original question was do they have a building opened so these people can come in? so far i havent been able to gather an answer. it seems like a no? but im not sure. but if that is the case, and if you have vaccinated people, and you are not allowing them to come work in an air conditioned building, and you have an unprecedented heatwave so they cant work from home, then they are kind of doing this to themselves.

i think the solution is for them to open the studio up for vaccinated people

one poster said even bungies building cant handle this heatwave, but has yet to provide proof. which makes me wonder: are all of the buildings in the whole north west region of the US, every house, business, restaraunt, establishemnt, etc, every single one of them are too hot and cant be cooled? how is anyone open? why arent we having mass rolling deaths by the hundreds of thousands due to these heatwaves bc no standing structure can handle it? how are all of their electronics not being fried as well? why is the headlie not "every laptop, computer and server in the US northwest or blowing up due to being overheated"? the statement doesnt add up

deaths are down to negligible numbers bc of the vaccine. its time for bungie to open their doors back up to vaxxed people, and then this story becomes a non issue.
The AC system in their building will not work properly above 95f and will probably start to malfunction over 100f . AC systems for extreme heat are designed differently and are much more expensive where the extreme heat is very rare.

Kev Kev

The AC system in their building will not work properly above 95f and will probably start to malfunction over 100f . AC systems for extreme heat are designed differently and are much more expensive where the extreme heat is very rare.
how is that a thing? how is every single structure in all of the northwest US not absolutely melting right now? i dont buy this
how is that a thing? how is every single structure in all of the northwest US not absolutely melting right now? i dont buy this
Buildings don't melt at those temps. It's been even hotter in Western Canada. Lots of buildings are equipped to cool in these temps. Hotels typically have heating and cooling abilities way above average. In the case of Bungie though their building was not equipped to cool in those temps.

Kev Kev

Buildings don't melt at those temps. It's been even hotter in Western Canada. Lots of buildings are equipped to cool in these temps. Hotels typically have heating and cooling abilities way above average. In the case of Bungie though their building was not equipped to cool in those temps.
lol i didnt mean literally melt

i mean, i guess ill take your word for it but id love to see some kind of back up to your claims. is it just this one building that cant handle it? or are they all like that? if so, how does every other establishment and structure not get shut down bc of this heatwave? where are those stories in the news? i havent heard of that happening, why arent we seeing the news plastered with stories of everything closing? youre telling me its just THIS ONE bungie building that cant handle it, becuase thatd be real convenient for your argument lol. i dunno, i dont buy it, just doesnt make sense
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I did not dismiss the estimations provided earlier nor am I dismissing them now. I am not refuting the notion of naturally occurring climate change. What's unusual and unprecedented is that various weather-related phenomena have been occurring more frequently. And the point you can't seem to wrap your head around is how we can currently and have been able to record climate trends, therefore we are able to draw appropriate inferences relative to the highly probable correlation(s) between human activities and accelerated climate change.

I think particular weather-related events are considered to be unprecedented because some rare events have been occurring more frequently and there's a high likelihood that human activities have contributed to their occurrences. In regards to the current CO2 levels, it's abundantly clear that activities such as the burning and usage of fossil fuels and other activities that contribute to the increased levels of greenhouse gas emissions are creating an upwards climb in the levels of CO2 in the world's atmosphere. With the current data we have now, I think they are sufficient enough in helping convince the world that we need to move away from the usage of fossil fuels in favor of using nuclear, solar, and/or wind energy. I personally agree that the ongoing climate change isn't an imminent threat to us and everyone else currently living, however, it definitely poses a problem for future generations to come. I think the major problem with some climate change advocates is that they seem to be more focused on pointing fingers and antagonizing everyone else (Educating and promoting awareness is fine but standing up on a pedestal and screaming, "Shame on you!", is counterproductive and asinine). It should be clear to anyone with any sort of background in public health sciences as to why accelerated climate change is happening, hence some of the best courses of action would be having more funding dumped into alternative energy research and reinforcing a carbon tax.
You said my words and that's basically why I don't like Schreier's take to begin with.

I do think current CO2 level is a more prominent results due to human activities all I was saying is to keep long-term monitoring, because if we stretch that 800,000 years timeline a bit, current level wasn't highest the atmosphere has seen.

On the other hand, carbon reduction is necessary. I believe most of us want to do best for our future generation. The real question is how to and at what trade off.

I am all on board with the renewable energy technologies, it's just there are still technical barriers when it comes to replace the current fossil fuels based systems. The transition has to be backed with cost-effective and long term stable solutions. That's where most screeching activists don't understand and why I am more prone to electrical car first then energy system. Research funds are going to renewable energy and power electronics in EE Power subjects. It will take time to have breakthrough.
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Buildings don't melt at those temps. It's been even hotter in Western Canada. Lots of buildings are equipped to cool in these temps. Hotels typically have heating and cooling abilities way above average. In the case of Bungie though their building was not equipped to cool in those temps.
Our courthouses shut down, a ton of just-opened restaurants shut down. Pretty crazy. And we are 10 degrees lower than they were. I don't think folks really get how systems are created for various temperature norms and THOSE extremes versus extreme temperatures being the norm. In many ways like various oil types. Insane to watch the news and just see all the places shut down and one spot opened up just to let folks shelter for a bit if they needed to which was nice.
The big issue here for sure is also the earthquake's sheer protection on buildings...oh wait...no the TOTAL lack of it lol. That's another thing many businesses have to start getting to code or at least higher safety measures with.
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So people don't work because of heat 😂😂😂 ?!!!

Wow and I'm here chilling with temperature over 45 centigrade and the summer has yet to start
lol i didnt mean literally melt

i mean, i guess ill take your word for it but id love to see some kind of back up to your claims. is it just this one building that cant handle it? or are they all like that? if so, how does every other establishment and structure not get shut down bc of this heatwave? where are those stories in the news? i havent heard of that happening, why arent we seeing the news plastered with stories of everything closing? youre telling me its just THIS ONE bungie building that cant handle it, becuase thatd be real convenient for your argument lol. i dunno, i dont buy it, just doesnt make sense
All kinds of places closed. It's just not News haha. My brother is HVAC by trade and said most of the units he installed will not work for very long at that heat outside a few cases like hotels. Our summers don't usually touch those temps so it's for the most part not an issue. But if they did most places here would shut down for a few days as well.
Our courthouses shut down, a ton of just-opened restaurants shut down. Pretty crazy. And we are 10 degrees lower than they were. I don't think folks really get how systems are created for various temperature norms and THOSE extremes versus extreme temperatures being the norm. In many ways like various oil types. Insane to watch the news and just see all the places shut down and one spot opened up just to let folks shelter for a bit if they needed to which was nice.
Thanks for the reply and here comes the suck up. Of all reviewers your tastes are closest to mine so your reviews hold the most weight for me. Keep up the fantastic work and stay cool if you can.

Kev Kev

All kinds of places closed. It's just not News haha. My brother is HVAC by trade and said most of the units he installed will not work for very long at that heat outside a few cases like hotels. Our summers don't usually touch those temps so it's for the most part not an issue. But if they did most places here would shut down for a few days as well.

Thanks for the reply and here comes the suck up. Of all reviewers your tastes are closest to mine so your reviews hold the most weight for me. Keep up the fantastic work and stay cool if you can.
Lol damn well that sucks. I wonder if some of them will upgrade after this? Thanks for clearing things up.
Lol damn well that sucks. I wonder if some of them will upgrade after this? Thanks for clearing things up.
The issue I'm told is condensers will freeze and will either shut off to melt or will keep going at low capacity and break. Problem is in the time it takes for the condensers to be ice free the building is hot again.
I'm paraphrasing a long conversation i just had but didn't fully understand so I could be using improper terminology.
Well, I kind of addressed that. It's really up to the employer, but the whole "proving someone is vaccinated" thing is dicey. So it could create a bunch of issues. Which is probably why they all aren't there in the first place.

I'm not sure what states allow it or not, but there are a number that claim it is illegal to be asked to prove if you're vaccinated or not. Be it at the workplace, an event, etc.

One of my initial posts in this thread revolved around how if they didn't have proper working conditions at home, why not let them in the office assuming its better there? I mean, that seems much more humane. But I guess no one really knows why, lol. But I guess everything is fine now?

In the end, Jason Schrier, hell, and the OP, kind of blew this all out of proportion. It sounds like just a few Bungie employees made posts about shit sucking, and it just got a ton of attention. Honestly, I'm shocked this thread went as far as it did and went all over the place, lmao.
This whole thing has been a nothing burger. They are making video games so it's not like it's important work or anything. If their computers don't work then there isn't much to do
About two days ago we had a high of 36C without the humidity, and I had to work ten hours in a dusty stale aired warehouse. I wish I could of worked at home.


This whole thing has been a nothing burger. They are making video games so it's not like it's important work or anything. If their computers don't work then there isn't much to do
I'm glad several people agree with that, haha. Cause yeah, like I said, it totally felt like a few Bungie folks posted, and went about their business. Then ol JS blows it out of proportion, lmao. Well, and the OP.

Shit, my last AAA studio gig there were plenty of times where the internet went out, the AC stopped working, electricity went out, etc. So, we went home until it was taken care of and came back. Which was usually the next day. This is basically the same situation, except it revolves around the unfortunate weather and heat wave they went through.

That's it, lmao.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I'm glad several people agree with that, haha. Cause yeah, like I said, it totally felt like a few Bungie folks posted, and went about their business. Then ol JS blows it out of proportion, lmao. Well, and the OP.

Shit, my last AAA studio gig there were plenty of times where the internet went out, the AC stopped working, electricity went out, etc. So, we went home until it was taken care of and came back. Which was usually the next day. This is basically the same situation, except it revolves around the unfortunate weather and heat wave they went through.

That's it, lmao.
I will be honest. If Jason doesnt make that tweet, I wouldnt have created this thread. it does seem like the Bungie devs were just venting, but Jason made it out to be some earth shaking event at Bungie HQ.

We have snow days here and our company would tell us to take laptops home and work from home. I never thought to text the NY Times about snowdays.
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I can promise you that 99.99% of offices, restaurants, small businesses, fast food chains and construction workers did not stop working because of record temperatures. Just like how they continued working through the pandemic. The fast food places didnt have the luxury to work from home either.

These are just excuses. Why are these guys who are working from home texting Jason Schreier about getting a free off day? What do they want him to cover exactly? That Bungie's servers are down? That Bungie ISNT forcing them to come to work? That Bungie is so evil they are literally giving them a day off? What's the point of contacting a journalist here?

I get it. Climate Change is real, it's bad and likely the cause of this heatwave, but I have never seen it being used as an excuse for not working. Maybe construction workers or people who have to use public transit to get to work, but WFH people, come on?

The other guy who complained about his laptop overheating posted another tweet saying he moved from the living room to his bedroom which is much more cooler. Like come on. That's how easy of a problem it is to fix.
In my life, I have experienced heat that did not let me code. It happened, it was so hot I could not focus with coding. I wanted to code, I love it, I was having fun, but it was just too hot for me to code something proper, not full of mistakes, in which case it was better to not code at all.

I am seeing the America temperatures on the news (I'm from Europe) ans I am shocked. No wonder some computers are failing and no wonder some people can't work.

I hope we would really take some measures against climate change cause we are more fucked every year and on the brink of disaster


I will be honest. If Jason doesnt make that tweet, I wouldnt have created this thread. it does seem like the Bungie devs were just venting, but Jason made it out to be some earth shaking event at Bungie HQ.

We have snow days here and our company would tell us to take laptops home and work from home. I never thought to text the NY Times about snowdays.
And I totally understand that! I respect you being honest about that through and through. Yeah, the dude's just as dramatic as he's ever been. Must be a slow news day. Much like it has been with a lot of the things he takes and screams into a megaphone. He wants attention, I guess he gets it, and is pretty good at it.


How come it's too hot to work but not too hot for sending tweets
Cause sending tweets is so easy that a retard can do it. A retard van do it without putting much thought into it, like posting a stupid reply on a forum. Making a videogame, in the other hand, is fucking hard. It needs a lot of thought, focus and hard work, and you need to be 100% into it.


It was hotter here where I am in the UK yesterday and I worked a full 8 hour day at home just fine

Remember also, AC is rare in the UK
Thats simply not true.

The reason AC is rare in the UK is because it's cold most of the year and the summers are mild compared to the US or even any tropical climate.
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Even if that's the case I always thought every house or building had ac in the u.s. unless you was poor.
Not all ac units are created equal. The unit is sized according to the regional climate and volume that needs to be cooled. A 20 to 25 deg f delta is pretty typical for inside to outside. If the operating environment is 20 plus degrees beyond design point the unit is going to work its ass off but may only cool the inside to 80 or 85.
Folks I live in Seattle. It was crazy hot over the last few days. Like way beyond what this city is able to handle. Amazon was opening cooling centers, power was going out across the area.

I know in other states and countries this might seem like a ‘snow flake’ response. But it really shut down the city, so freaking hot.

listen I’m from North Carolina, lived there for 25 years. I know a few things about hot summers, and let me tell you, what happened in Seattle this past weekend was ridiculous.
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