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Bungie Explains Why Destiny Is Not 60fps On The PS4 And Xbox One


extra source of jiggaflops
So it doesn't? Bringing up the performance of an unreleased Rockstar title isn't gonna prove anything since their games have notoriously bad performance on consoles and PC.
I can bring up any point I want in my posts and the dude I quoted implied that Destiny 2 will not look better than Destiny 1 because of the weak console CPU.

But then again I don't see posts and posters in a vacuum.


I'm not annoyed by companies ensuring a game is playable across all platforms. I'm annoyed that games on more powerful systems are actually being held back for the sake of parity.

Don't punish those with the stronger systems just so everyone can experience the same thing. Build the game to be the best it can be for each system it is on.

Games that are cross gen are being held back by previous generation hardware in more than just graphics and frame rate though.
For example, you have to limit the total size of each 'level' that players can be in at a time. Or you have to limit the amount of guns that are in the game (such as with Black Ops II, where they had to stop releasing DLC guns)

Cross gen games, while a pain in the arse, are needed if any publisher wants a better chance of recouping AAA budgets while the install base for the PS4 and Xbox One is low.
You also have to remember, this game started development in 2009 / 2010? Nobody had any idea what next gen would actually look like back then!
Destiny on next gen has probably been built around a specification that nobody knew whether or not would be correct.


<sarcasm>Right, because of the non-existent number of examples of cross platform current gen games that run worse on XB1 makes the idea that XB1 could be the issue absolutely impossible. </sarcasm>

Please, the PS4 will have improved visuals over the X1, that alone disproves your conspiracy over. The X1 with a 10% boost gets 30fps/1080p, the PS4 is not double the performance of an X1.


what graphically demanding games have PS4 been running at 1080p/60fps? yeah exactly, so why would anyone have such expectation for this game?

Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes / TPP
If it's 720p/30fps in PS360 there should be almost no trouble making this 60 fps, imo :/


At least they're honest.

I'm not a fan of having my games deliberately held back because you feel like you're worried about last gen.

Didn't Watch Dogs sell 75% on current gen? That "there's still a huge install base on last gen!" excuse doesn't cut it anymore. Sorry, but stop developing games for dinosaur tech. We shouldn't have to suffer because people are too cheap or don't want to upgrade.


Neo Member
In a lot of people's minds, it seems 1080p/60 is the only thing that makes something "next gen". I think people latch on to numbers (like framerate and resolution) because they're easier to compare than overall visual improvements.

'1080p/60fps: The Idiots Guide to Next-Gen'
I doubt they are talking about the PS4 and PS3 versions having the same experience....I think you'll find the answer in your post. The push to get XB1 to run it at 1080p likely meant 30 fps (since very few XB1 games run at 1080/60), and they probably don't want the PS4 version to be blatantly superior.

OF COURSE THIS IS SPECULATION. But I believe this is absolutely a possibility.

Another possibility: They could get the XB1 version to 1080p/30fps locked, but couldn't get the PS4 version to 1080p/60fps locked (which makes sense because it isn't twice as powerful as the XB1). Perhaps they had it running on the PS4 at 108p/45-50 fps (unlocked), and chose to lock it at 30 for more stable gameplay. This makes plenty of sense since most people prefer stable framerate to unlocked framerates (I personally don't like when the fps jumps around a lot).

This is also speculation, but isn't so much about them not wanting to release a blatantly superior version, but rather about them wanting both versions to have stable gameplay via a locked framerate (which is essentially what they're saying in their PR).

And, in this scenario, you're almost guaranteed to have a stable locked 30fps on the PS4 because it has a lot of room to work with before dropping below 30. The XB1 might have less leeway and could in theory drop below 30. Unless the XB1 has less effects going on, giving it more fps to work with.

Either way, PS4 owners in this scenario should be happy. They're going to probably get the best version no matter what.


It won't be much of a problem if they can work out the repeating frames issue that was in the Alpha. It's too bad they dont at least use 60 FPS in the PVP levels.
what graphically demanding games have PS4 been running at 1080p/60fps? yeah exactly, so why would anyone have such expectation for this game?
Because they're admitting current gen consoles could handle more, but they're not going to try, because that would be unfair to those purchasing the game on last gen consoles. They're literally going out of their way to make the experience similar.

Seriously, what are people not getting about this?
That Lighting is still in the game 100%

Where in particular? In the gameplay reveal your ghost would move out ahead of you, lighting the way dynamically. And that's before swooping in and around rafters and railings and casting more intricate shadows everywhere.

I don't have a real sense of how computationally expensive that is on current gen hardware, but I know that I was looking forward to seeing some of that in the alpha, but never ran into it. Your ghost didn't light the way in the Alpha either - you just got this more muted flashlight effect.
Because they're admitting current gen consoles could handle more, but they're not going to try, because that would be unfair to those purchasing the game on last gen consoles. They're literally going out of their way to make the experience more similar.

Seriously, what are people not getting about this?

I get it. I just don't like it. Nobody should.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Bungie has never targeted 60fps. I highly doubt they only did this because of last gen consoles, they just focused on other aspects.


Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes / TPP
If it's 720p/30fps in PS360 there should be almost no trouble making this 60 fps, imo :/

You have no idea about tech do you. We haven't even seen the Ps3/X360 versions, the PS4 version will have improved AA, higher resolution, higher res textures, PoM, tessellation, volumetric lighting, global illumination, higher draw distances and improved effects and particles. If the game was simply the PS3 version at 1080p I could see your point but it's not, the visuals will be improve substantially.
what graphically demanding games have PS4 been running at 1080p/60fps? yeah exactly, so why would anyone have such expectation for this game?

Based on what I saw in the alpha, Destiny doesn't look very demanding. It looks pretty, for sure, but I don't see how anything it does pushes the PS4 in any significant way. The Order or Arkham Knight, it ain't.
Ok, you tell me... since its clearly just MY opinion. What about 60 FPS would make a game look "absolutely stunning" in comparison to 30 FPS?

What aspect of the visuals are improved because of the frame rate that make it look "absolutely stunning" as was stated before?

Does Battlefield 3 not look "absolutely stunning" at 30 FPS when compared to BF4 at 60? What is so much better visually? Please tell me.
I never liked BF3 on 360/PS3 due to its frame rate since it was actually designed to play at 60FPS and do believe that BF4 on PS4 looks far better visually due to the smoother frame rate which IS a visual thing. The difference to me is actually stunning.
Another possibility: They could get the XB1 version to 1080p/30fps locked, but couldn't get the PS4 version to 1080p/60fps locked (which makes sense because it isn't twice as powerful as the XB1). Perhaps they had it running on the PS4 at 108p/45-50 fps (unlocked), and chose to lock it at 30 for more stable gameplay. This makes plenty of sense since most people prefer stable framerate to unlocked framerates (I personally don't like when the fps jumps around a lot).

This is also speculation, but isn't so much about them not wanting to release a blatantly superior version, but rather about them wanting both versions to have stable gameplay via a locked framerate (which is essentially what they're saying in their PR).

And, in this scenario, you're almost guaranteed to have a stable locked 30fps on the PS4 because it has a lot of room to work with before dropping below 30. The XB1 might have less leeway and could in theory drop below 30. Unless the XB1 has less effects going on, giving it more fps to work with.

Either way, PS4 owners in this scenario should be happy. They're going to probably get the best version no matter what.

I actually agree with this - I guess I'm just one of the few who prefers an unlocked framerate like Infamous and Tomb Raider (which frequently ran at 45+ FPS)

Naked Lunch

Makes no sense. Battlefield 4 was 30fps on PS3/360 and 60fps on XB1/PS4. On top of that, I honestly dont think the graphics of Destiny look that great - technically and stylistically.


Sounds like BS to me. I guess if and when they port to PC the game will be locked at 30fps too? God forbid they give a platform a better experience then the others. Lol, yeah, right.

Karl Hawk

Bungie has never targeted 60fps. I highly doubt they only did this because of last gen consoles, they just focused on other aspects.

And I highly doubt they'll change the framerate to 60 FPS 3 months from release.

Maybe we'll get 60 FPS with Destiny 2, who knows.


I wouldn't hold being cross-gen against them so much by the way, the game was properly announced and shown before the next-gen systems were, and it was aiming for 2013 initially going by the leaked contract details (well, if you count a "leak" as "Respawn shot a hole right into their ship and they desperately had to plug it up.") Antagonism for cross gen is probably better spent on games like FC4 that were announced way after the systems came out and given Ubisoft's current development philosophy was probably in development for not too long before the PS4/XB1 were unveiled.


Please, the PS4 will have improved visuals over the X1, that alone disproves your conspiracy over. The X1 with a 10% boost gets 30fps/1080p, the PS4 is not double the performance of an X1.

...or they could do 60fps on PS4 and 50fps on XB1 but without AF or something so they decided to just bolt them both down to 30fps together instead of bolting them both to 50fps w/o AF as advertising 50fps makes them look like idiots...


One would think 7th gen has gone too far, that it has overstayed its welcome, and instead it's like a zombie, crawling on the ground, trying to chew on the ankles of the 8th generation who instead of chopping the head off keeps dragging the corpse around.


Nothing else needs to be said i guess.
Seriously, some games just shouldn't be released on PS360 anymore, it hurts more than it helps, imo

I disagree, there is a massive development cost here, a plan for many more games and a significant amount of people still gaming on the last generation consoles. If going cross-gen is the decision they want to make, so be it. It does limit the game to an extent, and they pretty much confirm that here, but that isn't reason enough to abandon a larger player base. This is just the first destiny game. They will inevitably make sequels that are not cross-gen. Right now that isn't a priority or perhaps even not feasible to them over returns and getting people interested in there IP.

If you don't like it, I guess not buying the game is up to you. I'm sure there are plenty of old gen gamers not planning to switch for a while yet and eager to play, just as there are probably a fair few PC users that will await a game swinging their way. If the PC thing does happen, which has been hinted at recently, and they do throw in 60fps, then it may be reasonable to have a complaint


...or they could do 60fps on PS4 and 50fps on XB1 but without AF or something so they decided to just bolt them both down to 30fps together instead of bolting them both to 50fps w/o AF as advertising 50fps makes them look like idiots...
50 fps really isn't something you want.

Also, I saw someone point out earlier that Bungie never aims for 60 fps. This is an important point to remember, Halo was THE premier title for the dramatically more powerful Xbox yet they went for 30 fps rather than 60 fps. I half expect it'd still be a 30 fps game even as a PS4 exclusive, no cross-gen or multiplatform concerns at all.


I feel like canning PS360 versions would be smart for long term. They want this game to last for years -- they can't let last gen hold them back.
I'm pretty sure when most developers talk about getting the "same experience" or "parity" that obviously doesn't mean that every single graphical feature will be exactly the same. They're probably more focused on design and general "feeling". Obviously the current generation versions will run at a higher resolution, have higher quality textures, likely better lighting and shadows, better quality effects, higher sound quality, etc.

But the last gen versions will still be playable, and the basic vibe of the game will still be intact. Titanfall 360 gives the same general "experience" as the one on Xbox One/PC (hey, you can still drop giant robots from the sky and run along walls in big levels with 12 human players and some AI grunts and everything is playable!), but obviously the Xbox One/PC version is still superior in every other measurable metric. Same thing with like...every other version of a game that runs on better hardware.

Everyone here obviously knows that you can play a PC game on low settings, or on high/ultra settings and have a similar "experience" even if one version is clearly superior and worth whatever money people pay to upgrade their video cards and play the same games at higher settings. So it's weird to see the surprise at the statement in the OP and people pretending like the game is gonna look exactly the same or something, lol


Neo Member
Bungie are in a unique position of making a multi/cross platform game. As much as they could make the Ps4/Xb1 run at a higher fps, they are not out to sponsor next gen hardware. Yes they want to make a great game, but they are showing their worth across multiple platforms as a game developer. This is their priority surely
Where in particular? In the gameplay reveal your ghost would move out ahead of you, lighting the way dynamically. And that's before swooping in and around rafters and railings and casting more intricate shadows everywhere.

I don't have a real sense of how computationally expensive that is on current gen hardware, but I know that I was looking forward to seeing some of that in the alpha, but never ran into it. Your ghost didn't light the way in the Alpha either - you just got this more muted flashlight effect.

There were a lot of occasions when the ghost didn't light the way at all in the alpha, much less fly along a scripted path. I certainly assume that's because whatever scripting was supposed to exist wasn't implemented. I highly doubt the alpha was intended to show the manner in which the ghost light will be used.


...or they could do 60fps on PS4 and 50fps on XB1 but without AF or something so they decided to just bolt them both down to 30fps together instead of bolting them both to 50fps w/o AF as advertising 50fps makes them look like idiots...

50 fps is worst then a locked 30. So is an unstable 60fps. AF takes maybe 2-3 fps max...not 30.
Don't forget that Planetside 2 is going to be 1080p/60fps, a MASSIVE and gorgeous game with hundreds of players and vehicles engaged in battles. I don't see what Destiny does that is any more demanding.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Where in particular? In the gameplay reveal your ghost would move out ahead of you, lighting the way dynamically. And that's before swooping in and around rafters and railings and casting more intricate shadows everywhere.

I don't have a real sense of how computationally expensive that is on current gen hardware, but I know that I was looking forward to seeing some of that in the alpha, but never ran into it. Your ghost didn't light the way in the Alpha either - you just got this more muted flashlight effect.

That has nothing to do with the lighting, as I said that is just a story beat for that particular mission. Only difference is the angle at which you are seeing the flashlight effects.

If you walk through that area with other Guardians using flashlights, their flashlights have the same effects as ghost flying around, only differences being Ghost is omni directional and he can fly.

The lighting however, is identical.

Don't forget that Planetside 2 is going to be 1080p/60fps, a MASSIVE and gorgeous game with hundreds of players and vehicles engaged in battles. I don't see what Destiny does that is any more demanding.

Planetside 2 is 30fps on PS4.


Can't wait for this argument to end after Uncharted 4 is out there.

not totally comparable when you have a single highly praised studio developing for 1 single platform, compared to a multiplat game being developed for 5 different platforms.

its 1080p/60 on current gen is a rarity.*

* for graphicaly intense games

Karl Hawk

I feel like canning PS360 versions would be smart for long term. They want this game to last for years -- they can't let last gen hold them back.

Bungie or Activision need to clarify the whole 10 year plan for Destiny franchise sooner or later.

Anyway, it's not gonna be one game. It's gonna be four games of Destiny within 10 years.
I think of it more as having a requirement for (estimate) up to 100 enemies on screen with (estimate) 8 random players and 3 Fireteam members in a given environment. So, the 1080p 30fps budget allows for that on both Xbox One and PS4. If you change that to 60fps for PS4, there may be situations where under load, the PS4 version stutters and framedrops when there are maximum enemies, and maximum human players in an environment.

That's a total guess on my part, but it seems to align with what the original interview explanation for 30fps was from Sussman quoted in the OP.
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