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Can the Dark Web track a Nintendo Switch?

On Friday, my car was broken into, shattered window and a bookbag snatched. I could get over that, but the thing that has been fuming within me is that within my bag was my Nintendo Switch. They got lucky.

It was broad daylight in the morning at an Ikea in Carson, CA and the police say that crime has skyrocketed to the point that they don’t follw up on misdemeanors because we citizens voted to turn such crimes into minor offenses.

Anyway, I discovered after researching and calling Nintendo that they can ping the Switch and get a location but will only do so after a warrant is issued by the police department. Privacy laws and all.

So I’m stuck. And still angry. Most people would let this go or simply buy another one.

That switch was kind of my anchor as silly as it sounds. I’ve had to downsize with my family , be a dad, deal with no job - or barely much work for months, abandon most of my hobbies...and that Switch was one of the few things about the old me that was still enjoyed gaming and fun in my own private way.

It allowed me to game with my nephew and nieces when they visit, or my 3 year old daughter when she wants to try something new with daddy. Mario kart was out jam.

And it was stolen. And there’s a way to track it. And there’s nothing I can do.

Or is there?

I’ve never used the Dark web and don’t know anyone who does. Is potentially tracking this thing via a serial number something that can be done?

The idiots are still using the system. I was billed for a WWE wrestling game (nintendo reversed the charges) and they delinked my account, but they ARE turning the system on which means they’re pinging online.

I had a 128gb card in it and a bunch of games.

I want my system back.

Once I can track them, i intend to get it back.

I’ve been checking Craigslist, offer up, letgo, and every other selling app available. I’ve called every game store for 20 miles to keep an eye out. Gamestop won’t take a partial system as my cradle / charger is still at home.

My wife is sick of me talking about it, and I know that it’s just a bullshit inconsequential thing, but it’s important to me.

Any ideas, GAF?
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I'm not so much looking for a dark web link if that makes people uncomfortable. I'm just trying to find out from tech savvy people if what i'm trying to do is even possible w/o involving Nintendo? Like I mentioned, i'm unable to get a warrant because the crime is too low profile. I'm left to my own resources. Can the system be tracked?


I'm going to assume that my question was dumb or something based off this response. Apologies GAF. I thought this might be a good place to start looking for assist.
I've never heard of anyone doing anything like this, even on other platforms with the functionality. I'd guess you'd have to start looking in some dark IRC servers and ask around and offer some Bitcoin, but I'd also guess your costs would outweigh the cost of just buying a new one.

Nintendo has the mac address that's tied to the serial, and when it phones home, they see the IP. Hard for anyone else to do this.
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I've never heard of anyone doing anything like this, even on other platforms with the functionality. I'd guess you'd have to start looking in some dark IRC servers and ask around and offer some Bitcoin, but I'd also guess your costs would outweigh the cost of just buying a new one.

Nintendo has the mac address that's tied to the serial, and when it phones home, they see the IP. Hard for anyone else to do this.
Thanks MultiCore. That makes a lot of sense. I'll start where you suggested.


Report me if I continue to console war
How Hard would it be for the poice to do a warrant?

Maybe if you kept explaing to them that Nintendo can track it if you provide a warrant they will eventually help. Also you could ask lawyers for advice, in uk you can ask lawyers questions about stuff before you even hire them, which might be able to help. Maybe tell your story to a lawyer and they might feel sorry for you and be able to get that warrant.

I guess cars are pretty insecure. Next time lock your valuables in a locked compartment in your car, set the alarm, put camera and alarm warning stickers on your car and take valuables with you.


That sucks man. I am in Hollywood, crime is on the rise here pretty significantly and it's getting to the point where it's dodgy to just walk down the street after dark, it hasn't been this bad in over 20 years. People's cars getting broken in my neighborhood, people breaking into apartments, gunpoint muggings, lots of weapons being fired. It's ridiculous.

That sucks about your Switch but what can you do. If the authorities don't give a shit, you're really left with no recourse. I'd say suck it up and spend the $ on a new device, and just never leave things out where they can potentially get swiped (even if it is out of sight). It sucks to have to live like this, but that is how it is.
That sucks man. I am in Hollywood, crime is on the rise here pretty significantly and it's getting to the point where it's dodgy to just walk down the street after dark, it hasn't been this bad in over 20 years. People's cars getting broken in my neighborhood, people breaking into apartments, gunpoint muggings, lots of weapons being fired. It's ridiculous.

That sucks about your Switch but what can you do. If the authorities don't give a shit, you're really left with no recourse. I'd say suck it up and spend the $ on a new device, and just never leave things out where they can potentially get swiped (even if it is out of sight). It sucks to have to live like this, but that is how it is.
You're right and it makes me even angrier that this is how we HAVE to accept things. I'm not even mad at the police. I get it. They're overburdened and crime is on the rise. Skyrocketing. What pisses me off is that the reality is grim. The criminal - even if caught - might get a ticket and a fine. On the other hand, my hands are tied with regards to how I deal with the situation. I'm NOT a victim. I don't LIKE being a victim. And if I had my way, I'd be the jury and proverbial executioner. I can't track the person *legally*, and what I'm supposed to do as a good citizen is to shrug it off, buy another one (because of course we have the money), and pay for my window (because of course I have full coverage on my 20 year old car), because that's just how it works. Be passive and let it go.

That's just not my personality. And I'm trying to cool down, but that's how it is feels...like the right response is to be sheepish. I shouldn't have to do a GOFUNDME to beg for the pity of others to get another 'thing' because i'm not in my ideal situation. You shouldn't have to live in fear because you're in hollywood. You didn't move here for that. You came here for your ambitions. To contribute.

I don't like being passive. At all.

EDIT - FWIW, thanks for your response, though. My wife has been calming me down and I definitely appreciate you taking the time to reply. I guess I need to just let this go.
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I feel you bro. I had my Vita taken with about 15 physical games and dozens of digital games. I looked everywhere, checked pawn shops and game store for weeks, I even went door to door in the neighborhood where it was taken.

I finally caved and moved on. It sucked and cost me $400 but nothing else I could really do.


If you have renters or home owners insurance, the theft will likely be covered and you can be reimbursed. Might be worth looking into.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Hey Shola. Sorry you got robbed, man. Yeah, it's not all about the money and the "stuff," though your property is your property and you worked for it. It makes you feel violated, though, and when the police don't give a shit it's frustrating. I've been there. Police didn't investigate an $8k vandalism of my car and told me to go find CCTV footage in the vicinity and give it to them if I wanted them to follow up. lol.

Anyway, if Nintendo won't give up the info without a warrant you probably don't have much recourse. Darknet isn't going to do shit for you here other than take your crypto and bounce, and convincing Nintendo to give up the information yourself would require something like felony social engineering that's obviously not worth it whatsoever.

Listen to your wife, do some heavy deadlifts at the gym, see what insurance will cover, and carry on.
Hey Shola. Sorry you got robbed, man. Yeah, it's not all about the money and the "stuff," though your property is your property and you worked for it. It makes you feel violated, though, and when the police don't give a shit it's frustrating. I've been there. Police didn't investigate an $8k vandalism of my car and told me to go find CCTV footage in the vicinity and give it to them if I wanted them to follow up. lol.

Anyway, if Nintendo won't give up the info without a warrant you probably don't have much recourse. Darknet isn't going to do shit for you here other than take your crypto and bounce, and convincing Nintendo to give up the information yourself would require something like felony social engineering that's obviously not worth it whatsoever.

Listen to your wife, do some heavy deadlifts at the gym, see what insurance will cover, and carry on.
Thanks Tyler. That's very sound advice. Wealthy or not, getting violated feels the same. I hear you.


Sorry that this happened to you.
Been in a similar situation. I got mugged a few years ago and they took my phone and my backpack which had my kindle in it. I went to the police who were like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ since there is so much crime that they don't follow up on a few hundred bucks being stolen.
I was pretty angry for the next few days not just because of the lost money (and this is back when I was a student with just a crappy part time job ) but also because of the whole situation of some assholes taking my stuff and there being nothing I could do.

Anyway, my advice would be to listen to your wife and try to calm down and carry on. I totally get your anger but rushing to do something is probably not going to give you the results you expect and I'd say going to the dark web has higher chances of getting you screwed in some other way than getting your Switch back



And it was stolen. And there’s a way to track it. And there’s nothing I can do.

Or is there?

I’ve never used the Dark web and don’t know anyone who does. Is potentially tracking this thing via a serial number something that can be done?

The idiots are still using the system. I was billed for a WWE wrestling game (nintendo reversed the charges) and they delinked my account, but they ARE turning the system on which means they’re pinging online.

I had a 128gb card in it and a bunch of games.

I want my system back.

Once I can track them, i intend to get it back.

I’ve been checking Craigslist, offer up, letgo, and every other selling app available. I’ve called every game store for 20 miles to keep an eye out. Gamestop won’t take a partial system as my cradle / charger is still at home.

My wife is sick of me talking about it, and I know that it’s just a bullshit inconsequential thing, but it’s important to me.

Any ideas, GAF?

I'm sorry but the "dark web" can't help you. In order to track it, you would need to be on Nintendos Service Backend and lookup for a connected client with the serial number of your stolen switch.

I hope you can find some safe quick jobs to buy a replacement.
I'm sorry but the "dark web" can't help you. In order to track it, you would need to be on Nintendos Service Backend and lookup for a connected client with the serial number of your stolen switch.

I hope you can find some safe quick jobs to buy a replacement.
Thanks for the responses. My wife, Tyler, and several of you guys talked some sense into me. It's just a 'thing'. No need to resort to shady practices, or, as the saying goes, two wrongs to make a right. Thanks GAF. You've kept my head on straight!
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