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Castlevania Portrait Of Ruin (DS) thread


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
I don't use whips much so far.

First time I met a certain enemy, it dropped me a badass two handed sword that kills stuff in a few hits.

Even the Nebula super whip is pretty weak compared to that sword.


Junior Member
Any idea of how big the world is in relation to Dawn of Sorrow? The map screen is still on the top, right? I know you guys just got it but can you get a feel, like you've only gotten through what looks like 1/10 of the map after a few hours? Oh, and did those 'shortest game ever' rumors pan out?


Pedobear said:
I don't use whips much so far.

First time I met a certain enemy, it dropped me a badass two handed sword that kills stuff in a few hits.

Even the Nebula super whip is pretty weak compared to that sword.

Yeah, I got a few two handed swords, but I used them so much in DoS that I decided I'd use whips here. I'm not crazy about their damage level, but it still feels really good.

skinnyrattler said:
Any idea of how big the world is in relation to Dawn of Sorrow? The map screen is still on the top, right? I know you guys just got it but can you get a feel, like you've only gotten through what looks like 1/10 of the map after a few hours? Oh, and did those 'shortest game ever' rumors pan out?

I'm not that far into it but I can definitely say there are a lot of paths I haven't traveled yet. There seems to be lots of ways to get to the same place so far and I haven't uncovered that much of the map. Since each painting has its own map though, it does seem pretty big... I just don't know how big yet.

Edit* I just wanted to say that the music on the CD is pretty badass. I'm definitely going to try and play along with my guitar soon. Some of these songs rock too much to not learn.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
Anybody know how to beat

I always die in a few seconds...This is like Galamoth for f***'s sake!

skinnyrattler said:
Any idea of how big the world is in relation to Dawn of Sorrow? The map screen is still on the top, right? I know you guys just got it but can you get a feel, like you've only gotten through what looks like 1/10 of the map after a few hours? Oh, and did those 'shortest game ever' rumors pan out?

The eights painting together are about as big as DoS....now add a castle to go with the paintings.


i am a butthurt babby that can only drool in wonder at shiney objects
skinnyrattler said:
Any idea of how big the world is in relation to Dawn of Sorrow? The map screen is still on the top, right? I know you guys just got it but can you get a feel, like you've only gotten through what looks like 1/10 of the map after a few hours? Oh, and did those 'shortest game ever' rumors pan out?

A lot bigger. There are a total of nine "subworlds" in addition to the main castle. The main castle itself is far larger than the others, with approximately four different areas, although it's obviously not as big as Dawn.

I think the claims that it's 50% bigger than Dawn might be about correct. Maybe even more. It's still a pretty short game if you're not going for 1000% though. I beat the game with the best ending in five hours, not including all of the times replaying due to deaths.


Picked up mine today with the goodies.

Damn, damn nice extras. I have to say this is the first time US pre-order goodies have matched up to JPN ones. Hopefully we'll start seeing more companies do stuff like this to match their Japanese counterparts.

Lee N

Bebpo said:
Picked up mine today with the goodies.

Damn, damn nice extras. I have to say this is the first time US pre-order goodies have matched up to JPN ones. Hopefully we'll start seeing more companies do stuff like this to match their Japanese counterparts.
Did japan get any preorder bonus for Gallery of Labyrinth?


A_Lee_N said:
Did japan get any preorder bonus for Gallery of Labyrinth?

No idea, but I meant more of compared to Japanese pre-order goods in general. When I lived in Japan I had an entire closet made up of nothing but pre-order goods from games ^^;


Error2k4 said:

WTF is up with konami and ****ing black and white manuals!? :mad:
Not everyone can be Atlus. In terms of marketing/localization budgets, when asked why they didn't include some sort of feature, bonus, or Japanese voice overs, they just give the excuse "well then you wouldn't have full color manuals".

I don't mind Konami saving money by printing black and white manuals.. as long as the game content is all there, and the preorder bonus is nice, I'm good.

Lee N

Bebpo said:
No idea, but I meant more of compared to Japanese pre-order goods in general. When I lived in Japan I had an entire closet made up of nothing but pre-order goods from games ^^;
Yeah, i love small useless preorder goodies. And Japan is definitely on the top of it all with their gashapon culture.


What does the pre-order box come with?

I didn't pre-order but I'm gonna try to pick one up anyways. Who gives a ****?


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
Man...man, man! The bosses keep getting harder!

is freaking unbelievable. Now that's one rocking boss fight...he's hard as hell though.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
MegaTen said:
Not everyone can be Atlus. In terms of marketing/localization budgets, when asked why they didn't include some sort of feature, bonus, or Japanese voice overs, they just give the excuse "well then you wouldn't have full color manuals".

I don't mind Konami saving money by printing black and white manuals.. as long as the game content is all there, and the preorder bonus is nice, I'm good.
yeah the preorder bonus is really nice and all, but c'mon black and white manuals is so cheap :mad:

oh well game kicks a good amount of ass so far so I cant complain too much.


Okay guys, this game was supposed to have both English and Japanese voice acting as options.

So how do I activate it?

Help me out here guys, I'm just starting off and don't see anything in the options that'll enable this.

Lee N

Zyid said:
Okay guys, this game was supposed to have both English and Japanese voice acting as options.

So how do I activate it?

Help me out here guys, I'm just starting off and don't see anything in the options that'll enable this.

haven't tried it myself.. but here goes.
To enable English voices in the Japanese version of this game or vice versa, simply press 'A' while holding 'L' at any of the main menu choices. Jonathan will say "showtime" to confirm the activation.


A_Lee_N said:
haven't tried it myself.. but here goes.
Yeah but I'm not getting any voice acting AT ALL in the game.

The activation sound works, so something is going down, but the cutscenes aren't voice acted. This is infuriating me!


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
English Voiceovers (or Japanese Voiceovers for English version)

To enable English voices in the Japanese version of this game or vice versa, simply press 'A' while holding 'L' at any of the main menu choices. Jonathan will say "showtime" to confirm the activation

from gamefaqs.


Error2k4 said:
English Voiceovers (or Japanese Voiceovers for English version)

To enable English voices in the Japanese version of this game or vice versa, simply press 'A' while holding 'L' at any of the main menu choices. Jonathan will say "showtime" to confirm the activation

from gamefaqs.
No, you don't get it guys, the voice acting, it's nonexistant, it is not there, there is none, zip, zero! The activation sound works but I can't get the voice acting in any language to actually work! All I get are lame battle sounds. Is this what Iga meant when he promised "voice acting"? The trailer implied that the cutscenes would be voice acted - clips from the trailer are actually dialogue from the game. Was none of this implimented?


Zyid said:
No, you don't get it guys, the voice acting, it's nonexistant, it is not there, there is none, zip, zero! The activation sound works but I can't get the voice acting in any language to actually work! All I get are lame battle sounds. Is this what Iga meant when he promised "voice acting"? The trailer implied that the cutscenes would be voice acted - clips from the trailer are actually dialogue from the game. Was none of this implimented?

It might've been removed for the US version like I hear happened with ZX.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Zyid said:
Yeah but I'm not getting any voice acting AT ALL in the game.

The activation sound works, so something is going down, but the cutscenes aren't voice acted. This is infuriating me!
because there isnt? :p

the only VA is from when you are shopping and the various battle cries and grunts


Nooooooo...they don't have a pre-order bonus for me (in-store) ;__;

(I'm in the Toronto area if anyone can help or knows of anything)

Now I don't know if i should cancel or not...what do I do GAF?!?!

ThirstyFly said:
Anyone in Canada get a call from EB about it being in yet?

I did, but I guess I pre-ordered too late.


Docpan said:
What does the pre-order box come with?

I didn't pre-order but I'm gonna try to pick one up anyways. Who gives a ****?

An Artbook, 20th anniversary soundtrack cd (~36 tracks), ds game holder (holds 2 games), a stylus and a poster/timeline of the series. And a nice case to hold it all.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
Wow....I finally reached the so called remixed stages.

Here's what they are.

Different music, different enemies, diffents rooms, different textures, different backgrounds, different bosses.

I wonder if the reviewers played the game or something?


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
wow the team system works suprisingly well and it's awesome! the first boss rocked.

I hope you people dont use healing items when fighting bosses :p makes boss battle a hell lot more fun when you dont use healing items.
Just chiming in to say the pre-order bonus is absolutely awesome. Listening to the CD right now and from what I've heard so far they picked only the very best songs from almost every castlevania game. Very nice. Also, I'm not usually big on art books but the artbook here has the cover art for every US released castlevania game and it's great. I was surprised when I first opened it up and saw those original NES box arts.. Again, very nice. On to the game!
Rexaur said:
I did, but I guess I pre-ordered too late.

They didn't call me yet :( What a horrible night to have a curse.

Sorry to hear about you missing out on the pre-order bonus, it's one of the better ones I've gotten.


Jealous Bastard
got my copy today in the mail with the preorder bonus.
the bonus is really nice--especially the cd and stylus.
i've played five minutes of the game (just got home from a test), and already love the partner mechanic.


Kintaro said:
Can we get a confirmation on the nixing of voice acting from the US version of this?

I haven't heard any during conversations. I was really looking forward to some SotN voice acting too. =(


Man, I already knew what was in it but now that I have it in my hands, the pre-order bonus is really impressive. Kudos to Konami.

Listened to the CD on the way home, pretty good track selection. Missing a few of my favs from SotN and DoS, but it was great hearing tunes from the first four games again. Although one of the ones from CVII seems to be some kind of weird remix.


:lol :lol :lol :lol just poped the game in:

"Jonathan Morris" was the name of my marker-rendering professor in art-school!!

----- not as traumatic as when i had a co-worker named Dormin, then went home to play SotC (that i had been hyped for a year over)


Running off of Custom Firmware
My BN order page STILL lists is as 'not shipped' but a quick phone call to customer service granted me a magical tracking number that confirms I'll have it tomorrow morning.


Mejilan said:
My BN order page STILL lists is as 'not shipped' but a quick phone call to customer service granted me a magical tracking number that confirms I'll have it tomorrow morning.

You mean the rest of us got a DS game before you?

*savors moment*



loves Arcade Sticks
Just so everyone knows, in both the US and JPN versions there was never really any TRUE voice acting, just blurbs here and there, usually grunts/saying character's names.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
Many enemies talk in the game. Like the clowns. They didn't say anything in DoS...it's a cool detail.


MarkMan said:
Just so everyone knows, in both the US and JPN versions there was never really any TRUE voice acting, just blurbs here and there, usually grunts/saying character's names.

Alright, I guess the voice acting from the trailer gave me false hope. :lol


Running off of Custom Firmware
Ancestor said:
You mean the rest of us got a DS game before you?

*savors moment*


It's not THAT unusual. I can only get Nintendo first party games early. :)

If you've been following the thread, I was worried that I WOULDN'T get the game or the preorder bonus!


dabookerman said:
Which country do you live in?

I didnt expect the thing to come tomorrow, and no ones gonna be in in the morning.
What do UPS folks do if no ones in? I have never had UPS guys deliver to my house before.

USA. I used 2 day air, everyone I know that used ground has an expected date of the 8th. UPS will usually leave the yellow note of death, telling you they will either re-deliver (you're effed till the next day) or to come pick it up (...you have to wait an hour or so in line with the other people that missed their packages)

You CAN leave directions like "attn ups: please drop package off _____", etc. Whether they follow that or not is up to them, but they usually do.
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