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CDProjectRed (GOG) appropriates popularity of #WontBeErased to make point about PC games

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
The fact that they made light of the fact that they were borrowing this hashtag from another group clearly indicates that whoever wrote the tweet was:

- Aware of the political nature of the hashtag
- Knew it was going to ruffle feathers

At least they owned up to it, they didn't claim to be "centrists disillusioned by the modern left".

I asked you specifically to explain how and why it is transphobic. Both things you have stated are in no way, shape, or form transphobic.

Hashtags do not belong to specific people, nor are they only for use in very specific events. We live in the day and age where ANYTHING can ruffle someone's feathers. The point of the post was clearly based on recent events within the gaming sphere and the hashtag was an apt response.
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They are all going to lose their minds over at reeeeeEra when this game inevitably sells like hot cakes.


What a complete non-issue. Besides the fact that they deleted their tweet within 6 min and apologized for it, everyone that follows them on twitter knows they usually take popular hashtags and turn them into jokes about DRM , Witcher and other dumb stuff. It was clearly not malicious.

I asked you specifically to explain how and why it is transphobic. Both things you have stated are in no way, shape, or form transphobic.

Hashtags do not belong to specific people, nor are they only for use in very specific events. We live in the day and age where ANYTHING can ruffle someone's feathers. The point of the post was clearly based on recent events within the gaming sphere and the hashtag was an apt response.

We all know that what drives you is the thought of pissing off people you don't agree with. You branding these labels (yeah they were jerks about a trans issue but was it transphobic?) around does nothing except reinforce your lack of intellectual honesty.

This is what happens to antagonistic jerks who like to publicly troll: they get called out and they have to apologize. You can cry about it all you want, it won't change the fact that people don't tend to respond well to jerks.
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.... I love CDPR.... damn, eastern europe will save us all.

EDIT: evrytime for whatever reason I got to the "other site" I get so pissed off that I need to gym... I'm becoming a snowflake
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The outcry about the hashtag as if it was a direct attack that could kill people is baffling to me and frightening.

People are creating their own bedchambers and living in it and it's causing a group of very aggressive reactive people to spread. It has extended beyond politics and it was becoming absurd and out of hand years ago NOW it's something i'd consider to be approaching something more dangerous.


Strange times. Trannys were always around, but I've heard more about them in the last few years than the previous 40 it seems.
Strange times. Trannys were always around, but I've heard more about them in the last few years than the previous 40 it seems.

Amusingly, even the older terms used by the individuals themselves (including "transsexual") are near-heresy today, including the shortened one you used, which wasn't considered extreme just a few years back. There was an ideological shift to make it about gender rather than sex even though that remains deeply contradictory with the emphasis on obtaining medical / surgical solutions.

In any case, the reason we hear so much about it now largely concerns the vacuum felt after gay marriage. Progressivism is a full-fledged religion that gives an interpretation of history and a reason to feel a part of it, but it must immediately find its next topic once one has closed. There must always be a new frontier (then, homosexuality, now mostly trans* / identity), an identifiable set of groups who can be cast as the forces of backwardness (religions, etc), and a new crusade to show the latter that they've been defeated again by the grand gods of History / Progress. It's ritualistic and fanatical at this point, and encompasses all areas of these adherents lives.


Im not American so im not really familiar with their culture
This joke seems very innocuous and cheek in tongue to me, some people are just constantly at the defensive looking for something to crusade about. Im glad those people left this forum.
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I've got to side with the "mob" there. The fact that for example as a white person you wouldn't give a shit about a racist or antisemitic joke, doesn't mean people who are the target of it will just cave into your aggressions, that's the game. Attack people under any form, be ready for a defense.

I'm not bothered by everything the US president does, mostly don't care, but this issue is grave and real enough, that the joke is actually tasteless and aggressive unlike their previous "did you assume their gender" joke which simply mocks an opinion.

The problem is that CPDR is based in of the world's most racist country, today and yesterday, Poland which is one of the rare and first western country that turns to extreme-right wing. Now if you're racist it's not a problem, but for CPDR it means their company will not hold off in the global market and especially not in the future.

There is alot of bullshit in this post and it will be a sweet moment, when like kingdom come deliverance before it, cyberpunk sells millions. Oh The Last Night will to. Why do they sell? because people are sick of hyperbolic sjw statements like yours and wider soft authoritorian practices like shaming, social ostracization and job loss, the ones in know like me will buy these things out of spite. A good game will just be a bonus.


There is alot of bullshit in this post and it will be a sweet moment, when like kingdom come deliverance before it, cyberpunk sells millions. Oh The Last Night will to. Why do they sell? because people are sick of hyperbolic sjw statements like yours and wider soft authoritorian practices like shaming, social ostracization and job loss, the ones in know like me will buy these things out of spite. A good game will just be a bonus.
Serve me up two copies please! I can always gift a friend.
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Im not American so im not really familiar with their culture
This joke seems verry innocuous and cheek in tongue to me, some people are just constantly at the defensive looking for something to crusade about. Im glad those people left this forum.

Sorry for the double post, but most Americans don't care. The issue is, the crazies seem to run our media (especially gaming media with sites like Polygon/Kotaku/Waypoint). As they control the media, the prevalence is amplified and echo chambers boost their voices. Just like with the crazy religious folk during the late 90's and early 2000's, this won't last for long and we will hopefully get back to normal within the next 5-6 years.
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Progressivism is a full-fledged religion that gives an interpretation of history and a reason to feel a part of it, but it must immediately find its next topic once one has closed. There must always be a new frontier (then, homosexuality, now mostly trans* / identity), an identifiable set of groups who can be cast as the forces of backwardness (religions, etc), and a new crusade to show the latter that they've been defeated again by the grand gods of History / Progress. It's ritualistic and fanatical at this point, and encompasses all areas of these adherents lives.

It's ironic and weirdly amusing that you seem to be unaware that you might be overthinking this while displaying a fanatic gusto for faux psychological/sociological analysis of an entire group of people. You got me curious though, what is their goal?
Sorry for the double post, but most Americans don't care. The issue is, the crazies seem to run our media (especially gaming media with sites like Polygon/Kotaku/Waypoint). As they control the media, the prevalence is amplified and echo chambers boost their voices. Just like with the crazy religious folk during the late 90's and early 2000's, this won't last for long and we will hopefully get back to normal within the next 5-6 years.
I guarantee you that fat hypocrite Austin Walker won't boycott the game....that would be a hate crime.


The outrage over this is so funny when you consider how the meaning of the joke isn't even transphobic. It's literally a pun about a phrase relating to transpeople being used out of context. The meaning of the joke is that the English words "won't be erased" can be used about PC games. They've made the same style of joke with many hashtags.

Also literally only ResetERA even cares about this as far as I can tell. I hate when gaming media sites work pretend that they represent the larger gaming community, when really they represent a small fraction of it that everyone else thinks are mean-spirited and manic.
The problem is that CPDR is based in of the world's most racist country, today and yesterday, Poland which is one of the rare and first western country that turns to extreme-right wing. Now if you're racist it's not a problem, but for CPDR it means their company will not hold off in the global market and especially not in the future.

Are you sure you didn't post it on wrong forum ? That's some of the most hilarious things I've ever read about my country.

The hate we get because we didn't want to clear Merkel mess is really amazing.
Are you sure you didn't post it on wrong forum ? That's some of the most hilarious things I've ever read about my country.

The hate we get because we didn't want to clear Merkel mess is really amazing.
Your country produced the amazing punk rock band Brains All Gone. I love Poland.
It's ironic and weirdly amusing that you seem to be unaware that you might be overthinking this while displaying a fanatic gusto for faux psychological/sociological analysis of an entire group of people. You got me curious though, what is their goal?

By asking for a "goal," it appears you have my interpretation confused with conspiracy theories. The latter presume to discover a kind of targeted logic or manipulative plan behind all things; my reading of progressivism isn't that there is a smoke-filled room or some kind of nefarious plot, but simply that it has become an all-encompassing & all-consuming interpretation of the world that fills a void more typically occupied by other ethical systems and religions.

And progressivism's distinct sacramental content demands a kind of continually renewed public illustration that yet another old barrier or norm has been overstepped, so that one can immediately once again survey the landscape of those who didn't follow the latest leap over a wall, and publicly shame or eviscerate them as another wave of bigots against the truth of redemptive History. "Transgender" as recently re-imagined under the new ideological configurations, where identity and gender paradoxically become both a performance & an immutable inner personal truth, fits perfectly into this space and is quickly latched onto by those who yearn to feel once again caught up in the next wave of truth's victory over backwardness.


Are you sure you didn't post it on wrong forum ? That's some of the most hilarious things I've ever read about my country.

The hate we get because we didn't want to clear Merkel mess is really amazing.

Well, I'm planning to come to live in Poland since 2 years ago, it is a wanderfull place, and finally next summer I'll come there for a month :)


I find it fascinating how some people are completely unable to understand that jokes are not actually meant to be seriously. Even if they are offensive!

If society was molded according to retarderans, the world would basically be 1984esque gulag.


What a complete non-issue. Besides the fact that they deleted their tweet within 6 min and apologized for it, everyone that follows them on twitter knows they usually take popular hashtags and turn them into jokes about DRM , Witcher and other dumb stuff. It was clearly not malicious.

Thank you for giving some extra context to the tweet and the joke within it.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I find it fascinating how some people are completely unable to understand that jokes are not actually meant to be seriously. Even if they are offensive!

If society was molded according to retarderans, the world would basically be 1984esque gulag.

And yet if I joked on your mother to her face about her looks, you'd be upset so....


And yet if I joked on your mother to her face about her looks, you'd be upset so....

...Me and my friends do it all day a noone gets upset about it. And a joke is a joke no matter what, you can always clearly notice when a sentence is not a joke anymore.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Incredibly tasteless. This social media dude it just attempting to get a rise out of people. Uncalled for.

Also, hardly an apology. But whatever.

Please explain to me, in detail, on how the tweet was "tasteless", "offensive", or "transphobic" (as those are the three I see levied against it the most).


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
...Me and my friends do it all day a noone gets upset about it. And a joke is a joke no matter what, you can always clearly notice when a sentence is not a joke anymore.

Because you and your friends have an understanding that when you joke on each other it's cool and there's no ill intent. You wouldn't want a stranger to talk to you or your friends that way.
Wow they really tweeted that? i guess i have to buy two copies of Thronebreaker The Witcher Tales from GOG now, they deserve it.


Again, please be respectful and thoughtful in any posts.

Nice thought OP, but it only took us until the second page before we got the a discussion of how "strange" it is to hear about all these "tranny" issues.

To be fair, it was a pretty tin eared use of the hashtag. I doubt they meant harm but this is an instance where GoG should have put a bit more thought into the reactions the tweet was going to get. It's pretty obvious it was going to make some people upset.

Spot on. To me this is the "issue". A social media manager should know better than to just casually co-opt a hashtag.

Like Entenmann's:


Like Kenneth Cole:


This is marketing 101 stuff. The social media manager's job is to invite positive attention and interaction online. Joke or not. Right or wrong. They should know better.

If CDPR wants to be controversial or stir the pot - fine. But then keep the post up and don't apologize. The retraction says to me that they either didn't expect a negative reaction (someone should have known better) or they're too afraid of any negative attention (so don't post the tweet in the first place).


And yet if I joked on your mother to her face about her looks, you'd be upset so....
isn't that what kids do with their friends?
Sure a scuffle would ensue, but they still remain friends and nobody be asking for each other heads
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Because you and your friends have an understanding that when you joke on each other it's cool and there's no ill intent. You wouldn't want a stranger to talk to you or your friends that way.

Well, I'm not going to keep arguing about it mostly cause I'm a really hard person to get offended, so I'd say that I wouldn't care but I can't force you to trust me on my words :)

On the other hand I can say that a joke is still a joke, if I get offended on a joke, I am the one to blame.


" attack on transgender rights"
1. Its called Human Rights
2. Have you even read the Article ?
If your entire Identity hinges on someone else using your made up Words, its not realy an Identity.
All i see is the Gov. cutting down on the insanity that is fake Transgender.
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People that thinks this is malicious are the same snowflakes that want to be upset about everything. Its how twitter works you see a popular hashtag and use it to get views on your tweet. Harmless fun.
By asking for a "goal," it appears you have my interpretation confused with conspiracy theories. The latter presume to discover a kind of targeted logic or manipulative plan behind all things; my reading of progressivism isn't that there is a smoke-filled room or some kind of nefarious plot, but simply that it has become an all-encompassing & all-consuming interpretation of the world that fills a void more typically occupied by other ethical systems and religions.

And progressivism's distinct sacramental content demands a kind of continually renewed public illustration that yet another old barrier or norm has been overstepped, so that one can immediately once again survey the landscape of those who didn't follow the latest leap over a wall, and publicly shame or eviscerate them as another wave of bigots against the truth of redemptive History. "Transgender" as recently re-imagined under the new ideological configurations, where identity and gender paradoxically become both a performance & an immutable inner personal truth, fits perfectly into this space and is quickly latched onto by those who yearn to feel once again caught up in the next wave of truth's victory over backwardness.

Do you think this reasoning is more logical than the idea that previously ostracized groups take kindly into their newfound freedom of expression granted by mankind's overall shift away from dogmatic morality? Don't get me wrong, I think left-wing parties/politicians happily took that group in with the intention of acquiring or staying in power and that is a huge departure for regimes that previously featured pretty harsh treatment of basically any minority group you can name today. You combine that enthusiasm and political motivation with an easily identifiable cause and it's easy to see why it becomes a growing movement. However your argument is that the crowd itself is being intellectually dishonest, either voluntarily or not, and that is a misguided premise to follow in basically any issue.


Gold Member
Nice thought OP, but it only took us until the second page before we got the a discussion of how "strange" it is to hear about all these "tranny" issues.
I had to try. Regardless of one's own personal feelings towards the issue, it is always important to keep in mind the impact it may have on others. Doesn't mean you can't have your opinion that the joke "Wasn't a big deal" or what have you, it just means that it is something to fold into anyone's analysis of the issue.


Neo Member
Why they dont have backbone?

If they try act like "PUNKS", then stay like that dammit.

Bring on days of SEGA vs. NINTENDON'T ads.

Anyways, we all forget that OLD pc games REALLY NEED MORE LOVE.

I mean, for real. On GAF, or on any other popular places..

..its all about "retro" like SNES, PS1, NEOGEO, etc etc etc

so few love for MS-DOS, WIn95 etc. games


Instead of making jokes on transpeople they should sincerely propagandize old games


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Nice thought OP, but it only took us until the second page before we got the a discussion of how "strange" it is to hear about all these "tranny" issues.

Spot on. To me this is the "issue". A social media manager should know better than to just casually co-opt a hashtag.

Like Entenmann's:


Like Kenneth Cole:


This is marketing 101 stuff. The social media manager's job is to invite positive attention and interaction online. Joke or not. Right or wrong. They should know better.

If CDPR wants to be controversial or stir the pot - fine. But then keep the post up and don't apologize. The retraction says to me that they either didn't expect a negative reaction (someone should have known better) or they're too afraid of any negative attention (so don't post the tweet in the first place).

Thank you! It as if people don't understand how marketing even works.

Well, I'm not going to keep arguing about it mostly cause I'm a really hard person to get offended, so I'd say that I wouldn't care but I can't force you to trust me on my words :)

On the other hand I can say that a joke is still a joke, if I get offended on a joke, I am the one to blame.

Except you can't tell other people how to take a joke that's meant to offend. They took it down in 6 minutes, because they knew what people would be saying afterward.
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