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CDProjectRed (GOG) appropriates popularity of #WontBeErased to make point about PC games

What a complete non-issue. Besides the fact that they deleted their tweet within 6 min and apologized for it, everyone that follows them on twitter knows they usually take popular hashtags and turn them into jokes about DRM , Witcher and other dumb stuff. It was clearly not malicious.

That proves to me that this is just another case of GOG tweeting something dumb.

However, even though I wasn't offended either time I could immediately tell other people would be. That makes their social media manager an idiot. Jokes like that just won't fly on Twitter.

I'm also not American so the full context behind the hashtag of what Trump is planning was lost on me. It's entirely possible the GOG social media person didn't know either, but that just makes them an even bigger idiot.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
That proves to me that this is just another case of GOG tweeting something dumb.

However, even though I wasn't offended either time I could immediately tell other people would be. That makes their social media manager an idiot. Jokes like that just won't fly on Twitter.

I'm also not American so the full context behind the hashtag of what Trump is planning was lost on me. It's entirely possible the GOG social media person didn't know either, but that just makes them an even bigger idiot.

Mate, this is the internet. People will be offended over anything.


^yeah i feel like there is some culture clash going on. similar to the "Mech America Great Again" tagline. people from other countries want to use current hashtags and memes like anyone else, but they use it wrong and they get a backlash.
^yeah i feel like there is some culture clash going on. similar to the "Mech America Great Again" tagline. people from other countries want to use current hashtags and memes like anyone else, but they use it wrong and they get a backlash.

there is no "using it wrong" the mech america great again isnt something someone is going to interpret wrong just like any other meme. its people get offended and make a bigger deal out of it than is needed. thats it.
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This is actually a very clever joke. I can't imagine an actual trans being offended about this. They must have other things to worry about right?

I'm not surprised Era is boycotting CDPR now. They find a new target every couple of days. They are OldGaf after all.

What's funny is that CDPR was one of the "good guys" in any mtx/lootbox/sterling thread. I wonder who they will use to parrot their nonsense now?


Yeah, first time could be an honest mistake (considering they deleted the tweet), second time it's a clear provocation.

So you know for a fact their deliberate intention was to provoke?

The fact that they made light of the fact that they were borrowing this hashtag from another group clearly indicates that whoever wrote the tweet was:

- Aware of the political nature of the hashtag
- Knew it was going to ruffle feathers

You know he knew he was going to?
How is that you are able to know this so clearly?

At least they owned up to it, they didn't claim to be "centrists disillusioned by the modern left".

What a staggeringly not overly bright comment.
Can I play you and come up with all the vile intentions you had when you wrote this as well? How you meant, but failed, to provoke?

At this point they are doing it on purpose for exposure and clout.

How are you able to discern their intentions so clearly?
Can I be your friend?
Always wanted to have a psychic as a pen friend.

And yet if I joked on your mother to her face about her looks, you'd be upset so....

That assumes CDPR was taking the piss on Transgender people.
You're free to assume whatever you want. Just don't go around pretending you have established it as fact.
You have not.

My take on the matter.

1. There is absolutely nothing to apologize for. Apologizing entails recognizing you did something wrong. If there was no ill-intent, they have nothing to apologize for.

2. With Homecoming and Thronebreaker both releasing today on PC, the timing is unfortunate indeed.

3. What a fucking shithole this place must have been when the totalitarian mods who now lord over Resetera reigned supreme around here. That Kafkian forum is a case study of unadulterated Stalinism at work. Just imagine these people coming to power. Just think about them getting their hands on real state power.

Still, something good might come out of it. CDPR might come back to GAF, officially that is.
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I miss the times were jokes and black humour were seen as just that. Of course, it always have been stired up things, but to THAT extend like it does on Era? Holy moly.

I remember the German satire magazine "Titanic" using the pope with small handprints on his robe on the cover. They got a lawsuit and used a different cover for the next issue: The same picture but instead of handprints of children they made his robe urine-yellow, with the headline "leak finally found". In the end, the Vatican pulled back the lawsuit. Another time, another issue: Published a picture of Nikki Lauda on the cover, few months after Michael Schumachers ski accident, with the headline: "First picture after his accident: this is how badly [Michael Schumacher] is doing."

Many found it tasteless. It is. I still laughed. I also laughed at the "Did you assume their gender?" tweet of CDPR. It seems that such kind of humour isn't well received by a small percentage (as in on Era) of users.

I also come to think that there's method in GOG/CDPRs backlash creating tweets.


what the actual fuck CD project..
The problem here is that its not happening TO MANY TIMES. They either stick with their jokes and the way they act on social media OR they do something about it and make sure they never need to apologize again! This is the 3rd time this happens now. If they apologize the first 2 times it means they dont want this kind of crap. And now they manage to do it a 3rd time....... Thats the only thing that bothers me alot in this case.


This is actually a very clever joke. I can't imagine an actual trans being offended about this. They must have other things to worry about right?

I'm not surprised Era is boycotting CDPR now. They find a new target every couple of days. They are OldGaf after all.

What's funny is that CDPR was one of the "good guys" in any mtx/lootbox/sterling thread. I wonder who they will use to parrot their nonsense now?

Some of them are actually deleting/nuking their GOG accounts. Hilarious and embarrasing, considering that not too long they were encouraging people to stop using Steam and go for GOG.


This had to be orchestrated considering they were apologizing so recently for a different tweet. And from a business standpoint I bet they benefit far more than they lose.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
yup. have a backbone and stand by what you say

It's not about backbone. They are doing this stuff on purpose so that everyone talks about them to generate conversation and clicks. And it's working. So in that way, it's working perfectly. And how many people HONESTLY will not by Cyberpunk 2077 over these "jokes" that go bad on Twitter.

I don't like the jokes and I could care less about that when it comes to if I'll purchase the game or not.


Darkness no more
Every single person saying they will boycott the game over these tweets will buy it. Every single one of them.


Anyone with half a brain could see that nothing was malicious in that tweet. Nothing was a target to trans folks. They didn't wish ill on them, they didn't insult them, they didn't threaten them. Nothing about it was transphobic. The only people who thought it was transphobic were infants who were trying to be offended, pushing their own idiocy on an innocent tweet.

Making statements like this, even if they are hints towards such is unacceptable!!!! Such comments are not to be made lightly.

So I"m not buying their games til they apologize to their fans. ie the good men and women of gaming. /s


Game looks like future GTA, dated concepts smh.

How about an apology for insulting your fans? Once they do those two things, I may think about giving a damn about Cyberpunk2077, you know feelings is more important then the game itself folks /s
Are you sure you didn't post it on wrong forum ? That's some of the most hilarious things I've ever read about my country.

The hate we get because we didn't want to clear Merkel mess is really amazing.

The hate "you" get is because you're a from a coward collaborator country, yesterday, and today. But thing will take their tolls right in time, don't worry. Although there are great festivals in Krakow.
There is alot of bullshit in this post and it will be a sweet moment, when like kingdom come deliverance before it, cyberpunk sells millions. Oh The Last Night will to. Why do they sell? because people are sick of hyperbolic sjw statements like yours and wider soft authoritorian practices like shaming, social ostracization and job loss, the ones in know like me will buy these things out of spite. A good game will just be a bonus.

As I said, continue to force-feed your racism on all other people, it's always the same doing it, and see what happens this time...

But it's at least 10-15 years away so sure, meanwhile I have no problem enjoying Cyberpunk 2077, it's more to do with the fact that on the global market and in the future, their recurring bigoted positions as well as those of other companies from the same country, because the same country, means they might not play around for long, and I'm sure they'll go as far as making a racist game next time.

I don't agree with cunts soft authoritarian practices, I say if you insist on forcing your bigotry on me and other people, let's push together towards the only end which is civil war and let's see what happen and how ready you are to enforce it, because trust me I wouldn't hesitate for a second...

As for the The Last Night, what even is the polemic?
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The Tribe Has Spoken
Anyways, we all forget that OLD pc games REALLY NEED MORE LOVE.

I mean, for real. On GAF, or on any other popular places..

..its all about "retro" like SNES, PS1, NEOGEO, etc etc etc

so few love for MS-DOS, WIn95 etc. games


Instead of making jokes on transpeople they should sincerely propagandize old games
There is still plenty of love for DOS. My thread here was quite the fun ride:



(…) their recurring bigoted positions

Name one.
And do quote them.

as well as those of other companies from the same country, because the same country, means they might not play around for long, and I'm sure they'll go as far as making a racist game next time.

Positively absurd statement.

I don't agree with cunts soft authoritarian practices, I say if you insist on forcing your bigotry on me and other people, let's push together towards the only end which is civil war

In what way is anyone forcing bigotry on you?
And you're calling for violence, now?
As I said, continue to force-feed your racism on all other people, it's always the same doing it, and see what happens this time...

But it's at least 10-15 years away so sure, meanwhile I have no problem enjoying Cyberpunk 2077, it's more to do with the fact that on the global market and in the future, their recurring bigoted positions as well as those of other companies from the same country, because the same country, means they might not play around for long, and I'm sure they'll go as far as making a racist game next time.

I don't agree with cunts soft authoritarian practices, I say if you insist on forcing your bigotry on me and other people, let's push together towards the only end which is civil war and let's see what happen and how ready you are to enforce it, because trust me I wouldn't hesitate for a second...

As for the The Last Night, what even is the polemic?
Get some mental help, you're clearly emotionally and mentally unstable.
Do you think this reasoning is more logical than the idea that previously ostracized groups take kindly into their newfound freedom of expression granted by mankind's overall shift away from dogmatic morality?

I dispute even that framing.

(1) "Freedom of expression" is a new totalizing dogma, and is merely the political ideology that unfettered consumerism engenders to prop itself up, leveling any source of value or norms which places a barrier in the way of greater indulgence and atomization.

(2) These are not so cleanly identifiable as "previously ostracized groups" in every case, when terms like "transgender" created a new reality out of many disparate phenomena that it attempts to co-opt, including developmental disorders that it dishonestly uses as a shield, despite their etiology having nothing to do with "gender identity."

(3) The sudden, emotional surge of these issues in the public square isn't generated by any tiny minority, but by a much larger group of those in the progressive movement who need something like this to rally around. The entire discussion of "trans" tells us much more about a redefinition of identity in general than about a distinct medical phenomenon; it's more about redefining our basic acceptance of our given bodies, now to be understood as some kind of purely arbitrary event (introducing the nonsensical term "cisgender") rather than a natural development that merits the kind of social norms every human society in existence has structured around sex. It's "stuff progressive white people like" all the way down, rather than some kind of grassroots cause led primarily by the afflicted.
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He wants to spite RE deliberately for posting personal info of a CDPR member in the previous GOG Postal controversy


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
I figures there was a thread but missed it completely.

Will chime in tomorrow i think as i have some posts relating to this that are better served here.
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^yeah i feel like there is some culture clash going on. similar to the "Mech America Great Again" tagline. people from other countries want to use current hashtags and memes like anyone else, but they use it wrong and they get a backlash.
I don't know who tweeted this or what his or her understanding of the current U.S. political and societal climate is, but suffice it to say that other countries, espeically the further you get from the U.S. (literally geographically) the less "outrage" culture is pervasive. The dude probably doesn't have a true understanding of just how insane it is over here right now with this stuff. A dumb joke even as far as to say insensitive making fun of a hashtag.

I miss the times were jokes and black humour were seen as just that. Of course, it always have been stired up things, but to THAT extend like it does on Era? Holy moly.

I remember the German satire magazine "Titanic" using the pope with small handprints on his robe on the cover. They got a lawsuit and used a different cover for the next issue: The same picture but instead of handprints of children they made his robe urine-yellow, with the headline "leak finally found". In the end, the Vatican pulled back the lawsuit. Another time, another issue: Published a picture of Nikki Lauda on the cover, few months after Michael Schumachers ski accident, with the headline: "First picture after his accident: this is how badly [Michael Schumacher] is doing."

Many found it tasteless. It is. I still laughed. I also laughed at the "Did you assume their gender?" tweet of CDPR. It seems that such kind of humour isn't well received by a small percentage (as in on Era) of users.

I also come to think that there's method in GOG/CDPRs backlash creating tweets.
Yeah, but then you get into the whole "punching down" thing. No, its an effing joke, and jokes can come from all directions. That's the thing with online jokes...Tone, delivery, all that is completely lost, and its up to interpretation. And all of that is so important with comedy. Comedy is so distinctly human and communication being more than just words...Online strips it of that.

But Im with you, Damn I love a good dark humor joke (because there are some of us that laugh at funerals...we are mostly Irish), but that stuff is getting shredded as somehow an affront to "the right side of history." They say joking dehumanizes...well some jokes might, but others don't...The opposite effect actually.
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Outrage culture is a hell of a drug.

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I don't know about any of you fine people but i am waiting with bated breath to find out what Someone_Unimportant thinks of this.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Is this ongoing saga the best example of the insane hypervigilance of gaming progressivism to date? I really think it is.

3 times the most innocuous of tweets has stirred up a shitstorm among these clowns, and 3 times the rest of the world has looked on in mild disbelief.


Neo Member
Someone should save all those Resetera posts of people saying theyre boycotting the game and then checking those names in 2 years in the cyberpunk OT.

Resetera truly consists to 99% of oversensitive morons getting offended on purpose over anything


Someone should save all those Resetera posts of people saying theyre boycotting the game and then checking those names in 2 years in the cyberpunk OT.

Resetera truly consists to 99% of oversensitive morons getting offended on purpose over anything

I mean, thats like most places. Remember the whole Battlefront thing? That boycott didn't stop it from breaking all sorts of records, same with Far Cry 5 and many more(Far Cry 5 went on to be the fastest selling in the series too) . So I don't think that oversensitive bunch will effect stuff like Cyberpunk or BFV etc.

green sticker

Neo Member
At this point it's just exhausting to read all the arguments, debates, transgressions, etc. Personally, I had not one clue what the hash tag was because my life doesn't fucking revolve around Twitter and using fucking hashtags succinctly.


At this point it's just exhausting to read all the arguments, debates, transgressions, etc. Personally, I had not one clue what the hash tag was because my life doesn't fucking revolve around Twitter and using fucking hashtags succinctly.

Twitter is pure garbage. It is literally just a propaganda machine for extremists.
This is all hilarious. The tweet, the faux manmade womanmade personmade ... fluid outrage, the half assed apology with a smirk. The internet is a wonderful place! Reassures me daily that I’m not fucking crackpot mental. GOG just got a few quid off me!
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I miss the times were jokes and black humour were seen as just that. Of course, it always have been stired up things, but to THAT extend like it does on Era? Holy
This isn't even black humor. This is the safest dad joke Ive ever seen. Its just a pun about games.


"I couldn't believe I got my ass shredded!" says man after slathering himself in blood and jumping into piranha tank.

Fact is, GOG fucked up. Some people are quite emotionally invested in that hashtag, and any misuse, or perceived misuse, will cause social backlash from them. Moreover, many of them are quite socially connected, so the story will be carried further by some media outlets.

What I really don't understand, is why GOG did it in the first place? That hashtag is a purely American affair. It has no international weight. Wagon-hitching to it, outrage inexistant, would've looked like 'soedji' try-hard-ism. Even without the furor, GOG would've come off as some edgelords trying to cash in on the new hotness. Non-American companies should stay away from trying to cash in with American hot button topics. And I say this as a non-American.

"It's just a joke, bro!" See, problem with that is, for some folks, it's not just not a joke, it's a direct insult. It would be like going to a German and saying "Bet your real grandpa was actually a Soviet soldier".
It literally brings no business advantage to GOG, merely disadvantages.
To iterate on the advantage/disadvantage thing, here's three cases. 1) GOG wagon-hitches to the hashtag (IRL): many socially-vocal people with emotional investment in said hashtag cause a stink; said stink carries over to media; media amplifies it, eventually causing GOG to lose some business. 2) GOG states something anti-Trump and in support of the people behind the hashtag (the opposite case): many socially-vocal people with strong "anti-SJW" views cause a stink; said stink eventually carries over to media, which amplifies it; GOG loses business. 3) GOG refrains from using any sort of 'trending' hashtags/social hot-buttons in their marketing; nobody cares, nobody's offended, business continues as usual.
I'm a relatively sociopathic guy IRL, so I don't do shit that doesn't directly benefit me in some way. I also avoid doing shit that directly causes me losses. And I can't for the life of me understand what GOG had to gain by wagon-hitching to this tarbaby of a topic.

GOG need to sack up and come up with a proper apology. "I'm sorry you feel that way" is not an apology and has never been a proper apology. A proper apology goes something like "we fucked up, we tried to raise some heat, we carelessly used words that some people are quite invested in, this stuff is not a joking matter for a bunch of people over there".
Why give them satisfaction, you ask? Because pecunia non olet. Their money is as good as any other's. For an international company it makes no sense to antagonize customers. Especially since GOG, unlike Steam, is nowhere near a major player in the market and needs all the public it can get.
Dumb shit like that is bad for business. I've long advocated for businesses to diminish their social media presence and engage their potential customers in more direct ways. And stop with the "how do you do, fellow kids" attempts at cheap heat.

I wrote this while pouring Tanqueray+Dubonnet in my sorry carcass, so it's pretty rambling.
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This isn't even black humor. This is the safest dad joke Ive ever seen. Its just a pun about games.

you mean insulting fans? if they don't apologize for hurting my feelings, I'm not buying Cyberpunk 2077, as how can I like the game if my feelings are hurt? Don't you know that twitter comments is the MOST important thing about gaming? /s
GOG need to sack up and come up with a proper apology.

Or what? They don’t need to do anything of the sort. They made a pun, sensitive people took it thick. It’s over now. The post is gone. Tomorrow someone will refuse to call a rainbow pretty on the news and we will have a new outrage to enjoy.
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Or what? They don’t need to do anything of the sort. They made a pun, sensitive people took it thick. It’s over now. The post is gone.
Because the furor will die much quicker with a handful extra electrons sent by GOG in a part of the internet. And those extra electrons mean more money for GOG. It's just good business.
Because the furor will die much quicker with a handful extra electrons sent by GOG in a part of the internet. And those extra electrons mean more money for GOG. It's just good business.

Isn’t that for them to decide? I’m sure if it was to affect their income enough that they feel that they need to apologise to the people doxxing and harassing their friend and colleague then that will be on them to decide. Clearly they decided against it. They have shown us exactly that they don’t need to beg forgiveness.
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Because the furor will die much quicker with a handful extra electrons sent by GOG in a part of the internet. And those extra electrons mean more money for GOG. It's just good business.
With normal people, maybe. What you dont get is that the last thing you should ever do against a SJW mob is ever apologize. That is the worst thing to do.

If you prove that you dont really give a fuck they move on to the next target. Their only power is trying to make people feel guilty with these insanely exaggerated and neverending grievances. When you show that you feel guilt its like showing a shark fresh blood.
If you prove that you dont really give a fuck they move on to the next target. Their only power is trying to make people feel guilty with these insanely exaggerated and neverending grievances. When you show that you feel guilt its like showing a shark fresh blood.

They made that mistake before, once bitten twice shy.
With normal people, maybe. What you dont get is that the last thing you should ever do against a SJW mob is ever apologize. That is the worst thing to do.

If you prove that you dont really give a fuck they move on to the next target. Their only power is trying to make people feel guilty with these insanely exaggerated and neverending grievances. When you show that you feel guilt its like showing a shark fresh blood.
The rainbow haired social justice queer brigade don't actually buy video games anyway, they just pretend to be indie game developers. Just ignore the outrage mob like you say. Sales will be fine.
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