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ChessGAF |OT| Tricks are for KIDs

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Welcome to the official NeoGAF thread for Chess players, Chess enthusiasts and everyone who is interested in the sport and art of Chess!


The earliest predecessor to the game we recognise as Chess today is Chaturanga, a board game that originated in India during the Gupta Empire (320-550 CE). Its ruleset shared many themes with the modern game, most importantly the role of the King as the crucial piece everything else revolves around. The piece movement was partially the same while the actual pieces had slightly different denotations (the most famous one being the Elephant which we now know as Bishop).

The game of Chaturanga inspired chess-like games across countless Asian countries, reaching Persia and, ultimately, Arabia where it evolved into Shatranj. It was this form of Chess that eventually made it over to Europe with Spain and England being early adopters of the game. At the end of the 15th century, the ruleset reached a state which can be considered close to final. The game did not undergo many signifcant changes from that point on.

It was also at this time that early analysis of the game emerged, primarily out of Southern Europe (Spain, Italy, Portugal). Important theoreticians include Luis Ramirez de Lucena, Pedro Damiano, Ruy López de Segura, Gioachino Greco and Guilio Cesare Polerio; names every chess player has heard in some context or another, whether it is in nomenclature of the opening or endgame.

The centre of Chess slowly shifted toward Central and Northern Europe, with France, Germany and England taking strong interest in the game. Chess became ubiquitous in the 18th and 19th century with the increased output in Chess literature and analysis, organising of correspondence matches and tournaments, the founding of Chess clubs and the publication of Chess problems in newspapers.

The first Chess tournament was organised by Howard Staunton in 1851, arguably heralding the modern era of Chess. The first officially recognised World Championship match occured in 1886 and was won by Wilhelm Steinitz. The Chess world has seen fifteen successors, as well as the founding of the Fédération Internationale des Échecs (FIDE) in 1924, since then.

World Chess Champions:

1. Wilhelm Steinitz (1886-1894)
2. Emanuel Lasker (1894-1921)
3. José Raúl Capablanca (1921-1927)
4. Alexander Aljechin (1927-1935, 1937-1946)
5. Max Euwe (1935-1937)
6. Mikhail Botvinnik (1948-1957, 1958-1960, 1961-1963)
7. Vasily Smyslov (1957-1958)
8. Mikhail Tal (1960-1961)
9. Tigran Petrosian (1963-1969)
10. Boris Spassky (1969-1972)
11. Bobby Fischer (1972-1975)
12. Anatoly Karpov (1975-1985)
13. Garry Kasparov (1985-2000)
14. Vladimir Kramnik (2000-2007)
15. Viswanathan Anand (2007-2013)
16. Magnus Carlsen (2013-present)


Coming soon!


With so many Chess sites out there, what follows is a selection of recommended training and news sites from yours truly.

Chessgames.com - Largest online database with a Game replayer. Lots of neat features like Game of the Day, Tactics Training, Guess-The-Move, Comment Sections, etc. Ongoing tournaments (the big ones, anyway) also rapidly get archived and discussed.

ChessBomb - Best site for live broadcasts of ongoing tournaments.

ChessPub - Most respected forum for discussion of opening theory. Several masters post on this board.

Chessvideos.tv - Extremely useful sites for a lot of things. Tons of free training videos, live blitz, etc. from masters and non-masters, an interactive Endgame trainer, a Diagram Generator and other stuff.

Live Chess Ratings - Top rating lists for Men and Women as well as Classic, Rapid and Blitz that are always up to date. Keep in mind that the FIDE only updates ratings on a monthly basis so if one player participated in a bunch of tournaments in one month, their official rating may not reflect recent developments.

The Week in Chess - The most important Chess magazine featuring articles from the world elite. Features a download section with database updates for recent tournaments, allowing you to update your Chess database without buying into Chessbase products.

Chessvibes - Probably the best Chess news site out there.

Chessbase - Definitely the most popular Chess news site out there.

Chesstempo - Free tactics training with a huge database plus some other neat training tools.

Herderschach - German only. Great selection of varied training material.

Chess Notes by Edward Winter - Insanely rich archive of Chess memorabilia and Chess-related finds of historical significance. Over 9000 entries at the moment, perfect for browsing, indispensable for research.

Chess Café - Articles, columns and other interesting features on Chess.

Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis YT channel - Saint Louis is the center of US Chess at the moment. The Chess School uploads every one of their lectures to YT, offering instructive material for all levels of (amateur) players. Hot tip: Ben Finegold's lectures are the best.

Greg Shahade's YT channel - Tons of instructional and/or entertaining Chess content by IM Greg Shahade.

Chess 24 - Analysis and Live Blitz in English and German featuring strong players, including popular commentators like Jan Gustafsson and Lawrence Trent.


A very personal and very tiny selection of books on general strategy, openings, endgames, etc. If you have questions about specific books or authors (mentioned or not mentioned here), feel free to ask in the thread. I will expand the list over time but it can obviously never be complete.

Aaron Nimzowitch - My System and Praxis of My System - Classic books on strategy as conceived by Tarrasch's biggest adversary. A lot of revolutionary ideas especially concering the concept of pawn structure and blockade. Still relevant today, and of significant historical interest.

Bobby Fischer - My 60 Memorable Games - One of the greatest players of all-time analyses and reminisces about his games and life in chess.

Mark Dvoretsky - Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual - Endgame Bible would be a more accurate title. A comprehensive book for beginner and super GM alike.

Garry Kasparov - My Great Predecessors 1-5 - Kasparov analyses games of former World Champions and the ones that were good enough (but also unlucky enough) to miss out on the title. Groundbreaking analysis at the time.

David Bronstein - Zurich International Chess Tournament, 1953 - The granddaddy of fantastic tournament books. Bronstein (speaking of unofficial World Champions) analyses every game that was played in one of the strongest tournaments of all-time (and that he participated), featuring virtually every player from the era's elite.

Rudolf Spielmann - The Art of Sacrifice - A book on attacking chess by one of the greatest attacking players in history.

Mikhail Tal - The Life and Games of Mikhail Tal - See above. The 'magician' himself commentates on his career. Must-read.

Alexei Shirov - Fire On Board 1 & 2 - Concluding the small block of books on attacking chess, these modern classics by the Tal of the '90s and oughts are pure bliss.

Bent Larsen - Bent Larsen's Best Games: Fighting Chess with the Great Dane - One of the greatest players that never got the crown commentates on his life in chess, giving a very personal account of his career and simultaneously illuminating an entire era of chess. An absolutely marvelous book by a wonderfully creative player, finally available in its complete form.

Ray Cheng - Practical Chess Exercises - An assortment of exercises ranging from tactics to strategy with emphasis on practical usability. A great book for newcomers to the game and advanced players alike.

Andrei Volokitin - Perfect Your Chess - A modern classic for Chess exercises. The counterpart to Cheng as this is only to be recommended for players of an advanced level and upwards, all the way to GM even. It shares the practical focus, however, offering three different types of exercises: 'Find the best move', Find the winning move' as well as 'Questions & Answers' wherein you have to deal with specific inquiries pertinent to the position.


A heavily curated list featuring the most respected Online Chess sites that I can safely recommend. Your mileage may vary, of course, and with the hundreds of Online Chess sites out there, you will probably find the right one to suit your tastes.

Chess.com - Online and Correspondence Chess

Internet Chess Club - Requires paid subscription. Most respectable site for Live Chess with the highest contingent of masters.

Chesscube - Uses fake currency system. Possibly the best site for bullet. Fast-paced Warzone tournaments.

Free Internet Chess Server - Requires desktop client. Supports variants like bughouse, tournaments, etc.

Lichess.org - Relatively new. Offers some interesting variants and the site is still in flux, adapting to user feedback.



(26-06-15) Topalov emerges victorious out of the immensely strong Super-GM tournament in Norway wth 6.5/9. In second place, Nakamura and Anand with 6 points each. On the other end of the spectrum, the World Champion had a desastrous performance, with only 3.5 points after a 0.5/4 start.

Game of the tournament: Anand - Carlsen 1-0

(26-04-15) The first Gashimov Memorial was won by Carlsen with 7 points followed by Anand with 6 points. The tournament offered plenty of interesting chess with a lot of decisive results.

Game of the tournament: Anand - So 1-0

(27-02-15) The new FIDE cycle is in full swing, with the first Grand Prix tourney of the new season in Tbilisi already at an end. The winner is Tomashevsky with a full 1.5 point lead followed by Jakovenko with 6 points.

Game of the tournament: Radjabov - Grischuk 1-0

(19-02-15) Nakamura wins the Zürich Chess Challenge on overall points (Classical, Rapid, Blitz)

Game of the tournament: Anand - Aronian 1-0

(09-02-15) Carlsen wins the GRENKE Chess Classic after beating Naiditisch (both 4.5/7) in the Armaggedon games.

Game of the tournament: Naiditsch - Carlsen 1-0

(25-01-15) Carlsen wins the 77th edition of the tournament in Wijk an Zee with 9/13, followed by four players with 8.5/13!

(10-01-15) The first round of the 77th Tata Steel Chess Tournament in Wijk aan Zee started today. This tournament is one of the oldest Super GM tournaments that's still going strong every year. The participants in the Masters category include Magnus Carlsen, Fabiano Caruana, Levon Aronian, Yifan Hou, Vassily Ivanchuk, Anish Giri, et al.

Game of round 1: Vachier-Lagrave - Hou 1-0

Game of round 2: Caruana - Saric 1-0

Game of round 3: Ivanchuk - van Wely 1-0

Game of round 4: Radjabov - Liren 0-1

Game of round 5: Wojtaszek - Caruana 1-0

Game of round 6: Caruana - Carlsen 0-1

Game of round 7: Saric - Jobava 0-1

Game of round 8: Ivanchuk - So 0-1

Game of round 9: Caruana - Hou 1/2-1/2

Game of round 10: van Wely - Hou 1-0

Game of round 11: Giri - So 1-0

Game of round 12: Aronian - Liren 0-1


Beginner Level - White to move


Intermediate Level - Black to move


Advanced Level - White to move


Archive: B1; I1; A1; B2; I2; A2


Beginner Level - Elementary Endgames I

a) Mate with K+Q vs. K

b) Mate with K+2R vs. K

c) Mate with K+R vs. K

The second thing every student learns after being introduced to the rules of the game is mating with the major pieces.

a) For King and Queen, I linked to the CVTV trainer. Try and figure out how to do it on your own first. You can always ask questions in the thread if you get stuck. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you can never mate with one piece alone. Never. Since you only have two left, you'll have to activate both King and Queen to finish the job.

b) For two Rooks, I linked to a text tutorial on how to do the so-called 'stepladder method'. This is the easiest mate to accomplish so you shouldn't have any difficulties. You're slowly forcing the king to the back rank by taking away subsequent rows. By having the rooks on open lines, you'll avoid having your Rooks stepping on each others' toes.

c) For King and one Rook, I linked to a video explaining the process. The mating pattern also serves as an introduction to the crucial concept of Opposition. Be sure to put your newfound knowledge to the test.

Intermediate Level - Opening I

The Scotch Four Knights Game is a great weapon for beginners looking to lay the foundation for a feasible White repertoire without resorting to formulaic setups 'against everything' like the KIA (King's Indian Attack). The opening arises after:

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. d4


The main line (keep in mind there are several interesting and/or bad deviations at every turn) continues 4..exd4 5. Nxd4 Bb4 By far the most logical move, putting pressure on e4 by way of the pin and preparing castling.


6. Nxc6 bxc6 7. Bd3 d5 Everything else would be too passive for Black.


8. exd5 cxd5 9. 0-0 0-0 10. Bg5 c6 Black defends against the threat of Bxf6 and Nxd5.


This is where the main line splits. Several moves have been tried here for White, the most important choices being 11. Qf3, 11. Ne2 and 11. Na4. Let's talk a bit about the characteristics of the position. White has achieved a playable middlegame position with maybe the slightest of advantages. While Black would not have any problems holding the balance in this position on higher levels, on lower levels it will be infinitely advantageous to be comfortable with the position and be familiar with the White plans going forward. White possesses the better pawn structure (two vs. three pawn islands) while Black has a better central presence to show for it. White's bishops are slightly more active at the moment and Black will have to deal with the pin on the Nf6 sooner or later. As the branching paths here indicate, White can go for several plans in this position, not the least of which including an undermining of the centre with c4, either splitting up the centre leaving behind a weak c6-pawn, d5-pawn or separating the two pawns in case the Black pawn advances to d4.

Sample games: Rublevsky-Novik, 1990; Lautier-Moreno, 1992; Rowe-Roggensack, 2014; Morozevich-Karjakin, 2014

Bibliography (Kenilworthian)

Advanced Level

Coming Soon!


That's all for now, folks! Please don't hesitate to ask any question, at all, that you might have. We can talk openly about everything Chess-related in here so let's do just that. Needless to say, suggestions for any part of the OP, whether brought up in the thread or via PM, are welcome (encouraged, in fact!). Some sections are incomplete right now but I really wanted to gauge interest, average player level and all that first. The OP is supposed to be reflective of ChessGAF's desiderata, after all. Lastly, don't forget that the thread can serve as a place to find an opponent for a friendly GAF match.

Huge thanks to kubus for designing the awesome headers!
Awesome thread!

By your dates though:

11. Bobby Fischer (1972-19759

Bobby Fischer is still the Chess overlord... and also ageless.


I've been wanting to master or attempt to master an analog game of skill. Chess, poker, bridge, but boy do I suck at chess.


I played a lot of chess during elementary school and the beginning of highschool but never got very deep into chess theory since I unfortunately wasn't really interested in it at that time.

I watched some games of the last 2 world championships and found them very entertaining although I didn't really understand the strategies the commentators were talking about. Recently played some chess matches online and tried to get into chess opening theory/general chess strategy but I must admit that I was really overwhelmed by the amount of literature on it.

That being said, thanks for the great OT daydreaming and the list of recommended chess literature. I'll go through the list at the next opportunity! Maybe reading and posting in this thread will motivate me to play more :p


Great thread!
I can only play at a very amateur level which in my experience means being able to win against all my relatives (so nobody wants to play with me anymore), but never having a chance against people that actually know something about the game (or never being able to beat a CPU that's not set to idiotic levels).
I also wasn't able to find the solutions to those chess problems in the "tactics corner"...yet.


Awesome thread!

By your dates though:

11. Bobby Fischer (1972-19759

Bobby Fischer is still the Chess overlord... and also ageless.

Ha, fixed, thanks!

I played a lot of chess during elementary school and the beginning of highschool but never got very deep into chess theory since I unfortunately wasn't really interested in it at that time.

I watched some games of the last 2 world championships and found them very entertaining although I didn't really understand the strategies the commentators were talking about. Recently played some chess matches online and tried to get into chess opening theory/general chess strategy but I must admit that I was really overwhelmed by the amount of literature on it.

That being said, thanks for the great OT daydreaming and the list of recommended chess literature. I'll go through the list at the next opportunity! Maybe reading and posting in this thread will motivate me to play more :p

The literature I listed isn't exactly newcomer-oriented, I must point out. I think you can (and should) definitely read Nimzovitch but the other stuff might be too complicated for you still (Spielmann might also be ok). Instead, try stuff like The Sorcerer's Apprentice by Bronstein or The Step's Method (series of tactics booklets by Brunia and van Wijgerden). They're the current hotness in scholastic chess at the moment and a great tactics course for beginners.

Apart from being firm in the rules and basic endgames, the highest priority for beginners should definitely be tactics, tactics, tactics. That is how 100% of the games on your level are decided. Going for openings first is a classic mistake that won't get you very far (or make the road bumpier than necessary, at least). I know it's tempting to delve into the rich field of opening theory but as a beginner, you should concentrate on other things first. There's plenty of time to work out a repertoire after that.
I don't know much about chess but how come kids as young as 13-14 can beat trained, adult champions? How come 90% of the top champions are Russian? And why are they all men?


I don't know much about chess but how come kids as young as 13-14 can beat trained, adult champions? And how come 90% of the top champions are Russian?

Age doesn't help when you're facing strong moves, is the gist (and beauty) of it.

Chess was huge in the Soviet Union with talents being pushed to their extremes 24/7. Their whole life was chess, basically. Chess has remained very popular after the fall of the Iron Curtain but you can easily see that the top players in the world aren't predominantly Russian anymore. In fact, Grischuk and Kramnik are the only Russians in the top 10 at the moment.

This reminded me to put a link to the Live Ratings list in the OP so thanks for that.

And why are they all men?

Well, I think you can figure out how that came about, historically. That said, women are becoming stronger and stronger, and Yifan Hou (reigning WC) has been one of my favourite players since she took Women's Chess by storm.

There's also Queen Judit (Polgar), of course - the only female Chess player before Yifan who competed in Men's events and was part of the world elite. Legendary player, love her. Her backstory is well-known and very interesting, everyone should read up on it.


Thanks for making the thread! I am not sure if I will get around to the challenges soon, but I subscribed to the thread and am happy to have them here. :)


I have a few old chess books here from when I still played regularly. I still think about picking it up from time to time but I never do. I wasted money on Chessmaster and Spyglass for the Xbox360, barely played either one more than a few times.

Does Yahoo Chess still exist? I played a lot of that last century.


The literature I listed isn't exactly newcomer-oriented, I must point out. I think you can (and should) definitely read Nimzovitch but the other stuff might be too complicated for you still (Spielmann might also be ok). Instead, try stuff like The Sorcerer's Apprentice by Bronstein or The Step's Method (series of tactics booklets by Brunia and van Wijgerden). They're the current hotness in scholastic chess at the moment and a great tactics course for beginners.

Apart from being firm in the rules and basic endgames, the highest priority for beginners should definitely be tactics, tactics, tactics. That is how 100% of the games on your level are decided. Going for openings first is a classic mistake that won't get you very far (or make the road bumpier than necessary, at least). I know it's tempting to delve into the rich field of opening theory but as a beginner, you should concentrate on other things first. There's plenty of time to work out a repertoire after that.

That's good to know. I'll check out the stuff you listed then, thanks! :)

I've taken a look at the Beginner's chess problem in the tactics corner and my proposed solution would be
Rxe5 and threaten Nf7+ in the next move?


That's good to know. I'll check out the stuff you listed then, thanks! :)

I've taken a look at the Beginner's chess problem in the tactics corner and my proposed solution would be
Rxe5 and threaten Nf7+ in the next move?

Well done!
Rxe5 is removing the defender of f7 where White can land a (family) fork if Black recaptures.

Follow-up task: Imagine it was Black's move in the intial position and find the best move!


And why are they all men?

Daydreaming gave you a good answer.

I don't play or follow chess but one thing I do like about it is that even if there are categories for women in tournaments there is nothing stopping a woman from playing in the open category except for talent\ranking(?), unlike in other "real sports".

At least that's my uniformed impression, so if I got anything wrong someone more informed is welcome to correct me.


Well done!
Rxe5 is removing the defender of f7 where White can land a (family) fork if Black recaptures.

Follow-up task: Imagine it was Black's move in the intial position and find the best move!

I was thinking of Rf8 to defend f7. White could play Ne6 next which could be answered by Qf6?


I was thinking of Rf8 to defend f7. White could play Ne6 next which could be answered by Qf6?

Ha, that is interesting that you spot the pattern in one instance but not the other. :) Rf8 loses a piece but I can't tell you why since it would give away part of the solution.

Edit: Added a replayer link to my 'game of the round' now that the games went up on CG. A complicated middle-game in Yifan's favourite French.


That's a great OT. I've been meaning to get back into playing chess, I just got a set for Christmas, should see if any of my friends still play, it used to be pretty fun.


Wonderful OT daydreaming! :D.

I feel horrible for not even knowing the rules for Chess (although I did learn quite a lot about the different pieces when I made the ot banners), so I subscribed to this thread hoping to learn a lot! Unfortunately my studies make it nearly impossible to find free time to do anything with it, but ah well.

Also I was surprised to read that there's a tournament at Wijk aan Zee. Had no idea such a thing was going on in my country :).


The OT is finally here and its glorious! Nice timing with Wijk aan Zee kicking off today. The game between So and Wojtaszek makes for an interesting end game study. Also there was the neat c6 tactic in the Saric / Aronian game. It is a shame he missed it.


24. c6...Rxd1, 25. Rxd1...Rxd1, 26. cxb7 And there is no way to stop the pawn. The a pawn would probably even end up pushing as well after the bishop gets rid of the defending knight on b5,


What's the best Android app for chess?

I use 3:

1. Chessbase is a 10 dollar app that gives you access to the cloud database of practically every game ever played. It's great for studying. Also you can use any UCI engine to analyze and it has up to date opening books.

2. Chess (by Jeroen Carolus) lets you play on the free internet chess server which is nice. It also has a computer and tactics parts but I don't use them

3. Shredder Chess is a paid app that has a decent engine which adapts its strength to play to your level. Also the tactics trainer is decent.

The Play Magnus app is out on android now but I haven't tried it yet.


Glad you like the thread, jchap!

24. c6! would indeed have been nice, quite a chance for Saric. It should be pointed out that after the simple 24..bxc6, White just pounds on the newly created weaknesses on the c-file with 25. Rc1, giving him a healthy advantage.


*Subs to thread*

I need to get back into playing chess. I suck so hard at it and I'm hoping for the day that I can atleast mate in the game.


Ha, that is interesting that you spot the pattern in one instance but not the other. :) Rf8 loses a piece but I can't tell you why since it would give away part of the solution.

Edit: Added a replayer link to my 'game of the round' now that the games went up on CG. A complicated middle-game in Yifan's favourite French.

Hm.... Qd7 then? Followed by Qd3 g6 Re8+ Rxe8?
Was thinking about Kg8 as well but didn't seem to be too much better? Or maybe I am missing something else entirely :(


Hm.... Qd7 then? Followed by Qd3 g6 Re8+ Rxe8?
Was thinking about Kg8 as well but didn't seem to be too much better? Or maybe I am missing something else entirely :(

Look for the same type of tactic that let you win with white. You will win with a big fork at the end.

About a few games I've played today: I recently picked back up Marc Esserman's book on the smith-morra and it inspired me to throw out unsound sacrifices all afternoon. This is the particular position I had in two games against the same fellow today and on both occasions I threw the knight into the fire. The computer thinks its bad (it probably is) but I got great attacking positions in both the games:


An example:

10. Nd5?!...exd5
11. exd5+...Ne7
12. Bf4...Qb6
13. Rac1...Nd7
14. Bb3...Nc5
15. Be3...Bg4
16. Bxc5...dxc5
17. d6...Rd8+-

The second game I got a winning position and blundered it away in time trouble :(

In Smith-Morra and many Open Sicilian positions the d5 knight sacrifice is really interesting. Those interested should definitely check out the book: Mayhem in the Morra. Aside from being very instructive, it is written in a humorous fashion. There are many better (not unsound) examples in the book.


It's a fantastic book, for sure. Major step up from Morra books before it (Langrock & co.). Elicited complete reevaluations of almost every key line. Worth picking up for everyone, even non-e4 players.

I know a student of Marc's and he told me that a second edition is in the works (although that was almost a year ago; seems like they're really going to properly update it). I could think of some lines, both accepted and declined, that would benefit from it.
In that "advanced strategy" puzzle, my inclination is Nxh7. Maybe I just love sacrificing pieces too much, but I don't think black can protect itself against the incoming onslaught of Rx and the Bishop changing its alignment to cover g7. Not without saccing the queen.

I used to play a lot of USCF back in middle school. Got to ~1730 before I quit because it stopped became more stressful than fun.

Does Internet Chess Club no longer do Guest accounts?


In that "advanced strategy" puzzle, my inclination is Nxh7. Maybe I just love sacrificing pieces too much, but I don't think black can protect itself against the incoming onslaught of Rx and the Bishop changing its alignment to cover g7. Not without saccing the queen.

I used to play a lot of USCF back in middle school. Got to ~1730 before I quit because it stopped became more stressful than fun.

Does Internet Chess Club no longer do Guest accounts?

They have free trials. Not sure about guest accounts but I recommend lichess.org instead if you wanna play unrated games as a guest.

Your instinct is incorrect btw, there's no real continuation after your sacrifice. Black will have adequate defensive resources with B+N.

Here's a hint for the Advanced puzzle:
Double deflection


nice thread! ahh, i miss playing chess. i wish i could play chess casually but i stopped playing when i started getting into poker, and i guess i'm too competitive just to play for fun.


Look for the same type of tactic that let you win with white. You will win with a big fork at the end.

Hm.. thx for the tip. The bit I am struggling with is Black's best response to Rxe5. I could see a fork opportunity for White if Black would play Qf6 followed by Rf1 from White. White threatens to play Nf7+ in case the black queen or rook take the white rook on e5. But this can't be the best response for Black, right? Or am I missing your point entirely and you meant that Black will win with a fork at the end?


Hm.. thx for the tip. The bit I am struggling with is Black's best response to Rxe5. I could see a fork opportunity for White if Black would play Qf6 followed by Rf1 from White. White threatens to play Nf7+ in case the black queen or rook take the white rook on e5. But this can't be the best response for Black, right? Or am I missing your point entirely and you meant that Black will win with a fork at the end?

It's a two-mover. The position from the White side featured a removal of the defender followed by a fork. If it was Black's move, he could win with the same sequence of motifs.

Always look for weak and tender squares. Also, a fun way to practice the Knight's movement is the Knight's Tour. Kids love this game btw, always had fun playing it in a scholastic environment. For a two player version, you just need two knights and buttons or backgammon chips. You mark the squares you moved to with your knight (taking turns) and the first to run out of moves loses.


Are there any decent free Chess browsers?

Not sure what a Chess browser is. Do you mean Chess programs in general? If so, then yes, there are quite a lot of useful ones. I'm probably gonna compile a list soon and add it to the training resources in the OP. For handling of databases, analysis, etc. I recommend SCID.


It's a two-mover. The position from the White side featured a removal of the defender followed by a fork. If it was Black's move, he could win with the same sequence of motifs.

I just realized that you said that I should imagine that it was Black's turn in the initial position. The whole time I thought that your task was to predict Black's move after White has already played Rxe5. No wonder I couldn't find anything -.-
Now the answer is obvious: Qxg5

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Not sure what a Chess browser is. Do you mean Chess programs in general? If so, then yes, there are quite a lot of useful ones. I'm probably gonna compile a list soon and add it to the training resources in the OP. For handling of databases, analysis, etc. I recommend SCID.

Sorry, that was very clear on a second read through! Free internet browser games that basically won't pump my computer full of malware. No one I know really plays, so I don't get a chance to keep my hand in. Plus, I'm a stingy bugger.


I just realized that you said that I should imagine that it was Black's move in the initial position. The whole time I thought that your task was to predict Black's move after White has already played Qxe5. No wonder I couldn't find anything -.-
Now the answer is obvious: Qxg5

Ah, my bad. It's unusual to look at Chess problems from both sides so I should have made it more clear. Solution is, of course, correct! On to the Advanced problem. :p (I will add an Intermediate one soon, don't you worry!)

Sorry, that was very clear on a second read through! Free internet browser games that basically won't pump my computer full of malware. No one I know really plays, so I don't get a chance to keep my hand in. Plus, I'm a stingy bugger.

Gotcha. Well I linked to five sites in the OP ('Playing Chess Online') so try out the ones that are browser only (Chesscube, lichess, chess.com). If you're interested in a specific website's reputation that I haven't listened - as I mentioned, there are a lot of viable ones -, feel free to ask anytime.


Ah, my bad. It's unusual to look at Chess problems from both sides so I should have made it more clear. Solution is, of course, correct! On to the Advanced problem. :p (I will add an Intermediate one soon, don't you worry!)

Hm... Qh4 seems to be a very strong move to me. Threatening mate with Qh7++. Black could respond with Nf6 but White could then play Nb6 and at least exchange his knight for a rook and a pawn?
h6 didn't seem like it would turn out too great for black either.


Updated the tactics section with a third puzzle and some more explanation (notice the neutral wording for the Advanced puzzle).

Also letting you know that Round 3 started!

In that "advanced strategy" puzzle, my inclination is Nxh7. Maybe I just love sacrificing pieces too much, but I don't think black can protect itself against the incoming onslaught of Rx and the Bishop changing its alignment to cover g7. Not without saccing the queen.

So, I revisited your solution and I think it does actually work out in the long run. It's not the intended solution since there are several better ways that end the game quicker whereas precision is still required after 1. Nxh7. So, partial credit!

Hm... Qh4 seems to be a very strong move to me. Threatening mate with Qh7++. Black could respond with Nf6 but White could then play Nb6 and at least exchange his knight for a rook and a pawn?
h6 didn't seem like it would turn out too great for black either.

This is the second best move, for sure. Black's position is so rotten that a lot of moves win. I've swapped it out for a different one and moved this one down to Intermediate since there are a lot of correct answers. But yeah, after something like
1. Qh4 h6 2. Nxe6, Black is getting destroyed.
Notice how Black's QS and KS are cut off from each other. So, the cleanest win is actually
a double deflection, like I hinted at above. It goes 1. Nb6!! Nxb6 2. Rc7 and I'll let you figure out the mate after ..Qxc7 3. Qxe6+. ;)
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