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Clinton aides blame loss on FBI, media, sexism, Bernie, everything but themselves

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No, just lazy. Like half this country. Didn't get enough motivation to go to the polls on election night. Oh well.

Candidates need to earn votes. Clinton was entitled and tone deaf.

You need a clearer message than vote for because I"m a woman.

What's funny is that Obama had the playbook.

He never brought up his minority status and he appealed to the Rust Belt. Nor did he demean half of the electorate.

Hubris, entitlement, and tone deafness will characterize the Clinton campaign for decades.


Rip, insightful first post:
This is a problematic attitude that simultaneously fails to recognize reality (yes they are part of America too) and denies a fundamental belief in redemption and the ability of people to change for the better. Categorizing people as irredeemable, or reducing them to their worst elements, is itself a cancer.

He was battered hard.

Also, holy shit at some of the posts.

Wasn't there some poll where something like 20% of Trump Supporters disagreed with freeing the slaves? So, nearly half of that half is practically the KKK.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I think people need to take a step back right now and think about what they are writing and how that comes across to people who are really fucking scared because of this election.

I know you don't mean it, but between the people wanting to disenfranchise the south, and the people deciding that black votes don't matter as long as you get working class whites, and "economic anxiety", this is not a healthy conversation right now.

Bluntly speaking: not having this conversation means that Trump wins in 2020, and that's an even shittier situation for minorities. There is no perfect world here. We work with what we have. Racial justice isn't going to happen without building a coalition. This is a conversation we have to have.

The more we win, the more education reforms we put in place, the better the economy becomes, the more dignities we restore - the more white working class voters are going to want to vote for a party that *also* has as its mission racial justice. But right now, Maledict, there sect focusing on ideological purity in politics is you.


They'll give her 5 seconds if she really is going up there. She's like a bad nightmare now. Oh GOD, I hope she has NOTHING to do with the 2020 DNC.

These are hot takes 48 hours after an election. Just a year or two of a Trump presidency are going to rehabilitate HRC's image in remarkable ways. I've seen this movie before.


These are hot takes 48 hours after an election. Just a year or two of a Trump presidency are going to rehabilitate HRC's image in remarkable ways. I've seen this movie before.

Who cares?

Losing this election is gonna have bigger ramifications for more people than rehabilitating HRC's image, which helps no one but her.


Candidates need to earn votes. Clinton was entitled and tone deaf.

You need a clearer message than vote for because I"m a woman.

What's funny is that Obama had the playbook.

He never brought up his minority status and he appealed to the Rust Belt. Nor did he demean half of the electorate.

Hubris, entitlement, and tone deafness will characterize the Clinton campaign for decades.

As if Trump himself didn't have an air of entitlement about him.


It kinda palpable online. Outside of here, I never saw any big support in engaged online communities for her.
It was an echo chamber on neogaf.

More people here complained that Bernie wasn't raising money for down ballot dems than complained about Hillary calling half the country horrible people. That was something that now a president trump will probably say on Twitter everyday after seeing the news.

Part of me thinks that her campaign office being in Brooklyn was also part of the problem. Yeah it was close to where she lives but I can't help but think half the people there thought the concerns of anyone who didn't fit into a minority group just didn't matter so why bother campaigning in flyover states.

Why campaign in Pennsylvania when they can win Georgia? Why bother meeting with local union leaders when she and her fasion buddy Huma can go to a fashionista fundraiser?

Ultimately the blame will go on to Hillary being so closed off from society with her trusting so few aides. All of the democrats that won the presidency since 76 relied on a working class white vote or at least not completely giving up on it.

Her campaign will blame outside factors but ultimately the canidate was flawed and many who feel economically hurt by the system saw a system bend over backwards to make sure Hillary had the nom.

Just think that we had a 2nd primary with her where superdelegates became an issue because of a populist candidate.


Bluntly speaking: not having this conversation means that Trump wins in 2020, and that's an even shittier situation for minorities. There is no perfect world here. We work with what we have. Racial justice isn't going to happen without building a coalition.

The more we win, the more education reforms we put in place, the better the economy becomes, the more dignities we restore - the more white working class voters are going to want to vote for a party that *also* has as its mission racial justice. But right now, Maledict, there sect focusing on ideological purity in politics is you.

I agree things need to change. Clearly so.

But posting about trading off black voters for the white voters who stood by whilst america elected a racist facist is not a good idea. It comes across as unbelievably arrogant / insulting.

I think the party needs to stop trying to do a post-mortem two days after the election before we have the actual numbers, and then needs to do the work to figure out 2018 and 2020. I think one of the clearest things has to be about messaging and a focus on jobs in the rust belt, which was present in Obama's elections and missing completely from Hillary's.

But right now, the views of people in this thread and the others are fucking terrifying. People are effectively preaching for the return of Jim Crow laws to stop black democrats votes counting in the south. You're trading them off in return for the people they see as either voting for a racist, or staying at home and ignoring the impact of a racist.

EDIT: Have said this befor,e but I think amidst your usual excellent analysis, you're flaw is that you treat politics as too "transnational" sometimes. It's not a strategy game. You can't just lower black vote here and raise white vote there and think that's okay because the numbers balance better. Clearly Clinton was a bad candidate who lost, but equally Bernie was a bad candidate who lost due to an absolute failure in the black community. The democrats need to look again at Obama in 2008 and 2012 and relearn what he did. (For one thing, use your messaging to hammer Trump on jobs and economy, not a blunderbuss of every single thing he's ever done wrong thata lot of people unfortunately don't care about).


As if Trump himself didn't have an air of entitlement about him.

This is losertalk. Sorry.

Not from you personally. But always bringing up Trump's gaffes and issues, deplorable, racists, etc., will prevent any critical self examination that will help the next Democratic ticket.

She got beat by an orange buffoon. Let's learn from this.


These are hot takes 48 hours after an election. Just a year or two of a Trump presidency are going to rehabilitate HRC's image in remarkable ways. I've seen this movie before.

I'm gonna make this real clear for all you Hillary supporters out there.


You have all the fingerprints of NAFTA, along with 30 years of trumped up scandals, along with the fact that she comes off as an arrogant elite to blue collar workers in the midwest. Sprinkle in some good ol fashioned sexism and you have an unelectable candidate in just about every non-coastal state.

No amount of rehabilitation is going to fix that. And if you think Chelsea's going to be any better in 10 years, you got another thing coming.

I agree things need to change. Clearly so.

But posting about trading off black voters for the white voters who stood by whilst america elected a racist facist is not a good idea. It comes across as unbelievably arrogant / insulting.

I think the party needs to stop trying to do a post-mortem two days after the election before we have the actual numbers, and then needs to do the work to figure out 2018 and 2020. I think one of the clearest things has to be about messaging and a focus on jobs in the rust belt, which was present in Obama's elections and missing completely from Hillary's.

But right now, the views of people in this thread and the others are fucking terrifying. People are effectively preaching for the return of Jim Crow laws to stop black democrats votes counting in the south. You're trading them off in return for the people they see as either voting for a racist, or staying at home and ignoring the impact of a racist.

I believe you can both promote social equality and pander the middle class white America. Sanders did it in every debate by talking about free education, healthcare, and raising the minimum wage while condemning the racist remarks of the right and promoting LBGTQ rights directly.

Honestly I don't know what he could have done to win the primary. He was going up against the Coca-Cola of the Democratic party with a convention that was actively sabotaging his chances. I'm not going to blame the minority vote for going with the candidate they established a relationship for 30 years, but I am going to blame the primary system that actively promotes voter suppression and the media for reinforcing that suppression.


I agree things need to change. Clearly so.

But posting about trading off black voters for the white voters who stood by whilst america elected a racist facist is not a good idea. It comes across as unbelievably arrogant / insulting.

I think the party needs to stop trying to do a post-mortem two days after the election before we have the actual numbers, and then needs to do the work to figure out 2018 and 2020. I think one of the clearest things has to be about messaging and a focus on jobs in the rust belt, which was present in Obama's elections and missing completely from Hillary's.

But right now, the views of people in this thread and the others are fucking terrifying. People are effectively preaching for the return of Jim Crow laws to stop black democrats votes counting in the south. You're trading them off in return for the people they see as either voting for a racist, or staying at home and ignoring the impact of a racist.
Hyperbole the post.
No one said that, you're misinterpreting his analysis.
Also I think Bernie would have done better with minorities once he was the candidate with more recognition and coverage of his message.
He actually cared.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member

I agree with some of this. Like, trying to disenfranchise southern states in the Democratic primary is beyond the pale; Democrats are Democrats regardless of where they live. But as I said to pigeon: this isn't about 'trading' black votes for white votes. That's a ridiculous dichotomy that explains why you lost. It's about recognising that the Democratic party has to do different things for different people. The Democratic Party should *never*, *ever* abandon racial justice as a cause. It is a fundamental right that we owe every person of colour that their dignities are respected and they are treated with the equality of another human being. Nevertheless, when you're trying to win disaffected white guys in Wisconsin, they don't give a shit about that. It's not that they disagree with it - they probably just don't care either way - but that isn't what gets them to vote. It seems to me Clinton had absolutely nothing to say to these disaffected white working class voters. That's why she lost.


I stopped short of predicting a Trump victory because I thought the odds were somewhat low, but I've been extremely wary of Hillary's toxic image, political apathy, liberal smugness, democratic complacency, America's deeply hidden racism and the party's utter failure to do anything else but preaching to the choir while the GOP was closing its ranks around American's prophet of neofascism. All of that rests on Clinton's campain. Racists didn't win the election; she handed them the victory.

Time and time again I've been told here and in other places that America wouldn't allow Trump a victory and that I was diablos'ing hard. I'm sure those people didn't mean ill, but look where we are now.

I'm also particularly enraged by how cheery were Hillary supporters during the whole deplorable incident. That was a complete PR cock-up. It galvanized Trump's camp, bothered undecideds and made Hillary look like a vehemently divisive candidate.

Damn. Hindsight. Hubris. It's all painful now.


Rodent Whores
But posting about trading off black voters for the white voters who stood by whilst america elected a racist facist is not a good idea. It comes across as unbelievably arrogant / insulting.

But right now, the views of people in this thread and the others are fucking terrifying. People are effectively preaching for the return of Jim Crow laws to stop black democrats votes counting in the south. You're trading them off in return for the people they see as either voting for a racist, or staying at home and ignoring the impact of a racist.

If that's the takeaway you're getting from this, you need to rethink it. It's not an active trade with the intention of fucking over minorities. This isn't a zero sum game.


If that's the takeaway you're getting from this, you need to rethink it. It's not an active trade with the intention of fucking over minorities. This isn't a zero sum game.

It is when people are literally saying that democrats in the deep south shouldn't vote, or that policies which would lead to a drop in the black vote are worth doing if it raises the white vote.


They need to take some blame but the media literally devoted more time to her emails than every other issue combined. There was literally a Russian intelligence operation designed to take her down.
Yeah, plus the friggin director of the FBI.

There's also the die hard Bernie Sanders supporters that, after he dropped out, decided to instead support people that held diametrically oppressed opposed policy positions to their chosen candidate. They knew they weren't going to suffer as bad as minorities under Trump. They're going to do alright regardless of who was elected.

I know it's cute now to say that all of the blame lies with Hillary but that's nothing but a deflection.

All of these contributed.
The fact that the righting is on the wall about how and why they lost, and that they are still arguing is amazing.

You blew it. You fucked up. You cost millions of people everything. Now come out, apologize, and own that shit. Continuing to point fingers and cry isn't going to change anything, it's not going to make anyone feel better, and it's not going to help for the future.


I agree with some of this. Like, trying to disenfranchise southern states in the Democratic primary is beyond the pale; Democrats are Democrats regardless of where they live. But as I said to pigeon: this isn't about 'trading' black votes for white votes. That's a ridiculous dichotomy that explains why you lost. It's about recognising that the Democratic party has to do different things for different people. The Democratic Party should *never*, *ever* abandon racial justice as a cause. It is a fundamental right that we owe every person of colour that their dignities are respected and they are treated with the equality of another human being. Nevertheless, when you're trying to win disaffected white guys in Wisconsin, they don't give a shit about that. It's not that they disagree with it - they probably just don't care either way - but that isn't what gets them to vote. It seems to me Clinton had absolutely nothing to say to these disaffected white working class voters. That's why she lost.

I do think Clinton ultimately ended up campaigning too much on "he's bad" and not enough on "I'm good". I think she missed the jobs / economy thing by a mile, and tried to send too many messages on too many fronts instead of honing in on one thing.

Look at 2012. Obama won the rust belt by turning Romney into a plutocrat who liked firing people. At no stage did Clinton's campaign do that - she dropped a one-liner in her debate about it, but they should have learnt from 2012 and had a single, focused message for all of summer in those states.


Rip, insightful first post:

He was battered hard.

He was completely right, he expressed it clearly and with education, and he got lynched for it (and banned, not sure if related). That thread is a perfect example of the intolerant chamber this forum became on political matters.

I'm still laughing at the whole 'yes queen, slay queen' brigade that mocked bernie supporters and talked for months like they had already won the presidency. Completely arrogant, intolerant, deaf, blind, isolated and clueless. Nice life lesson they've learned.


This is losertalk. Sorry.

Not from you personally. But always bringing up Trump's gaffes and issues, deplorable, racists, etc., will prevent any critical self examination that will help the next Democratic ticket.

She got beat by an orange buffoon. Let's learn from this.
Etremely good point. And donald trump didnt really have an air of entitlement for his campaign, he fought tooth and nail for where he is today. He is an entitled piece of shit, but lets not confuse that with the kind of hubris on display from the hillary campaign.


He not running for President again. But still can used in PR and such.

HRC is basically gonna be shunned at this point. Mostly because she lost to Donald Trump. That's the ultimate embarrassment.

I don't mean to be snarky, but is this your first election cycle? John Kerry lost to George W. Bush! but he was still a prominent figure at the 2008 Convention. I am willing to bet a new Nvidia 80 series graphics card circa 2020 that Hillary Rodham Clinton will speak at the 2020 Democratic Convention if she is still alive.


Rodent Whores
It is when people are literally saying that democrats in the deep south shouldn't vote, or that policies which would lead to a drop in the black vote are worth doing if it raises the white vote.

Don't mistake mathematical analysis for lack of care. Otherwise you can't generate any meaningful strategy.

The point is not to make racist policy to entice the white vote. That assumes that the white vote are all a bunch of racists. Again, it's not a zero sum game. You can have both.

If it were true that the only way to gather white votes is to run on a platform that fucks over minorities, then Barack Obama wouldn't have been president.


Bluntly speaking: not having this conversation means that Trump wins in 2020, and that's an even shittier situation for minorities. There is no perfect world here. We work with what we have. Racial justice isn't going to happen without building a coalition. This is a conversation we have to have.

The more we win, the more education reforms we put in place, the better the economy becomes, the more dignities we restore - the more white working class voters are going to want to vote for a party that *also* has as its mission racial justice. But right now, Maledict, there sect focusing on ideological purity in politics is you.
Ash, yes, because this strategy is working so well for Labour in the UK. Who are going to be out of power for at least ten more years.

It isn't the solution because we saw it fail in practice earlier this year.



Ahh, a trip down memory lane. The group think seems obvious in hindsight.

It's really up to us to change the tenor of discussion around here. It should start with admitting that Clinton ran a pretty bad campaign and was not a great candidate.

Then be a better fucking candidate.

This is on her. No one else. Stop trying to find a scapegoat.

Know how to dodge the FBI tanking your run? Don't be under investigation.


Some people here sound like when she was blamed for Clinton's gubernatorial race loss because she wouldn't take her husband's last name.

If you think she was unelectable because she was a crook or corrupt, then you drank of the Republican cool aid.

It's the image they have been painting of her because they were scared of a strong woman with political ambitions and it's disappointing that so many people bought the lies.

The world is worst place because of it.


I don't mean to be snarky, but is this your first election cycle? John Kerry lost to George W. Bush! but he was still a prominent figure at the 2008 Convention. I am willing to bet a new Nvidia 80 series graphics card circa 2020 that Hillary Rodham Clinton will speak at the 2020 Democratic Convention if she is still alive.

Kerry didn't fall as hard a Clinton did. I think the Clintons will be involved, but they won't be the public face. They will focus on fundraising.

I was speaking about being the public face of the party.

I think the Obamas may take that public spot.


It is all because of Anthony Wiener. He brought down the whole thing. Some texting by Anthony and look what happens. If only...


Don't mistake mathematical analysis for lack of care. Otherwise you can't generate any meaningful strategy.

The point is not to make racist policy to entice the white vote. That assumes that the white vote are all a bunch of racists. Again, it's not a zero sum game. You can have both.

If it were true that the only way to gather white votes is to run on a platform that fucks over minorities, then Barack Obama wouldn't have been president.

Sorry but there is a difference between "WE didn't get our vote out, wtf can we do to fix that" to "It's worth taking a 5% drop in the BME vote to pick up 10% of the white vote". The latter is not helpful, its the choice the Repulican party has been making for the last 50 years.

We need to dissect this campaign and learn from it - the candidate was flawed, the campaign was flawed, the data was flawed. I think that right now however, we have two issues:

1) The vote isn't even counted yet. You need at least a week to see the final numbers, which will shift some of those stats.

2) The Clinton campaign staff (like every losing campaign staff everywhere) are throwing each other and everything that moves under the bus to try and ensure they get a job next time around. A lot of what we are hearing right now won't be true, or half-truths. We need some space to start learning the full story.

Clearly, there are many lessons to be learnt. I do think we can take back Michigan / Penns / Wisconsin by getting more white voters back to the polls who otherwise sat it out. but I think we need to be careful about that language, avoid the trade-off talk, and not take black people for granted (like Clinton took wwc and white women voters).


Yeah, plus the friggin director of the FBI.

There's also the die hard Bernie Sanders supporters that, after he dropped out, decided to instead support people that held diametrically oppressed policy positions to their chosen candidate. They knew they weren't going to suffer as bad as minorities insert Trump. They're going to do alright regardless of who was elected.

I know it's cute now to say that all of the blame lies with Hillary but that's nothing but a deflection.

All of these contributed.

But it does lie with Hillary. It was her campaign's job to sell her candidacy to the voters and inspire people to go to the polls. She took the midwest for granted and her hubris cost her dearly.

You can blame voters all you want, but I've said this many months ago that voters don't owe Hillary their vote. And middle-America white people especially don't give a shit about anyone but themselves, this coming from a white guy. Rather than try to appeal to them she called half of them deplorables and racists, inspiring them to actually go and vote as a giant middle finger to her arrogance.

Some people here sound like when she was blamed for Clinton's gubernatorial race loss because she wouldn't take her husband's last name.

If you think she was unelectable because she was a crook or corrupt, then you drank of the Republican cool aid.

It's the image they have been painting of her because they were scared of a strong woman with political ambitions and it's disappointing that so many people bought the lies.

The world is worst place because of it.

You're talking as if this country is a utopian society that actually cared about social issues as a majority. What we're discussing is that this country isn't anywhere near that society yet and probably never will be.


If you think she was unelectable because she was a crook or corrupt, then you drank of the Republican cool aid.

It's the image they have been painting of her because they were scared of a strong woman with political ambitions and it's disappointing that so many people bought the lies.

Well, that's great and all, but if you put forth the biggest symbol of the establishment during a period where a lot of people are looking for the opposite (on both sides), then you're climbing uphill for no real reason. She didn't do a whole lot to shake off that image painted of her, that's for damn sure.


Rodent Whores
I'm literally watching MSNBC right now, and this old lady says "I'm voting for the Donald. And if not The Donald, then The Bernie".
The democratic party needs to be restructured. They are almost as responsible for trump as those who voted for him,and they need to own that shit.

No they are entirely responsible for Trump

I'm literally watching MSNBC right now, and this old lady says "I'm voting for the Donald. And if not The Donald, then The Bernie".

Lol I love old women always have to put the word "the" before everything. It's so quaint


Kerry didn't fall as hard a Clinton did. I think the Clintons will be involved, but they won't be the public face. They will focus on fundraising.

I was speaking about being the public face of the party.

I think the Obamas may take that public spot.

Yeah. I want Obama involved in helping to rebuild the DNC and the Democratic infrastructure on a state and local level. He's leaving office being fairly popular, so him being the face of the Democratic party nationally until they get their shit together would be great.

However, that man is looking at 8 years of work being wiped away in a few months. I would understand if he want to take a break.


Ha, Clinton lost because she's a typical cardboard cut-out of what is perceived as "The Establishment". You'd know what you get with her.

Donald J. Trump provides, if anything, huge change. Good or bad, people just want CHANGE. And it's worth the shot.
Damn, going back and watching speeches and came across this one. Listening to this, you can't tell me that Bernie hit the EXACT points he needed to hit. The response he got was telling. You can't watch that and tell me he wouldn't have won. Bernie is FAR from blame. He tried to warn the DNC and no one would listen. Everyone ignored the response he got.

Exactly, & that's what bit the DNC in the ass. They knew (or should've known) that Hillary wasn't the right candidate for the job, but they let her run against Trump anyway. Ugh.

To be fair the primary system fucked a lot of them out of the polls. On top of it you had the DNC actively trying to sabotage Clinton's opponents.

Which was unbelievably stupid.


But it does lie with Hillary. It was her campaign's job to sell her candidacy to the voters and inspire people to go to the polls. She took the midwest for granted and her hubris cost her dearly.

You can blame voters all you want, but I've said this many months ago that voters don't owe Hillary their vote. And middle-America white people especially don't give a shit about anyone but themselves, this coming from a white guy. Rather than try to appeal to them she called half of them deplorables and racists, inspiring them to actually go and vote as a giant middle finger to her arrogance.

You're talking as if this country is a utopian society that actually cared about social issues as a majority. What we're discussing is that this country isn't anywhere near that society yet and probably never will be.
Agreed. People act like they can just tell voters who to vote for. Guess what? When they are alone in the ballot box, there's not going to be anyone staring down their neck. Rather than suppress them, deal with the problem and make them want to vote for a Democrat.


Exactly, & that's what bit the DNC in the ass. They knew (or should've known) that Hillary wasn't the right candidate for the job, but they let her run against Trump anyway. Ugh.

If you are looking for blame, blame democratic voters. They chose Hillary. They've wanted Hillary for years. They gave her a massive, overwhelming lead in the delegate count. no finger on the scale was going to change that.

She wasn't "chosen" to run- she ran, and won, because the democratic voting base preferred her over the others.
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