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CNN: Grand Jury Subpeonas Issued in Trump/Russia Investigation


can this be stopped ?

Not really. Comey is just one man, there is a full investigation into this, hence Yates/Clappers comments about why they could not get into specifics. Its also why Comey said he could not get into specifics.

Nothing stops this train.


If we don't start seeing a reduction of sarcastic comments endorsing a position "inb4" it actually arrives, we're going to start seeing more frequent bans. This is called poisoning the well, and we are well sick of it.
Of course it's related insofar that Trump nominated Flynn as his National Security Advisor. I was attempting to make a statement to clarify that these are not subpoenas relating to how Trump is mixed up in the Russia scandal but is solely focused on Flynn's actions (which is what many people in the other thread assumed was happening and jumped the gun).

But it's getting inseparable. Trump hasn't been accused of having one person in his campaign or inner circle with questionable ties to Russia, but multiple. Considering the improbability to which Flynn found himself on Trump's shortlist, to his hiring after warnings from Obama who fired him, to the fact that it took eighteen days to fire Flynn after Yates warned the Trump administration. There's little evidence Flynn was a solitary, independent actor in Trump's circle with ties to Russia.

Even if the line of questioning doesn't directly pertain to Trump, Flynn's actions and motivations are still being closely watched for their implications about his hiring of and defense by Trump.

Mike M

Nick N
If we don't start seeing a reduction of sarcastic comments endorsing a position "inb4" it actually arrives, we're going to start seeing more frequent bans. This is called poisoning the well, and we are well sick of it.
Of course you're well sick, the well's been poisoned!


How does a subpoena tie anyone to anything? That doesn't make sense.

The Trump-Russia story can't be told without Flynn. The fact the investigation into him has produced these subpoenas is absolutely relevant to Trump and the suspicions regarding his and his campaign's ties to Russia.

If they subpoena'd an individual who is able to make a connection between Trump and Russia, then that would be big news. Thankfully the Trump administration (and intelligence community) is leakapoolaza at the moment, so I think the public would learn very quickly of such a development if (when) it comes out.


Before everyone exaggerates the importance of this, these are subpoenas related to Flynn. Nothing to do with Trump (for now).

Trump, being the president who hired, then put up with, a compromised national security advisor for 18 days after he was warned of the man's blatant lying. This will reflect on the man who hired him over advice and in spite of warnings from his own justice department.


But it's getting inseparable. Trump hasn't been accused of having one person in his campaign or inner circle with questionable ties to Russia, but multiple. Considering the improbability to which Flynn found himself on Trump's shortlist, to his hiring after warnings from Obama who fired him, to the fact that it took eighteen days to fire Flynn after Yates warned the Trump administration. There's little evidence Flynn was a solitary, independent actor in Trump's circle with ties to Russia.

Even if the line of questioning doesn't directly pertain to Trump, Flynn's actions and motivations are still being closely watched for their implications about his hiring of and defense by Trump.

I completely agree that Trump is guilty. Or too ignorant to know he broke the law and/or was a traitor to his country. And each event like this does draw us closer to (hopefully) the inevitable impeachment.

Trump, being the president who hired, then put up with, a compromised national security advisor for 18 days after he was warned of the man's blatant lying. Spare us. This will reflect on the man who hired him over advice and in spite of warnings from his own justice department.

Christ. It's called playing devil's advocate. You're allowed to speculate, but I think it's more fruitful to have a conversation about the facts as of right now.


If they subpoena'd an individual who is able to make a connection between Trump and Russia, then that would be big news. Thankfully the Trump administration (and intelligence community) is leakapoolaza at the moment, so I think the public would learn very quickly of such a development if (when) it comes out.

Flynn's ties to Trump and his administration are not in question, they're obvious. He was the NSA. He played a key role throughout. Subpoenas being issued in an investigation concerning him is critical to the Trump-Russia story. It relies on people close to him having these kinds of relationships. It's part of the narrative regarding Russian influence and collusion. Flynn doesn't go down all by himself without effecting Trump.


Got's username always shines in these situations

Anyway, pleeeeeeease God, let the Republicans give a shit. This could literally be the end of how our government functions if they don't give a shit


a mass of phermones, hormones and adrenaline just waiting to explode
The better news is that this isn't the only grand jury being conducted. There are two others at earlier stages of progress than the one announced today.


Before everyone exaggerates the importance of this, these are subpoenas related to Flynn. Nothing to do with Trump (for now).

Honestly, even if trump were insulated or just directly not responsible to any of the Russia stuff, knowingly firing Comey in order to protect anyone in his administration will be the reason to impeach him. This is big.


Got's username always shines in these situations

Anyway, pleeeeeeease God, let the Republicans give a shit. This could literally be the end of how our government functions if they don't give a shit
I wouldn't count on them giving a shit. Ever.


Flynn's ties to Trump and his administration are not in question, they're obvious. He was the NSA. He played a key role throughout. Subpoenas being issued in an investigation concerning him is critical to the Trump-Russia story. It relies on people close to him having these kinds of relationships. It's part of the narrative regarding Russian influence and collusion. Flynn doesn't go down all by himself without effecting Trump.

Flynn is a true believer. He'll bite the bullet for Trump. This was the guy chanting "Lock Her Up" at various rallies and on national TV. They're going to pop him for nondisclosure of his Turkish lobbying contracts and maybe get him on a Logan Act violation for his contacts with Russians prior to assuming the NSA position. From the CNN source:

The FBI interviewed Flynn about the December calls with Kislyak and determined that he wasn't intentionally trying to be deceptive about the nature of what was discussed, according to US officials briefed on the investigation. But investigators have been investigating Flynn's business ties after he left the government and before he joined the Trump administration.

This is glorious theater, but it's theater nonetheless based on what we have right now. I'm hoping there's something bigger out there.


Honestly, even if trump were insulated or just directly not responsible to any of the Russia stuff, knowingly firing Comey in order to protect anyone in his administration will be the reason to impeach him. This is big.

Agreed. But this thread is not about Comey being fired.
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