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COD2 and PDZ for 360.. which one is better?


I have a choice between these two games.
I have a choice between these two games.

Don't mention any other games, it's between these two. Between COD2 and PDZ, which one is the better FPS game? I liked PD on the N64 and found COD:BRO and COD1 to be alright.

I plan on playing them two player offline.


Console Market Analyst
koam said:
I posted that twice in case you missed it

The thread, you mean?

And get COD2. Perfect Dark Zero is an abortion. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Ignore the co-op feature PD0 has. That just means two of you will suffer.


I've played thru PDZ, Co-Op and Single, played some online...

Played through the demo of COD2.

And I enjoyed COD2 more. :p


No additional functions
COD2. Make sure you have Xbox Live though. There's a save glitch in the game that randomly erases your save. I got to the last campaign saved and started again the next day only to find that all of my progress had been lost. I think there is a patch from Live, but I sold the game before I put my Xbox online.


Zaptruder said:
How come you've got a choice of only of those two?

I'd take PD0 simply because COD2 is another friggin WW2 shooter.

Friend is offing the two games for $20. He's only selling one to me though and the other to another friend, i have the choice between the games though.


This is like comparing Mario Kart DS (CoD2) to South Park Rally (PDZ)...

CoD2 is not just a better game, it's a superior game in almost every respect (except for the online, which was laggy at launch.) If they're the same price, I recommend CoD2 all the way.
I'm gonna step in and say PDZ has a more replayable single player mode, if you're into that, lol

*ducks tomatoes*

In all seriousness, while PDZ's storyline/voice acting is as bad as everyone says it is, the relative variety and openness of the levels and all the cool weapons you can unlock made it a more interesting single player game. Beware though...if you're annoyed by a lot of old-school design decisions (limited checkpoints, high difficulty, lame story) it'll probably piss you off.

COD2 is a better "experience" for lack of a better term, especially on a good HDTV and 5.1 system, but it's a bit more linear. It does have better "pick up and play" controls compared to PDZ though (although I never had any problems getting used to PDZ). I haven't played COD2 since the big patch, so I can't compare multiplayer. PDZ does have a ton of options and customizability though (co-op through entire single player online and on same machine, system link, bots, multiple game modes, 32 player online support, weapon sets, etc.)
PDZ is an awful game. It's really that simple. I bought it played the first 5 levels and couldn't bare it anymore. Then I went online, played for a few hours and then couldn't bare it anymore. I played co-op story mode with a friend for a few hours and...you see the pattern don't you?

COD2 I have all the achievements for, have downloaded all the maps and still play to this day. Offline and online, it's the one of the best all 'round fps out. It's a no brainer really, despite the opinions of some. Get COD2.


Some times, the logical solution is the best. I borrowed both and told him i'll buy the one i like better.




Official GAF Bottom Feeder
koam said:
Some times, the logical solution is the best. I borrowed both and told him i'll buy the one i like better.

Or you could have just done the sensible thing and got CoD2 right off the bat.

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
PDZ can be very, very good online and the co-op is good with the right person but the single player is pretty crap.

COD2 single player is immense and the online is great too.

I'd go for COD2 if I was you.

Last Hope

PDZ is a pretty poor game. COD2 definitely.

Maybe if the level designs were not so bad in PDZ it would have been at least decent but terrible level designs both on and offline + average game play = bad game.


Depends on what you're looking for.

Call of Duty 2 is a pretty average FPS set during WWII. It is not a realistic interpretation of the war at all (aside from setting and weapons) so don't expect anything like that. It has serious AI and Hit Detection issues, but can be fun if you can get past the problems.

PDZ is a slightly better than average FPS set in the not too distant future. It adds the cool "cover" gimmick as well as a really fun co-op mode. Plus, it's much cheaper.
CoD2. It'll soon be eclipsed by other shooters tech wise, but the game-play and experience is fierce and amazing. It was the first game I bought, with PDZ soon afterwards [which I was much more hyped for] and I didn't even bother finishing PDZ, even in co-op, it's just terrible. I barely went online with either, btw, neither seemed particularly good there. If you're online, your 360 will automatically patch CoD your first time in.
CoD II, play the single player mode on veteran, should be a reasonable amount of fun.

Dont go for PDZ, words cannot describe how awful it is, perhaps the multiplayer has some redeeming features, but at that point I was already desperately trying to sell it in the hopes of getting some of my money back.


CoD2 is heads and shoulders above PDZ
The sound is awesome if you have a 5.1 setup.
The game has a very high framerate, probably the smoothest FPS game on the 360...still...
The AI in CoD2 is great, people who think otherwise obviously haven't played the game.

PDZ could have been a good game but the co-op is broken, the story disjointed and pointless. You know the game in general is broken when the developers had to put blue arrows on the ground to show the direction to go... PDZ could have been a good game if they had more time to actually finish it but it was obviously a casualty of a November launch.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Gigglepoo said:
Depends on what you're looking for.

Call of Duty 2 is a pretty average FPS set during WWII. It is not a realistic interpretation of the war at all (aside from setting and weapons) so don't expect anything like that. It has serious AI and Hit Detection issues, but can be fun if you can get past the problems.

PDZ is a slightly better than average FPS set in the not too distant future. It adds the cool "cover" gimmick as well as a really fun co-op mode. Plus, it's much cheaper.

You trying to be that 1 out of every 4 dentists who doesn't recommend Crest?
Gigglepoo said:
Depends on what you're looking for.

Call of Duty 2 is a pretty average FPS set during WWII. It is not a realistic interpretation of the war at all (aside from setting and weapons) so don't expect anything like that. It has serious AI and Hit Detection issues, but can be fun if you can get past the problems.

PDZ is a slightly better than average FPS set in the not too distant future. It adds the cool "cover" gimmick as well as a really fun co-op mode. Plus, it's much cheaper.
WTF does that mean? You obviously prefer PDZ, which is your right, I know people who think Cheeze Whiz is a great product, so to each there own, but how is COD2 an unrealistic interpretation of WWll?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Pseudo judo said:
how is COD2 an unrealistic interpretation of WWll?

:lol ... wait... are you serious? COD2 is many things, realistic being way waaaaaay wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy down on the list.


I have played both games, and while I agree COD2 is the better game, PDZ is deffinitely NOT a bad game. Sure it didn't live up to expectations, and it is a straight-forward first person shooter more like with your N64 shooters than today's more complex and AI intensive games, but it was fun in co-op. Especially the levels where it splits you from your partner, and you both go through a different side of the level until you finally meet up at the end.

There's a particular level which takes place between two tall buildings, and one player is on the bottom, while the other inside the buildings, and the one on top gets to use a sniper rifle and clear the area for the one at the bottom, while seeing everything the other player is doing. I thought that was a great idea.

Having said that, if I had to pick, COD2.
pr0cs said:
CoD2 is heads and shoulders above PDZ
The sound is awesome if you have a 5.1 setup.
The game has a very high framerate, probably the smoothest FPS game on the 360...still...
The AI in CoD2 is great, people who think otherwise obviously haven't played the game.

PDZ could have been a good game but the co-op is broken, the story disjointed and pointless. You know the game in general is broken when the developers had to put blue arrows on the ground to show the direction to go... PDZ could have been a good game if they had more time to actually finish it but it was obviously a casualty of a November launch.

I've never really understood the complaint about the arrows on the ground...is the problem with the visual representation of it, and not the concept itself? Because Halo does the same thing (except the arrow just shows up on the hud and not on the ground)


Friend just left and left both games here for me to try, i'm playing PDZ first.

WTF, What's wrong with PDZ's framerate? It's skipping all over the place, especially in the cutscenes.


I've never played a WW2 fps before. I don't really know why. My PC started crapping out at the time MOH:AA came out, then I just took a break from gaming. Shit, the last WW2 game I played was Hidden & Dangerous on PC. That game was fun. I miss 1999 :(

So COD would feel really fresh and awesome to me.

I'm not sure how I'm contributing to the thread, but I just wanted to say PDZ is a piece of shit. Thank you.


Pseudo judo said:
WTF does that mean? You obviously prefer PDZ, which is your right, I know people who think Cheeze Whiz is a great product, so to each there own, but how is COD2 an unrealistic interpretation of WWll?

I rented the game about a month ago and was quite disapointed with it. I expected a realistic WWII themed FPS and what I got was an average FPS with a war skin on top. If you're interested in why I thought the game was a failure, you can read my writeup over here.


I played through CoD2 on veteran. It was a lot of fun... but I also like PDZ. Honestly, buy PDZ now for $30 and get CoD2 once it drops in price. You can get them both for the price of CoD2 now. CoD2 is going to be dropping in price very soon. CoD3 is on the horizon and MS is starting the Platinum hits line this fall.


Holy shit.

The difference is night and day. Perfect Dark was a complete waste of time. Graphics are shit, framerate is even shitier, the shooting sucks (i'm not exactly sure what it is, but something seems wrong, maybe too many shots to kill someone?) and it's pretty damn boring.

COD2 is amazing. I've played COD and BRO on Gamecube and PS2 and this one is so much more better so far. The graphics are top notch and sharp, the action is intense and it's just fun.

Is there a way in COD2 for it to write what gun you're about to pick up instead of just showing a pic?

I don't know what's wrong with that one person in this thread who voted PDZ hehe.
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