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Colin Trevorrow Exits Episode 9


Holy shit, the movie isn't even fucking out yet. Let's actually watch it before we start planning our nerd rants.

I will absolutely give TLJ a chance. I hope to see a couple of sparks of magic again while being fresh, new locales, new aliens, new stakes and Hamill, all while at least trying to adhere to rules that were established before.
Gave T3 a chance, Salvation, Genisys, Feig Ghostbusters, Crystal Skull, Jurassic World, ID4 2, Prometheus, Covenant and for sure will give BR2049 a chance as well but I am growing weary of my favorite 80s experiences getting mishandled offspring.


Why does this happen in every Star Wars thread. I hope this stops after TLJ is released? Probably not though because the broad root of it is sexism.

nerds love to argue about stupid useless shit. on the internet. and it's not just Star Wars.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Im not sayign they are going to fire him im just saying it would be hilarious to read the thread if they did
I like how Guy is all "I'll give it a chance" and goes on to exclusively list films not received very well by consensus.

I mean, what chance are you really giving it if that's the company you're pre-emptively placing it in?


I had to check the thread title in order to remember what the hell was it about.

Anyway, I have to confess that I was starting to convince myself to lower expectations for TLJ based on what we've seen so far, but the last couple of days actually make me a bit more optimistic.

Maybe it was firing Trevorrow. Doesn't seem like Kennedy would've allowed Rian to come this far, and with no major reshoots and problems with TLJ's production, if the movie had serious problems.

So, ok. I'm calm.


I like how Guy is all "I'll give it a chance" and goes on to exclusively list films not received very well by consensus.

I mean, what chance are you really giving it if that's the company you're pre-emptively placing it in?

I saw each of these movies without confirmation bias. I was super excited for Prometheus, hell I was even excited for ID4 2.
That all of these 80s/90s iconic movie sequels turned out to be mediocre or full of flaws doesn't speak about a potential bias I have, but more probably that they should have cooked the scripts for all of those a lot longer than they did. The reason for a movie should be: I have a story to tell. Not: "we need to be out by Dec2018, lets better come up with an arc quick"
Something I am afraid will also strike with the new SW trilogy and the rumors of script troubles with EpIX.
I am not a "my old shit was cooler" hater at heart, Seeing artists create worlds with even the most outlandish concepts and then make the stakes in them work by following a logical set of pre-set rules is what it is about. Do the big action set pieces, but make them mean something.


You didn't answer my question at all, Guy

What other sequels to big 80s properties are there that were successful as works of artistic merit when they were born out of scheduling needs and not story telling desires?

EDIT: Look, I know you think I have it out for the new trilogy cause I already have my confirmation bias set and jump at rumors of script troubles for EpIX etc etc
I have heard from folks visiting the set of TLJ that they literally had a Hoth style corridor set for the rebel base on that salt desert planet. Seeing the 2x sized AT-M6s, the 4X sized Mega-Star Destroyer is not exactly instilling me with hope that the movie will try to stay away from being ESB Nr. 2. I hope I am wrong!
What's with this weird qualifier you keep adding to the convo that wasn't there until you injected it, and how does it apply to this example?

You are not giving the film a chance, you're (accidentally? unwittingly?) revealing the means by which you're unfairly pre-judging the film, however slightly.


That's sexist

Joke post? For an example of a great female character in Star Wars, see Princess Leia.

Rey is the other side of the Padme coin -- Padme was so bland post TPM and was written almost like some inanimate object for Anakin's desires. Rey is so powerful and perfect everyone else orbits around what she decides to do.

Three movies couldn't do that for Luke Skywalker so I feel that's a little unfair to expect

Luke would have died to Vader in death star trench if not for Han.

Luke almost dies to a giant yeti, and would have frozen to death if not for Han.

Luke gets shot down in his snowspeeder (though he does rescue himself, he fails to rescue his copilot).

Luke got trounced in his first fight against Vader and lost a hand. And had to be rescued (dangling from a wire underneath Bespin).

Later he lost to the Emperor in ROTJ. It wasn't even a challenge for him, if not for Vader throwing Palpatine off the bridge, Luke would be dead.

So I'm not sure where he was depicted as "overpowered" precisely. He was rescued at least 4 times by his friends (more if you count Ben's sacrifice against Vader).

While he was a good pilot, he had weaknesses. (Also getting shot down by an AT-AT.) He was impatient, impulsive, and overly attached to his friends. This is established multiple times, both with Yoda and even in ANH with him wanting to run off to rescue Leia in Death Star.

Rey's weakness was... being slightly hesitant to leave her home world? Which she got over in like 2-3 lines of dialogue.

Imagine using this detail with a straight face in a serious argument about why the girl hero is unfairly OP in the space fantasy series about bathrobe superheroes waving glowsticks at each other for 40 years.

Skill Trees
RPG Stats.

A story needs not these things.

A story needs conflict, internal or external. Saying Rey is overpowered highlights the weakness of the story as either:

1. She's never in real danger as she has been established to be able to do anything with no training or justification.

2. Her character quickly becomes inconsistent, and conflicts she previously would be expected to be able to handle cause her unexpected trouble.

It's the basics of storytelling. But sure, if you don't like the universe in the first place, it may not be your cup of tea even with good characters.


What's with this weird qualifier you keep adding to the convo that wasn't there until you injected it, and how does it apply to this example?

You are not giving the film a chance, you're (accidentally? unwittingly?) revealing the means by which you're unfairly pre-judging the film, however slightly.

Look, I went into TPM dark, even travelled across the pond to see it in the Ziegfield theater. Don't tell me I am out to hate on StarWars.
Tried it again going in dark with AOTC and ROTS.
Said fuck it and spoiled myself with TFA and that didn't help.
Then I went in dark again for ROGUE ONE.

My brain doesn't care if I go into something dark or with pre-knowledge or any pre-notions, it just gave me that look after each of them and told me: Yup that was not as good as ANH or ESB.
I have battered housewhife syndrome and will see TLJ with the force as my ally. Let's see. I wouldn't even care for 60km long Mega-Destroyers if the meat is there.


well wait what is your stance on space dinosaurs?
It's Star Wats. I'll have Rey, Finn, and Poe ride one in the middle of the movie and all you fuckers fans will flock to Target the next Force Friday and buy it.
Name one bad idea I’ve had for it.

I’m equally qualified to direct it, guys! The long search is over!
I'm already here. And I have great, GREAT ideas penned for it already.


She doesn't do any of these things until she sees a Force user demonstrate them for the first time

-- Doesn't mind read Kylo Ren until he does it to her first
-- Since Kylo Ren's mind reading is an exaggerated form of the mind trick, she gets to demo how mind trick people
-- She sees Kylo Ren use the force to manipulate objects and people (including to her) before doing it herself

For comparison, Luke never gets to first hand see anyone manipulate objects with The Force before he does it himself for the first time. Same with chocking people with The Force.

Sorry missed your post in my earlier reply.

Luke had a 2+ year gap between ANH and ESB and we know relatively little about what happened there (new canon has some comics I think). I agree it wasn't setup super well but at least the movie early on says "hey he learned how to do this since the last time you saw him".

In the same movie they set clear limits on his power to lift stuff too. He barely could stack three rocks, and struggled to get his Xwing out of a swamp.

If Rey "seeing or experiencing" a force power is all it takes to justify her immediate mastery of said power, than sure. I don't think that makes for a great movie. It'd be like Luke getting electrocuted by Palpatine once, then realizing immediately how to control force lightning. Or, flying his Xwing for the first time, he turns around and shoots Darth Vader in the Death Star trench. There's no need to rely on others because he would be able to do everything by himself.

With that setup or expectation, all she needs to do then is walk up to Snoke, see what he can do, then copy him and overpower him. No trilogy necessary.
It's the basics of storytelling.

I'm not sure your grasp on this concept is strong as you think it is considering the arguments you're trying to lay out.

Your assertion that The Force Awakens doesn't have conflict doesn't even make any sense, Pep.

It's literally nonsensical.

So if you're going to explain the basics of Storytelling while apparently unable to recognize something as easily percievable as the conflicts in something as relatively uncomplicated as Star Wars, I dunno how seriously I'm supposed to take your explanation of said basics.

People acting like Rey got the good controller and someone accidentally snuck in a couple extra stars on the handicap setting in the menu before hitting start and it doesn't make any sense to me


The two plot holes The Force Awakens (by itself, I don't need a supplementary novel or comic series) have always been:

If the Starkiller can drain the energy of a star from a distance, why not take the sun away from of their targets, effectively destroying the ecosystem and either killing them or forcing them in the open.


Why didn't Kylo Ren try to extract the missing piece of the map from Han Solo or someone not Force sensitive.


The two plot holes The Force Awakens (by itself, I don't need a supplementary novel or comic series) have always been:

If the Starkiller can drain the energy of a star from a distance, why not take the sun away from of their targets, effectively destroying the ecosystem and either killing them or forcing them in the open.


Why didn't Kylo Ren try to extract the missing piece of the map from Han Solo or someone not Force sensitive.

1- Not badass enough

2- He didn't know that Han and Finn saw the map as well


Star Wars marks are some weird motherfuckers. It's a movie about a bunch of robed Professor X's swinging glowsticks at each other. This shit ain't Sistine Chapel.


Pepboy in particular and everyone else in general, stop using this thread to re-litigate TFA. The Rey/Luke/Mary Sue stuff is beaten to death and now it's killing the thread.
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