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COMICS!!! |OT| April 2017 - Now Featuring Superstar Artist Brett Booth - APRIL FOALS!


Yeah but it's not inaccurate of the cw version of him which is basically human torch with a different costume with the occasional actual power that he is famous for. I don't remember if he even phase in the show

Nope, dude alongside the Atom is super nerfed, I think they got the characterization down, but not the power sets.


I nearly posted the June thread inside of this while trying to preview it. lol.

In the new Thanos book.... when did Death become such a hottie?

Shes always been attractive imo. She looks good in the Thanos book. I agree.

Thanos is a punk


Did you ever see Death in the Deadpool game? Lol.



It's a fantastic read. Up there with The Comic Book History of Comics and Understanding Comics, IMO.
Comic history has always been fascinating to me. It's been a nasty history full of screw jobs.

Not just the business side. The evolution of comics is also interesting because it's all there to see and read. Golden Age comics are oddly fascinating.


I'm waiting for the the June thread instead of the May one next week.

Imma be honest...its entirely likely that I would have posted the wrong OT. I usually leave the OT in a tab ready to go and I had set up the June thread lol.

Clearly you cannot be trusted with such things. :3


Hubba hubba

Listen...I need you to know something about me. I have a thing for women with skulls...strong jawlines.
Imma be honest...its entirely likely that I would have posted the wrong OT. I usually leave the OT in a tab ready to go and I had set up the June thread lol.

Listen...I need you to know something about me. I have a thing for women with skulls...strong jawlines.

Is that why you like Wilde? Because the flesh coating on her skull is so visibly strained from the size of the jaw?

Like a spandex face.


How many people actually read Zenoscope?
That's a million dollar question. Somebody must because they keep making the stuff. And they've been making the stuff for years. There has to be hundreds of issues of Wonderland and all the spin-offs.

I've read a couple issues of Wonderland and Grimm Fairy Tales from a cheapo yard sale purchase. It was enough to say blech, there's actually an audience for this? I think the best description I can think of would be "tripe".


Yeah, Death used to have a skull face. I remember that being a Thing.


I like the look they used in the Deadpool game. I think it would work in comics.

Is that why you like Wilde? Because the flesh coating on her skull is so visibly strained from the size of the jaw?

Like a spandex face.

I know you are poking fun but ... Wilde has literally the perfect face/facial structure. Its the jaw and forehead.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Sat and read through Pretty Deadly volume 2. Fuuuck me, the visual storytelling is ambitious in this one. The first book has its fair share of creative spreads and layouts but it's almost like every page flows into the next in this volume and takes on new form briefly to tell the next step before flowing onwards. Very cool stuff.

The story was cool, this volume felt alot more metaphorical and personal than the last. Vol 1 has this feel but there was a lot going on with the twists and turns in building the mythology and secrets behind each character. Most of the original cast return, but they feel more like guides into a more personal thoughtful tale that, even in its most bombastic moments, wants to present ideas for you to think about, than put big narrative beats or character turns first. Again same ingredients, just skewed a little differently as a result of not being the first rodeo. Rest assured though, DeConnick has some aces in her back pocket and there's a few clever plot details that unfold. The framing device didn't feel quite as successful this time but then again, I think I need to ruminate on those scenes a little, and pick through them before I make my mind up.

Pretty Deadly then. A cool book, and volume 2 is a good installment. It feels like the book could take any form and tell any tale with any focus with the pieces it's put in place and the capable creative team, and that's exciting. Plus that's two books where I've quite liked the message coming out of them. For a book about death, it has a lot of nice things to say about the nature of life. Looking forward to what comes next.

EDIT: Oh, worth adding that the back matter is quite good, and the prose that explains Johnny Coyote & Molly Raven's story is in there from Pretty Deadly 1 & 2 which is nice.

Jordied colors were soooo pretty in Vol 2.
That's a million dollar question. Somebody must because they keep making the stuff. And they've been making the stuff for years. There has to be hundreds of issues of Wonderland and all the spin-offs.

I've read a couple issues of Wonderland and Grimm Fairy Tales from a cheapo yard sale purchase. It was enough to say blech, there's actually an audience for this? I think the best description I can think of would be "tripe".
I heard they have a female following. All I can say is the company probably sets realistic expectations and properly adjusts to avoid money troubles.


Unconfirmed Member
A whole bunch of things, but the main one for me was they completely overhauled their equivalent to Paragon Levels and drastically nerfed anyone who'd been playing longer than a few minutes as a result. There was a bunch of other shit but I had a ton of progress wiped out and it was infuriating.

The main reason I liked Marvel Heroes apart from the licensing was the sense of progression, especially the account-based aspects. It was the most bar-fillingest game ever in a world where every other decent action RPG locks everything behind hardcore mode and seasons.

I just saw this on the PSN store, and I'm confused. Do they want me to pay $50 for the game and then another $20 to play as Spider-Man? Or another $17 to play as War Machine?

Who's going to pay $17 to play as War Machine?


Yea pretty deadly volume 2 has some amazing visuals.

I need to finish the last two issues but I feel no rush because I know we won't be getting more issues for a long time
Spotted that the Dark Horse book "The Once And Future Queen" has cancelled #3-5 and will instead go forward as an OGN series. Boom just made this move with a series the other day. From the creators:

Not sure if anyone is following it, but just an interesting trend.
I have the first issue sitting next to me as I type. I'm not liking this cancellation trend, though! Like I can't imagine books like this finding an audience as an OGN series

that indie wrestling no-sell from Doctor Fate


Spotted that the Dark Horse book "The Once And Future Queen" has cancelled #3-5 and will instead go forward as an OGN series. Boom just made this move with a series the other day. From the creators:

Not sure if anyone is following it, but just an interesting trend.
I was actually planning to read it too
Made up my mind - gonna pre-order Injustice 2.

I just saw this on the PSN store, and I'm confused. Do they want me to pay $50 for the game and then another $20 to play as Spider-Man? Or another $17 to play as War Machine?

Who's going to pay $17 to play as War Machine?

The game itself is FTP (it'd better be FTP - it was like that on PC), and you'll get a pick of some heroes - but you'll have to spend if you wanna get others. Right now, they're in a sort of Closed Beta - which you can join! By buying a $17-$50 "Founder's Pack".
Man, I love that Darkseid's super has his hand huge. The old lore about boomtubes limiting New Gods powers and shrinking them to normal size was always so nice. The fact Darkseid is pretty much celestial size is something almost never brought up in modern comics.
Started Daredevil: Back in Black Vol. 1: Chinatown. First issue, and I'm already digging this. Prosecutor Matt is hard as fuck, giving zero to no fucks. ZERO TO NO.

Also, Tenfingers. I mean, come on.

He has ten fingers.

Best villain.
Thanks for the review! I think I will give it another shot. I go back and forth on the story but dat art.

Jordied colors were soooo pretty in Vol 2.

Agreed! The art is so cool and the layouts are so out there in this one, I think it would be a struggle to follow in the hands of a bad or even just the wrong colourist. Also I definitely see where the scripting style wouldn't be for everyone, it leaves certain things like the framing sequences intentionally vague for you to effectively take your own meaning from based on the ideas it does present you across the length of the story. I know they're quite meticulous with the book, it goes between the whole team up and down the chain scene to scene, never mind script to script, they agree on everything as a team at every plot beat basically. It works more often than not, but the book has a flavour and books with flavour won't be for everyone, but for folks who this work for, it's pretty magnificent.

Also, Echo got banned, what is going on here this week.

I have the first issue sitting next to me as I type. I'm not liking this cancellation trend, though! Like I can't imagine books like this finding an audience as an OGN series

I was actually planning to read it too

Yea, I'm of two minds on it. As a guy who 100% tradewaits and has spent years watching books I love get cancelled off the back of singles performance, I can see the upside and potential for certain books to last longer. That said, if the plan is just to dump the book out there as OGNs, they will flonder, creators & publishers will need to make some noise about them. Also, not sure if a Dark Horse or Boom has the relationships or whatever to make some noise if the plan for these books is to sell primarily as OGNs in bookstores, on amazon etc oppose to as OGNs in comic stores. Time will tell I guess. I can see how it could be a literally great thing and also a total fuckup if there's no strategy behind it haha.

Started Daredevil: Back in Black Vol. 1: Chinatown. First issue, and I'm already digging this. Prosecutor Matt is hard as fuck, giving zero to no fucks. ZERO TO NO.

Also, Tenfingers. I mean, come on.

He has ten fingers.

Best villain.

Cus it's rad as shit! I think I'm going to pick this up soon too, just off the back of how good natured he was about all that lol
Also, Echo got banned, what is going on here this week.

I looked at his posts. Unless they delete the post that gets you banned (which I doubt), then he must have requested it. Or it was accidental?

Cus it's rad as shit! I think I'm going to pick this up soon too, just off the back of how good natured he was about all that lol
Tenfingers gives his power to elite members, called the Eights. Wanna know why?
Because they have eight fingers on each hand.




X-Men Blue #2 was really good and the book is already becoming one of my favorites.

I looked at his posts. Unless they delete the post that gets you banned (which I doubt), then he must have requested it. Or it was accidental?

Tenfingers gives his power to elite members, called the Eights. Wanna know why?
Because they have eight fingers on each hand.


Daredevil is a good book that only gets stronger.


I found a hardcover of Civil War II at the library so I checked it out. honestly wasn't has bad as I was expecting, though the fact that I was able to read it within a couple hours instead of waiting 2 months for the final issue may have helped. it felt like an average Marvel event, not as good as Secret Wars but it's at least worth a quick read if you want to catch up on what happened and what to look at so good art in the mean time

The art is without a doubt the best aspect of the book, it makes the book worth a quick read in my opinion, and is one of the reason why I am looking forward to the Defenders when it starts in a couple months.


I found a hardcover of Civil War II at the library so I checked it out. honestly wasn't has bad as I was expecting, though the fact that I was able to read it within a couple hours instead of waiting 2 months for the final issue may have helped. it felt like an average Marvel event, not as good as Secret Wars but it's at least worth a quick read if you want to catch up on what happened and what to look at so good art in the mean time

The art is without a doubt the best aspect of the book, it makes the book worth a quick read in my opinion, and is one of the reason why I am looking forward to the Defenders when it starts in a couple months.

The art I've seen for the book is nice.
Yea, I'm of two minds on it. As a guy who 100% tradewaits and has spent years watching books I love get cancelled off the back of singles performance, I can see the upside and potential for certain books to last longer. That said, if the plan is just to dump the book out there as OGNs, they will flonder, creators & publishers will need to make some noise about them. Also, not sure if a Dark Horse or Boom has the relationships or whatever to make some noise if the plan for these books is to sell primarily as OGNs in bookstores, on amazon etc oppose to as OGNs in comic stores. Time will tell I guess. I can see how it could be a literally great thing and also a total fuckup if there's no strategy behind it haha.

I think Boom can make Goldie Vance work since it's geared towards younger readers anyway (for how long, we'll see), but idk how Dark Horse books like Once and Future Queen are gonna survive like that. It being a limited series to begin with might help, at least. The exact same creative team was able to make 4 volumes of Amelia Cole, which I think was released in digital-only singles first. and that book has an omnibus coming out later in the year! But then again, I guess it's up to Dark Horse.

Also, I just read The Once and Future Queen #1 and enjoyed it fine. There's a character I find kinda baffling so far and hope is explained more in later issues
(she flies out to Portland to follow the main character after seeing her twice. how'd she even know she was in Portland and how'd she find her). feels kinda skimmed over, so far
. Cool premise though, and Nick Brokenshire's art is good (lot of cool color choices). Good setup for the rest of a series that I'm gonna have to wait 7 months to see finished, hell yeah
Good setup for the rest of a series that I'm gonna have to wait 7 months to see finished, hell yeah

#comics. I didn't realise it was already planned as a mini, not an ongoing. That seems a little less sensible in my mind, to shake it up to the detriment of folks who already bought 2 issues of your 5 issue series lol.

Also, I didn't want to write anything negative since Giannis himself post and was being so nice, but that's a shame about those OCB trades being a mismatch like that! I think that would bug me to no end haha. Still, that's a great sketch you got, dude is talented.
I believe this is the first actual american marvel comic I ever got my hands on

alongside a foil cover Guardians Of The Galaxy #50 and a random back issue of Sleepwalker haha. I'll always have a place in my heart for Adam Warlock for that.
Man, I love that Darkseid's super has his hand huge. The old lore about boomtubes limiting New Gods powers and shrinking them to normal size was always so nice. The fact Darkseid is pretty much celestial size is something almost never brought up in modern comics.

isn't the Darkseid we usually see just a fragment of the true Darkseid which is some multiversal entity?
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