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COMICS!!! |OT| April 2017 - Now Featuring Superstar Artist Brett Booth - APRIL FOALS!


Rearranging some stuff in my display cabinet, and accidentally knocked off two batarangs on my Batman B&W Capullo statue. ;_; They're too small to glue back on.


Rearranging some stuff in my display cabinet, and accidentally knocked off two batarangs on my Batman B&W Capullo statue. ;_; They're too small to glue back on.

How small? Piccccs.

Googled the statue, use tweezers, put a little glue on the end of the broken off piece, hold back together with tweezers?


Man, I just finished Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka Vol. 1. What a GREAT book. I loved the tone and approach to it. I wonder if his Rebirth run is similar at all.

Hoping DC will collect the rest of the run soon.
Letting a people/race suffer and get genocided and violently prevent them from doing anything about it just because of 'muh sacred cloud' seems to be pretty much the square root of villainy.
I'm going to play devil's advocate:

-The Inhumans were providing resources to protecting mutants and Inhumans by moving any detected mutants out of the way and to shelter if they were in the cloud's path
-They provided resources to Beast in his research to stop M-Pox and the cloud
-They didn't know the cloud was going to destroy all the mutants until Moon Girl told Medusa. They assumed it was a curable side effect
-Terrigen is effectively what their entire livelihood is built around.

That said, it was still some messed up stuff.
I believe the monthly books are all $3.99 now.


I want to say Deathstroke is switching over soon.
Well Superwoman is done now anyways, yeah? Or will be. Can't imagine that continuing after Superman Reborn. At least not for much longer.
ROM #9

I'm very curious as to what the Absence is, and I assume the Absence and Presence will fuse or some shit.

Best book


Rat Queens #2
This book is so absolutely delightful. I love it. That classic feel. I really liked the bar scene a lot. Drawn really well. My one question:
are the cultists because of the cthulu monster from the second arc? When Seijic jumped on?
Oh, and the backup story was priceless.


Going to finally read this. Really excited to check it out!

Also a few issues into Cass Cain Batgirl Vol. 2 and I'm loving it! It feels like it's improved quite a bit since Vol. 1 but maybe I'm just misremembering. Still, good stuff. Except I really just like enjoy Damion Scott's art in here. Not my style.
Phalanx Covenant is great when it's anything involving Gen X, Banshee, Emma Frost, or Sabretooth. Everything else has some shonen I'm-explaining-my-powers bullshit going on. Like Stan Lee decided he hates people.

Like for fuck's sake just shut up.

Paige Guthrie is still the best though.
Going to finally read this. Really excited to check it out!

Also a few issues into Cass Cain Batgirl Vol. 2 and I'm loving it! It feels like it's improved quite a bit since Vol. 1 but maybe I'm just misremembering. Still, good stuff. Except I really just like enjoy Damion Scott's art in here. Not my style.
Post your thoughts later!


Rearranging some stuff in my display cabinet, and accidentally knocked off two batarangs on my Batman B&W Capullo statue. ;_; They're too small to glue back on.

Don't feel bad. A few months ago my cat intentionally knocked my Sandman statue off the shelf and it shattered everywhere.

Happy Easter to all who celebrate!
Happy Eostre mafahs. Hope you guys got a chocolate egg or so. I got a Peanut M and M's egg and Deadly Class vol 5 this year lol truly a time of thanks.

Finished up vol 5 of East Of West last night. Still a really cool book. There's a ton of symbolism and deeper ideas behind it but honestly I tend to just enjoy the book for Hickman just throwing everything at the wall, and seeing what happens next, it's pretty crazy. I never feel like I have a ton to say or think about after a volume, except that it was great. Loved that bathhouse fight scene like I mentioned last night. "East Of West - just great, what will happen next?". Vol 6 later.

When the solicits say it's the final year of the apocalypse, is it actually the final year of the book now, or is that just in story terms?


Happy Eostre mafahs. Hope you guys got a chocolate egg or so. I got a Peanut M and M's egg and Deadly Class vol 5 this year lol truly a time of thanks.

Finished up vol 5 of East Of West last night. Still a really cool book. There's a ton of symbolism and deeper ideas behind it but honestly I tend to just enjoy the book for Hickman just throwing everything at the wall, and seeing what happens next, it's pretty crazy. I never feel like I have a ton to say or think about after a volume, except that it was great. Loved that bathhouse fight scene like I mentioned last night. "East Of West - just great, what will happen next?". Vol 6 later.

When the solicits say it's the final year of the apocalypse, is it actually the final year of the book now, or is that just in story terms?

The book is ending this year.
The book is ending this year.

Awesome, cheers for that. No idea how it will shake out... I literally have no expectations for how things will go haha. Most of you guys are reading by HC now right?

Super interested in what Dragotta does next, this series is my only exposure to him and dude is great.


Awesome, cheers for that. No idea how it will shake out... I literally have no expectations for how things will go haha. Most of you guys are reading by HC now right?

Super interested in what Dragotta does next, this series is my only exposure to him and dude is great.

Dragotta is supposedly doing this

I can't read Hickman monthly. Plus the year collections are too good.
Dragotta is supposedly doing this

I can't read Hickman monthly. Plus the year collections are too good.

I wonder how they feel about the Marvel book's reception? Gotta be mixed. Plus side, their America book has a much better shot, downside, the original character is taking a beating.


I always find it funny when artists get preachy on twitter; like they haven't been in a position as a newbie asking questions to their favorite artists when they first started out.
If you're talking about the JT4/Doyle run, I liked it for the most part but yeah it doesn't quite stick the landing

Yeah that's the one. Imagine my surprise when I opened up Detective Comics Rebirth v1 this morning and saw who was writing it...

#934-940 was decent when there was action on screen and the book concentrated on the overall plot moving forward. But every page in between was very middling, with unnecessary two page spreads trying to make characters expositioning their character traits at each other feel more interesting. Even what felt like a pretty good end to the arc was abruptly reversed and patched into the Watchmen thing going on. The first couple of issues made the writer sound like one of those military fanboys but thankfully at least that was subverted reasonably well.

none of this would have happened if Kane just spied on Batman, took his training/tools and created his own covert team? Why did he need to use the Batman imagery or even go after Batman? He would have been one of the thousand other covert forces, done his job and moved on. He comes off as fairly incompetent. "I wanted Kate to lead the team" comes across as a very tenuous plot point.


Is that America Chavez? Isn't she a Marvel character?
Joe Casey the creator was going to make a very similar comic at Image.

Though all the stuff people like about her was due to Gillen
Its like back then when Liefeld created his Fake-Captain America. Its a Rip-off.
It would be like if he made a deadpool ripoff after he got popular when i think either Kelly or Niesza rebooted him


Can someone help me with Young Avengers stuff? Reading Gillen's run, and it honestly feels like it relies a lot on knowing more about these characters than what is included so far. On issue 9, and I'm very confused about Loki and that Hela Handmaiden girl, as well as lots of stuff regarding Loki. Will I understand later, or all that info is in a different comic?

Low is my favourite Remender book.
It was mine, too, until
they went above the water and introduced furries
. I don't mean to sound so narrow minded, but the plot surrounding that movement is just not interesting to me. I still have to read the newest issue. Didn't like the deus ex machina in the last one.
Yeah that's the one. Imagine my surprise when I opened up Detective Comics Rebirth v1 this morning and saw who was writing it...

#934-940 was decent when there was action on screen and the book concentrated on the overall plot moving forward. But every page in between was very middling, with unnecessary two page spreads trying to make characters expositioning their character traits at each other feel more interesting. Even what felt like a pretty good end to the arc was abruptly reversed and patched into the Watchmen thing going on. The first couple of issues made the writer sound like one of those military fanboys but thankfully at least that was subverted reasonably well.

none of this would have happened if Kane just spied on Batman, took his training/tools and created his own covert team? Why did he need to use the Batman imagery or even go after Batman? He would have been one of the thousand other covert forces, done his job and moved on. He comes off as fairly incompetent. "I wanted Kate to lead the team" comes across as a very tenuous plot point.

I didn't find Kane wanting Kate to lead the group that bad, moreso the obvious retcon in his previous intentions in other series that makes it a bit eh. If you can bring yourself to gloss over that and just roll with it though, I thought it made good sense from a thematic point of view, in terms of the kane family history and that real kind of negative dependency he's developed on Kate as a result of what happened to the rest of their family.
Totally agree it's not the smoothest plotwise or logically though.


Is that America Chavez? Isn't she a Marvel character?

It's *not* America Chavez.
Can someone help me with Young Avengers stuff? Reading Gillen's run, and it honestly feels like it relies a lot on knowing more about these characters than what is included so far. On issue 9, and I'm very confused about Loki and that Hela Handmaiden girl, as well as lots of stuff regarding Loki. Will I understand later, or all that info is in a different comic?

It's in medias res. You'll get your answers later, but the first volume of YA is still worth reading.


I just realized why everyone aside from Hastings keeps fucking up Gwenpool: they write her like a female Deadpool and that's not what she is. She's a normal person playing a real life video game. She's not specifically crazy, she just does whatever the fuck she wants because she knows that none of her actions have consequences. She knows about plot armor and she exploiting the hell out of it. For example, Miles Morales isn't going to die in her team up because Spider-Man is still happening. And if she were to do something like out his identity, then a convenient mindwipe would reset the status quo by the end of the arc because nothing that big could happen in her book. She knows all this so she's not concerned about the ramifications of her actions. Now, what would be really amazing is if they let Hastings do something in his book that actually fucked with the rest of the MU for real. Like she ends up killing Mary Jane or Pepper Potts in her book or even a character who has an ongoing. That would be legitimately shocking.
I have one really good memory of Easter when I was 10. My parents hid eggs with money in them all around the house and yard. My baby sister and I had a lot of fun finding them and generally had a great time. Afterward,my dad pulled me aside and said 'son, I hope you had a lot of fun today because we are never doing it again.' And it was true, we never celebrated easter again.

I always find it funny when artists get preachy on twitter; like they haven't been in a position as a newbie asking questions to their favorite artists when they first started out.
Nicolas Delort was on this a little while back

'And you know all those 'tools don't matter' artists are just using the finest brushes and pens'

Good to know he's got his head straight about it in addition to being a tremendous artist


Can't wait for this:
That's gorgeous. When did he start doing the art?
It's in medias res. You'll get your answers later, but the first volume of YA is still worth reading.
Roger. Thanks. Many people in the Marvel comic thread I made the other day loved Journey into Mystery. They were talking about the Gillen run? Do I read that after Young Avengers?
I have one really good memory of Easter when I was 10. My parents hid eggs with money in them all around the house and yard. My baby sister and I had a lot of fun finding them and generally had a great time. Afterward,my dad pulled me aside and said 'son, I hope you had a lot of fun today because we are never doing it again.' And it was true, we never celebrated easter again.

That's a super villain origin story. Mr. Easter converts all the bank safes in Gotham into large eggs as a hunt for Gotham's other super-villains. Can Batman stop then in time?!.


That's gorgeous. When did he start doing the art?

Roger. Thanks. Many people in the Marvel comic thread I made the other day loved Journey into Mystery. They were talking about the Gillen run? Do I read that after Young Avengers?
Read his JIM before YA
That's gorgeous. When did he start doing the art?

Roger. Thanks. Many people in the Marvel comic thread I made the other day loved Journey into Mystery. They were talking about the Gillen run? Do I read that after Young Avengers?
He's doing the first arc when the book switches to monthly.


That's gorgeous. When did he start doing the art?

Roger. Thanks. Many people in the Marvel comic thread I made the other day loved Journey into Mystery. They were talking about the Gillen run? Do I read that after Young Avengers?

June I believe


Awesome, cheers for that. No idea how it will shake out... I literally have no expectations for how things will go haha. Most of you guys are reading by HC now right?

Super interested in what Dragotta does next, this series is my only exposure to him and dude is great.
Since I stopped buying flops I'll probably wait to read the end in a third ohc and buy the first two as well.


Aquaman getting an artist change? God is real. Might dip back in. No pun intended.

What is this with deathstroke and aquaman going monthly?
Aquaman getting an artist change? God is real. Might dip back in. No pun intended.

What is this with deathstroke and aquaman going monthly?
They slipped back to around N52 numbers so might as well do one issue a month for a dollar more and give more time to the artists and writers. Deathstroke also will have just ended the big Titans crossover when it happens.

(Priest is also rumored to have something else on the way like a Milestone book or something)


They slipped back to around N52 numbers so might as well do one issue a month for a dollar more and give more time to the artists and writers. Deathstroke also will have just ended the big Titans crossover when it happens.

(Priest is also rumored to have something else on the way like a Milestone book or something)
That makes sense. It never made sense to double ship deathstroke to me.

But yo priest on a milestone book. Is a dream.
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