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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.



Interview with Jody Houser about Young Animal's Mother Panic.

Now, Houser is back at DC Comics. She is the writer of Mother Panic, a series that focuses on a Gotham heiress named Violet Paige who has a mysterious past, an ailing mother, and a thirst for vengeance.

She’s very much in the midst of the social scene and is constantly in the tabloids for outrageous exploits. One of the people Gerard compared her to early on was Courtney Love– this 90s trouble-causing, shit-stirring, anger management issues type of woman. She definitely has some unlikable qualities that you don’t get to see super often in female characters. It’s been a lot of fun to play with her and see how well she does (or doesn’t) handle stepping into this new phase of her life.

A lot of the villains she’s dealing with are brand new. They’re characters and concepts Gerard and Tommy came up with. Gotham is so well known for having this outrageous, amazing rogues gallery with such a long history, so throwing new villains into that pool can seem a bit dicey. Honestly though, these new villains are really cool and I’ve been having a lot of fun with them.

As for supporting characters, one of the things that sets Violet apart from some of the other heroes in Gotham is that she’s not actually an orphan. Her mother is still in the picture and is someone she’s trying to take care of right now. Violet’s mother is a core character in the book and in Violet’s life. She’s one of my favorite characters to write right now.

All the Young Animal news has been very promising.
Young Animal could go either way. I can see that being one of the most interest lines going right now, but I can just as easily see it being a lot of style-over-substance, Morrison-wannabe trash. Either way, I think it'll be worth talking about.
Young Animal could go either way. I can see that being one of the most interest lines going right now, but I can just as easily see it being a lot of style-over-substance, Morrison-wannabe trash. Either way, I think it'll be worth talking about.

I would agree if Gerard Way hadn't already proven himself as a competent writer with Umbrella Academy.



I don't think marvel will care about Xmen until they get some rights back. I mean, look at F4.


On another note, The Vision was not at all what I expected. I'm catching up on all the individual characters leading into Champions (cause why not) but wow. Not the book I though it was.
Viv is in competition with Sam for the shittiest life award. Also, it really feels like they want Vision to be a villain between the ongoing and ANAD Avengers?


Way doesn't have enough work under his belt to have proven anything one way or the other. He's still brand new.

You're right that he hasn't written a lot, but Umbrella Academy was top-tier, so I'm certainly excited to see what he does with the Young Animal line.
The Tom King/Mitch Gerads interview on iFanboy was really good.

I love that King has the balls to plainly say that his deal on Sheriff of Babylon is way worse than an Image deal, while he's still working with DC/Vertigo.


The Tom King/Mitch Gerads interview on iFanboy was really good.

I love that King has the balls to plainly say that his deal on Sheriff of Babylon is way worse than an Image deal, while he's still working with DC/Vertigo.

You can say these things when you have a CIA protection deal.


Would Gerard Way be head of that label of he wasn't Gerard Way? I'm sure he is fine but his name value has to be part of why this is happening. It's like marvel seeing people like Paul Scheers Deadpool issues and letting him run an imprint of marvel.
Would Gerard Way be head of that label of he wasn't Gerard Way? I'm sure he is fine but his name value has to be part of why this is happening.

But that name and building a brand around it is also DC signalling to us readers and also to other creators that they are serious about this right?



Narcisse is forgetting two key facts in this piece and as an X-Men fanboy it's bumming me out because, that's a discussion worth having.

Fact the first: The Hellfire Kidz were never cool or interesting, so much so that their story in Wolverine and the X-Men had to involve the fucking Siege Perilous, which is where you know things have gone horribly wrong.

Fact the second: There was a throughline to the Bendis era of post-Schism, post-AvX X-Men, the thing that made me stick with his Uncanny run to the bitter end. It was about Cyclops realizing he was not Charles Xavier, and that it was actually a good thing to Not Be Charles Xavier. There's a redemption arc, and the idea that now, at last, it's time for the X-Men to move on and do something new. Uncanny #600 was as optimistic an X-Men comic as could be, and the promise it made was exciting.

And then, the post-Secret Wars status quo kicks off in media res, saying ALL OF IT completely failed, that Cyclops was irredeemable after all, and that the X-Men were condemned to misery, infamy and slowly dying because of the Inhumans. Symbolically, that fucking sucks, but, as a story, it's even worse. It's thrown all of its momentum out of the window, and for what? Three bad-to-average books, by three bad-to-average teams, with a story that you can't help but read as an insult to you.


But that name and building a brand around it is also DC signalling to us readers and also to other creators that they are serious about this right?

More serious than putting a high profile comic writer on it? Not saying it would ever happen but wouldn't it have more value if Morrison was leading the label.


But that name and building a brand around it is also DC signalling to us readers and also to other creators that they are serious about this right?

I wonder how much labels and sub-labels even mean now anyway as both Marvel and DC have been more and more willing to let series deviate from the "house style" and stay in their own self enclosed world.

Omega Men, for example, strikes me as a book that might well have been a Vertigo title had it come out in the late 80s or early 90s, but now it fit just fine at DC.


worst post in thread so far

and somebody in here said Fury Road was overrated

what I'm saying, and it is important on this that I am not SHAMELESSLY taken out of context, is that if you need to go to the Siege Perilous to make your Hellfire Club story work, you have goofed up bad and your comic is bad

case in point: Wolverine and the X-Men
More serious than putting a high profile comic writer on it? Not saying it would ever happen but wouldn't it have more value if Morrison was leading the label.

They always put high-profile comic writers on things. That doesn't always help. The point now is that they want things to be new and different and exciting. You can't do that by doing the same things you've always done. Imagine an All-New All-Different Marvel that lasted more than five minutes. That's what DC wants to do here. And I have no doubt that Gerard Way wouldn't be in charge of this thing if Umbrella Academy didn't exist. It proved something to DC leadership that inclined them to put their faith in him.
Hickman marvel comics deserve every bit of disdain that comes his way.

But Im quite proud of the X-Men/Lakers analogy I made there


Sometimes I really dont get you. Last year you all where hyped about Hickmanns Avengers and celebrated Bendis X-Men, and suddenly everytime these books get brought up its shit and bad. I know, Marvel drops currently the ball and this most likely brings up the negativity, but still. I dont get it.


People are trying hard to discredit Lemire in the OT thread lol. Though he himself said that team books weren't his strength coming off Justice League.
Hickman did great things Fantastic Four (bringing in those kids is one of the all-time great changes to the series) and let that team die with dignity when I'm sure Marvel would have been content to toss them in a dumpster.
Grant Morrison knockoff is more abt.
I say protege because they're close personally and it's not just Way being influenced by Morrison's work. They've done interviews together several times, played live music together, appeared together in music videos, etc.
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