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COMICS! |OT| January 2014. Another year of nothing will be the same ever again. EVER.

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I asked before and didn't notice if anyone chimed in.

Did anyone read Gail Simone's kickstarter project, Leaving Megalopolis? I can't seem to find a copy to buy either digital or hard. Curious to know if it's worth tracking down or if anyone knows where to buy it.


New DC teaser



That's great news.

I'm really enjoying the Blight crossover.

Helps that a new chapter is every week, so it doesn't feel like it's draggin on like Rotworld.


All kinds of goodies in that: Amythest, Etrigan, the Spectre, Swampy with Aquaman's trident, Aquaman's hand in the water, what looks like Ophidian wrapped around Constantine, the entirely of the Trinity of Sin, the cat looks like the totem from the Red in Animal Man that hangs out with Maxine. Pretty intrigued by this.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
All kinds of goodies in that: Amythest, Etrigan, the Spectre, Swampy with Aquaman's trident, Aquaman's hand in the water, what looks like Ophidian wrapped around Constantine, the entirely of the Trinity of Sin, the cat looks like the totem from the Red in Animal Man that hangs out with Maxine. Pretty intrigued by this.

Oh, I didn't even notice Socks there. Is that Socks? I'd be all right with a Frankenstein and Socks team-up.


Next months list!

Action Comics
Green Arrow
Harley Quinn
Justice League
Justice League of America
Justice League 3000
Superman: Lois Lane
Superman Unchained
The Flash
Wonder Woman
Worlds Finest

Black Science
Deadly Class
East of West
Pretty Deadly
Rat Queens
Rocket Girl
Sex Criminals

All New X-Factor
Amazing X-Men
Avengers Assemble
Black Widow
Guardians of the Galaxy
Loki: Agent of Asgard
Ms. Marvel
Superior Spider-Man
X-Force -Maybe

There's more I would be picking up if it weren't taking a break, like Wild Blue Yonder and FBP.


I'm not enjoying reading my 10-15 issue backlogs for 6 or so books, it feels like a chore. There's no pacing to trying to catch up to new issues, with trades you read an arc and take a break, but reading 15 issues in a row...i like variety!
New DC teaser
Abandon All Hope...
Done and done.

Apologies. I simply could not resist.

I'm not enjoying reading my 10-15 issue backlogs for 6 or so books, it feels like a chore. There's no pacing to trying to catch up to new issues, with trades you read an arc and take a break, but reading 15 issues in a row...i like variety!
Read an arc, take a break by reading something else, then come back for the next one?


Done and done.

Apologies. I simply could not resist.

Read an arc, take a break by reading something else, then come back for the next one?

Maybe i can alternate between the books i need to get caught up on. I'm almost there, 8 issues of Hawkeye, Batman 21 onward, 14 issues of Wonder Woman, 17 issues of Manhattan Projects.....then East of West and Lazarus from the beginning.
Maybe i can alternate between the books i need to get caught up on. I'm almost there, 8 issues of Hawkeye, Batman 21 onward, 14 issues of Wonder Woman, 17 issues of Manhattan Projects.....then East of West and Lazarus from the beginning.

If you read comics so infrequently, why not just get the trades next time? It would solve the pacing problem.
A little late to the Bendis party, but GotG is pretty bad whereas as All-New X-Men is pretty amazing, despite both having little to terrible plotting and being filled with mostly 2-dimensional dialogue exchanges. The difference is that the exchanges between the original X-Men are actually entertaining and shed a lot of light on who they are and how they are adapting to being flung into our present. I can name a dozen great interactions (nothing tops Havok/Cyke bro hug). With GotG, I can't name a single interesting exchange. In fact, all I remember is that Rocket Raccoon has been reduced to shouting "I murdered you!" or something to that effect, and I think Iron Man slept with Gamora for some reason?

I was a huge fan of DnA's GotG and have been really disappointed with Bendis's version. If I didn't know the characters beforehand, I wouldn't even know what their powers are. Seriously, what does Angela do? Is she just a white-skinned stripper-ific version of Gamora (who ironically lost her skimpy outfit)? Gah, don't even get me started on fights where everyone is pretty much the same with no interesting use of pacing and powers. See early Uncanny X-Men for a primer on how to do fights (#112 and #113, X-Men vs. Magneto in a Volcano!).


If you read comics so infrequently, why not just get the trades next time? It would solve the pacing problem.

My problem is solely due to buying way more books than i end up reading per month. There's just too many good comics! At least i managed to drop the stuff i liked the least. Amazing X-Men is the next to go.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Well, I finally decided what I wanted to buy after getting my Animal Man omnibus and Hellboy Library Edition pricing error orders cancelled.
Just placed my order for the X-Statix omnibus for $35 new (paid partly with a $15 gift card I had) and I'm very excited. It'll be my first omnibus too. I figured my first ought to be a big one. Haha


It's supposed to be a list for the next month, but not everyone has their listening ears on.

The thing with Batman.. How is he always swinging and climbing with these ropes? And how does young Robin-of-the-moment have the skill to do the same? Seriously there are so many old, brick buildings with gargoyles or whatever in Gotham? Does he ever start to climb and then the bat-thing unwedges and he falls in his ass? And they jump from so high! No knee tweaks? Twisted ankles? Misjudged distances? I find flying and magic much easier to swallow than these Bat-abilities.

I'm fired from Comic-GAF, aren't I?

He might do, but unless it's relevant to the story being told why would we see it? Comics are decompressed enough as is, no need to give them excuses to stretch that further by including all sorts of banal minutiae to explain inconsequential things.
Well, I finally decided what I wanted to buy after getting my Animal Man omnibus and Hellboy Library Edition pricing error orders cancelled.
Just placed my order for the X-Statix omnibus for $35 new (paid partly with a $15 gift card I had) and I'm very excited. It'll be my first omnibus too. I figured my first ought to be a big one. Haha

You've done well.
WatXM #40 was a lot of fun. Some nice moments with the students as well as with Cyclops and Wolverine. I'm gonna miss Aaron on the book.
I asked before and didn't notice if anyone chimed in.

Did anyone read Gail Simone's kickstarter project, Leaving Megalopolis? I can't seem to find a copy to buy either digital or hard. Curious to know if it's worth tracking down or if anyone knows where to buy it.

I have 'Leaving Megalopolis'. I don't think it has been made available outside of Kickstarter yet. Gail's last update indicated there are still near one hundred books to be shipped to backers. The digital edition is also still being finalised for release. I wouldn't expect it to be available until at least after the .pdf has been emailed to backers.

It's a fantastic book though, one that I highly recommend to fans of Gail's stellar Secret Six run. Beautifully illustrated and printed on high quality paper. It was definitely worth the wait and it seems there is also more to come:

And to answer the oft-repeated question: Yes, we are planning more MEGALOPOLIS. That one on the spine was the not too subtle hint….

I can take a few photos if you want to see the finished product.
February thing!

doing this just made me see no Rat Queens next month..bummed

Dark Horse

Star Wars Legacy


Pretty Deadly
(Godsdamned right we're the fucking) Rat Queens
Sex Criminals


Red Sonja
Legends of Red Sonja


All Star Western
Animal Man
Batman lil Gotham
Batman/ Superman
Batman and Two Face
Beware the Batman
Forever Evil
Forever Evil Arkham War
Forever Evil Rogues Rebellion
Green Arrow
Green Lantern/Red Lanterns
Harley Quinn
Justice League
Justice League America
Justice League Dark
Justice League 3000
Superman/Wonder Woman
Swamp Thing
Trinity of Sin Pandora
Trinity of Sin Phantom Starnger
Wonder Woman
World's Finest


All-New X-factor
All New X-men
Amazing X-men
Black Widow
Fantastic Four
Ms. Marvel
She Hulk
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man
Superior Spider-Man
Uncanny Avengers
Uncanny X-men
Wolverine and the X-men
For Feb

Ms Marvel

Red Lanterns

The Fuse
Deadly Class
Pretty Deadly
Rat Queens
A Voice in the Dark
The Walking Dead

Dark Horse
Bloodhound: Crowbar Medicine
Dark Horse Presents
Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight
Juice Squeezers

Legends of Red Sonja
Army of Darkness vs Hack/Slash

Wraith: Welcome to Christmasland (IDW)
Mercy Sparx (Devil's Due)
Watson and Holmes (Paradigm)

Rat Queens #5 should be out mid-February, either the 12th or the 19th. It's in my OT.

Speaking of the 19th, the first trade of Simone's Red Sonja comes out on the 19th along with issue #7. I think I'll wait until then to get into it as I don't feel like picking up six back-issues at $3.99 ea. along with tomorrow's books.
New DC teaser:

Mikael, over at CBR, has found the source of inspiration for the teaser: Michelangelo's 'The Last Judgement'.

From wikipedia: "It is a depiction of the Second Coming of Christ and the final and eternal judgment by God of all humanity. In the centre of the lower section are the angels of the Apocalypse who are wakening the dead to the sound of long trumpets. On the left the risen recover their bodies as they ascend towards heaven, on the right angels and demons fight over making the damned fall down to hell. Below this detail is Charon, leading the damned into hell where they are greeted by Minos, whose body is wrapped in the coils of the serpent."

It appears Zatanna is playing the role of Charon, the Justice League Dark and Co; the damned and Constantine; Minos. The serpent coiled around Constantine's body looks suspiciously like one of Larfleeze's constructs.

Rat Queens #5 should be out mid-February, either the 12th or the 19th. It's in my OT.

Wtf? I didn't see that listed in the solicits either but when I go to previewsworld they do have it listed for the 19.

I also didn't see Legeds of Red Sonja or Red Sonja listed in the Dynamite solicits but LoRD is listed on previewsworld for February, as well.
Think I'm gonna pick up vol 1 of Johns Aquaman tomorrow with my pull.

I'm a pretty big fan of Aquaman in the new 52, really like the character. I have all the trades, and it's a lot of fun. Just finished vol 3 the other day and it was awesome. If you like Johns stuff I'm sure you'll dig it.
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