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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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I love how, without fail, every SW main book release has happened on Wednesdays where I have things the entire day that preventing reading then, meaning I don't get a chance to actually read it until the night.

-Said everyone who works an 7.5-8 hour day ever.

*starts reading SW#4*

lol @ Thanos' face on the first page.

well....all kneel before doom.

it feels like things are kicking into gear at last and the cover for #5...

looks an awful lot like the "og" Beyonder, no?

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
My books for the week.

Secret Wars #4
A-Force #2
1602: Witch Hunter Angela #1
Red Skull #1
Years of Future Past #2
DC Sneak Peek: Midnighter
Chew #50
High five for 12 hour days! Living the dream.

It's weird though. I really don't mind working so much. I kind of like having all of my day filled up for me like that.

Well, being busy all day isn't bad by itself. It's only an issue when you have something else you'd like to get to that day. :p


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Well, being busy all day isn't bad by itself. It's only an issue when you have something else you'd like to get to that day. :p

Yeah, for sure. There's nothing worse for me than desperately wanting to go to the bouldering gym on one of the days I work both jobs. I'm just stuck with that craving that I can't do anything about. I've long since given up trying to fit comics in too. Haha
It wouldn't even be an issue if I didn't actually like my part-time job. It'd make things a lot easier if I didn't like it, because then I'd happily quit so I could have more free time. I'd miss it too much though.


Sarah you don't change avatar nearly often enough for my liking. :(

You need a character reboot every so often. Don't get stale. Like


*starts reading SW#4*

lol @ Thanos' face on the first page.

well....all kneel before doom.

it feels like things are kicking into gear at last and the cover for #5...

looks an awful lot like the "og" Beyonder, no?

Misdirection, just like the last time OG Beyonder was on a cover.


So, comics!

Read Shutter vol. 1 and it was interesting. Definitely had its moments, like
the children's book/cartoon-y style lead into that assassination attempt, or just the casual way it dropped that the friend/roommate was trans in the midst of all the crazy unrealistic stuff.
It's weird, though, in that it didn't really have that moment where it "clicks" just yet. I don't know if it's the way it just keeps throwing stuff at you or what, but there's usually a point where I start to feel drawn into the story and characters and yet here, that just didn't quite happen for me in the first trade. Like I said, might just be the way the series tries to keep you from feeling grounded and keeps throwing things at you, though, and it had enough nice moments and was interesting enough that I'll definitely grab volume 2.

And also read Spider-man and Wolverine. And that was just plain fun, really enjoyable book. Also liked that it seems to actually lead into Wolverine and the X-men a little bit in that
from what I'm remembering this looks like the explanation for Wolverine's time travelling brother.
i'm so far behind on avengers stuff that i Haven't started secret wars

what are the good tie ins to the event?

Infinity Gauntlet
M.O.D.O.K. Assassin
Old Man Logan

1602: Witch Hunter Angela
E is for Extinction
Ghost Racers
Giant-Size Little Marvel: AvX
Secret Wars Journal
Where Monsters Dwell

Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps
Marvel Zombies
Master of Kung Fu
Planet Hulk
Secret Wars: Battleworld
X-Men '92

Pretty Good
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows
Korvac Saga
Squadron Sinister


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Yessss. Just remembered that one of the two boxes from my $400 REI order comes in today. So excited. Can't remember if it's the box with my tent or the box with my sleeping pad and sleeping bag...


Who all is going to SDCC again? Specifically on Sunday. If I remember correctly, we've got Serpentine, Bii, and Psychbat, right?

It's official. I've died and gone to heaven.

This literally sounds like my dream book. That is the all-time best premise too.

It's Stokoe which really is enough to get hyped. It's a five issue miniseries with Godzilla fighting to escape hell after being banished there. Zainab Akhtar is going to have an interview with Stokoe and preview pages either on her personal site comicsandcola.com or the AV Club later this week (I don't remember which).

iirc Stokoe's only doing the first issue of that series
Here's the rest of the scale for your perusal, GH.

Ultimate End

Secret Wars 2099
Years of Future Past

Kinda Garbage
Armor Wars
Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars

Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies

Hot Garbage
X-Tinction Agenda


but I am taking tiny steps forward
It's my last week at my current job and I think I might buy a statue. I'll see how I feel when I go to the shop.

I'm so jealous of you. I want to quit this job so badly :'(
My neighbor needs to get back to me about that FroYo job soon... But she has legitimate reasons for her delay (family-emergency-type reasons), so I can't blame her.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I never buy statues from shops. They always put them in display cases and I don't want someone else's cooties on my stuff.

Wouldn't the benefit be that you don't risk ordering one that has a bad paint job since you get to see exactly what you're getting?


Junior Member
Am I the only one who noticed the irony of Arrow & Flash's showrunner being the writer of the Agents of SHIELD comic for All-New All-Different Marvel?
Does Dark Horse publish anything of note besides Hellboy & co.?

I know they were trying to diversify their superhero lineup after losing Star Wars, but did that ever pan out? Also, where is new Umbrella Academy at?
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