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Copenhagen Zoo: Defense

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Count me in as one of the outraged in Febraury, but the Copenhagen Zoo's science director recently made a great argument favoring public giraffe killings and dismemberment.

"We should not tell the Disney story that animals are only cute and only get born and never die," said Bengt Holst, the Copenhagen Zoo's science director, at the 2014 Euroscience Open Forum. "We have to tell the real story: 'Death is a natural consequence of life.' If [we] don't tell that story, [we're doing] a bad job, because then we don't work for conservation—we work for an imaginary world." (Related: "Hey Kids, All Deer Aren't Like Bambi.")

Zoos in Europe have been euthanizing, or culling, captive animals for about 30 years. The goal has been to create a healthy and genetically diverse population of different species, many of which are threatened by extinction. Animals are sometimes killed to make room for other animals or to avoid inbreeding.
This seems like a stupid argument. Kids naturally learn one way or another about death -- or they grow into adults and learn about death. Why bring death front and center in childrens' lives at a young age?

They're like giant Horses with long necks so no.

We get it. You're pretending you're a horse.


This seems like a stupid argument. Kids naturally learn one way or another about death -- or they grow into adults and learn about death. Why bring death front and center in childrens' lives at a young age?

Kids have to learn eventually, and the sooner a few harsh realities of life are slapped in their face the better prepared they will be later on.
Kids have to learn eventually, and the sooner a few harsh realities of life are slapped in their face the better prepared they will be later on.

See I'm of the mindset that we should be working to preserve innocence as long as possible. The world is fucked up enough as it is. We don't need public killings of animals.
They're like giant Horses with long necks so no.

One day Horse, you too will be be ground up and made into glue and suspicious microwave lasagnas.

Future generations will be able to proudly present their dried pasta and glitter creations to their parents and those parents will turn their eyes to the sky and think "Thank you for the constituent parts of your corpse, dead Horse."

It's all part of the cycle of life.


Don't worry, they're actually nothing like horses. They're more like deer with long necks.

Oh, well that's ok then. I feel better already.

One day Horse, you too will be be ground up and made into glue and suspicious microwave lasagnas.

Future generations will be able to proudly present their dried pasta and glitter creations to their parents and those parents will turn their eyes to the sky and think "Thank you for the constituent parts of your corpse, dead Horse."

It's all part of the cycle of life.

Horrifying yet strangely beautiful.
Copehagen Zoo: "I like animals" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENnNNVOEDZ4


As a Dane myself who live near the Copenhagen Zoo, of course I am biased. I am not a nationalistic person, but I do think that the media storm against the Zoo is a perfect example of the media turning normal events into almost-hysterical sensationalistic jibberish. At the same time, the news spread the entire world in a singular outrage, when in fact, this procedure is standard thing to do in all Zoo's. What the media didn't investigate is that the only thing the Copenhagen Zoo does, is being transparant about it.

I personally agree that it is fine to kill a giraffe if you don't have room for it, just like I think it's fine to eat a cow or a chicken and so on. As long as the animal is not suffering I have no problem with that at all. What I do have a problem with is when people tell them to just let someone else take these animals, without regard of their wellfare. Millions of animals are in captivity under horrible conditions in unregulated zoos. Some gets sold into circuses, some gets inbred, many dont get the proper nutrition it needs. The Danish Zoo in copenhagen is part of a selective breeding program to control and maintain a healthy population for the animals. No Zoo that lived up to these regulations in the breeding program had any room for an extra giraffe. They are expensive animals to maintain.
Thirdly, I too find it cruel when people suggest to castrate them and keep them from having sex. It's a big part of an animals life to be allowed to breed and it adds to it's natural well being. So not giving them the right to breed seems wrong.

Overall I am conflicted about Zoos. I acknowledge they have made a massive difference in the preservation and saving of many species that have been extinct. It's incredible work what they are doing in some Zoos in China with Pandas for example. But there are lots of other examples of species that were nearly wiped out, sometimes for disasters not related to human interference that have been brought back thanks to Zoos. Zoos can also help decrease a populations ignorance about animals. If you have ever seen a subdued drugged up Lion Cub in a Iron chain for tourists to pet which people are making fun of them, you can see that a lot of people all over the world lack empathy and understanding of animals.

What I feel though, like most other people I talk too is that Zoo life could be much better if a Zoo worked like a safari wild park, and not closed of prison cages like they are today. I think most people feel like this, but it seems unlikely that the world will ever have Zoos being like this. It would be the prefered way for the well being of the animals as they would have much more space.
animals die in Disney movies though

Although a valid point to make, I thought this reference was funny:

"It's really challenging to [determine] the role of zoos," she said. "[Should they present a] fairy-tale Bambi story? Or [should they] show ecology, evolution, mortality, and reproduction to the general public?"

Have they never seen Bambi? Why bring Disney into this? I mean, The Lion King is lock-step with their ideals.
The worst of all this is the outraged people, who are fine with the lions eating deer and what not, they are not becoming vegans over night cause you don't slaughter some delicious giraffe meat, no they will still eat another animals.

So what is the problem with feeding them a giraffe instead of a deer? Is it that it looks cuter? It's more exotic? Peoples moral code on animals is hilariously weird, it's not as if this giraffes species was endangered in any way. But you won't get Paris Hilton outraged on twitter because of a deer.

Public tho?

Why not? You're not forced to watch.
Although a valid point to make, I thought this reference was funny:

Have they never seen Bambi? Why bring Disney into this? I mean, The Lion King is lock-step with their ideals.

Right? Clearly they have not watched or are even familiar with the story of Bambi.

Bambi and The Lion King are near-perfect introductions to the concept of death for young children. Not watching a giraffe go down on a zoo trip.
Right? Clearly they have not watched or are even familiar with the story of Bambi.

Bambi and The Lion King are near-perfect introductions to the concept of death for young children. Not watching a giraffe go down on a zoo trip.

They didn't actually kill the giraffe in front of anyone.


This seems like a stupid argument. Kids naturally learn one way or another about death -- or they grow into adults and learn about death. Why bring death front and center in childrens' lives at a young age?
Children on farms etc. see death from very early on in their life and that doesn't scar them for life or anything silly like that. A bit of reality in the lives of children never hurts them. Sheltering them from everything does.
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