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Could the US buy/takeover new territory?

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why isn't Germany purple? Don't they have an base in Germany?

EDIT: totally read that wrong the first time. Of course they have a base in Germany. Purple means they use military facilities there. The shades of blue indicate that they have bases there because of large troop presence.

They're not a country anymore lol.

Also, looking at western Europe debt is a little weird too considering they're in an economic union so technically... we should add all their debt together.
EDIT: totally read that wrong the first time. Of course they have a base in Germany. Purple means they use military facilities there. The shades of blue indicate that they have bases there because of large troop presence.

They're not a country anymore lol.

Also, looking at western Europe debt is a little weird too considering they're in an economic union so technically... we should add all their debt together.

ah! okay. Lots of WW2 legacy in Europe lol. Americans have been in the Azores ever since they told Great-Britain to bring up the Windsor Treaty to get Portugal to accept Americans to use air strips in the Azores.

Windsor Treaty = oldest alliance on Earth between England and Portugal. Americans went hey hey Great-Britain bring that up we want to use airstrips!
Who the hell would want to buy Mexico in its current state?
Would be better off trying to form a major union with other close (and stable)allies like Canada, Japan, etc.


Unconfirmed Member
And could that new territory be Mexico?

The US had the option of keeping the the whole of Mexico after its armies were laid waste and its capital was in US hands. This was a few years before the US plunged into a bitter Civil War. Both of the otherwise opposing sides declined to absorb southern Mexico. In terms of dependents and systemic infrastructure deficits that would need to be addressed, Mexico is in a worse situation presently than it was 160 years ago. Why would the US take on millions of new poverty stricken citizens and non existent infrastructure for no appreciable gain?

If anything, the US would be better served to annex Canada, which it could do with relative ease. On top of the relative economic situations, Canadians are culturally similar to the US. Of course the next question is why would they bother conquering Canada if the US already gets the strategic and political cooperation it desires presently?


Yes, the US could militarily and economically crush Mexico or any other New World country with ease. No there is nothing they could do militarily to stop it.

they tried in 1812... the White House got burnt down LOL

By combined British forces in revenge for the US burning and looting Toronto. By the way the invasion attempt ended up with no appreciable gains other than a post war build up of US military power.


You do realise your country is bankrupt right?

Pretty hard for the country that prints the worlds money to go bankrupt. If the US goes bankrupt the world goes bankrupt and the world would literally be thrown into chaos. China especially would be FUBAR.


US imperialism is a lot more subtle than that OP.

Also LOL at the US being bankrupt. Debt fearmongering is so dumb, the US has paid off it's debt once in its entire history. It's not something that really seems to matter in isolation from other factors.
Your image... seems wrong. Also, very outdated. Edit: Upon further research your map includes countries that the US does joint military exorcises with. So, no these are not base locations, but just a presence of conducting drills together.


His map is correct. There is a US troop presence in 150 countries around the world, though many of those countries may have fewer than 100 active military troops at a time. Many of these that account for smaller amounts are troops that might be stationed at an American embassy or foreign consolate, but they are considered active duty.



Countries in which the U.S. has a military presence in 2013 This map shows the current deployments of the US military. Most of the deployments on this map that are less than 100 troops are usually less than fifty military personnel, just for public knowledge. The lightest blue means less than a hundred US troops; the aqua teal mix, which is a little brighter, means more than a hundred troops; and the darkest blue on map means more than 1,000 troops. This map has those listed as part of Overseas Contingency Operation Deployments integrated in, while military dependents and civilian personnel are omitted.
His map is correct. There is a US troop presence in 150 countries around the world, though many of those countries may have fewer than 100 active military troops at a time. Many of these that account for smaller amounts are troops that might be stationed at an American embassy or foreign consolate, but they are considered active duty.



If you consider that... then ok yeah, that makes sense.



Huge aging population doesn't help either. They won't be working or paying into their social security system, while the younger population bears the tax burden, which it won't be able to finance itself. Coupled with immigration stance and Japan is in huge trouble.


Pretty hard for the country that prints the worlds money to go bankrupt. If the US goes bankrupt the world goes bankrupt and the world would literally be thrown into chaos. China especially would be FUBAR.

This is my biggest fear. Whatever first world country I'd like to move to, all of them would be severely impacted by the hypothetical US collapse. One of the cons of having a more homogenized financial world
Huge aging population doesn't help either. They won't be working or paying into their social security system, while the younger population bears the tax burden, which it won't be able to finance itself. Coupled with immigration stance and Japan is in huge trouble.


Not to mention the asset price bubble.

Edit: Albatross beat me to it

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I'm pretty sure that China only owns about 8% of US debt so I'm always curious to know how that myth got perpetuated. Japan owns 7% but no one mentions that.
I'm pretty sure that China only owns about 8% of US debt so I'm always curious to know how that myth got perpetuated. Japan owns 7% but no one mentions that.

People are always looking for a scapegoat to blame. "China holds the largest share of our debt!" Technically it's true... but come on look at this chart.

If you consider that... then ok yeah, that makes sense.

But to be clear, it's not just embassy personal. There are elite military personnel serving in at least 130+ disclosed countries around the globe as of 2014. These are personnel who are not embassy or consolate personnel.


Now, of course, the Nation is generally a pretty liberal publication so it has an interest in shedding light on these numbers, but this number has grown by 125% under Pres. Obama -- from 60 under Pres. Bush to 130+ under Pres. Obama.

In 2013, elite US forces were deployed in 134 countries around the globe, according to Major Matthew Robert Bockholt of SOCOM Public Affairs. This 123 percent increase during the Obama years demonstrates how, in addition to conventional wars and a CIA drone campaign, public diplomacy and extensive electronic spying, the US has engaged in still another significant and growing form of overseas power projection. Conducted largely in the shadows by America’s most elite troops, the vast majority of these missions take place far from prying eyes, media scrutiny, or any type of outside oversight, increasing the chances of unforeseen blowback and catastrophic consequences.

(the editorializing is from The Nation, but the numbers are supplied by the US gov't special ops command)


I'm pretty sure that China only owns about 8% of US debt so I'm always curious to know how that myth got perpetuated. Japan owns 7% but no one mentions that.

I think at one time China held half of all foreign US debt. And I guess the common people didn't realize that foreign debt wasn't a majority of US debt...

I think that's where it came from... dunno
If anything, being from Michigan, we should sell Michigan to Canada. Help out the nations debt and I think Canada could probably fix the state (or should I say territory?)
they tried in 1812... the White House got burnt down LOL
The results would be very different now seeing as we're the world's only hyper power.

You do realise your country is bankrupt right?
It's very fascinating to see people so confident about something they are very wrong in. Our stock market is breaking records almost weekly now, our GDP is almost 2 trillion dollars ahead of all of Europe combined. Do you also think China owns all of our debt?


Could the US, in theory, conquer more land? Well yeah. I have no idea where you'd get the political capital. Does America not have enough territory already?

Nobodies going to want to pick up Mexico and have to subsidize their development. As for Canada, I just can't imagine the Republicans would ever be ok with taking in 10 blue states into the union, through any means.
No we're not. Most of out "debt" is owned by the US Government. Meaning we owe money to ourselves, and since we make said money it's not really a problem that the GOP wants you to think it is.

I mean to be fair the democrats were telling us our national debt was way too high during the Bush years. It's something both sides will continue to use as a political talking point to win votes.

Do you really think people come from Mexico to the US for the perks of the US?

Huh, do you read the news?

Of course they come over for American perks. They're literally sending their children alone by boat to be in a better country.


China or Russia don't have to call our debt, for decades of irresponsible money printing and military bullying on behalf of corporate interests to come bite us in the ass.

For anyone paying attention, they are already repudiating the dollar, and it is on its way out as the world's currency. The creation of the BRICS bank, to circumvent the Fed and the World Bank (aka the reliance on dollars for world trade) is just another massive nail in the coffin. We wont go bankrupt, but life will be damn expensive when the Fed is left holding the bag of bonds that people want less and less.



Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Moral of the story, don't borrow fucking anything.

Or, borrow and then use the italian pre-euro way - deflate your own currency into oblivion!
Don't do this

Borrowing is usually good, as long as it sparkles some economic activity tbh.


they come here for the perks of the US government, if Mexico had been reformed by the US, it would be a better place to live.

i dont think the US could afford mexico but even if it could, its probably going to take twice as much to deal with the cartel problem.
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