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Crackdown 2 demo impressions

Aaron said:
Hell no. Keep that braindead gameplay out of Crackdown please. It's the reason the cities in Hulk: UD and Prototype felt like no more than a random series of boxes.

100% agree.... i spent my short time playing prototype bored out of my mind.


Oh wow I LOVE the new targeting system. It automaticly switches target if your current one died. That thing was one of my biggest complaints in the frist one. You can pull the left trigger and start shooting into a freak group, without worrying about switching targets. Just stay on both triggers and wipe the group out.


Initial impressions based off a few solo-session play-throughs last night...

1. I feel naked! Having your agent be dropped off in the middle of a battle is a very different experience than from CD1...and I dig it. In the first Crackdown, rare was the time that you felt the pressure...that hopping and popping wasn't going to solve anything and everything. Don't get me wrong, it's still a hell of a ways away from the tension in a traditional shooter, but I do feel as though it's better. I also think this particular sensation was heightened by the fact that there was no Agency HQ to run back to (or, when necessary regenerate from). Never spent a ton of time in headquarters, but knowing it wasn't around definitely made me miss having the opportunity to visit.

2. Controls are...well...Crackdown! As I believe others have noted here, your agent feels a bit sluggish and his movements a tad too angular at the outset, but those feelings are, for the most part, erased after a bit of leveling. I like seeing the variety in melee being carried out on the screen, but as someone else here said, I liked the way it worked better in the first CD. Remember the problem from the first CD in which you'd lock-on to enemies in the rear, ignoring more immediate threats up front? It's ba-ack! ;) None of this bugged me too much, though. You know what did? Magnetically locking on to ledges. I don't recall it being quite so obvious in the first game. Here, even if I'm seemingly a foot or so away, based on game-scale, I still end up making the grab. A tiny thing that probably bugged me far more than it should.

3. Visually, it's a mixed bag. Someone else here referenced the dirtiness of our city in this sequel, but oddly enough, I found it a bit more...sterile? Not sure if that's due to the art, or texture downgrade, or what...but there was a sense of liveliness to the first title that has not, at least for me, carried over here. Or perhaps that was their goal all along, in keeping with the one agent vs. everything dealio. Water is purty, agent looks good, everything else is more than acceptable...but not quite where I expected it.

4. Platforming is complete comfort food. This is what I enjoyed most from the first game...aside from just doing crazy, random shit. It's all right here, the same, yet different. This is what'll keep me going in this game world, and the small changes that have been made do not detract from my love for this stuff.

In summary, if you dug the first game, it's pretty easy for me to recommend this one. If you didn't, I don't see much here that's going to convince you that this is now the greatest thing since sliced bread. Just as most of us had already figured. If you haven't played yet and are nervous, I'd say don't be nervous...just keep your expectations in check and you'll dig it. My pre-order stands, and I can't wait until the full retail release.


Anyone up for getting a 4 player session together in 15mins?

I'll start a room and invite you if you post your GT's


mujun said:
Tried twice neither burn worked.
Are you putting it in the Content\00000000000000000\(demo dirs) like in the tutorial? You need the proper directory structure or the 360 can't find it.


Aaron said:
Are you putting it in the Content\00000000000000000\(demo dirs) like in the tutorial? You need the proper directory structure or the 360 can't find it.

Yep Content\bunch of zeroes\combination of around 8 numbers and letters. Tried it twice and no love.
Aaron said:
Are you putting it in the Content\00000000000000000\(demo dirs) like in the tutorial? You need the proper directory structure or the 360 can't find it.
Yeah no luck on the DVD but putting it on the usb drive worked for me.


Opus Angelorum said:
Disappointed to hear the engine is exactly the same, they've had enough time to at least modify it.

It isn't the same. Water looks amazing compared to the first game. Lighting is much better. And it doesn't look as washed out as the first game could.


Hearing CCR playing in the distance in this game while fighting off zombies is surreal.

Level up melee, btw. The charge and the ground pound are so fun. Also level up explosives. Flock cannon for all your blowing shit up needs. Anything good on leveling driving? I got to 3 and pretty meh.
Re-played the demo several times and god damn its such a tease

Got 3 achievements so far(nothing story related spoiled but some might complain)
Kill 25 freaks with thrown items - threw cars at them with Lv 3 strength
20+ hit combo or something - went to the main road outside the docks area where you spawn and beat the shit out of a shitload of freaks
Kill 5 with the ground smash

Lv 4 agility and nearly lv 6 strength is awesome :( but There was only around 4 minutes left to mess around. So fun to see the gang cars headed towards you then you kick the car and it usually kills everyone inside.

when you kill civilians the agency voice sends agents after and goes
"Trust me this is gonna hurt us more than it hurts you"

Haven't played around with the sticky mine yet.


Pandoracell said:
The soundtrack is really great by the way. First thing that struck me upon booting up the demo.

The only thing I really haven't come to a conclusion on yet. CD1 had quite a lot of tracks. I've only heard like 5 here and I'm hoping that is just demo thing or I'm doing something wrong.

105 to be exact. Eh got to be a demo thing I hope. Loved the ST from CD1 and I hope it is just as good here.


mujun said:
Yep Contentbunch of zeroescombination of around 8 numbers and letters. Tried it twice and no love.
Using imgburn be sure to say NO at the root question

Edit - and I can't believe nobody's found a way to break the timer yet!


Jtyettis said:
The only thing I really haven't come to a conclusion on yet. CD1 had quite a lot of tracks. I've only heard like 5 here and I'm hoping that is just demo thing or I'm doing something wrong.

Ofcourse it's a demo thing man, wtf :p

Metalic Sand

who is Emo-Beas?
Hmmm burned the demo but 360 wont read it.

Edit: Used up 3 DVD's trying to get this to work. Dont know wth is wrong. I burned the bayonetta demo last time and it was fine.

Edit: 5 DVD's down. I give up. F this.


Metalic Sand said:
Hmmm burned the demo but 360 wont read it.

Edit: Used up 3 DVD's trying to get this to work. Dont know wth is wrong. I burned the bayonetta demo last time and it was fine.
Strange. I got it first try. Using a Sony 4.7 gig DVDR.
I've replayed the demo four times now, doing something radically different each time. I already can say that Crackdown 2 will be better, much, much better, than Crackdown 1.

I love the new leveling system. Each milestone, as often as they are in the beta, is as satisfying as the last.

Running over and beating down Freaks is one of the most fun things I've ever experienced in a videogame. I love the lunge on the melee: it makes melee more satisfying and more fun to use.

The new objectives are as fun as hell, and the platforming is as good as it was in Crackdown 1, even better with the addition of moving agility orbs.

It doesn't really matter that CD2 is set in the same city: Ruffian has changed enough of Pacific City to make it feel new all over again. The level design is awesome.

Targeting system is kind of messed up, and I feel constricted in my ability to explore, but that's only because of the size of the demo I think.

This game = day one.
I was apprehensive of this - new developer, early reveals with the mutants suggesting a not entirely welcome change of direction.

Well, I was totally wrong, it's great. The new mutant hordes work really well, and the old gameplay is intact and as horribly compulsive as ever. Every 10 minutes or so the announcer whips up your enthusiasm for the next thingy you've unlocked, and I would have easily spent hours playing this if it wasn't for the time limit.

I had problems getting it to run as well. I messed up my last two blank dvds by getting the directory structure wrong (first of all I hadn't added the content/ etc directory which they annoyingly left off the download even though it is needed, and then the second time round copied the structure off someone who'd put one zero too few in the next directory's name. Gnnk.). I got it running off USB in the end, but even then I had to copy a small demo across to get the xbox to create the needed content etc directories on the stick, just formatting it etc didn't seem to do that for me. I also got the warning that the stick I used didn't have fast enough performance, but that hasn't seem to have affected the game at all.
Wiggum2007 said:
I went on a rampage earlier, the only difference is that freaks make green poofs and people make red poofs. :lol

WHAT? Nobody ragdolls when you drive through them? They just vaporize?


Alright post em up. What's your Agility Orbs record so far?


Lunchbox said:
Everytime i build up enough stats for my agent to be awesome the demo timer runs out


Yup, yup.


Ok, i configured my USB drive to the 360 and now it says that doesn't have enough space for the files. It's a only 1.06 gb and my drive hold 4gb.

Dax01 said:
I've replayed the demo four times now, doing something radically different each time. I already can say that Crackdown 2 will be better, much, much better, than Crackdown 1.

This game = day one.



As someone who never played the original much, this demo was really fun, though the targeting seemed to be very janky. Chasing Renegade orbs is a great addition.


Kibbles said:
So how to you call in a vehicle drop and all that like it keeps saying? Ahhhhhh

1) Die and you can choose weapons and a vehicle before regenerating.

2) Take over enough Cell occupied areas and a marker will appear. Walk to that marker and press back.


ezekial45 said:
Got it fixed. I had a blast playing it. :D

The freak lair was pretty awesome. It got pretty intense towards the end.
I finished the freak lair with literally 2 seconds on the demo timer. That made it tense for me. :D
ExtraKr1spy said:
Re-played the demo several times and god damn its such a tease

Got 3 achievements so far(nothing story related spoiled but some might complain)
Kill 25 freaks with thrown items - threw cars at them with Lv 3 strength
20+ hit combo or something - went to the main road outside the docks area where you spawn and beat the shit out of a shitload of freaks
Kill 5 with the ground smash

Lv 4 agility and nearly lv 6 strength is awesome :( but There was only around 4 minutes left to mess around. So fun to see the gang cars headed towards you then you kick the car and it usually kills everyone inside.

when you kill civilians the agency voice sends agents after and goes
"Trust me this is gonna hurt us more than it hurts you"

Haven't played around with the sticky mine yet.

You can get achievements from the demo?


Aw man I need to play the missions because I seem to miss out. But I just love to mess around with the freaks. Strength at 4 is pretty fantastic with the ground punch.

Circle T

Meus Renaissance said:
You can get achievements from the demo?
Not directly, but if you play the full game, the ones you acquired during demo play will unlock.

While you are playing, there are 10 specific achievements that the demo is monitoring. At the end of each session, it checks in with their servers. I'm guessing it is just logging your gamertag, and what achievements you've acquired. Then, when you play the retail game, it will probably just do a similar check, and anything you unlocked in the demo will be unlocked for the retail game.

I have 5 of them so far, but I'm really struggling with 1 of them. There is one, as there was with Crackdown 1, where you have to stick 5 enemies to a single vehicle with the harpoon gun. The problem is getting the harpoon gun. You don't unlock it until you get to Level 4 shooting, and I can't seem to get there until very late in the 30-min playtime. Then, I'm stuck running around like mad looking for enemies to stick with only a couple mins to spare. It is quite hard. I thought it would be a piece of cake with all the freaks, but the harpoon gun just goes through them. Oh well, I'll get it eventually.

[edit: beaten]


Yeah, targeting can be frustrating. But it already is a huge improvement that you do not need to re-targed if your current target dies.

That was a lot of target in one sentence...
ezekial45 said:
Ok, i configured my USB drive to the 360 and now it says that doesn't have enough space for the files. It's a only 1.06 gb and my drive hold 4gb.

You need an 8Gb flash drive as the formatting used by the Xbox 360 reserves a fair amount of space.
Opus Angelorum said:
You need an 8Gb flash drive as the formatting used by the Xbox 360 reserves a fair amount of space.

You don't - I've got it installed on a 4GB stick, with 2.2GB of space remaining afterwards. The formatting takes up a fair bit (nearly 1GB) but it installed fine. He must have done something wrong, or copied more stuff across by accident?


holy fucking shit, this game is <kapoor>AMAAAAZING</kapoor>!!!!

such a blast, didn't think i'd like the whole freaks bit but man, so much fun :-D
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